Entering Formula- Data Imported From Access And Saved As A Worksheet
Dec 7, 2007
I have a workbook with just one worksheet. It's just a list of data imported from Access and saved as a worksheet. When I try to enter a formula ie '=4+4' it goes in as text and will not calculate. I have tried various formatting to no avail. I added a second worksheet to see what happens and this works fine. (XP home, Excel 2003).
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Mar 24, 2014
I have a combobox that is referenced to a named list 'ListReels'. There are only 8 choices (Reels 1 -8), and each has an accompanying worksheet in the workbook. The user selects a reel, then inputs other information. When an 'Enter' command button is clicked, I had like the data to be entered onto the next available row of the worksheet with the same reel name (eg, if reel 2 is selected from the combobox, then the data should be added to the Reel 2 worksheet on the next blank row.
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Jan 27, 2008
How to create an area in excel where by if a customer enters an account number all of their account details would be automatically entered into the address fields?
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Oct 7, 2007
I currently have a userform, and on commandbutton_click, it performs
the following code that adds a column in a access table to a combobox(cbList)
Private Sub CmdName_Click()
Dim rstName As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001.mdb"......
After its listed on the combo box, upon commandbutton_click on another button, i wish to extract a particular record, based on the selection made on the combobox(cbList). This is where im having problems caused i have no idea how to do so. I just want it to extract the particular record row, based on cbList, and insert it into range A100:D100 in a particular worksheet. It is then updated and added to a listbox which ive already done the coding for, and with another button click it would add the details in the listbox into the appropriate location i wish to.. The only place im stuck is with extracting the data from access into a A100:D100 range in any worksheet. what ive come up with, but is incomplete is :
Private Sub CmdImport_Click()
Dim adoRS As ADODB.Recordset
Dim strSQL As String
Dim strClientDatabase As String, strConnectionString As String
strClientDatabase = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "9001mdb"
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May 19, 2006
I'm trying to access/read data from a hidden WorkSheet in Excel 2003 using:
Application.Worksheets("Hidden Sheet").Activate
With ActiveSheet
**** Data ****
End With
The accessed **** Data **** refers to another ('unhidden') WorkSheet. How can I read the data without making the WorkSheet visible to the User?
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May 15, 2008
I am trying to merge several imported worksheets into one worksheet so that I can build reports. In other words, sheets 1-3 are imported from other workbooks, then sheet 1, sheet 2, and sheet 3 (with the same header rows) will roll into sheet 4 with reports built from the merged worksheet. I understand how to import, but I need to merge the worksheets. Is there a macro to make this possible?
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Jul 11, 2012
I have to complete information providing dates and names for a long number of individuals. Is it possible to set up the spreadsheet so that if you enter a date next a persons details in on worksheet their information is automatically updated in the relevant ones?
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Jan 28, 2014
I have the below formula that pastes data into the worksheet entered in the " " it works great but only when the workbook was last saved on that sheet, how can it locate that worksheet sheet even if the the workbook was last saved and another worksheet. if the workbook was saved on a different sheet name the vba doesn't finish
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May 28, 2009
I have code written to auto save the active worksheet when a button on my user form is pressed. What I would like to know is if there is a way to lock the worksheet when the button that triggers the save event is pressed behind the scenes so the end user has a more difficult time editing the sheet. I know they can just resave the document and the protection will be gone, but for minimizing user manipulation.
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Jun 23, 2009
I chose to place this in programming, as all the functions for this workbook are either macros or Internet Links. Nothing is ever changed on the worksheet.
I have a workbook that is fully protected with passwords both for the workbook and the worksheet. When I set up the protection, no check boxes are checked.
I have macros and internet links on the worksheet that can be selected, but none of them affect the worksheet.
As a matter of fact, I can open the workbook and close it with only "Application.Quit" in a macro and a message box comes up asking if I want to save the changes or not. If I close it with the upper right corner RED X, it still asks the question.
I have no "On Open Macros" or Links of any kind.
I have other workbooks that this does not happen on.
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Sep 24, 2008
how I can have the latest date a file was saved showing on the worksheet? For example, I open a worksheet that was last saved on Sept 22nd, and after updating it today, I save it and want the date to show today's date?
I'm pretty sure I've seen it in some files in my working life, so would appreciate advice on this!
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Jan 8, 2007
I have one workbook named "Data Master" with numerous worksheets... all sheets are named with the following 6 digit format, eg. 005001, 005024, 005133, 005456, 005763, etc.
I have another directory with files each beginning with the particular 6 digit cost centre number.
I was hoping to have a macro that will... for each worksheet in "Data Master" check a specified directory containing the cost centre files, for the file beginning with the relevant worksheet's 6 digit cost centre number... and simply paste a copy of the worksheet in "Data Master" to the end of the existing sheets in the cost centre file.
