Event Handling For Controls Created At Runtime
Dec 14, 2009
I am having trouble working through the examples given on other posts for this topic. I have a userform that creates a number of controls at runtime. One group of controls is a series of textboxes and a label underneath that sums the values of the textboxes. When a user changes the value in a textbox the label needs to update the sum. I have read about created class modules to define the event but it is all going over my head.
A piece of the code that creates the controls is:
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May 21, 2008
I have a code that adds a couple of ComboBoxes to a UserForm (the number of ComboBoxes is variable). Now that I want to control a certain ComboBox based on the selected value of another ComboBox (change or click event), how do I do that via VBA code?
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Mar 4, 2009
I have a userform with a single blank multipage. At runtime additional pages are added, the number of pages depends on input from another userform. Six frames, containing labels, textboxes and comboboxes are then added to each page.
I need to be able to use the textbox and combobox change events of these dynamically created controls to perform lookups and calculations. Although I can name the controls at the time they are created, it is not feasible to write code specifically for each control (I can have over 1,600 text boxes distributed over 9 pages, for example).
Having searched for some time on how to achieve this I believe using a class module is the way to go. However, how to use a class module is just not sinking in I'm afraid.
HTML Private WithEvents mpTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Private WithEvents mpComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Set mpTextBox = MSForms.TextBox
Set mpComboBox = MSForms.ComboBox
End Sub
Private Sub mpComboBox_Change()
MsgBox "ComboBox value has been changed."
End Sub...........................................
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Jul 21, 2006
I'm trying to attach Worksheet_Change to a worksheet created at runtime. Usually you put it in the code window of the Sheet object but what do you do when you create the worksheet at runtime?
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Oct 10, 2011
In my current project, I have set up a worksheet with 15 comboboxes (dropdown lists).
To trigger change events, I use :
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
End Sub
So, I have 15 such routines defined to cover all comboboxes. By doing so, my code becomes quite large
I am wondering if there is not a more efficient way to handle this.
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Nov 26, 2008
The issue I'm having is with the ActiveX Spin Button (in 2007, formerly in the Control toolbox in 2003). I need the Spin Button to call a certain macro whenever it is clicked up or down. I know how to do this with one spin button, the problem is that the workbook I'm creating could potentially have dozens (or even hundreds) of these spin buttons that all need to call the same macro. It doesn't seem feasible to have to create separate Change event functions for each of these.
My company used to use the simpler form controls for this process, but a situation has come up where we need the ability to make the buttons invisible, or at least appear disabled, and that doesn't seem doable with the form controls.
So my question is, is there a way to specify in my workbook that whenever a spin button is clicked, this particular macro is to be called? Or even, whenever an ActiveX object is clicked, call the macro, because the spin buttons will be the only ActiveX objects in the workbook. I've read a bit about how to create global event handlers for worksheets and workbooks, but I can't find anything related to spin buttons specifically.
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Jan 7, 2010
Can I place userform event handling within the code module where the rest of my program resides or does it have to go in the code module that is attached to the userform?
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Jan 22, 2014
Excel 2010
I am trying to set public variables from an event handling procedure based in a worksheet so I can use that variable in a userform. Nothing I have tried works no matter where I declare the variable. I am using a msgbox to display the variable (a range) but it shows as blank regardless of whether I place the variable in a module, this workbook object or in the sheet object where the event code is placed.
I am sure there is a simple way to transfer variables from the sheet's code (where it must remain as the variable depends on the target cell's position that triggers the event).
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Oct 10, 2006
I have somecode that scan column "A", and add dynamically "TextBox" Control according to some condition.
How to add event on dynamically created controls?
Private Sub btnSubmit_Click()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
For Each rng In Selection
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Aug 16, 2006
I have code that creates a row of controls on an MSForms.Userform at runtime.
I would like the user to be able to save these controls so that they are available the next time he opens the form. The user would be able to add or delete a row of controls and save them AND the values that he has set. This allows great flexibility for each session using the form.
The values aren't a real problem - I've been using the SaveSettings function for the design time controls values. The runtime controls are combobox, textbox, listbox, checkbox.
I don't want to design-time build the controls and just toggle the visible property (not a good solution for my app).
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Sep 7, 2006
I give some integer "X" and the program must add "X" checkboxes on User Form.
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Feb 2, 2005
I've created several UserForms, for some reason this one won't co-operate!
Issue are:
1. Have to click the OK button 3 times for the code to execute (this does not occur when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).
2. Before processing I have a label and image set to visible = true that won't appear on the form at runtime (this works when I filter through the code in debug/F8 mode).
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Jun 30, 2014
Imagine I have a form with a few controls on it. And the controls properties are set up at runtime.
Is there any way possible to save the property changes that were made at runtime to the controls themselves? I mean - short of manually editing all the controls at Design time?
