Excel 2002 :: Running Total With Dropdown Lists?

Sep 10, 2013

Basically, I have an excel spreadsheet with different valued items for example,

TV Essential l £15
TV Essential extra l £20

Broadband Essential l £ 8
Broadband Extra l £12

I have options for TV, Broadband and Phone. At the bottom of the spreadsheet I want three drop down lists to pick what TV, Broadband and Phone package I want. For example: TV Essential, Broadband Extra and Phone Weekend. I can create the lists but I was wondering if there was anyway where, as you select the option on each of the lists, a running total will be created. So when TV Essential is selected £15 is added to a cell, say F20. Then when Broadband Extra is selected another £12 is added to cell F20. And as you select different ones in each list the total in F20 changes.

I'm using Excel 2002.

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Excel 2007 :: Conditional Dropdown Lists?

Mar 29, 2013

I'm using Excel 2007 and am trying to set up 3 columns of drop-down lists each dependent on the choice selected in the previous column's selection. It seems like it would be easy to figure out but I can't seem to do it.

I've already set up the arrays for the lists and "named" them but can't get the cell to be formatted automatically according to the previous columns selection.

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Excel 2010 :: Running Total Sum Formulas

Apr 10, 2014

I Need to Understand Running Total Sum Formulas. I'm using Excel 2010. and I'm typing in the basic correct formula to arrive at a running total for each ajacent cell to the left of it.

I put in the correct formula in Cell (B1) of Sum=(A1)

I then put in the correct formula in Cell (B2) Sum=(A1:A2) I then highlight the A1 part of the formula with an F4 Key to lock it in.

I then drag the B2 Cell all the way down the excel page to capture all of my running total coming from the (A) Column just to the left of my formula.

Why even though I'm getting the answers I want in the running total does it put an error message in each of the correct answers in each of the cells in the (B) column where I put my formulas.

I tryed to delete the error message spot but I don't know how to delete all of the error spots without going into each cell one by one.

How can I get rid of all the error message out of each cell without having to click on each cell one by one to do it when I might have over 500 or more cells to click on.

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Excel 2011 :: Multiple Dependent Dropdown Lists

Feb 26, 2013

I am working on a spreadsheet for my Building company. I'm building a tool to price for Fascia, Soffits and Cladding.

I'm using Macbook Pro Microsoft Office for Mac 2011

Please see attached file

The first sheet holds all the lists of products, Category Headings list is in column A and then all the relevant products and prices are then from B to BI. I have defined each category with a name by selecting the cells and entering a name in the name box.

The second sheet is a Calculator in which I would like a to have a drop down list in the Category Column (Which I have worked out how to do myself - good old google) and then a drop down list in the second column which lets the user select from a list of results based on the selection from the previous column.

Category(B3) - 18mm Fascia/Replacement Board (Square White) - Drop down menu taken from sheet 1 A3:A33
Description (C3) - Drop down list containing all the options from D2:D15 Named "FasciaReplacementBoard18mmWhite"

So basically, whatever the user selects in Column B (from the category list) a drop down list would be available in Column C

The Value column would then show a value based on the options selected.

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Using VBA In Excel To Create Formatted Document From Dropdown Lists

May 18, 2014

We have a proposal generation tool that we use that is based in Excel, and it works very well indeed. However, we're wanting to add a 'Custom Contract Generator' tab to the spreadsheet, and I'm at a loss with how to build it.

What it needs to do is :

- Allow the end user to select which contract clauses are required for the proposal they are working on, ideally via a range of dropdown boxes.

- Use that selection of clauses via dropdown box to create a compiled, formatted text list made up of those clauses.

- Enter that information into a landscape orientation Excel tab in such a manner as allows for tidy, business-suitable printing.

In short, I want the ability to pick what clauses we want to use, and have Excel generate a custom contract Terms and Conditions page based on my selection. And I've no idea where to start.

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Excel 2007 :: Dropdown Lists Not Deleting Even After Removing Data Validation?

Jun 20, 2014

I am having trouble delete a drop down list inspite of selecting clear all from the data validation tab in excel 2007. When I hit Alt + Down Arrow, I still see picklist options. I didnt set up the spreadsheet, hence I am not sure how to begin troubleshooting.

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EXCEL 2007 :: How To Make Percentage Of Running Total In Pivot Tables

Jan 15, 2014

how to make a % of running total in pivot tables in excel 2007. the running total in is only available not the "%".

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Excel 2010 :: Running Total From Previous Sheets With Non-sequential Names?

Mar 27, 2014

formula to take a value from one sheet and add to it in Excel 2010? I'm naming the sheets but not necessarily numerically. I have done it by manually entering the sheet name but would like it to figure out the sheet name automatically based on where the sheet is located in the workbook. That way I can copy the current sheet, rename it and still have it update properly with a running total. Here is what I have now: =D7+'011514'!E7

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Running Total From Daily Worksheet Into Monthly Total

Jun 13, 2014

I am trying to create a very basic workbook that has 2 worksheets. one is a daily input for tonnes, that then just gets cut and pasted to a different program, and the other worksheet is the running total. i.e., it adds up every time you update it.
been trying to figure out a macro so when you press the update button it then just updates the monthly total.

