Excel 2003 :: Highlight Cell On Same Row As Active.cell Whenever Active.cell Changes
Dec 10, 2012
whenever the active cell is within a given range, highlight the cell on the same row in column S (by changing its interior colour). This should occur each time the active cell is changed, whether by cursor keys or mouse. The effect would be similar to the row and column highlights at left and top of the worksheet.
This action should be restricted to one sheet in the workbook.
It's for Excel 2003.
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Jun 8, 2014
Need to have only active cell in in any worksheet highlighted or formatted in a different way than other cells
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Oct 27, 2008
Is it possible to have a specified shading (say 50%) applied to all rows except the currently picked row and the header rows to allow a user to focus on inputting across the row? I'd use this in conjunction with " Move Selection After Enter" to "Right" so the user would stay on the same row. I've tried the Help function, but can't find anything.
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Nov 18, 2010
When looking at a spreadsheet with many columns, it would be nice of the row of the cell I have selected would remain highlighted in yellow, so that as I scroll across rows it's easy to view the data associated with the selected cell. Of course, if I select another cell, I would want the highlighting to change to THAT row. I'm guessing this would have to be in a this.workbook change event.
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Feb 22, 2010
When I open any spreadsheet (new or already populated) the black box that normally frames the active cell is missing (showing which cell you have selected). Likewise when I 'select all' the sheet does not become shaded.
In addition:
Cannot fill series
Cannot change cell format (specifically to show Currency or Accounting w/$ symbol)
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Jan 14, 2014
Is there something built in to excel that highlights the cell or cells that are currenyl selected and then not save any highlighted cells when the sheet is saved. Maybe if not something that is built in but a vba script?
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Nov 30, 2006
I have a cover sheet to a workbook that holds hyperlinks to its relevent page. Several of the hyperlinks link to the same page but different relevant cells. However it is not overly clear which cell is active when you click the hyperlink. What I would like is for the active cell to be highlighted on the page. EG hyperlink 1 links to page 1 cell A2 & hyperlink 2 links to page 1 cell B6 - I would like A2 to be highlighted when accessed by hyperlink 1 & B6 highlighted when accessed by hyperlink 2.
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Nov 14, 2006
I have a routine that highlights a selected Active Cell,
but when I printout the spreadsheet this highlight is not printed.
I have been pull my hair out (what's left!), to try to show this highlighted cell when printed.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Intersect(Range("d22:u45"), Target) Is Nothing Then
Range("d12").Value = " Out"
Range("e14").Value = "0"
If Intersect(Range("d22:u45"), Target) >= 3 Then
Range("d12").Value = Cells(19, ActiveCell.Column).Value
Range("e14").Value = Cells(21, ActiveCell.Column).Value
Static rngPrev As Range, PrevColor As Integer
Dim TempColor As Integer
TempColor = Target.Cells(1, 1).Interior.ColorIndex
If Not rngPrev Is Nothing Then
If PrevColor <> xlLineStyleNone Then .......................
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Jun 8, 2014
I have got stuck on one piece of my code and having trouble fixing... Overall I am trying to find variable station name in cell L2 of Sheet 2 in Sheet 1 and then select and copy the data from the data in "cell L2 of Sheet 2" to the last entry of that row. I have attached an example test spreadsheet of the data and a macro is within Sheet 1 called test1. Please note that cell L2 in Sheet 2 will always be different station name and the station list in Sheet 1 will change with differing station name.
The code I am using is:
[Code] .....
The code that is not working and bringing up an error is:
[Code] .....
Attached File : Copy of Testexample.xlsm
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Apr 4, 2013
Is there a way to highlight the row and column of the active cell? The highlighting will move as the active cell is moved around the spread sheet. I have a newbie manager that is bugging the pea-turkey out of me! He wants to be able to easily see where he is within some of our sheets while he is in a vehicle or outside on a job site...seems like an "accessibility" type issue, but can't find anything in Excel "Options."