This might be easier to explain by example. See dummy code below. Using this example - I want to find something that will save the Caption of CommandButton1 as "TestMe" (rather than have it only temporarily set at runtime).
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Apr 2, 2013
I have a userform that has one combobox at the top created manually. When the userform is opened, the user select an option in the combobox (these options are taken from a range on 1 worksheet). From the selection of the combobox, I use the comboxbox's change event to create and display 5 columns of textboxes and 2 columns of command buttons on the userform.
The number of rows of textboxes created depend on the option selected from the combobox since each option links to a different range of cells. Each of the 5 textboxes in each are set to be ".enabled = False" and display text as per the cell values within a range on another worksheet. 2 Columns of command buttons are created at the end of each row of textboxes - 1 is enabled and the other is not.
The creation of the textboxes and command buttons works as required. However, I am having problems with setting click events for each command buttons. When the 1st column of Command buttons are created, I need the click events to be created and filled out with 2 actions:
1. Enable all textboxes in the same row as the command button
2. Enable the other command button in the same row.
Here is the code I have so far that creates the textboxes and command buttons.
Each of the 5 textboxes and 2 command buttons have a unique name so the 1st row will have textbox and command button names of cTxtA1, cTxtB1, cTxtC1, cTxtD1, cTxtE1, CmdAmend1 and CmdConfirm1. The 2nd row will have the same names but with 2 on the end and so on. The bold sections is the code for the creation of the command buttons that I want click events for.
Private Sub CboTeamSelect_Change()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
If CboGroupSelect.Value = "" Then Exit Sub
Dim cTxtA As Control, cTxtB As Control, cTxtC As Control, cTxtD As Control, cTxtE As Control
Dim CmdAmend As Control, CmdConfirm As Control
Dim iNum As Integer
Dim TxtTop As Long
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Nov 20, 2013
I am using table driven forms controls on userforms. E.g.:
[Code] .....
I use the following (work in progress) function to add the controls to the userform (usually added to page or frame).
Public Function AddControls(ByVal objTarget As Object, ByVal strUiName As String)
Dim rngControls As Excel.Range, rngProperties As Excel.Range
Dim rngControl As Excel.Range, rngProperty As Excel.Range
Dim objControl As Object
With shtFormUI
Set rngControls = .Range("D2:D" & .Range("D" & .Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row)
[Code] .....
Now I need a means of trapping the controls events. I thought I could use a class, e.g.:
Option Explicit
Public WithEvents lblLabel As MSForms.Label
Public WithEvents tbxTextBox As MSForms.TextBox
Public WithEvents cbxComboBox As MSForms.ComboBox
Public WithEvents lbxListBox As MSForms.ListBox
Public WithEvents cbtCommandButton As MSForms.CommandButton
Private Sub lblLabel_Click()
[Code] .....
It seems I cannot reference the controls because I they are added at runtime. For the given example, I want to run whatever procedure name appears for lblPrimaryContact in column AC (click event). So in my userform module I instantiate the class, but I get an error when I try and reference the control:
Set m_clsFormEvents.lblLabel = Me.lblPrimaryContact
Error is "method or data member not found".
Any alternative method to grab the click event for the control added at runtime?
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Oct 19, 2007
My program(which is an add-in, or will be when I've finished writing it) creates a new worksheet called "Groups Summary" I would like this sheet to be locked so that the user can not modify anything on it. I would also like that if they double click a cell this will launch a userform if based on certain conditions.
I believe this code would have to go in the worksheet itself, so the question is how do I get the macro to enter code into a worksheet that it creates?
Is there a way to write it in a standard module and then automatically copy it when the worksheet is created?
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Dec 31, 2006
Is there a way to fix a private sub to catch keydown effect of various combos and textboxes of my userform?
Instead of typing the same thing to each and every control's keydown event just call a sub. Code goes like:
Select Case KeyCode
Case 112
ShellExecute 0, "open", "hh.exe", ThisWorkbook.Path & "1.chm", "", 1
Case 113
If MsgBox("Backup now", vbQuestion + vbYesNo) = vbYes Then BackUp
Case 114
Col = 3
Case 115
Case 116
Instead of that, if i place code in a private sub test() just call test in keydown event
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Nov 6, 2006
I want to be able to reset the value in a combobox, but without the combobox executing code, when it resets. Is there any way of doing this?
I have tried the code below but the ComboBox still executes when its value is changed.
Sub Reset_combobox()
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Enabled = False
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Value = 1
Worksheets("Sheet1").ComboBox1.Enabled = True
End Sub
The workbook containing the above is attached.
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Nov 20, 2006
I have a class module (MyCtrlEvents) with a sub (TxtGroup_Change) which I want to handle on a change event for some specific textboxes.
When the form is opening I don't get the correct sum for the textbox "TBSum601". It should be 200 but I get 14464
When I then also change a number in the form for any control like "TB7%", the change trigger event doesn't seem to occur....
