I have five text boxes on a user form. I would like the 5th box to always equal 100 - the Sum of the other boxes, and never go below 0.
In other words, the text boxes are representing percentage breakdowns - so to validate the percentage entry in each box i want the last box to 'count down' from 100 as the percentages are distributed amoungst the other boxes. This box will also be a percentage figure, so is crucial it has its own box (rather than just saying these four boxes have to total 100) i hope this makes sense!
I have tried a code along these lines (see below) - (adapted from this forum but couldnt get it to work) I also found a version where one poster used a command to change the 'value' from string to numbers - but have been unable to find that again.
Private Sub txtbox1.change()
txtbox5 = 100 - (CCur(txtbox1) + CCur(txtbox2) + CCur(txtbox3) + CCur(txtbox4))
End Sub
Trying to enter dates across first column with userform. Must not enter same date twice. Need to searching row to skip entering the date from userform textbox if date is already there. Dates are in order but not sequential. I want to search for existing date before the following
Set LastCol = Sheet2. Range("jk1").End(xlToLeft) 'enter data on sheet2 LastCol.Offset(0, 1).Value = TextBox2.Value 'date Rows("1:1").Select ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").sort.SortFields.Clear ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").sort.SortFields.Add Key:=Range("b1"), _ SortOn:=xlSortOnValues, Order:=xlAscending, DataOption:=xlSortNormal With ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet2").sort .SetRange Range("b1:jk10000") . Header = xlNo .MatchCase = False .Orientation = xlLeftToRight .SortMethod = xlPinYin .Apply End With
I'm using the following code to try to ensure a value is entered into a text box, but when I click over to the next text box skipping the first one entirely, I don't receive any message indicating the previous box is empty. I'm trying to make it so certain fields are required and others are optional. Here's the code I'm currently using:
I have the following code that enters data from a user form, the problem is that the textbox (Locker) data will not validate when entered into worksheet.
Private Sub cmdEdit_Click() Dim rownum As Integer rownum = 2 'Prompt user with message box asking for input in both text boxes If Me.txtNumber = vbNullString Then response = MsgBox("Please enter a Work Number", vbInformation) Me.txtNumber.SetFocus Else ' Insert the work no., driver, locker, keys issued & keys On hand ActiveCell = Me.txtNumber.Value ActiveCell. Offset(0, 1) = Me.txtLocker.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 2) = Me.txtIssued.Value ActiveCell.Offset(0, 3) = Me.txtOnHand.Value................
I try to sum up values a user enters into 3 different textboxes using the following cells(1,1) = userform.textbox1.value + userform.textbox2.value + userform.textbox3.value Let's imagine the user enters "10" into each of the three textboxes, cell a1 should contain 30, however, what i get is 101010.
I've have been building a UserForm for data entry into a stock demands system. One of the data entry items is a text box asking the data-inputter to complete a field containing the items drawing reference from the technical manual. The field can be quite long, and is often repeated for multiple items within the same drawing. Unfortunately, a ComboBox item would be have far to many items to make it useful, and so the TextBox item was preferred for this task.
My problem is that I need the TextBox to be able to recall/remember previous entries that have been saved to the data sheet in the workbook and the UserForm is cleared and closed down.
I'm working on a userform in excel 2003 and have hit a bit of a brick wall.
I have a listbox on a userform that shows only unique entries (customers) which are populated off sheet1 (called Names). On the sheet itself, there are customer entries repeated when there is more than one contact stored. I have the listbox working fine to show each customer only once.
My problems comes in here:
On the userform I have a textbox (this textbox in turn will determine specific contact details to be shown in other textboxes for the contact displayed) with a spinbutton that I want to show each contact for a customer (only showing one at a time and change made with spinbutton). I just can't get this to work properly...
I have following for change event in text boxes to only allow numerics e.g.
Private Sub txtGBP10_Change() If (Not IsNumeric(txtGBP10.Value) And (txtGBP10.Value <> "")) Then txtGBP10.Value = Left(txtGBP10.Value, Len(txtGBP10.Value) - 1) End If End Sub Private Sub txtShare10_Change() If (Not IsNumeric(txtShare10.Value) And (txtShare10.Value <> "")) Then txtShare10.Value = Left(txtShare10.Value, Len(txtShare10.Value) - 1) End If End Sub
Can I add some code so that the user can only add numeric entries to 2 DP (txtGBP) or 3DP(txtShare)
Is there a way i could put a validation on a text box that doesn't allow the user to enter a value that already exists in a given range. The object being to avoid duplicate entries.
I am attempting to format some TextBoxes from within a For/Next loop. I need a way to check which TextBox is the active TextBox in the loop. Using i as the variable, I came up with this code snippet: Me.Controls("TB" & i).Text = Format("TB" & i, "mm/dd/yy")
If i = 3, this gives me in TextBox3 (which is called TB3) the text 'TB3' and not the value of what is in TB3. It has got to bo something simple, I just can't see it!!!
