Excel 2003 :: Automatically Detect 30-Day Readmission?

Dec 24, 2013

I'm designing a workbook to track psychiatric patient data. The workbook has identical worksheets for each month of the year (Jan, Feb, Mar, etc.), plus an Admin sheet for overhead. I need to devise a formula that will automatically detect 30-day readmissions (i.e., patients being admitted to the hospital within 30 days of a prior admission) and return a "Y" for a readmit and an "N" for a discharge or first-time admission. I have tried several variations on SUMPRODUCT with multiple conditions spanning multiple sheets (using INDIRECT and a monthly worksheet index -- A1:A12 -- on the Admin worksheet), but the results always turn out...wonky. (Sometimes a correct value is returned, and sometimes not. I can't figure out what is causing this inconsistency.) The relevant ranges from the monthly worksheets are:

B3:B52 : Date of evaluation
H3:H52 : Unique patient ID number
Y3:Y52 : Patient disposition (i.e., admitted or discharged)
AC3:AC52 : Readmission status (i.e., yes or no)

The formula should only return a "Y" value if a) the patient was previously admitted within 30 days of the evaluation date, and b) the patient was also admitted on the evaluation date.

I am using Excel 2003, so SUMIFS is not available.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Detect Pattern In Sheet

Aug 25, 2013

We have a huge excel-sheet, containing disputes with customers. Everytime there is a dispute, the customers data will be transferred into the sheet. The sheet is organized like this:

DATE / NAME / ID / COMMENT / FREQUENCY (how often one customer appears in the list) /ID2 (ID combination of the date + ID) /Weekday

And here comes the task:

Find all customers who appear 10 work-days(Mo-Fr) in a row. So if a customer appears Mo-Fr and keeps on being in the list the next Monday etc. it still counts as "in a row". Same with official holidays. If a customer appears at a certain date he is "booked" and it doesnt matter if a appears a second time on that specific date.

Attached to this post you find an example in which you can see the structure of my excel sheet!


Note: I had to use a german version of excel when I made this little example - thats why the formula in the collum "Frequency" says "Zahlenwenn" its the german version of COUNTIF

Excel 2003

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Disabling Auto Format Detect Option Of Excel?

Mar 8, 2013

When i enter a value in an excel sheet cell ,Excel auto detect the data type and format that cell to that data type.

For example if i enter 4/4001, excel read it as date and convert the cell format from general to date and displays 4-Aprl.

However if i precede with " ' " this problem is solved but my question ios that can i permanently disable this auto detect option?

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Excel 2007 :: How To Detect Macro Security Level

Jul 24, 2014

is it possible through vba code to determine the macro security level of Excel 2007 and inform the user. I tried the code below , it is executed when the workbook is opened, but it doesn't work.The code below is executed only when the macro security level is "Low". My goal is at least to inform , with a msgbox function, to change manually the security level.


Dim secAutomation As MsoAutomationSecurity
Dim zLevel
As String
secAutomation = Application.AutomationSecurity
Select Case secAutomation


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Automatically Insert Hyperlinks - VBA 2003

Sep 24, 2009

I have a column full of numbers e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 etc..

i need to run a program that automatically goes down the selected column and places a hyperlink based the number in EACH cell. e.g. if the cell number is 4, then the link should be


each cell has a unique number

basically i need a macro that can do the following:

for all cells selected in column
get first cells
get info from cell
insert hyperlink+info;
increment cell

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2003 Can Automatically To Copy From Another Workbook?

Jun 4, 2008

I have question does excel 2003 can automatically to copy from another workbook ! if it can, I shall kick of many time in daily job,

I need daily report the caps, source date get from below path by a date to drawing down.

Can it fix the Range with the location path copy and paste.
location at "C:Documents and SettingsFFFFMy DocumentsSummaryMay 01

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Automatically Print Each Individual Row On A Single Sheet Of Paper 2003

Aug 5, 2009

I got a workbook with one active sheet. There are 6 colums and 55 rows. I want to creat a macro or formula to automatically print each individual row on a single sheet of paper. i will only need the line with a specific value printed i.e only print value more then 5

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Hyperlink From Excel To Outlook?

Apr 19, 2010

I have an Excel 2003 file that contains hyperlinks to OneNote notebooks on a Sharepoint site. An Excel macro looks for these links and determines the full hyperlink address which is then assigned to a variable. An Outlook message is generated which includes the hyperlinks.

The hyperlinks work in the Excel file. I can also copy them from OneNote and manually paste them into an Outlook message and they work. However, when I obtain their full address and transfer that to the email through code, the links do not work. The hyperlink address from OneNote starts with "onenote:http" which is not recognized as a link.

If I can do this manually, there must be a way to do this with vba. Are there characters I need to include in the OneNote hyperlink address to make this work? Is there another way to transfer the working link from Excel to Outlook?

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Adjust Macro From Excel 2003 To Excel 2010?

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to adjust the below macro so that it will work in Excel 2010.

Sub OpenAndProcess()
Dim fs As FileSearch
Dim I As Integer


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Excel 2003 :: Alt + F11 Key Not Working?

