Formula For Highlighting Whole Row After Entering A Date In One Of The Columns?

May 21, 2014

how to do the formula for highlighting whole row after entering a date in one of the columns.this spread sheet had over 300 rows so I can't do the conditional formatting, I need a formula for whole spreadsheet.

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Formula For Determining If Two Date Columns Fall Within Specific Date Range

Apr 21, 2006

Let's say I have thousands of employees, but I need to determine who worked for me during a particular date range, and all I have to go on is their start date in one column and their end date in another column.


A1 contains beginning date of employment
B1 contains ending date of employment
C1 contains specified beginning date (criteria)
D1 contains specified ending date (criteria)

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Entering Contents In Columns

Apr 23, 2009

I have a macro that does the following.

-Every time a cell in Column D contains New or Old, “Customer” is entered into Column G in the same row.
-Every time a cell in Column D contains Old2, “Assets” is entered into Column G in the same row.
-Every time a cell in Column D contains New2, “ShortTerm” is entered into Column G in the same row.
-Every time a cell in Column D contains Old3, “LongTerm” is entered into Column G in the same row.

Here is the macro.

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Highlighting The Row Or Certain Columns When Criteria Is Met

Jun 6, 2006

I need a formula that will highlight the entire Row when the criteria is met.

If Cell In column A = "Management" Then
Row.Font.Bold = True
End If

If Cell In column A = "Scotia" Then
With Selection.Interior
.ColorIndex = 6
.Pattern = xlSolid
End With
End If

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Comparing Two Columns Of Data And Highlighting?

Aug 21, 2014

So I played around with the macro i posted on the previous thread, two allow me to compare two columns of data to see if they contain the same information, and have come up with the below, which works almost flawlessly:


The idea being that it compares the two rows of data, then in the colmun to the right puts a y or n if the data is contained in both cells. I have added in some code that related to highlighting those cells with 'n' in the allow me to see it much easier. The macro works fine, however it seems that when it runs, it will sometimes highlight random cells not in column d, for example colum g etc.

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Highlighting Filtered Columns - Automatically

Jan 23, 2009

I have been trying to find a way to highlight columns that are filtered in Excel. On a laptop it is not always that easy to tell which columns are filtered. I have found a piece of VBA that can do this (see

I would like to do two things:

1. Have this run whenever an autofilter is changed (a new filter chosen or a current filter changed).

2. Have this effective for every workbook that I open.

I'm hoping that someone can help a VBA newbie sort this out.

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Excel Freezing When Entering Data In Some Columns?

Mar 12, 2013

resolving a "not responding" problem that occurs when I try to enter data into a cell in one of two columns in my spreadsheet. These columns don't seem to be linked and I can't see a way of getting at where the problem might be coming from.

Is there a tried and tested method for trouble shooting something like this?

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Last Row Sum Update After Entering New Date

Apr 11, 2009

I have few sheets in a workbook and last sheet named report, I update each sheet date wise except report, problem is that the report sheet contains formulas of last rows sum, if I update today date report then I should change all formulas in reports. Kindly see attached file.

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Entering A Date Value Then Incrementing It In VBA

Jul 29, 2008

I am currently working on a button which does the following:

User wants to create a new sheet

Clicks button

Input box prompts user to enter sheet name

User enters the sheet name

The sheet is created and copies over formats and values from another sheet

I then want the user to also enter a date.

The date must then be places (always in "C2") then each second column after that the date entered + one day.

E.g. C2 = 01/08/2008 then C4 will have 02/08/2008
I want this entered for the whole month.

The code is below:

Sub copyformula()
Dim vsheet As String
Dim vdate As Date
vsheet = InputBox("Enter a sheet name:")

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Comparing 2 Columns, Highlighting The Higher Number

Sep 1, 2009

I am trying to do is I have column C and column G. For each row, I want to highlight or change the font color of the greater number. I can do it with conditional formatting, but I am only able to do it for 1 row at a time and it will take forever considering there are over 800 rows.

Is there an easy way to compare the two columns and highlight or change the font color of the higher number in that row?

For example:

4 5
8 1
6 2
9 11

So it would highlight the 5 in the first row, the 8 in the second row, the 6 in the third row, and 11 in the fourth row.

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Conditional Formatting Of Dates - Highlighting Of Columns

Jul 11, 2006

Well I spent some time yesterday trying to figure this one out. It was only last week that I have taught myself how to use VBA in excel. However this looks like a though one.

Simply what i would like to do is highlight a column of a certain date (till a certain row number) based on a list of dates.

eg. Across the top I have a set of dates and on another sheet i have a list of dates.

I understand that there is a VBA code for such conditional formatting but i can't get my head around it.

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Highlighting Row Based On The Date?

