Workbooks.Open Not Opening File Or Workbook
Oct 27, 2006
I was wondering if anybody could catch an error in the following code. I have a file, let's call it a "Guide" which is opened by user and at this time this file has only one purpose - to help user choose the program. After clicking on the "Choose Program" command button, an Inputbox appears where the user types in a program. Then the code should open the file with this program and this is pretty much it. But something is not working with the code below, and I do not see anything wrong with it after looking at it for so long. It just does not do antthing. how to handle the "Choosing" option
Private Sub CmdBttn_ChooseProgram_Click()
Dim sFilename As String
On Error Goto ErrorHandler
sFilename = "Approval_" & Application.InputBox("Input Program")
Workbooks.Open Filename:="C:Documents and SettingsjsmithDesktop" & sFilename & ".xls"
'if file name does not exist error message should display. Not defined yet
End Sub
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Aug 25, 2008
I have a problem when opening Excel work books, The Personal file will not open automaticly. The file is in the XLStart folder. The link is "C:Documents and SettingsUSERApplication DataMicrosoftExcelXLSTARTPERSONAL.XLS. I have a desk top short cut I need to open first manually. Also the menu bar short cuts I had to my VB code and Macros will not work. Any body have any ideas what the problem may be? Im sure its a simple link problem but I don't know where to look.
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May 30, 2009
I'm trying to develop a macro to amalgamate some data on currency exchange rates that are stored in different files with the dates saved in the file's name. The code of the macro I recorded when opening an example of such a workbook is:
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Apr 17, 2007
I have a need to open a file from my companies intranet. My current method was to open said file via the method that the recorder gave me. However, I would like ot be able to open a said file without having to start open another workbook.
This is the path:
So the command is this:
Workbooks.Open [url]
Links are not actual links
So what I need to know. Is how can I open this file without opening a workbook. I haven't been able to use the VB "Open Statement" to open a file and I don't believe that I've been successfull using the Filesystem object either.
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Jan 27, 2005
The same two workbooks open when I open any other workbook. They also open up when I open Excel by itself.
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Aug 29, 2006
how to prevent a workbook from opening if another excel document is open and if a visual basic window is opened.
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Aug 6, 2009
Is there anyway I can test / inspect a file before attempting to open it to check that it is indeed an Excel workbook?
I don't want to do it by file extension as that can / will be changed, but rather wondered if there was anyway to examine the ACTUAL file?
I'm wondering if all Excel workbook files start with a particular section of data or anything?
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Jun 27, 2008
the Data Grabs and pastes perfectly now but the Macro copies the data from the open file - the problem is that every day the filename (eg stats_01_02) changes according to the date so what I want to know is how to have the macro copy the data from an open file using just the first part of the filename.
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Nov 5, 2008
I have a workbook containing macros that opens a second one (no macros) and does some 'data mining'.
The following VBA is used for that (I use this code on dozen of files and it has always worked, except here):
Set WshShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
ChDir (WshShell.SpecialFolders("MyDocuments"))
BladNaam = Application.GetOpenFilename("Excel File, *.xls", , "Excel")
Workbooks.Open FileName:=BladNaam
TabNaam = ActiveSheet.Name
The problem is that most of the time the newly opened workbook is NOT activated (i.e put on top) and thus the rest of the code is executed on the wrong workbook...
If I put in a Msgbox(ActiveWorkbook.Name) 9 out of 10 times the active workbook is the initial one and not the one that was opened by the code.
tried replacing Active.Workbook with wb (dim wb as workbook).
tried to wait-a-few-seconds in between code
tried renaming
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Sep 6, 2006
copying within a workbook...
I have an external .xls file I'd like to copy to a new directory from within VBA. I know how to create the directory, but is there a way to do it other than opening the required file, and doing the " saveas" thing?
Can I just create a copy directly?
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Oct 17, 2006
I have a range named "start" and I have a form named "fMenu". I have used this same code in other spreadsheets to have the userform automatically become visible when the spreadsheet is opened and it works in other workbooks. Apparently I have been struck with the stupid stick this morning. I have a hotkey of "M" and when I use control M the form shows up and the macros invoked by each button on the form are working properly.