Colac Production.xls

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Using 2002 To Send Emails Via Outlook 2002

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to send emails using a table in Xl2002 via outlook2002.

The code below is from Walkenbach's VBA Bible for Excel 2003 and I am getting "Uesr-type not defined" error with the 1st Dim statement.

Do I need a different statement such as set OutObj = blahblah or similar?? I have searche dthe net hi & lo for a solution to this problem & I do have JW's excel VBA bible.

Sub SendEmail()
'Uses early binding
'Requires a reference to the Outlook Object Library
Dim OutlookApp As Outlook.Application
Dim MItem As Outlook.MailItem
Dim cell As Range
Dim Subj As String
Dim EmailAddr As String
Dim Recipient As String
Dim Bonus As String
Dim Msg As String

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Add Current Total And Running Total

Oct 10, 2009

In an excel work shift schedule, I am trying to total the total number of days someone is scheduled for different shifts. I can get a total for the current schedule but I want to be able to have a year to date total as each new schedule is added in. These totals are in the AF through BC columns in the xray shift totals in the attached worksheet.

I don't know if it is possible or not and am working on a pre-existing worksheet.

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Dropdown Lists Data Went Selected Won't Show In Next Dropdown Only Remaining Data

Mar 11, 2013

I am trying to pull data from more than one drop down but don't the same data to show if already use, example as follow:

First drop down Contains:- Pants

if I chose Hats it should not show up in the second drop down

second drop down Contains:- Pants
Is this done in data validation or combo Box? if so how?

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Excel 2002 :: Limitations In Shared Workbook

Jul 20, 2013

I am using excel 2002 and I have found that when the workbook is shared and getting 2 or more users to open the workbook around the same time brings up a read only type prompt box for the 2nd ( and 3rd) user when the book hasn't fully opened for the 1st user/is still fully opening. Is this a limitation within excel or is there a way around this for example via vb code.

I know the more data a workbook has can cause it open a lot slower but is this the same for shared mode.

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Excel 2002 :: Formula To Display All Errors?

May 27, 2012

In a worksheet the data (text or numerical) from five columns are compared using the following formula.


The formula is working well. The problem is I get the result for the first column of error even if the error is in more than one column. I want the result should display all the errors with the column number 1, 2, 3 (or with column name A, B, C etc). The total number of error is not required. The exact columns which have the error should be displayed. For example if the error exists in 3, 4 and 5 columns, I should get the result as "345Error" or "CDEError".I use excel 2002.

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Excel 2002 :: Updating Separate Sheets

Oct 8, 2012

I've got Excel 2002. I am devising a sheet for checking work (sheet A) which feeds onto a separate sheet (sheet B). If I wanted to delete info from sheet A can I retain the info on sheet B? I want sheet A to be used repeatedly for each case but the info for every case to be recorded row by row on sheet B.

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Excel 2002 :: Conditional Formatting And Formulas?

Jun 11, 2013

I'm currently trying to set up a spreadsheet on excel, when certain documents need updating. Basically I have a column with the dates in that each document was last updated, I want the cells to turn red (fill colour) if the document has not been updated within the last 6 months and orange (fill colour) if the document has not been updated in the last 4 months. How do I do this?

I am currently using Excel 2002 and am on a Windows XP computer.

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Excel 2002 :: VBA Looping Copy / Paste Special For Each Row

Jan 25, 2012

Excel 2002.I have data in columns A and B on sheet 3, starting at row 100. The total number of rows of data is variable (max is 50 rows). I want to take the values in A100:B100 and copy them from Sheet3 and paste values transposed to SheetTL Range C1:C2. I have started to write the following code but as you can see I will have to repeat the code upwards of 50 times. It seems I should be able to do a COUNT function to see how many rows of data exist and then somehow loop the code to copy the data from each subsequent row that many times, but how to put that together.

Sheets("TL").Range("C1").PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteValues, Transpose:=True
If Sheets("Sheet3").Range("A101") = "" Then

[Code] .........

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Excel 2002 :: Binding Fill Color To A Cell

Jan 26, 2012

I have a workbook in which there is a sheet containing a table.

Excel 2002ABC123Specific Gravity6 Volt ValuesSOC40.0000.000Dead
171.2496.31290%181.2576.32095%191.2656.350100%SOC Chart

From another sheet I query this table using the LOOKUP function to obtain values from column C such as 25% 60% and so on. A typical query formula looks like this:

=LOOKUP(B2,'SOC Chart'!B4:'SOC Chart'!C19)

It would be nice if the fill color came along with the value.

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Excel 2002 :: Activate Macro By Clicking A Shape

Feb 3, 2013

I found in an old file that i triggered the macro by clicking a button! I would post a pic but i don't know how. How do I activate a macro by clicking a shape on the excel 2002 page?