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Feb 28, 2014
I have found this code by searching witch is perfect
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Cells.Interior.ColorIndex = 0
With Target 'With the cell that was selected,
.EntireRow.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
.EntireColumn.Interior.ColorIndex = 8
End With
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
The point is that i want to retain the previous formatting of cells when i select another cell. And also i would like to create a switch to turn the Worksheet_SelectionChange event on and off. The tricky part is here i guess, becouse i would like when turned off to retain the previous formatting also.
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Jul 4, 2007
As i navigate excel, I was wondering how to change the background or highlight (instead of bold border) the active cell?
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Jul 31, 2012
I have a list of names in coloum D of a worksheet called "Trial", I have another worksheets called "Usage" with this list. I need a macro which can search the name written in Trial worksheet in Usage and worksheet, and activate the found results in usage worksheet.
I cannot use vlookup formulae here as "trial" sheet only has last names, which "usage" sheet has full names.
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May 10, 2013
I am trying to create a VBA code that will automatically highlight the row of an Excel table (2007) of the active cell. So far I have this:
If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("Table_Name")) Is Nothing Then
Range("A" & Target.Row & ":EJ" & Target.Row).Interior.Color = 10092543
End If
Where the columns A and EJ represent the size of the table. But I would like to automate the column choices so that if the table has columns added or removed, the code still works. Is there a way to just reference a row of a table?
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Aug 20, 2013
I am looking for a formula for a date.
I want the cell and column to highlight when the date has arrived, and I want it to remain highlighted for 7 days.
I have got as far as =F1=TODAY()
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Feb 25, 2014
I work on an excel spreadsheet all day and I'm constantly cuting and pasting a value to filter another column. I would love to have a macro button that would automatically do this.
The job card sheets are labled 'Page 1' through to 'Page 175'. As I am working on each job card sheet I need to filter column on another sheet within the same workbook. This is indicated on the attached picture.
So in a perfect world as I would enter in the PLANT ID number on to any job card, then hit a macro button on the toolbar and the Pole No column would then be filtered by the value in the PLANT ID cell.
As there are multiple job cards the macro would probably need to use the 'active cell' value to filter by. But as you can probably tell I'm no expert so you judge the best way to do it.
MWTS034G22 Job Card Sheet
[URL] .....
Windows 7 (32bit)
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Aug 19, 2013
I am using excel 2003 and I am looking for a formula that will highlight duplicate cells and change the cell to red.
Unlike newer versions that have duplicate cells within the formatting tool, appears that 03 doesnt.
Also I am looking for a formula that will highlight blue a date cell when the date arrives.
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Jul 2, 2014
I have a form that loads and depending on the word selected in the drop down the following code loops through cells Q2:AC2 until it finds the word in one of those cells (the word will always be in one of the cells)
For Each c In Range("Q2:AC2").Cells
If c = period Then
The active cell it finds will always change, i know I need something to code the active cell back but I don't know what it should be.
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Mar 20, 2014
I am trying to apply icon conditional formatting in a cell. The cell contains the following formula: =VLOOKUP(D20,'owssvr(1)'!O:W,9,FALSE The formula results in a "2", "1", "0" or "-1" in the cell. The icon conditional formatting is not working at all (no icon appears). I have the conditional formatting setup as numbers Green 2, Yellow 1,0 etc based on value. If I delete the formula and just type in any of those numbers directly, it works. I have changed my cells to "number" and it still does not work.
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Dec 29, 2009
Before unloading a userform the range to select the active cell is set to
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Dec 24, 2013
I have a formula in cel B1 : =SUM(A2:A100) / A1
I would like to use this formula many times in the sheet, so I would need a reference to the cell the formula is in, and have the SUM range until the next empty cell one column to the left.
So I would need something like (literally):
=SUM(Offset activecell (1,-1) : Offset activecell (1, (look for next empty cell -1)) / Offset activecell (0,-1)
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Dec 1, 2009
I have a range of unlocked cells (B5:S10) that users enter data in. This sum of this data is then charted. The formula (sum) in a cell equals zero even when there is no data entered by the user. This zero is then charted.