Sub open_menu()
Application.Goto "start"
End Sub
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May 31, 2008
When I open a saved excel file I am having a problem with one workbook opening(a blank one), then the box saying that the program contains macros, and then the second actual workbook opening. I do not know what I changed somewhere alone the line, how to make just the one workbook I want (the second one) to open?
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May 11, 2012
I'm trying to do something which I believe is simple but my lack of VBA knowledge is getting in the way. How do I open 2 workbooks then copy a sheet from 1 workbook to another?
I can get the workbooks open just can't copy the sheet across? I get a run time error 9, subscript out of range message on copy sheets code
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
'locate file via range and open the document'
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May 3, 2013
When I open any saved Excel file the saved file opens along with a blank workbook titled "Book 1". How can I make it so when I open any saved Excel file it only opens the file I want and not a new workbook every time?
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Jun 7, 2014
I have 3 workbooks open. 1 is my working file and I name it as "Final[date].xlsm". The other 2 files are my source files which are also open are named as source1.xlsx and source2.xlsx. Both the source files has only one tab/sheet as "Sheet1". My objective is to bring the contents of the source file to my working file in 2 different sheets. all the contents in Sheet1 of "Source1.xlsx" should be paste.values only to the "Final[date].xlsm" with a sheet name "BankDetails". This will enable the user also to replace the old data in "BankDetails" tab. The "source2.xlsx" sheet1 has a different situation. I need to copy only the cells with values, not the entire cells, because it has to be pasted (values only) to range C2:L. I have formulas in the other columns before C and after L.
Take note that my working file name is changing every based on the date while my source file has always same file name.
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Oct 5, 2012
I need to combine AHK and Excel, and in this I came up with the solution to save my parameters in a file, and let the workbook autoload it when I open the workbook. To do this I need to pass a command line parameter, or working directory to the workbook, as I will be using many different work directories for this to make sense.
This is only a matter of how to execute my workbook so that the path is included (and usable) to the working directory
I have tried
..workbook-name.xlsm /p "workdir"
But it results in a "grey" version of Excel aka. Excel is open, but no workbooks are.
I have also tried
excel.exe workbook-name.xlsm /p "workdir"
But this did not work either, and is not an option as we use both 2007 and 2010 at my workplace where this is intended to be used.
I can do it very easily by using absolute paths in the Excel auto-load, but as I have explained already this is just not an option.
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Oct 2, 2006
I've encountered a bit of an odd one. I am opening a tab delimited file, which has been sved as an xls. When I open from file manager, it opens correctly. When I open from Excel, I have to go through 3 screen dictating how the data is set up, and the end result is that a couple of the numbers come through as text, rather than numbers.
Failing an explanation - how do you open workbooks as file system objects - currently I am opening them using
Workbooks.Open Filename:=wb.Path & "/" & ws. Range("B1").Value
If I open them by mimicking the FM, perhaps it will work OK.
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Dec 13, 2013
I have an Excel file that contains formulas that reference external workbooks on a shared network. Each month, I copy the column of formulas over to the next month's column. Then, to update the file path, I highlight the new column and do a Find-and-Replace, swapping the previous month's name for the current month. This practice works fine. The only thing is ... the "Open File" promptbox appears for each formula where I updated the file path (i.e. and this can be hundreds instances!). I wind-up having to choose the file from the exact same file path. It is an unnecessary, and annoying extra step to take.
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Mar 24, 2014
I want a specific workbook to be always on manual but when I open other workbooks I want them to remain on automatic even though the first workbook is set on manual through vba code. Is that possible to be done?
This is the code I run:
Private Sub Workbook_Activate()
With Application
.Calculation = xlManual
.MaxChange = 0.001
.CalculateBeforeSave = False
[Code] .....
I know that Application. Calculation refers to all open workbooks but I don't know the code to specify the manual calculation to this workbook only while others are open.
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Aug 3, 2009
I need to import the data from a specific sheet (same named sheet on all closed workbooks) to a sheet in an open workbook. All the columns are identical in every workbook but the number of rows is variable, so the data from each subsequent workbook must be appended to the end of the current data.
