Entering A Formula To Determine A Grade

Apr 6, 2007

I would like to prepare mid-term grades for my history class, and have three categories, which I would like to insert into a spreadsheet to calculate the grades, as follows:

Mid-term 1: 30%
Mid-term 2: 40%
essays: 30%

each of the three grades is a number from 1-100; the final answer will be a number which I can then convert to a letter grade.

I'm just not sure what function to use, in that last column, to get Excel to calculate the final answer/grade.

Let's just assume that Mid-term 1 is in column A; Mid-term 2 is in column B; and the essay grade is in column C. How can I create a function that will allow me to give the above percentages to the respective assignments, when calculating a grade?

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Determine Grade From Test Scores

Jan 9, 2008

I have got students mark list in Excel. I want the grading as under in the last column.

73% and above = A+
63% to 72% = A
53% to 62% = B
44% to 52% = C
35% to 43% = D
30% to 34% = E
<30% = F

Is it possible with VBA?

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Compare Actual Grade To Potential Grade And Highlight Cells

Jul 10, 2013

I am compiling a master spreadsheet to analyse progress of students. I have their potential grades in one column and their latest progress grade in another.

I would like an automatic look up of the potential to the progress grade so that if their current grade is BELOW their potential that gets highlighted one colour, if it is above, another colour.

One issue is that the grades are all letters (S, A, B, C, etc.) and that some potential grades are 'dual' (i.e. A/B, S/A) which complicates the issue somewhat.

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Calculate Final Grade Based On Grade Table

Jun 13, 2006

my Excel teacher doesn't even know how to do this! The chapter is Working with Multiple Worksheets and Workbooks, and we went into linking workbooks, linking worksheets, using the VLOOKUP function, and saving workbooks as templates. This is Case Problem 2 and i'll attaching the file.

It says:

1. On the Grading Criteria worksheet, enter the text "Exam Average" in cell A1
and the text "Grade" in cell B1.

2. In the range A2:B6, create a lookup table for the range of grades specified by Professor Templeton. (Hint: Each letter grade should be matched up with the lowest score possible for that grade.)

Here are the specified grades:
0 to 49 = F
50 to 59 = D
60 to 74 = C
75 to 89 = B
90 to 100 = A

3. Insert a formula in Column E of each worksheet to calculate the overall score of each student based on the grade table you entered in the Grading Criteria worksheet.

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Change Letter Grade To Number Grade

Mar 30, 2008

I have a range of cells C11:C29,G12:G18,G20:G23,G25:G26,G28:G29,C33:C42,G33:G42,C46:C47,G46:G47,C51:C54,G51:G59,C58:C59 that contains letter grades (egs. A+,C- etc). I need the code for a macro that checks each cell from this range and if the value of the cell is A+ then the cell's value changes to 100, if the cell's value is A then change the cell's value to 98, if cell's value is B+ then change to 88 ...and so on...you get the idea (i will complete the rest of conditions but i just need the basic code).

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Formula For Segregation Of Various Grade?

Feb 20, 2013

Here in "Grade" Column wants put a formula so that it will show First,Second,third and Fail. If the Mark is more than or equal 40 but less than 50 will reflect Third,if the mark is more than or equals to 50 and less than 60 will reflect Second, if the mark is more than or equals to 60 will reflect First and remaining less than 40 will reflect fail.

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Formula To Put The Grade And Rate Beside Each Name

May 12, 2007

FromToGr Rate

This is part of a marks to grade and rating table. I have a list of students and the marks they obtained in an exam. I need a formula to put the grade and rate beside each name e.g. John; 92 marks; A1; 4.

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Formula To Show Current Grade Of Student

Jan 14, 2007

I would like to have a student's current overall grade be automatically calculated and displayed as I enter the test scores and extra credit points over the semester, first in percent and then in letter grade.

I have it set up so that the percent is calculated based on the total number of points likely to be obtainable at the end of the semester. But if they have only taken two tests and one extra credit assignment, it takes the total of those and divides it by the semester's total possible, instead of just the two tests and extra credit total possible. (ps: I do not know how many extra credit columns or number of possible points I will have this early in the semester)

Also, how then do I set up a formula to translate that percentage into a letter grade based on A=90-100, B=80-89, etc.?