I need to be able to plot the zeros if the user enters zeros but not plot the zero if the cells are blank.
What I was attempting to do is to use the worksheet change event to add the formulas to a cell so that the chart does not plot the value until something was added.
In my change event I need to know that a cell in the range (B5:S10) was changed and that if it was D7 (for example) that I need a formula enterd in D11 [=SUM(D5:D10)]. If it was I5 then the formula would have to go in I11 [=SUM(I5:I10)].
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Feb 24, 2012
I'd like to ranage the range selection from D1 to A1:B53, but a number of attempts have failed. but can't get it working.
FileName = "R" + Scheme + Product + "_" + Format((Date + 1), "DDMMYY") + ".RP3.txt"
WholeText = ActiveCell.Value
Call OutPutFile(WholeText, FileName)
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Dec 26, 2012
Need to find the first cell above the active cell containing any sort of variable (integer, string value, cell fill colour, named range, etc...).
For example, a column contains multiple integer values between 1 and 10. I would like the macro to "locate" a specified value, say 3. Ideally the macro will select the first cell matching this criteria, located above the active cell. Once located, the resulting cell will be added to a range to be copy-pasted to a new worksheet.
I am planning to use this code for various applications in a workbook I am creating. At present the code will be used to locate string values, and cell fill colours. It is also likely this will extend to other types of variables in the future.
I've found information relating to the find function, but nothing specifically to find the first result above the active cell.
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Jul 23, 2013
So, I just started checking Excel Macros. I'm working on a quite large data base where I need to search for a given part number and then move N columns to the right and display the text inside that cell on a message box.
Here's what I got 'til now:
Private Sub M0016216_Command_Button_Click()
Cells.Find(What:="M0016216", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
[Code] ........
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Feb 20, 2007
I am just learning to use VBA and this may be the most simple task ever, but I can't figure it out. I've searched for all of the keywords I can think of, but can't find a solution...
I have a list of names in a sheet. Other columns in this sheet contain data like amount charged, amount paid, etc. This sheet must be manually updated (because the other program won't export the information I need) periodically to ensure proper billing/payment application in the original software (all transactions are handled by other people that I don't trust).
I sort the list so that the all names that are the same (ie John Doe) are together.
A short example list looks like this:
Jeremy Apple
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
Jimmy Kravitz
Jimmy Kravitz
In updating my sheet, I set up a macro that will input todays date in one of the columns for all occurences of that name (so, every row that contains John Doe in column B, column V will have todays date in it).
Currently, in order for my macro to work properly, I have to manually make the activecell the first occurrence of 'John Doe'. When I'm ready to update 'Jimmy Kravitz', I have to select the first occurrence of 'Jimmy Kravitz' and so on.
Here's my question - Is there a way to use a VBA macro to find the first occurrence of 'John Doe' (and automatically 'know' which name I am updating)? Basically, I need a macro that will take the information that is in the cell in column B in the active row, find the first row that has that same name, and make that cell (column B) the active cell...
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Oct 10, 2007
I have an embedded chart on my worksheet.I can select a cell behind the chart using the keyboard arrow keys.Is there a way of doing this using a mouse click,so that I know which cell i am pointing to/choosing?
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Nov 18, 2007
I am looking for VBA that will add the value of the current active cell on the sheet to the value in cell F12. The maximum value of F12 cannot exceed 1000. So if the value in F12 = 950 and 100 is the value in the active cell the maximum value in F12 should show 1000, not 1050.
It should do this on the click of a button.
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Jan 13, 2013
Using Excel 2010. Is it possible to change the default line thickness and fill color when selecting the ActiveSheet Target Row below?
I would like a thin border and a light grey fill - without interfering with any fomatting or conditional formatting that has been applied to the worksheet.
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Jan 26, 2006
I need to match data in cell A to cell B and then if they equal I need to copy the adjacent cell C to cell X . How do I set up a macro to do this automatically? I have over 5000 cells to compare and match up.. I have Office 2003.
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