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Mar 27, 2009
Is there a way to write a Worksheet_SelectionChange (ByVal Target As Range) event in module after creating a sheet in VBA? I constantly delete a sheet, then repopulate it with a new one that is empty, but I need to add some code that happens if they should change a particular cell. It worked when I ran it on a worksheet without refreshing, but as soon as I cleared and repopulated the sheet, it was gone. Is there a way to preserve this?
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Aug 7, 2006
I have the following code, which works perfectly:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim TotalDays As Integer
TotalDays = Range("C65536").End(xlUp).Row + 1
The code points to the next blank cell so the user can input a value. Each time the user enters a value I want to re-run the code so that the colour of the cell changes.
However I also want to perform various calculations on the sheet. However this means the sheet is being changed and so continually repeats my code.
How do I add the following, to my previous code?
Range("E8").Value = Cells(7, 6) * 2.5
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Apr 25, 2008
I'm currently working on that requires me to compare and update between two different workbooks, "MyData" and "Daily".
As the names imply the first is an ongoing database the second "Daily" is upto date information that arrives each morning. In both workbooks there is a column that contains unique data/serial number.
I have written some code that compares these numbers, if they are the same the new upto date information overwrites the original information (replaces entire row), if the serial number is new it adds it as a new entry in the last row.
Well so far so good, actually I have only managed to do this on the same worksheet, but it does work.
As there is a lot of data I'm looking for the fastest way to "look" for this information should I compare between the two open workbooks line by line, should I copy all of the data from the "Daily" to a worksheet in "MyData" and work from there.
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Dec 27, 2008
handling blank input box
If I do this:
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Jan 17, 2014
My current code opens a file ("Report01.CSV") from the directories in column A (one at a time), and copies data into sheet 2.
The problem is that sometimes there is no ("Report01.CSV") file in one or more of the directories.
What I would like to add is an error handler that would remove the directory (delete that cell) that caused the error and continue with the loop. I.e. resume importing data from the other directories.
Dim wrkMyWorkBook As Workbook
Dim lngRow As Long: lngRow = 1
Dim lngColumn As Long: lngColumn = 2
Do Until Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & lngRow).Value = vbNullString
Set wrkMyWorkBook = Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A" & lngRow).Value & "" & "REPORT01.CSV")
lngRow = lngRow + 1
[Code] ......
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Jun 11, 2009
My worksheet takes a time feed in the format '00:01:05' and I want to trigger an event when it goes to negative (eg, -00:01:05). But I have no idea how to handle it.
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Feb 26, 2014
I am trying to handle an error. It works the first time but when it runs in the same error again it does not go to the error handling.
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Oct 12, 2008
The On Error GoTo works if there is only one instance of the text not being found but crashes if there is a second.
I have tried adapting code found here http://www.excelforum.com/excel-prog...ght=cells.find but can't get it to work exactly as i would like.
Here is an extract of my code. There are about 12 different cells.find in total.
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Oct 13, 2009
I have attached a sample spreadsheet. I'm looking for a macro that will take column one which contains Company names which are sometimes duplicated and append an incremental number based on the number of occurrences to the end of the company forcing it to be unique. Column 2 has the example of the results I would like to see. Has anyone got a macro that I could use that would allow me to select the company column, run the macro, and it update the values in that column to append the incremental number?
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Feb 27, 2012
I recorded a macro to save a worksheet as a PDF file
It works fine, except when the PDF file is already open - Excel returns an error message and stops.
Can I use some error handling code to prevent the error, maybe bring up a msgbox and exit the sub at the point where the error occurs?
The part of the code where it stops is:
ActiveSheet.ExportAsFixedFormat Type:=xlTypePDF, Filename:= _
"C:UsersDaveDesktopTestingDemo List.pdf", Quality:= _
xlQualityStandard, IncludeDocProperties:=True, IgnorePrintAreas:=False, _
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Oct 26, 2012
I am writing a code in VBA using getpivotdata function. It is working fine untill the value does not exist.
Dim pt As PivotTable
Set pt = ActiveSheet.PivotTables(1)
Cells(2,1).Value = pt.GetPivotData("ID", "GCB", "1", "Gender", "F", "9 box Rating_2012", NBArr(k)).Value
'the code is looping through the values in an array called NBArr
I have tried to handle this as follows:
If IsError(pt.GetPivotData("ID", "GCB", GCB1, "Gender", Gen1, "9 box Rating_2012", NBArr(k)).Value) = True Then
Cells(2,1).Value= "0"
ElseIf IsError(pt.GetPivotData("ID", "GCB", GCB1, "Gender", Gen1, "9 box Rating_2012", NBArr(k)).Value) = False Then
Cells(2,1).Value = pt.GetPivotData("ID", "GCB", GCB1, "Gender", Gen1, "9 box Rating_2012", NBArr(k)).Value
End If
However, even this is not working (in case when the function finds no value).
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