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Formula That Reads Grade And Then Ranks These By 1st-5th Place According To Score

Feb 10, 2014

I'm creating a Speech and Debate calculater that presents winners names by place according to their score. If you look at Tab HSSE Results it will read the inputed information from HS Speech English. I want the names of the students to appear in the correct ranking order in the respected grade rankings chart. I currently have a countif formula which reads the grade, but I think I need to link that with an index formula which I'm having problems with.

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Making A Grade Book--- Missing Assignments Formula

Nov 14, 2008

I have a decent working knowledge of excel, but I'm stuck... I teach and I have created an excel spread sheet to help me keep track of grades, attendance, etc.
I'm trying to figure out how to get excel to figure out the assignments a student has missing (cells with no data input), then take the assignment name (column title with missing data) and students name (first column of data) and put that information in another worksheet. Basically I would like excel to tell me what students are missing work and what assignments they are missing so I don't have to scroll through hundreds of lines of data whenever I have midterms or a student wants a list of "missing assignments". BTW---I can get it to list the number of assignments a student has missing, but not list the specific assignment titles.

I know theoretically this is possible, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do it. Any help would be appreciated as it will save a lot of time and help out my students! If you can give me a "fake" formula, I should be able to update it for my purposes...

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Formula Show The Grade Average As The Year Progresses

Jul 15, 2006

I have a very basic Excel Gradesheet that's designed to simply record letter grades, and show the grade average as the year progresses. I've hit a snag with problem in the formula which shows a grade of "F" - when the grade range can only be that shown on the table (A+ to E-). I've attached the Excel sheet so you can see what I mean.

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Formula To Calculate School Grade Of Child Based On Their Birthday?

Jul 10, 2014

When speaking with parents I want them to enter in their child's birthday i.e. 12/1/1998 in one cell and then automatically generate what grade they should be in the next cell. If the grade year cutoff date is Sept 1.

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Formula That Would Assign A Letter Grade (in Row W) To The Average In Row V, Based On The School's Scale

Oct 3, 2006

Need to write a formula that would assign a letter grade (in row W) to the average in row V, based on the school's scale. So, row V contains my averages (in % form) and I want row W to have the letter equivalents.


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Error When Entering Formula Using VBA?

May 29, 2014

I have a formula that I'm using which works and gives me the right value.

=COUNTIF(bommech[PO1 No],"")+COUNTIF(bomelec[Procurement Status],G4)

However when I try and enter the exact same formula through VBA using, I get "Run-time error 1004: Application defined or object defined error". I don't see why the formula will work when I enter it directly into Excel but it won't enter the formula through VBA.

ActiveSheet.Range("H4").formula = "=COUNTIF(bommech[PO1 No],"")+COUNTIF(bomelec[Procurement Status],G4)"

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Entering A Formula As An Array In VBA

Oct 20, 2008

My VBA sub contains
DIM sFormula As String
DIM rCell as Range

at some point in the code, the value of sFormula is set to something like
(not really this formula but of that flavour)
later in the code I have an instruction
rCell.FormulaArray = sFormula
(rCell is set to a single cell at the time)

When I run the code and then examine the cell, I find that the cell's formula has been correctly set to
however there are no {curly brackets} surrounding the formula to suggest that it has been entered as an array.

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Formula That Will Get Word To Appear After Entering All Information?

Aug 8, 2014

I have been looking for a forumla that will put an 'and' between the last two bits of information.

Joe Bloggs
Peter Smith
Matt Jones

I have list of names in individual cells like above. I have figured out a formula that will put them into a single line (Joe Bloggs, Peter Smith, Matt Jones). But what I need is a formula that will put it into single line and insert an 'and' ALWAYS between the last two people. So it should show like (Joe Bloggs, Peter Smith and Matt Jones) but if I remove Matt Jones it should now display as (Joe Bloggs and Peter Smith).