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Excel 2002 :: Does Saving File As Unicode Save It In UTF-8 Or UTF-16 Format

Jan 14, 2011

what format is used when you save an excel file as "unicode." I am using excel 2002 on XP.

I have been asked to provide a UTF-8 formatted unicode file for use by another program but I am not sure which formatting excel uses.

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Excel 2002 :: Setting Variable To Select All Worksheets In Workbook

Jan 20, 2012

I've got some code which some one posted me a link to on here which set up a pivot table on more that 1 sheets (using excel 2002).

I inserted this code into a rountine I do daily which works fine.

The problem Im having is that Im getting more and more info which I need to pivot over more than one sheet. So I was going to amend the rountine so It picked what ever sheets are in the work book to pivot.

At the moment I have to go into the code and name the sheets to pivot. Is there some code which can work out how many sheets that need pivoting and just do it with out naming them? and also just add a new sheet with the pivot on rather than having to name the destination?

I've posted the code i got given below and have highlighted the bit where I have to name the sheets.

' Procedure : CreateConnection
' Author : KL (Kirill Lapin)
' Date : 18/08/2009


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Excel 2002 :: Modify Formula To Merge Numerical With Text

Apr 21, 2012

I am using the following formula to find out the No. of "HH" in the range given and I am getting the results simply with numerical value as 2, 3 etc. I want the result should be displayed as 2HH, 3HH depending upon the No. of "HH" available in the given range. The result should be displayed as (the No. added with the text "HH").


I use excel 2002.

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Two Dropdown Lists Associated With One Set Of Assets

Jun 3, 2014

I'm trying to figure out how to make a spreadsheet where in one column a type of asset is entered through a drop down menu and then the next few columns are attributes - model, pattern, manufacturer, etc. - that would all have values entered through drop down menus populated based on the choice of 'type of asset' in the first column.

I can get a drop down menu for the 'type' column and a dependent drop down in the second column based on choice of 'type' using =INDIRECT(), but I do that by naming the dependent lists of models for each type after the types listed in the list of types. Once I've done that I can't name the lists of patterns after the types because those names are in use by the model lists. So how would I make multiple lists of attributes associate with the same list of types?

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Link The Different Dropdown Lists

Feb 27, 2009

I have a work book that contains various sheets with different information.
I have two different categories in one of the sheets,1 which contains counties and the other containing districts.

I have done a validation for the county which allows me to pick a county from a drop down list which works fine.I would like to create a drop down list for the districts aswell such that when i select i.e southyorkshire from the counties dropdown list,the districts drop down list will bring only districts in southyorkshire,excluding all the other districsts.hopefully i'll like the same to apply to all other counties.

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DropDown Lists Not Appearing

Dec 10, 2008

I have a workbook with several drop-down lists. The names for the lists are on a seperate sheet in the same workbook. I have used data-validation and allow list in all the cells with drop-downs. I have used =NAME in the source. I opened the workbook this afternoon for the first time in a couple of days and I am no longer able to select from a dropdown. I can type in the cells, but if I type something not included in the list, I get the "The value you have entered is not valid" error. So I feel like the validation is working on the cells, I'm just not able to select from a drop-down list. "In-Cell dropdown" is selected.

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Dropdown Lists In A Cell

May 29, 2014

Im trying to create a spreadsheet which has a drop down list in a cell, then when a selection is made a predetermined dollar figure will be entered in the cell next to it.

For Example:

Cell A1 Drop down list I have 20 cities listed, If I select St. Louis, I want the cell next to it to populate with $250.

Every city has a different dollar amount tied to it. So any time I select a city I want the specified dollar amount to populate the cell next to it.

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Dependent Dropdown Lists

Dec 28, 2006

I have been able to use the previous information to create dependent drop down lists but I have been unable to apply the settings to entire columns versus just one cell.

Is there a way to get the dependent lists to correspond to the cell beside it without having to manually type in each cell name?

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Excel 2002 :: Conditional Formatting Based On Date In Adjacent Cell

May 22, 2012

I have columns of figures with times like 5:52:54 and next to them cells with values that i wish to format based on the time.
that is if the time on the adjacent cell is before 8AM then make the value cell have a red border it does not have to be conditional formatting - Excel 2002 in win7/64

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Ratio Running Total?

Mar 28, 2014

On the attached worksheet i have blocks of data in col C in chronological order,i wish to count the number of times related data in col AG is between 1 & 3 incl (highlighted in blue) ,the result to be expressed as a % in col V,eg block A =5,col AG has 2 event between 1 & 3,so col V = 40%.I have inserted empty rows between the data for clarity,there are no empty rows in the data.

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Subtract From Running Total?

Aug 24, 2014

In cell A1 i have a total amount, lets say it's 20, in B1 i have a value of 5, in C1 i have 10.

Looking to see if it's possible to take the 5 from cell B1 to make A1 = 15, then 10 from cell C1 to make it 5 in A1 whilst reducing both columns B and C to zero If B1 or C1 are greater than the value in A1, A1 displays that amount that would be left

only thing i can think of is a hidden column to calculate whilst incorporating an if statement into B & C?

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