Counting Periods Where Threshold Exceeded?

Mar 25, 2014

From G13:G33 I have an array of values of which I have computed.

E36 is where I have set my threshold value.

What is the excel formula to use, to count the PERIODS (not number of times), which this threshold value has been exceeded?

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Count Periods Where Threshold Is Exceeded

Mar 20, 2009

I am trying to find a way to identify the nmber of periods where a particular value is exceeded.

Basically I have daily data on sales for 40 years and I would like to define a level of sales i.e. 23 units per day and a period i.e. 10 days and then output the number of times where the recorded sales level is greater than 23 units per day for 10 or more days.

Ideally I would like it so the sales level and period can be set in reference cells and the formula can adapt to different sales levels and periods.

The data is formatted as follows: ...

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Counting Occurrence In Date Periods

Dec 21, 2008

I want to count the number of sales in three periods. prior 7 to 12 months, prior 4 to 6 months, and over the last 3 months.

I have three letters that occur in column B of sheet 2.

A for active, P for pending, and S for sold.
The date of activity appears in column C for each event. It is in mm/dd/yyyy format. Currently I have over 5000 rows.

I would like to total the sales for each period and place it on sheet 1.
can you help or point me to the right place to read up on it. I can get the information by using a pivot table but there has to be a faster way.

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Subtract Times With Different Counting Periods

Dec 22, 2006

In the same period of time I have two countings of different stopped time.

range (A3:A23), = product code.
range (H3:H23), = time used.

with this formula I take the time used for each product. "= SUMIF($A$3:$A$23,M2,$H$3:$H$23)"

On this one I record all different lost times in the same period of time.

What I want is:

Take out from the result obtained with the above formula, the time down from SheetB.

Ex:if I used on sheetA between 7:00 and 18:00, 4:10 of the product A, I want to take to this value the downtime in the same period from sheetB.

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Percentage Threshold Calculation

Jul 2, 2013

In the attached table the fees generated are on a sliding scale and the total is the fee generated within these ranges

I would like a formula in b10 to give me the value based on the total sale figure, i.e. 80.00. I've searched the board and tried some very long "if" statements and "lookup" table but to no avail.

Is there a formula I could use to calculate the desired value, preferable using cell references and not the actual values.

Sale Value
% Fee

Upto 2000
2001 to 3000

[Code] ........

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Formula To Zerorize The Amount That Is Within The Threshold Value

Feb 20, 2010

my data will look like table below:

9.80 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.26 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.53 0.53 0.00 0.00 0.40 0.40 0.00 0.00 0.77 0.77 0.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 0.00 0.00 0.33 0.33 0.00 0.00 3.40 3.40 0.00 0.00 5.67 5.67 5.67 0.00 4.00 4.00 4.00 0.00 1.20 1.20 1.20 1.20 3.10 3.10 3.10 3.10 0.53 0.53 0.53 0.53 1.73 1.73 1.73 1.73
i need a formula to zerorize the amount that is within the threshold value &
just display the same amount as input if exceed.

column A is my input, colum B,C,D is my working area where there are few threshold value.

for example,
the B column give the threshold value = 10,
thus cell B2 & B3 were zerorize. ( not B2 only)

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Return Year For All Data Over Threshold In A Row Without Macros

Feb 19, 2013

I have a financial model that returns ratios for various years. I would like to highlight in the summary part of the model those years where the ratio is over a set threshold.

For example:





2 years over Max: 2013, 2015

In the above example, the threshold (Max) is 30% (cell B3), so the value in A4 would be "2 years over Max: 2013, 2015"

I have been able to do it manually by putting together a COUNTIF function along with various IF statements as follows:
=COUNTIF(A2:D2,">="&B3)&" years over Max: "&IF(A$2>$B$3,A$1&", ,"")&IF(B$2>$B$3,B$1&", ","")&IF(C$2>$B$3,C$1&", ","")&IF(D$2>$B$3,D$1&", ","")...

I even managed to get rid of the final "," by adding a second "," at the end and replacing the expression ", ," using the SUBSTITUTE function (yes, I am a bit **** when it comes to details).

My problem is that I currently have 16 years of projections and, although the above formula works, it requires manual changes every time I add / remove years.

I know that I can do it easily in VBA but the Excel file is to be shared with others via email and I know that their systems are setup to deactivate macros by default (and I don't want to rely on the user having to manually activate macros).

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Price Breaks Based On Volume And Threshold

May 22, 2013

1 TO 10 25.00
11 TO 50 15.00
51 TO 100 9.00
101 TO 250 5.40

In this there is an area where it is cheaper to buy for example 12 instead of 10 and I am trying to work out a formula to deal with this funny step change down as people buy more.

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MsgBox When Cell Value In Column Exceeds Threshold

May 14, 2014

The user enters data into Column E on Sheet1 and i want my code to display a pop-up box when a cell's value exceeds 500. I've tried the two codes below which i thought would work as Excel didn't highlight any breaks when i wrote the code, but no pop-up box is being generated when values > 500.


