Exceeded Nested IF Suppressing #DIV/0
Aug 15, 2007
I'm struggling with an alternative method of suppressing the # DIV/0 in my worksheet. I'm familiar with the ISERROR function and it's use as well as using =IF(A2=0,"",A1/A2), however I'm still getting #DIV/0 errors and I can't use ISERROR because
I have exceeded the number of nested IF's.
I've attached an example. In the example, the only time the #DIV/0 appears is when "Y" appears in the Commit and In-House column for all rows. This is the condition I'm trying to suppress the #DIV/0 error for.
All the formula's I'm using are Array Formula, as are all my attempts to suppress the error....
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May 29, 2009
I want to link a worksheet to another workbook; where any changes that I make in the worksheet automatically updates the workbook. I used the 'Paste Special' which worked but I don't want all the 0000 that are entered in the cells. How do I link without all the 0's?
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Mar 21, 2007
i'm coping a file over itself and i get an information message "File cannot be copied onto itself" - An attempt to copy a file could not be completed because the file already exists or same source and destination.
i would like to surpress this, i have tried the following, but to no avail:
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application. ScreenUpdating = False
Application.Interactive = False
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Mar 24, 2014
Basically upon opening my workbook, I have some code that runs to loop through all the sheets and make certain sheets visible based upon which password the user enters. However, I also have some code upon activation of some of these sheets to have a msgbox pop up explaining what the sheet is about. I obviously dont want these to appear when the initial loops is going through activating the sheets one by one - I only want these msgboxes to appear when the user subsequently opens one of these sheets.
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Apr 10, 2007
I need to convert about 10,000 lotus files to excel files and strip them of any formulas. What I currently have is the part of the macro that will loop through the worksheets (theres about 20 worksheets per workbook) and strip the formulas while leaving the data in tact.
What I need is to learn how to write a loop that will search through folders for Lotus (wk4) files, open them one at a time, run my macro, save them as excel workbooks to a different folder. While suppressing a pretty healthy number of error messages when open and saving the files. Including an update/don't update pop up when opening some of them. I don't want to update.
The looping files and opening lotus is the most important part to me.
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Sep 11, 2009
Column M of Sheet 1 contains either "y" or "n". I'd like Sheet 2 to populate with data in cells A-D but only for rows where column H = "y". I can figure out the condition easily enough: =IF('Sheet 1'!M2="Y",'Sheet1'!A2,"")
Repeat for each column to display. But I'd like to suppress the blank rows for both display purposes and the possibility of using in a Word mail merge.
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Nov 11, 2013
Context: I'm pulling a data set "A" into excel from MS SQL (currently 48,000 rows ... comes back in < 10s). I will add a field "Cost" to data set "A" that uses info from that data set to look up a value in data set "B" which is in another Excel Sheet and perform a calculation. The sheet that contains data set "B" may or may not be in the same file - haven't decided yet but I'm not really concerned about that.
I actually have the calculated "Cost" field added to the end of data set "A". When I refresh the data, the fomulas recalculate.
My intent from here is to present the data in a pivot table. I will add a "Refresh Data" command button that:
1. Updates the data from MS SQL
2. Refreshes the pivot
I've done 1&2 many times before and have code I'll reuse.
The problem: I cannot present a pivot sourced straight off the amended data set "A" because it contains fields that should not be accessible by the audience for this report (as a matter of policy). I haven't found a way to hide/suppress source fields in a pivot table so I'm guessing that it is not possible. So I need to somehow get to a dataset that I can use to source my pivot which does not include the confidential data but includes my calculation.
Options I'm considering:Via VBA: Create a copy of Data Set A (including my cost field) as Table C on another sheet and remove the confidential columns from the table. The Pivot Table would be sourced against TAble C. My assumption is that I'd have to be very careful with how I clear out and re-populate table C as not to have to "start over" with my Pivot Table each time it is refreshed. Ideally the pivot design would look just as it did before the user hit the "Refresh Data" button (other than it has the updated data).Order my fields in data set A (with the calculated field) such that I can define a named range that is the source for pivot table. The range would exclude the confidential fields. The Refresh Data macro will just need to resize the named range after the data is refreshed from SQL server. With this option, I just have trouble trusting that excel will never arbitrarily change the field order when I refresh the data connection.Create Data Set C using another query from SQL Server that only has the fields that I want available in the pivot plus a "sumproduct" formula that gets cost from Data Set A. The Refresh Data macro would refresh A then C then the Pivot table. What I don't like about this is having to keep the 2 queries in sync -- there is not a large risk of these queries needing to change, but you never know.