Feb 21, 2012

when I use the above key stoke nothing happens in excel. It won't get me into vba editor??

using Dell laptopInspiron N4010 and office 2003

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Excel 2003 :: Hiding 0 Using ABS

Mar 27, 2012

I am using the formula ABS(D6-G6) when these cells are empty I get a 0 result, how can I get rid of this?

Using 2003

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Excel 2003 :: Group And Outline

May 14, 2013

In Excel 2003 I have Manually Grouped a number of rows. (Data>Group and Outline>Group).

If I use the buttons with the numbers 1, 2, 3 (indicating an outlining level) to collapse or expand the outline I receive the Error Message: "Cannot shift objects off sheet."

If I use the collapse button (-) or expand (+) button the data collapses and expands as I would expect.

I am aware of the normal issues surrounding objects and outlining and have ensured that I have changed the properties of all my of the objects in the sheet to "Move and size with cells". There are no comments in the grouped rows.

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Excel 2003 :: Formula To Sum Every 6th Row Of E Column?

Feb 4, 2014

The following formula was, several weeks ago, very graciously offered to me from one of Excel Forum's contributors.


My request was to find a formula that would add each 6th row starting in row e8 (e8+e14+e20+e26+e32 etc. through e6782) in column "e" when the column was 6782 rows deep from top to bottom. (i am not trying to add every number in column e, just each 6th row, starting at e8 and going through row e6782).

I entered the formula into my spread sheet and, voila, I had a sum that I assumed was accurate for my spread sheet of ticket sales. I began to question the functionality of the formula when I altered the E8:E6782 parameters (which represented the gross ticket sales) to E4:E6778, in an effort to sum up the E4 values e4,e10,e16, e22,e28,etc. . . (which represents the net values after commissions were deducted). The difference in the two sums (e8 values Versus the e4 values) was incorrect and did not represent the appropriate commissions (which should have been 15%).

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Excel 2003 :: Log Out Duration Per Employee

Feb 27, 2014

I have a Log In/Log Out report that I need pulling data from.

Ultimately what I want to do is get the amount of time my employees were logged out.

I am using Excel 2003. Attached is an example of the data I'm working with.

Sheet 1 contains the data, and Sheet 2 will be the summary.

So, looking at Bob's times: If column A contains Bob (A2 in this case), and the same row in column G (G2) contains 79, subtract the contents of the same row in column F (F2) from the next row down in column D (D3) (which would be D3 - F2). That result should populate on Sheet 2 next to Bob's name in h:mm:ss format.

If there is nothing in the next row down in column D, then do nothing.

I would like to leave the data as is, if possible. There are extension numbers next to the names in the data. If possible to ignore those when rolling up to the summary that would be useful. Also, on the summary sheet, if the employee is not on the data sheet (if they had the day off) they can have 0 or NA or something to indicate there is no data for them.

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Excel 2003 :: Status Bar Missing?

Apr 15, 2014

In Excel 2003 the Status Bar is missing. I know to go to Tools, Options, View to view and hide the Status Bar however as i cannot see Tools (as Status Bar missing) is there another way to get the Status Bar back?

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Excel 2003 :: Can't Retrieve XL Documents

Jul 18, 2013

I have used MS Office Excel 2003 for many years without difficulty in XP. Suddenly I find I can't open many of my old documents. I get a message,"Microsoft Office (InfoPath2003) cannot open (the following file, etc.) A second message says, "The form contains XML that is not parsed: An invalid character was found in the content. Line 0, Position 0" Then I get the message "MS Office is not currently set as default." I complete the instructions that follow and it is now corrected but I continue to get the same error messages.

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Excel 2003 :: Undo Is Not Working

Nov 12, 2013

why my undo just won't ever work. Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: SaveAs VBA To Always Save In XLS

Mar 11, 2014

I am trying to edit the code below to save in .xls instead of .xlsm. Also, I need to disable the compatibly checker.


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Excel 2003 :: Two Sumif In One Cell?

Sep 1, 2009

Using Excel 2003, is it possible to use 2 sumif functions in one cell?

i.e., sumif and sumif

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Excel 2003 :: How To Automate A Macro

Oct 27, 2011

I am running Excel 2003.I have a spreadsheet with two worksheets, each worksheet has a Refresh button that runs a Data Extract Macro.The Data Extract Macro imports Data from another spreadsheet.I want to have the spreadsheet automatically run my Data Extract Macros for both worksheets at a specific time each week. (Scheduled task) Regardless of whether or not the excel file is open.

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Excel 2003 :: Carriage Return For Row?

Oct 28, 2011

In Excel 2003, I remember being able to tab across a row of cell entering data and when I got to the end, I'd hit enter and it would take me to the beginning of the next row. But in 2007, I can't...is there something I need to do in Excel Options or is this function gone?

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Excel 2003 :: How To Merge Several Worksheets

Nov 21, 2011

I would like to merge several sheets into one sheet, all from within the same workbook. All sheets have the same data layout. I use xl 2003.