Private Sub Threshold_Check2(ByVal Target As range)
Dim cell As range

For Each cell In ActiveSheet.UsedRange.Columns(5).Cells
If cell.Value > 500 Then
MsgBox "Value within 15% of Threshold"
Next cell
End Sub


Sub Threshold_Check(ByVal Target As range)
Set Target = range("E1:E150")
For Each cell In range("E1:E150")
If Target.Value > 500# Then
MsgBox "Value within 15% of Threshold"
End If
End Sub

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Formula To Trigger Once Threshold Crossed Then Value Decreases

Jan 27, 2012

Is there a formula or combination of formulas that will return the word "Order" if the values in a column go above a certain threshold then start to decrease?

For example we have a list of data in a column that is imported each hour from an external database. Each new value is copied into the next cell down in column B. If the latest value was to go above, say, 100 is there a way of returning "Order" as soon as one of the subsequent values is lower than the previous one?

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Pivot Table Count / Sum Threshold Of Each Resource Within Department

Mar 25, 2014

Resouce Capacity Management .xlsx

How do I make my Pivot Table count/Sum the Threshold of each resource within department is within our 80% to 120% threshold?

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Put Message Box Related To A Cell If Threshold Values Reached

Mar 25, 2012

I am trying to put a message box related to a cell if a threshold values is reached.

E.g.: Cell A: 85

If cell A values moves to 86 I am trying to put in a message that says something like " This value is not allowed". Is there a way to do this ?

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Stop When Limit Is Exceeded

May 28, 2009

I have 2 sheets having name DB and Limit. In DB sheet i enter data and in Limit sheet I check each ID avalable Limit I want to ask if it is possible that a macro checks available limit in Limit sheet when I enter values in DB Sheet in Columns C & D and gives me warning message if entered values in DB sheet exceed from available limit in Limit sheet ....

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Exceeded Nested IF Suppressing #DIV/0

Aug 15, 2007

I'm struggling with an alternative method of suppressing the # DIV/0 in my worksheet. I'm familiar with the ISERROR function and it's use as well as using =IF(A2=0,"",A1/A2), however I'm still getting #DIV/0 errors and I can't use ISERROR because

I have exceeded the number of nested IF's.

I've attached an example. In the example, the only time the #DIV/0 appears is when "Y" appears in the Commit and In-House column for all rows. This is the condition I'm trying to suppress the #DIV/0 error for.

All the formula's I'm using are Array Formula, as are all my attempts to suppress the error....

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Select From A Range If Maximum Exceeded

Sep 23, 2008

I hope the title makes sense. I have a spreadsheet that I'm trying to use to calculate volumes of liquid. For each liquid there is a minimum and maximum amount that can be included in a vial, and a checkbox to indicate if it should be included or not. What I'm having trouble with is some logic (other than a million if= statements) to determine the amount of each needed.

If only a few are selected, using the max value for each is fine as it is below the volume of the vial, so I want to use the max. But if enough are selected, the max for each would exceed the volume of the vial, and I want to pick a percentage of each component's range until we get a volume that will fit in the vial (ie, it figures out that 84% of the max for each will fit, but knows never to drop below the min).

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IF Statement Won't Work As I Have Exceeded The Limits

Jun 29, 2009

I have been trying to do an if statement but need to choose between 10 options:

In Column AA I could have any one of the following 10 text entries - In column AB I need to return 8, 4, 2, 1 or 0.5 depending on which is in AA (this column AA cannot be sorted nor are people willing to cut back to 5 options )

"Very High" returns 8
"Very High (>50)" returns 8

"High" returns 4
"High (>20)"returns 4

"Medium" returns 2
"Medium (>10)" returns2

"Low" returns 1
"Low (>5)" returns 1

"Very Low" returns 0.5
"Very Low (<1)" returns 0.5

naturally the following IF statement won't work as I have exceeded the limits

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Record Cell Value Each Time Value Is Exceeded

Oct 14, 2007

What i would like to do is record a cell on sheet1 in sheet2 when it reaches a certain number i.e 2. The cell in sheet1 changes all the time but sheet2 must not refresh. Is this possible with a formula?

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Determine If Time & Another Condition Is Exceeded

Nov 19, 2007

I'm trying to calculate when a waiting time falls outside and exceptable time period. This is based on two colums of data. The first column contains a number from 1 to 5 and the second a time period. (see attached example) in column "C" I need a formula that looks at the value in "A" and if it equals (1) and the time period in "B" is > 00:02 it should show "EXCEEDED". If "A" does contain a (1) then the code stops otherwise it does another loop of "A" looking for a (2) and a time in "B" of >00:10 etc.

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Excel 2010 :: Level Of Nesting Exceeded

Apr 8, 2014

Which exceeds the level of nesting allowed.

My formula is as follows:

IF($J$60=C73,O73,IF($J$61=C73,O73, IF($J$62=C73,O73,IF($J$63=C73,O73,IF($J$64=C73,O73,""))))))))))

I am on Excel 2010.

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What Meaning Of ' Maximum Number Of Font Was Exceeded'

Nov 19, 2008

i really frustrated to my excel file already . every time when i open it and it will appear a error box '' some text formatting may have changed in this file because the maximum number of font was exceeded'' .