Dec 4, 2013

how I can highlight the rows starting from a specific row based on a date? Like in the attached example I would like to have a formula that highlights the rows (35) all the way down based on the date (B1). I was trying the conditional formatting, but it did not work for me.

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Highlighting Lowest Score Without Duplicates Highlighting And Counting Player Skins?

Feb 15, 2013

I found this spreadsheet on here and I have been trying to customize it to what I need. I am trying to have scores from skins match highlighted. I want only the minimum score to be highlighted but if there is another duplicate minimum score I don't want it to highlight anything. I also need to find a way to count the skins won by each player and have it off to the side.

For those not familiar with golf a Skin is a game where you try to get the lowest amount of strokes on a specific hole. Ex- 4 people play the hole one. P1 scores 4, P2 gets a 3, P3 and P4 get 6. The skin would go to P2 who has the lowest score on that hole.

Highlight lowest number in each column not highlighting if there are duplicates starting at L6 down to L11 and for each column till AC. And the same for the group just to the right on attached file.

On row 13 and 14 it tells me who won a skin. I want to tally up the total skins won by each player. so if Joe's names shows up twice on R14 I want it to tell me somewhere in the sheet Joe = 2

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Sum Data By Entering Date Range

Feb 2, 2014

I have a spreadsheet that records water consumption in L/s at 5 minute intervals. I've attached an example of the data collected during January 2012.

Is there any formula that will calculate the total amount of water consumed between a user-entered date range? For example:

From: 01/01/12 00:00 (User enters 'from date and time' in an allocated cell)
To: 20/01/12 23:55 (User enters 'to date and time' in an allocated cell)
Consumption: ______ (Formula generated result in Litres)

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Type Mismatch 13 Entering A Date

Mar 12, 2007

i want to let a user enter a date and then chk if the user entered the right format.

It is not working....In order to see if works i press entered without entering any value and a TYPE MISMATCH error msg appears.

here is my

NumberEntry = InputBox("Enter Start Date", "Start Date", "dd/mm/yyyy")
Do While Not IsDate(NumberEntry)
MsgBox "The FROM date is not a valid date."
NumberEntry = InputBox("Enter Start Date", "Start Date", "dd/mm/yyyy")
'NumberEntry = InputBox("Please enter the date (dd/mm/yyyy) FROM to work with.")

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Highlighting Date Ranges In Excel

Jun 17, 2014

I am new with Macros. How we can automate the attached file?

Every time we enter a Start Date and End Date, the right side section should be updated as per the newly entered dates.

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Excel 2007 :: Use Of Month Names In Entering Date Through VBA

Jun 26, 2013

In the workbook the sheet names are month names e.g. july,august,September etc and 1st of each month is to be entered in a cell in each the sheets. By some trial and error I wrote this macro

Sub test()
Dim j As Integer, monthnr As Long, monthname As String
For j = 1 To Worksheets.Count


This worked in July sheet it is written as 7/1/2013 and in august sheet it is 8/1/2013 etc Then I shortened the macro like thlis

Sub test()
Dim dte As Date
dte = "july" & "/1/2013"
Range("A1") = dte
End Sub

It worked. Even if I use shortened 3 letter form of month like "Jul" or "aug" then also it works

But if type on the spreadsheet itself
It Gives value error.

Perhaps it works only in vba and not spreadsheet.

I accept nobody is going to use "july" & "/1/2013" instead of 7/1/2013 But this will be useful if sheet names are month names so that when we write the date we can use sheet names Mine excel 2007 and windows 7.

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Set Default Month And Year In A Cell For Entering Date Fields

Jul 26, 2013

I am entering data for ships arrived every month. There are about 200 records to be entered and for every record there are 4 date fields.

My question is : Is it possible to set default month (for ex = July) and year ( for ex = 2013 ) in these 4 cells so that

If I just type 16 it should be 16/07/2013. Because all my dates will be within that month July 2013.

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Entering Date/time Data As Xvalue For Scatterplot With Vba Arrays

Mar 31, 2007

I am trying to create/modify an XY scatterplot using VBA.

I declare local variables and point them to the chart and a new data series for the chart, such as:

Dim chartone As Chart
Dim chartseries As Series

Set chartone = ThisWorkbook.Charts("Chart1")
chartone.ChartType = xlXYScatterLines
Set chartseries = chartone.SeriesCollection.NewSeries()

I set the series data, using an array, such as:

chartseries.Values = Array(1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11)

I can set the Xvalues to a set of dates by setting .Xvalues to a woksheet range that includes date-formatted data. (like this):

chartseries.XValues = Worksheets("sheet3").Range("m9:m14")
(where m9:m14) contains dates...

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Highlighting Birthdays (inc Birth Year) Past Today's Date

Oct 7, 2007

I have a list of birthdays (in date-month-year format) and simply want to highlight them if the date and month are past today's date.