Whenever a button is pressed, this macro will clear the sheet, then import the data starting in A3. The workbooks are in different folders but they all have the same name, so some sort of explorer window will probably be needed to actually select each file.
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Mar 8, 2013
I have a macro that opens all workbooks from one directory and runs a macro for each workbook to clean up the data. I cannot figure out how to take all those open workbooks and save them to another directory and close the workbook. Also, I do not want the macro workbook (xlsm) to save. I only want it to close. I am working in 2007 Excel.
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Jun 7, 2008
Looking for a macro, to run upon opening file, that opens a linked file and if the file is already open does nothing.
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Nov 12, 2006
I have tried to work this problem out by myself, but I'm afraid it's beyond my ability. Is there a way to open a file from inside excel. Can I open " Master1.xls" from inside " Master 2.xls, (Master 2 is running, Master 1 is not open). I've tried linking but I think that's beyond me as well.
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Mar 8, 2009
I've created a Form (Userform1) and a Listbox(ListBox1). The listbox is initialized by creating a File System Object so that all XLS files within a folder(Test1) are added to the Listbox. I have a Sub to call the form from a workbook. The files saved in the "Test1" folder appears in the list but I get an error when I select and launch the command to open.
Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
Dim fso As FileSystemObject
Dim fld As Folder
Set fso = New FileSystemObject
Set fld = fso.GetFolder("c:Documents and SettingsEricDesktopTest1")
For Each Fil In fld.Files
If UCase(Right(Fil. Name, 3)) = "XLS" Then
ListBox1.AddItem Fil.Name
End If
End Sub
Code to open workbook from the listbox
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Workbooks.Open ActiveWorkbook.Path & "" & ListBox1
End Sub
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Aug 17, 2006
Is it possible to find/open a workbook if we know its name partially.I mean just like that.
Sub Open_WB
Dim wb As workbook
Set wb ="D:*xyz*.xls")
End Sub
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May 24, 2014
I have 30 xlsx files in a folder and I want the first sheet of all that files to be merged to a new workbook. The thing is I don't want the macro to copy paste the value in to the same sheet of the new master sheet like Ron's excel merge tool does. I want a macro to create new 30 sheets on the master file and copy the data from source files. And I want the newly added sheets to be renamed as the source file name. This works well except the sheet renaming thing.
Sub Merge2MultiSheets()
Dim wbDst As Workbook
Dim wbSrc As Workbook
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Jul 17, 2009
I am just wondering if there is a way of checking if the workbook that is currently open is the only one that is open, as I have been asked to make my code exit the application if this is the case rather that just close that one file.
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Aug 12, 2009
I understand that vba can determine if the current file is read-only using the following to return true / false. GetAttr(ThisWorkbook.Path) And vbReadOnly
which seems to work fine for determining if the file is read-only, as there is another instance of the file already open. However when opening a file straight from a zipped directory (i.e. not extracting the file first), Excel opens the file as read-only. The above code returns false in this instance, i guess because the workbook path has a .zip ending rather than the normal .xls etc endings. how to return true that the zip file is read-only?
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Jul 28, 2004
I have a program that opens an excel-workbook, I first check whether the file is opened by another user(open for read-write). This works fine, but I'd like to know which user has the file open with VBa code. ex. ....
if open
then msgbox " Book opened by user"
end if
So it's the same as you open an excel(with your windows explorer) on a network and you get the message that the file is already opened by the user....
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Jun 19, 2006
when i run this code under a button on a sheet it works fine. but i would like to run when the workbook opens (but i get an error message
On Error Resume Next
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Dim wb As Workbook
Dim ws As Worksheet
'create new work order number...
Set wb = Application.Workbooks.Open("c: empex_ExternalOrderNumber.xls")
Set ws = Worksheets("NumberIncrement")
'get new WO number from numberincrement.xls
If Err.Number <> 0 Then
MsgBox Err.Description & ""
mynewnumber = ws. Range("b1").Value
Range("g5").Value = mynewnumber
End If
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
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