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Formula For Entering The Lower Of 2 Options

Sep 21, 2006

I will enter a figure into A1. I will also enter a figure into C1. In E1 I would like to enter the lower of: 0.2% of A1 or 75% of C1

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Prevent Someone From Entering A Formula In A Cell

May 18, 2007

I'm creating a maths workbook in Excel. I want the user to workout the answer in his/her head and enter the answer into Excel. The only problem is, of course, that there is nothing stopping a user from simply typing a formula to obtain the answer! I have tried all data validation, apart from Custom which I can't figure out. Is there a way to prevent a user entering a formula on a worksheet?

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Formula For Highlighting Whole Row After Entering A Date In One Of The Columns?

May 21, 2014

how to do the formula for highlighting whole row after entering a date in one of the columns.this spread sheet had over 300 rows so I can't do the conditional formatting, I need a formula for whole spreadsheet.

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Looping Through All Rows And Entering Formula To Calculate Change?

Oct 2, 2012

I want to create a loop that goes down all the rows in my spreadsheet and does the formula (end/beginning -1) for all the rows of cells. The "end" cell is the cell that is the farthest right in the row (some sort of end.xlright) and the "beginning" cell is column D of the row that is being calculated.

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Formula Is Entering A Default Time When It Comes Across An Empty Cell

Nov 9, 2005

I'm using a formula to copy a time from one cell to another
across sheets. The format of the time is h:mm AM/PM.

However, when the formula references an empty cell, it puts in a
default value of 12:00 AM and I need it to remain blank, (just as
the referenced cell)
It's such a simple copy formula. ie:


e-mail... howard<dot}coakleyatcoakley<dot].codotuk
Skype ID: howie10 (get skype from www.skype.com)

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Entering Formula- Data Imported From Access And Saved As A Worksheet

Dec 7, 2007

I have a workbook with just one worksheet. It's just a list of data imported from Access and saved as a worksheet. When I try to enter a formula ie '=4+4' it goes in as text and will not calculate. I have tried various formatting to no avail. I added a second worksheet to see what happens and this works fine. (XP home, Excel 2003).

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Formula Entering Zip Code And Returning Tax Rate From Established List

Oct 29, 2013

I am trying to create a formula that will allow me to enter a zip code and have excel return the specific tax rate for that zip code. I have zip codes in excel for all of California along with the corresponding tax rates. I am creating a form that I can just input the zip code and have the tax rate automatically pop in.

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Formula To Determine If A Cell Has A Formula Or Constant

Nov 17, 2006

In cell A1 exists data. In cell A2, I would like to test A1 to determine if A1 is a formula or a constant.

=A9+3 would result "formula"
="1+3 would result "formula"
3 would result "constant"
'Blahblah would result "constant".

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Formula To Determine Age

May 16, 2007

formula I can use to determine age between date of birth (in one cell) and an event date (in another cell)., i.e. birthdate 3/15/2000 with an event date of 3/2/2007.

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Determine Which Cells Formula Uses

Nov 10, 2006

If I have A1:A1000 in a column, and I know that A1000 is the sum of 3 cells within A1:A999 but not sure which, what kind of functions can I write to trace out these 3 cells?

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Formula To Determine If An Entry Exists

Jul 21, 2009

I have a database of 6 digit numbers in one column(let's say column A). I would like to put in a 6 digit number in a cell (b1)and have another cell (c1) give me a response as to whether that number exists in the database (Exists or Doesn't Exist).

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VBA Test To Determine If Cell Has A Formula Or Value

Dec 28, 2008

I need to take a specific action when a cell has an actual formula in it versus when it just has a "value". Is there a procedure or command which will allow me to identify if a certain cell has a "formula" (like =sum(a1: a5) ) or just a value.

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Determine Formula To Know Period Time?

Oct 9, 2011

I am trying to determine a formula to know a period time for example i started to test a unit at 10:20 am of 10/02/2011 and i would like to add 52 hours of test and i would like to know when and at what time will finish the test?

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Determine If Someone Is 21 Years Old Or Not

Mar 10, 2014

I am trying to come up with a formula to determine if someone is 21 years old or not. After I enter their DOB if they are 21 or over I would like the cell to turn Green, if not I would like it to turn red. I have tried alot of different formulas that primary pertain to days and months but nothing for years.

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