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Compare Data In 2 Columns With Values That Have Exceeded 1,048,576 Count

Jul 22, 2012

I have an Excel macro which works well in comparing two columns A and B. It populates column C with unique values in A and not in B, populates column D with unique values in column B and not in A and puts the values found in both A and B in the fifth column (E).

Data in the columns A and B of Sheet 1 has exceeded 1,048,576 (the maximum allowable in Excel 2007) and i will copy the overflow data in Sheet 2's column A and B and i will like the comparison to continue in the next worksheet.

I need the macro to treat the second worksheet as a continuation of the first sheet and not as a separate data. (The values i am comparing have exceeded 1million).

Sub twocols()
Dim d As Object, na&, nb&, a, b
Dim e, p&, q&, r&, m
Set d = CreateObject("scripting.dictionary")

[Code] .......

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Conditional Format Cells If Today Date Exceeded And Another Cell Is Blank

Nov 14, 2013

I would like to highlight (conditional format) the "response required by" (Row A) cells / dates if the "current date" (cell $B$2) is exceeded AND if the "response provided By" (Row B) remains BLANK:

Current Date

Response Required By
Response Provided By


[Code] .......

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Allocating A Value To Different Time Periods

Feb 4, 2010

I got the following table.

What formula could I use so that the amount under STP premium would display at the right cell under different time periods depending on the time of the trade date, just like the following images?

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Formula (below) To Add The Hrs Between 2 Time Periods?

Jun 20, 2014

I'm using this formula (below) to add the hrs between 2 time periods (4:30 pm in cell I37 and 8:00 pm in I38, then the formula is in I39) and works almost every time even when the second time goes into the am hours, except in certain instances such as: 4:30 pm to 11pm show as 30.5? But sometimes it shows the correct number, 6.5


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Calculate BiWeekly Pay Periods

Oct 7, 2008

I have been working on solving this riddle since yesterday. What I'm trying to do is have Excel use today’s date on the computer to tell me when my Paydays are in a given month. Or have it tell me the next two or three Paydays based on Today's Date.
I can get Excel to calculate Every Two Weeks by using the formula =A3 + 14 then have each sequential field add 14 days to the previous fields date. However what I end up with is just a column of Pay Dates. Not what I'm looking for. I want to have an active page that only shows 2 or 3 future Pay Days. I want to use the function =TODAY() in my formula so that every time I open up the file it can calculate the next Pay Dates automatically.

I have been playing around with this formula:.....

All this does is tells me the First Friday of every month. This won't work for me because the Pay Periods are separated by 14 days not the 2nd and 4th Friday of every month. Here is an example of my Pay Periods: Sep 19, 2008; Oct 3, 2008; Oct 17, 2008; Oct 31, 2008; Nov 14, 2008; Nov 28, 2008; Dec 12, 2008; Dec 26, 2008; etc.......

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Worked Hours Between Two Periods

Feb 10, 2010

I'm trying to calculate the total hours worked for two given periods over a shift , which can span two consecutive days ie. start 15:45 and finish at 00:15 the next day. Hours worked between 6am and 6pm are paid at standard rate, whilst hours worked between 6pm and 6am attract penalty rates. Hours are cacluated in 24hr time

I have attached a copy of the timesheet that we use so you can see exactly what I'm trying to achieve, and included most of the shifts that we have.

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Getting Sum Of Periods With Trend Function

Nov 23, 2011

When using the Trend function, I can get the value for individual future periods. I then can get a total for the year by summing each individual future period.

What I don't know how to do is sum them all using one formula. For instance, If I know the values of periods 1-5, how would I write a formula that would sum the future values (in one cell) of periods 6-12 -- without having to sum each future period individually?

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Add Periods To Email Addresses

Aug 5, 2013

I have a list of email addresses with the periods stripped before the .com, .net, etc.

How to insert the period to go from example@mailcom to Obviously the email addresses are of different lengths, but it's always 3 characters after the inserted period.

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Delete Periods From String

Dec 29, 2006

I am having trouble writing a Macro to delete multiple periods at the end of each cell. Each cell looks simiar to this: Blah Blah Blah................... I am using the InStr function to find the first period but it returns a 0 everytime. Here is the code I used to find the period. I want it to delete everything after the first period and store the value back in the same cell. Right now it just stores blanks.

Sub PeriodRemover()
Dim NewContract As String, Contract As String
Application.Calculation = xlManual
i = 2
Sheets("Product Listing by Contract").Select
Contract = Range("A" & i).Value
Do Until Contract = Empty
NewContract = Left(Contract, InStr(Contract, "."))
Range("A" & i).Value = NewContract
i = i + 1
Contract = Range("A" & i).Value
Application.Calculation = xlAutomatic
End Sub

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Pull Values Between Two Periods

Apr 22, 2008

I have a text value which consists of two periods ".". I want to pull the value in the middle. eg. From the text value in a cell "oakland.california.usa", I want to pull "california" in another cell. All the values in column are in similar format.

1 oakland.california.usa california

Hope this is not duplication of any pre-existing thread, if it is, I probably don't know the correct keywords to query.

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