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Error When Entering Formula Using VBA?

May 29, 2014

I have a formula that I'm using which works and gives me the right value.

=COUNTIF(bommech[PO1 No],"")+COUNTIF(bomelec[Procurement Status],G4)

However when I try and enter the exact same formula through VBA using, I get "Run-time error 1004: Application defined or object defined error". I don't see why the formula will work when I enter it directly into Excel but it won't enter the formula through VBA.

ActiveSheet.Range("H4").formula = "=COUNTIF(bommech[PO1 No],"")+COUNTIF(bomelec[Procurement Status],G4)"

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Entering A Formula As An Array In VBA

Oct 20, 2008

My VBA sub contains
DIM sFormula As String
DIM rCell as Range

at some point in the code, the value of sFormula is set to something like
(not really this formula but of that flavour)
later in the code I have an instruction
rCell.FormulaArray = sFormula
(rCell is set to a single cell at the time)

When I run the code and then examine the cell, I find that the cell's formula has been correctly set to
however there are no {curly brackets} surrounding the formula to suggest that it has been entered as an array.

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Formula- Two Columns One Contains A Date The Other Contains $

Jan 25, 2007

I have two columns One contains a date the other contains $

I want to add the $ column if the Date column contains a date greater than 12-1-06. If the date is not greater than 12-1-06 I don't want it to count.

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First Code In VBA: Use A Inputbox For Entering The First Date For Monday Of The Month Each Time I Use The Worksheet

Jun 23, 2006

I am writing a module which have a different test based on for each of the previous 2 column cells. It calculate the days passed or in simple way calculate the date difference for the 2 columns and puts them in third. But i need to use a inputbox for entering the first date for monday of the month each time i use the worksheet.
When i try using the module for each cell of the column it display the input box for each cell. is there any way so that i just enter the value in input box and it can be used in rest of the module.Without using it again and again.

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Formula That Will Get Word To Appear After Entering All Information?

Aug 8, 2014

I have been looking for a forumla that will put an 'and' between the last two bits of information.

Joe Bloggs
Peter Smith
Matt Jones

I have list of names in individual cells like above. I have figured out a formula that will put them into a single line (Joe Bloggs, Peter Smith, Matt Jones). But what I need is a formula that will put it into single line and insert an 'and' ALWAYS between the last two people. So it should show like (Joe Bloggs, Peter Smith and Matt Jones) but if I remove Matt Jones it should now display as (Joe Bloggs and Peter Smith).

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Entering A Formula To Determine A Grade

Apr 6, 2007

I would like to prepare mid-term grades for my history class, and have three categories, which I would like to insert into a spreadsheet to calculate the grades, as follows:

Mid-term 1: 30%
Mid-term 2: 40%
essays: 30%

each of the three grades is a number from 1-100; the final answer will be a number which I can then convert to a letter grade.

I'm just not sure what function to use, in that last column, to get Excel to calculate the final answer/grade.

Let's just assume that Mid-term 1 is in column A; Mid-term 2 is in column B; and the essay grade is in column C. How can I create a function that will allow me to give the above percentages to the respective assignments, when calculating a grade?

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Formula For Entering The Lower Of 2 Options

Sep 21, 2006

I will enter a figure into A1. I will also enter a figure into C1. In E1 I would like to enter the lower of: 0.2% of A1 or 75% of C1

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Prevent Someone From Entering A Formula In A Cell

May 18, 2007

I'm creating a maths workbook in Excel. I want the user to workout the answer in his/her head and enter the answer into Excel. The only problem is, of course, that there is nothing stopping a user from simply typing a formula to obtain the answer! I have tried all data validation, apart from Custom which I can't figure out. Is there a way to prevent a user entering a formula on a worksheet?

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Highlighting ARRAY Formula Cells

Aug 8, 2006

Essentially I have inherited a spreadsheet which is crammed full of complex array formulas.

No problem in itself as I understand array formulas pretty well (or so I think!). My problem is that when i want to ammend some of these, i cannot easily see what range I need to highlight in order to edit them i.e. I obviously cant do a single cell as its part of an array. I hope I have made myself clear?

So my question is this.

When the cursor is sat in a cell that is part of an array formula, how can I easily find out ( ideally by the array formula range being highlighted in (say) red ) what cells are included in the array formula?

Would conditional formating do the job?

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Looping Through All Rows And Entering Formula To Calculate Change?

Oct 2, 2012

I want to create a loop that goes down all the rows in my spreadsheet and does the formula (end/beginning -1) for all the rows of cells. The "end" cell is the cell that is the farthest right in the row (some sort of end.xlright) and the "beginning" cell is column D of the row that is being calculated.

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