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Jun 4, 2007
I'm trying to simplify a formula that I'm using in a spreadsheet that's being used mostly in Excel 2000.
2 reasons I'm doing this:
1) It doesn't work if the worksheet hasn't been saved yet.
2) It's ugly
=DATE(YEAR(DATEVALUE(MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,3) & " 20" & MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+5,2))),MONTH(DATEVALUE(MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+1,3) & " 20" & MID(CELL("filename",A1),FIND("]",CELL("filename",A1))+5,2)))+1,0)
The formula returns the last day of the month of the name of the sheet. For example, if the sheet is names "Mar 07", it returns 3/31/07. (yeah, when the 2100 issue becomes a big deal, I'm not going to be ready but I have 92 years to think about it)
Even if I can't make it prettier, does anyone have a way to get the sheet name into a formula without VBA Code in a file that hasn't been saved.
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Mar 15, 2009
I have a text file I am importing and using text-to-colums.
Some of the text is "+TOL" "-TOL" and when excel converts to columns it is forcing the text to a formula "=+Tol" "=-Tol" giving me #NAME? in those cells.
I can format the cells as text, which is fine for now since I'm using VBA, but if I need to use any formulas then I'm SOL...
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Jul 21, 2009
Basically I have a template from two different worksheets and I am making one sheet the "master sheet" and the other sheet is filled in automatically from the master sheet. I understand how to get this basic function to work so here is my real problem...
I would like my sheet to look like this repeated 2000 times...
Every time I try to drag the formulas down to go 2000 rows it starts doing this...
How do I get this formula to repeat like I have shown in my desired example?
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Dec 20, 2006
Is there a formula that will get the date & time the workbook was last saved? I am using an earlier posted macro now but would like for the information to be visible constantly in a certain cell. Possible?
Macro used:
Sub WhenSaved()
MsgBox "This file was last saved on " & Format(ThisWorkbook.BuiltinDocumentProperties("Last Save Time"), "mmmm d, yyyy") & ".", 64, "Date of most recent save:"
End Sub
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Feb 14, 2014
I have a workbook that requires refreshed source data each day. The workbook has all of the macros and formulas that analyze the data. I have the following code to import the worksheet with the raw data (onto a fresh worksheet in the calculation workbook), but I would like to create code that also adds the date and time to the imported data worksheet -- not the date/time the raw data was created; instead, when it was imported into my calculation workbook.
Below is my code for importing the raw data worksheet:
[Code] .....
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Jan 9, 2006
I am working with Microsoft Excel 2003. I am trying to import(or something
like it) from worksheet (A) to worksheet (B). Worksheet A is a spreadsheet
that I have saved to keep the same row names, etc. but the information within
the named cells is forever changing. I also save the information from
worksheet A, but have another copy that when I open, it always opens without
any changed data in it. MY question/problem is that I need to import the
data from A to B, and every time that A changes, I need B to automatically
update the data and continuously add to the spreadsheet I have made up for B.
I can NOT have A overwrite any data that I have already put into B.
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Nov 7, 2006
I've imported a few thousand lines of data into excel, but some rows have a rogue character or a blank cell in the middle of them taking up a cell and shifting the rest of the row along one cell and putting it out of sync with the columns I want that data in.
Is there a way of remedying this without going through and manually moving a couple of hundred rows along one cell.
I'm not sure I've explained that particularly well, so I'll try and illustrate it with an example.
AAA 1.23 1.23 BBB 1.23 1.23 CCC 1.23 1.23
AAA 1.23 1.23 BBB 1.23 1.23 CCC 1.23 1.23
AAA 1.23 1.23 BBB ------ 1.23 1.23 CCC 1.23 1.23
AAA 1.23 1.23 BBB 1.23 1.23 CCC 1.23 1.23
Ignore the fact that they are all 1.23, I've just used that to make it quicker for me to show. As you can see row 3 has a ------ (representing a rogue character or blank cell) in the 5th column shifting columns 5-9 right one cell.
Now as I said I have a few thousand lines of data like this with maybe 2-3 hundred rows with this problem and I really don't want to manually go through and fix each one.
Is there a tool in excel or a way of using VB to fix this?
Alternatively, is there a way when importing the data to have a number of delimiters rather than the one extra one you can select to remove these on importing?
Maybe it could be fixed by taking any blank cell (or character) and deleting it whilst shifting all cells to the right of it one cell to the left?
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Aug 11, 2008
I have import the database from SQL server, all the records imported begins with a blank space and they can not be trimmed using Trim function. Is there any smart solution ? I prefer to get VBA code to solve the problem.
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Mar 17, 2009
Using VBA to clean up imported data ...
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Mar 28, 2007
to extract a number from an imported cell containing text, a number and date. i need to use this number as part of a formula in another cell and the data needs to be refreshed every hour.
eg. the cell imported is "USD 30.97 (March 27, 2007)" and i need to use 30.97 in another cell.
i've tried using data - text to columns, but i realised that after splitting the cells, the 2nd and 3rd columns can't be refreshed.