How can I merge them all into a single worksheet?

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Excel 2003 :: Matching Row Data

Nov 28, 2011

I have five columns of data: A & C are time measures; B & D are values associated with each time measure; and E is a matching value column that I want to populate. I am trying to match times and place in col E the Val 2 that matches times 1 and 2. Though many matches lie on the same row, there are many that don't (the real data uses several thousand rows). For example, Val 1 in cell A5 (100) is associated with cell C7 to find a matching value of 4.5 in cell E5. Note, occasionally, there will be replicate values for Val 2 (like cells C9 & C10). I need to match the one further down the list.

Excel 2003ABCDE1Time 1Val 1Time 2Val 2Match203.902.72.73484.7482.12.14545492.33.351006543.34.562003554.472192.71004.57.782015.592196.6102197.7Sheet1

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Excel 2003 :: Cannot Unhide Column

Nov 30, 2011

I have an Excel 2003 application where one of the columns (column D) has been hidden by some user.

When I try to unhide nothing happens. I select column C and E followed by a right-click on column E where I choose Unhide -> column D stays hidden.

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Excel 2003 :: Return Last Instance?

Jan 3, 2012

I have tried Index/Match but nothing so far. Basically, I have this table:

Sheet2KLMN3Employee1Client Assistance/Request31/3/2012 14:57:344Employee1Client Assistance/Request31/3/2012 14:58:075Employee2Client Assistance/Request11/3/2012 14:59:456Employee3Client Assistance/Request11/3/2012 17:08:297Employee1Client Assistance/Request61/3/2012 17:10:16Excel 2003

So now, I want E19 of the table below to bring back column N of sheet 1, but only the last instance in which those Employee 1 and Client Assistance/Request met. In this example N7 of Sheet 2.

Sheet1BCDE18Client Assistance/RequestDate19Employee 10020Employee200Excel 2003

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Excel 2003 :: Get Some Information To Stay Still?

Jan 29, 2012

While using Excel 2003, I am aware of "freeze plane" and "split worksheet". The freeze plane comes in handy if I want to the first few rows to remain stationary and displayed while I can scroll down to the rows below. Similarly, the split worksheet comes in useful if I want to have the first few columns remain in place while I can maneuver to the right to see the other columns.

*** THE QUESTION IS: how can I get cells A1 to F20 to remain displayed and unmoved even if I choose to move the active cell around anywhere between G1 to K9999

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Excel 2003 :: Convert PS File To PDF?

May 24, 2012

Every day I create many Excel reports that I manually save as PDFs for distribution to my stakeholders. I'd like to automate this process using a macro. I've seen the following code online and have attempted to use it, but receive an error in the Dim MyPDF line of code indicating that the user-defined type is not defined.

I'm using Excel 2003 and Acrobat Distiller 8. I have no problem creating PDFs manually

Sub Create_PDF()
Dim tempPDFFileName As String
Dim tempPSFileName As String
Dim tempPDFRawFileName As String


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Excel 2003 :: Return Last Value In Column

May 25, 2012

Using Excel 2003,

Column A Column B C1 Column D
10062 01-01-2012 3:00 PM 01-02-2012
10062 01-02-2012 6:00 PM 10055
10062 01-02-2012 9:00 PM 10062
10062 01-03-2012 4:30 PM
10055 01-02-2012 1:45 PM
10055 01-02-2012 3:15 PM
10055 01-04-2012 8:30 PM

I am looking for a formula to place in C2 that will macth the number in column D with the number in column A and return the LAST date/time from column B that matches the day from cell C1.

If correct, C2 would return 01-02-2012 3:15 PM (Last date/time for 10055 on 1-2-2012)
C3 would return 01-02-2012 9:00 PM (Last date/time for 10062 on 1-2-2012)

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Specified Row And Columns Win XP

Jul 3, 2012

how to write a macro to copy a set of multiple columns (non-consecutive) from a specified row, onto a new sheet. Ie, it is always the same columns, while the row changes with the imported data.

Specifically, these are the columns I want to select, Range("B:B,D:D,F:F,H:H,J:J,L:L,N:N,P:P").Select

Moreover, I want to specify which row to copy from, in a cell (ie, "11"). So that when I run it, values from B11,D11,F11...P11, will be copied.

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Excel 2003 :: Do Until IsEmpty Looping

Aug 3, 2012

Excel 2003. I believe I've got everything working in the code up until:

If rnGx = rnGy Then

It loops once and then "Run-time error '424': Object Required" for the code above.

Sub test1()
Dim rnGx As Range
Dim rnGy As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim xNum As Integer
Dim yNum As Integer
i = 2
Set rnGx = Cells(i, 2)

[Code] ....

In case I'm way off, I'm trying to get the code to do the following:

Look for identical entries in column bw here duplicates exist, sum the corresponding column d values into one of the existing columns delete the remaining duplicate do this until there are no matches.

Column b is sorted ascending, so any matches should be next to each other. as I'm writing this, though - I realize that if there are triplicates or more in column B, this would need to be run more than once.

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