My form has a combobox with three options "Withdrawal" "Deposit" "Fee". I want to make sure that whatever number a user puts into a textbox, if they select "Withdrawal" or "Fee" that number will be converted to a negative number, and if they select "Deposit" it will be positive. I have written the following code and am just wondering if there is some super slick way of doing it other than an if statement.
I enter for example in a cell : 0625-C0/01 sometime 0 is entered as O a letter and not zero.Is there a way to ensure that only 0 (zero) is allowed in that string using data validation rules.
I have largish workbooks (10MB) with a variety of formulas and lookups to generate tables and charts. Calculation is ALWAYS set to Automatic, but sometimes (not always) the formulas fail to update when values are changed. Sometimes F9 will force calculation, sometimes Ctrl + Alt + F9, sometimes (especially with charts) I have to close the workbook and reopen before they will update. The workbooks contain macros but none are running when this happens. A search of your forum indicated that this question has arisen several times before, but I haven't seen a definitive answer.
I have two enormous lists of dates. How do I automatically compare them to ensure the date on one comes after the date on the other one?
They're formatted as dates. Christmas Day 2000 (UK) did say 25/12/2000, and then when I reformatted it it automatically changed to 25 Dec 2000, and so on.
I'm looking for a way to ensure that users of a spreadsheet have filled in all required cells. VBA code which will prompt if a cell is blank which will activate on a button click
All cells are 'Named ranges' so hoping there's a way in which I can point to all named ranges and if they're blank display the below error message.
"Please ensure you have filled in all required fields"
I have created a userform to add a new user and his/her password to a list of usernames and passwords (which i use for login procedure). Now, as the login name must be unique, I would like the userform to disallow existent usernames from being added. How do I go about doing this?
I have a workbook containing several sheets, each sheet has a large number of ActiveX check box controls on it.
The controls are presented in groups of three to capture responses to a question (Y/N/NA). If one of the three check boxes is set to True, the other two associated check boxes must be set to False.
What I want to do is avoid having to have an On_Click event sub for every single check box.
I have written a function that will handle updating the related check boxes but I am unsure how to call this function, passing it the name of the clicked Check Box whenever any check box is clicked.
Here is my current code with an On_Click event being used to call the function:
Private Sub chk100_01Y_Click()
' Want to replace this with a dynamic sub that will be invoked ' when any Check Box is clicked and pass the name of that Check ' box to the function
it's been a long time I've posted here. I need some advice on how to make words blinking in excel. I have problem in sending proper instructions in my staff in my excel. So I think that blinking words will get my staff attention.I have search the forum but can't find any similar discussions.
When a user inputs a month and then a day, I want to be able to check to make sure that the day entered is possible in that given month. Is there a way to do that which is not too complicated?
I have a range Named "MyRange" which consists of cells "A4:H20". What I am attempting to do is when the user goes to save and or close the workbook it checks that all the cells within the range have been filled with data.
I have created a survey in excel 2003. It has 70 questions on it and the user responds to the questions by clicking on a radio button. There are 4 radio buttons within a group box for each question and the user will select one of them.
At the end of 'sheet 1' with all these questions on, i have a button which the user presses to proceed to 'sheet 2'. When they press the button i want to ensure is that all questions have been answered ie: 1 of the radio buttons is selected for every question.
If one of the questions isnt answered then a pop up box will appear to tell the user they have unanswered questions and then the vba code will exit and the user stays on the question sheet (sheet 1). If all the questions are answered then the user will move to 'sheet 2'. (the reference cells for all the groups of radio buttons are within column G on sheet 1).
I have a range B1:B20. These cells are populated by the user and I want to ensure that no two entries are the same. Is there a way of presenting a dialog box that prompts the user to enter a different value if the value they are trying to enter is already entered somewhere in the range?
I have written some code that copies certain cells from a spreadsheet constructed form back to a master spreadsheet database. The idea being to prevent users of the form from accessing the database and mucking it up. I write it the long way round and am now trying to modify it to not have to open and close the database everytime BUT whenever I change it I get errors that I think relate to the code not understanding the change of object...
' 3. send updated data to the database (all yellow boxes will update)
' set parameters for cells to copy from Dim r As Long, e4 As Long, e6 As Long, e18 As Long, e20 As Long, e22 As Long, e24 As Long, _ e26 As Long, e28 As Long, e30 As Long, e32 As Long, e34 As Long, e36 As Long, e38 As Long, _ e40 As Long, e42 As Long, e44 As Long, e46 As Long r = Range("D2") e4 = Range("B4") e6 = Range("B6") e18 = Range("B18") e20 = Range("B20") e22 = Range("B22") e24 = Range("B24")
The little blocks of code go on for 17 open/closes!