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May 28, 2009
I have 2 sheets having name DB and Limit. In DB sheet i enter data and in Limit sheet I check each ID avalable Limit I want to ask if it is possible that a macro checks available limit in Limit sheet when I enter values in DB Sheet in Columns C & D and gives me warning message if entered values in DB sheet exceed from available limit in Limit sheet ....
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Sep 23, 2008
I hope the title makes sense. I have a spreadsheet that I'm trying to use to calculate volumes of liquid. For each liquid there is a minimum and maximum amount that can be included in a vial, and a checkbox to indicate if it should be included or not. What I'm having trouble with is some logic (other than a million if= statements) to determine the amount of each needed.
If only a few are selected, using the max value for each is fine as it is below the volume of the vial, so I want to use the max. But if enough are selected, the max for each would exceed the volume of the vial, and I want to pick a percentage of each component's range until we get a volume that will fit in the vial (ie, it figures out that 84% of the max for each will fit, but knows never to drop below the min).
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Mar 20, 2009
I am trying to find a way to identify the nmber of periods where a particular value is exceeded.
Basically I have daily data on sales for 40 years and I would like to define a level of sales i.e. 23 units per day and a period i.e. 10 days and then output the number of times where the recorded sales level is greater than 23 units per day for 10 or more days.
Ideally I would like it so the sales level and period can be set in reference cells and the formula can adapt to different sales levels and periods.
The data is formatted as follows: ...
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Mar 25, 2014
From G13:G33 I have an array of values of which I have computed.
E36 is where I have set my threshold value.
What is the excel formula to use, to count the PERIODS (not number of times), which this threshold value has been exceeded?
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Jun 29, 2009
I have been trying to do an if statement but need to choose between 10 options:
In Column AA I could have any one of the following 10 text entries - In column AB I need to return 8, 4, 2, 1 or 0.5 depending on which is in AA (this column AA cannot be sorted nor are people willing to cut back to 5 options )
"Very High" returns 8
"Very High (>50)" returns 8
"High" returns 4
"High (>20)"returns 4
"Medium" returns 2
"Medium (>10)" returns2
"Low" returns 1
"Low (>5)" returns 1
"Very Low" returns 0.5
"Very Low (<1)" returns 0.5
naturally the following IF statement won't work as I have exceeded the limits
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Oct 14, 2007
What i would like to do is record a cell on sheet1 in sheet2 when it reaches a certain number i.e 2. The cell in sheet1 changes all the time but sheet2 must not refresh. Is this possible with a formula?
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Nov 19, 2007
I'm trying to calculate when a waiting time falls outside and exceptable time period. This is based on two colums of data. The first column contains a number from 1 to 5 and the second a time period. (see attached example) in column "C" I need a formula that looks at the value in "A" and if it equals (1) and the time period in "B" is > 00:02 it should show "EXCEEDED". If "A" does contain a (1) then the code stops otherwise it does another loop of "A" looking for a (2) and a time in "B" of >00:10 etc.
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Apr 8, 2014
Which exceeds the level of nesting allowed.
My formula is as follows:
IF($J$60=C73,O73,IF($J$61=C73,O73, IF($J$62=C73,O73,IF($J$63=C73,O73,IF($J$64=C73,O73,""))))))))))
I am on Excel 2010.
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Nov 19, 2008
i really frustrated to my excel file already . every time when i open it and it will appear a error box '' some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of font was exceeded'' .
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Jul 22, 2012
I have an Excel macro which works well in comparing two columns A and B. It populates column C with unique values in A and not in B, populates column D with unique values in column B and not in A and puts the values found in both A and B in the fifth column (E).
Data in the columns A and B of Sheet 1 has exceeded 1,048,576 (the maximum allowable in Excel 2007) and i will copy the overflow data in Sheet 2's column A and B and i will like the comparison to continue in the next worksheet.
I need the macro to treat the second worksheet as a continuation of the first sheet and not as a separate data. (The values i am comparing have exceeded 1million).
Sub twocols()
Dim d As Object, na&, nb&, a, b
Dim e, p&, q&, r&, m
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")
[Code] .......
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Nov 14, 2013
I would like to highlight (conditional format) the "response required by" (Row A) cells / dates if the "current date" (cell $B$2) is exceeded AND if the "response provided By" (Row B) remains BLANK:
Current Date
Response Required By
Response Provided By
[Code] .......
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May 29, 2013
I want to enter the word 'Closed' in cell B1 when the due date in cell A1 is exceeded by 272 days. I have tried using conditional formatting and excel accepts the formula but nothing seems to happen. Here is what I have tried;
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Jun 1, 2014
I would like to get number of cells since the cell value exceeded a given number in a given range of numbers.
cell address cell value
a1 1
a2 1.9
a3 -1.2
a4 4
a5 3
I would like to know number of cells since value was less than 1 : the answer is 3 (a5,a4,a3)
Number of cells since number has exceeded 3: the answer is 2 cells back ie a5,a4
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Oct 28, 2013
I need formula (not VB) that will add time (0:30 minutes to each working shift) when these times are exceeded:
[Code] .........