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Jun 5, 2013
I have recently changed my software at my work from Sim-pro to Clik. I have about 4000 customer details that have been exported from Sim-pro to a CSV file but unfortunately some of the addresses are in one cell and need to be split up into 2 or 3 cell so it can be imported into Clik. In the Sim-pro program addresses are entered into one dialogue box e.g Address 1(house name - if applicable), Address 2(street name) & Address 3(suburb/area), after each line you press enter to separate them. The town/city, county and postcode do have their own entry box though and these do import normally into excel.
Unfortunately to import the addresses from the CSV file into Clik the Address parts 1,2 & 3 need to be in their own cells but obviously these are all in one cell(not every address have 3 parts some just use 1 address line which is fine). Can excel recognise the imported information from Sim-pro that is separated by 'enter' in that one cell and move them into another cell? I have tried using text to columns and selecting delimited and entering 'ALT 010' in the 'other' box but that doesn't work.I'm dreading the thought of going through 4000 addresses and cutting and pasting parts of the cells....
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Jan 5, 2006
I imported data from another program to Excel, it is an address database. Some of the entries are all capital, some are all lowercase, some are proper. I would like to switch everything to proper. I have tried numberous times to do EXACTLY what I am reading about copy and pasting, entering the formula, designating the cells I want it to apply to. However, when I do it, nothing changes.
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Nov 20, 2011
I have exported a aging report from SAL to excel. Now the problem is each figures in the report is not in number format. when i checked each cell contains a space after the numbers so excel does not treat them as a number format.
how i can remove all the spaces in those cells. find and replace doeasnt work.
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Sep 19, 2006
I have imported some files in to excel. I have attached the test document to give you an example of exactly what Im working with. Here is what I need to do.
1) On a separate worksheet I need to sort out the data by invoice number (Column E).
In the example I have on the worksheet titled "Main" I have listed what I would like it to look like. The purpose of this is that I don't want any spaces in rows. I just want a long list of invoice numbers and their information (Including the project number & customer on all rows). In long story short I want to erase all the information from A18:A25, and add project number and customer name to all the correlated invoice numbers. The way I think I can do this is that the first 4 digits of the invoice numbers are the same if their in the same project.
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Sep 18, 2007
i want to import data from sheet2 a1 from sheet1 a1 continously. now problem is when iam importing i shouldnt loose my previous data. eg: at time 11 when i import data to sheet2 a1 from sheet1 a1 with value 9. and at time 12 when i import data to sheet2 a1 from sheet1 a1 with value 10. value 10 will be over wrting value 9. here i shouldnt loose value 9. i want values comming afterwards should come to next row.
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Oct 4, 2007
I have an excel spreadsheet that contains customer data exported from Quickbooks. In that file there is a column called CType (Column G) which contains the scheduling cycle for that customer. There are eleven different possible schedules, including 15xYr, 1xMo, 2xMo, EOM (every other month), EOW (every other week), EOW-S / 1xMo-W (every other week between 5/1 and 10/31 and once a month during the rest of the year), EOW-Th (every other week but must be on a Thursday), ETW (every third week), On Call, W, Q.
Although the number of records changes daily, on average there are about 950 rows of data in the spreadsheet.
I need to set up an array (?) for the values in column G starting with G2 through the last non-blank row (all records will have data in column G), and calculate the next scheduled service date based on the schedule type shown in column G and the last service date which will appear in column M of that row. The last thing I need to consider is whether there is a value in Column N, which would represent a hard-entered ‘Next Scheduled Service Date’. If I find a date in that column it needs to over-ride the calculated value. My assumption to this point is that I should use a new column T to hold the value of the calculated schedule date. There are a few other details, but rather than confuse this whole thing further I’ll stop there.
What I’m struggling with is the most efficient means of running this macro. I’ve been looking at many, many threads over the past few weeks, reading
VBA Programming for Dummies (which I apparently am), and reviewing other resources.
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Jan 31, 2008
When I update the original spredsheet, certain things are calculated and I will have all the results in another sheet. I then copy the sheet and save it as a new file because I need it for later. But, when I update with new info in the original file, even the saved file is changed. Probably because there are so many references in the file to the original sheet. How can I avoid this? I mean, how can I save a file for real without it being updated all the time?
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Jun 23, 2006
I am writing a module which have a different test based on for each of the previous 2 column cells. It calculate the days passed or in simple way calculate the date difference for the 2 columns and puts them in third. But i need to use a inputbox for entering the first date for monday of the month each time i use the worksheet.
When i try using the module for each cell of the column it display the input box for each cell. is there any way so that i just enter the value in input box and it can be used in rest of the module.Without using it again and again.
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