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Dec 11, 2009
My objective is to replace a text string with a numeric variable. The string has text values such as US, Canada, Germany, France etc, There are about 15 such words in total. Each row will have a different one of the 15 text strings.
Each text string has a corresponding number, which I want to use in various formulas throughout the spreadsheet. The numbers are located on a separate worksheet (“Match Rate”), within the same workbook. I obtained the numbers from a formatted report, which I simply pasted into the second worksheet. Due to the complexity of the report, I can’t reformat the numbers to allow use of the VLOOKUP function.
I created the following function, but unfortunately it doesn’t work. Can you help, please?
I’d like to stay with a VBA solution, since a simple if/then sequence such as this is an excellent introduction to the powerful world of VBA... (it just doesn’t work, yet). I suspect the problem is in the calls to the Match Rate Worksheet.
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Jan 17, 2008
Ok. Here's what I'm trying to do. I have a drop down menu of certain providers located on cell F5. Each one charges different rates per day located on another sheet. Here's the kicker two of those providers charge different rates depending on the amount of days. Those two are UASC and CMA. For the First 5 days they charge one rate and after the 5 days they charge an increased rate.
I'm trying to have one cell located on the first sheet display this information with all the proper calculations. The below formula gives me a false value. I'm not even sure if it works. I know a little bit of excel through some intro courses in college but I'm not sure if a formula like this would work. I know laugh it up.... : ) but I'm not too saavy with formulas....
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Jul 8, 2008
I have a total of 30 nested formulas that (ofcourse) dont work in excel.
Here is an example of the first 7 nested IFS
(1) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="GIR",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0)),
(2) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="NL",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0)),
(3) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="BE",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0)),
(4) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="AT",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0))
(5) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="DE",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0))
(6) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="PH",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0))
(7) IF(MID(A7,8,9)="AUBE",INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!C$3:C$65536=C7,Reconciliatie!A$3:A$65536),0))
I tried this code but it is not working.
Function LookupRetrieve(pVal As String) As Long
If pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="GIR" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
ElseIf pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="NL" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
ElseIf pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="BE" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
ElseIf pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="AT" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
ElseIf pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="DE" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
ElseIf pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="PH" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
ElseIf pVal = "(MID(A7,8,9)="AU" Then
LookupRetrieve = INDEX('ERIS INPUT'!$C$2:$C$65536,MATCH(A7,IF(Reconciliatie!
LookupRetrieve = "isingcode missing"
End If
End Function
The formula is a vlookup formula (Index/Match but with multiple criterias such as the use of Mid).
I tried Concatenate but the formula is too long and has a lot of characters and VBA seems better.
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Dec 7, 2009
I'm building a macro and need to know how to add a nested if-then statement. I need to create a formula in a new column whose value extends to the last row of the database. My base formula is sumproduct(--((A2:A:last row which I need to calculate&B1:B same thing)=A2&A2))
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Mar 20, 2014
I am trying to make this work. VLOOKUP (B2,"lookup tables'!$A$4:$A$11, if(D2'="ST" 'lookup tables!$C$4:$E$11.
I am attaching the file : MDCC Reservations.xlsx
I am trying to get the Daily room charge.
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Jun 30, 2014
I am trying to write a formula that will satisfy the following:
C1 and G1 are number values.
IF (cell E1 does not contain any text) AND (G1-C1-12.5>=0), then output (G1-C1-12.5), otherwise output nothing (""). BUT, IF (cell E1 DOES contain text) AND (G1-C1-13>=0), then output (G1-C1-13), otherwise output nothing.
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Nov 7, 2007
Level RatingA RatingB RatingC Low Medium High
2 x x x x x x
3 x x x x x x
4 x x x x x x
5 x x x x x x
I need to be able to do nested loops. I want to have a criteria that if a person is in LEVEL 2 and RATINGC and HIGH, then take the value under that.
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Aug 5, 2009
Im needing to achieve what an 11 argument nested if would manage, ie: ...
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Sep 24, 2009
I'm trying to build this formula and I'm only half way through it and it already isn't working.
Column D - can be 1, 2, 3, or 4
Column E - can be any number
If column D is 1 or 3, then the VLOOKUP should look up column E and point to the answer in column 4 on another worksheet (Companies in this case). If column D is 2 or 5, then the VLOOKUP should look up column E and point to the answer in column 5 on another worksheet (Companies in this case). This is what I have so far, just trying to get it to recognize if it is a 1 or 2:
What is making this not work? I'm getting a false. But before I added the OR, it worked for the D2=1.
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