Excel 2003 :: How To Create / Run Cell A Equals Cell B Put Cell C Info In Cell D
Jan 26, 2006
I need to match data in cell A to cell B and then if they equal I need to copy the adjacent cell C to cell X . How do I set up a macro to do this automatically? I have over 5000 cells to compare and match up.. I have Office 2003.
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Feb 21, 2014
I am using Excel 2003 at work.
New cases are entered on to the spreadsheet. The case remains open until a closure date is entered, at which point the case is closed. What I need is the following:
Cell A3 = should say "Open" if there is no value in cell Y3
Cell A3 = should say "Closed" if a date or any value is entered in cell Y3. Ideally it should only say "Closed" if a date is entered in format xx/xx/xx, but am flexible so that it says "Closed" if any data is input.
At the moment Cell A1 has a drop down list consisting of open and closed. I will remove this if it causes complication.
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Jan 2, 2014
i'm using excel 2003 and i'm trying to mark 7 cells in a row by conditional design by one of the cell
example : if the date on january? mark all line in yellow, for february mark in red and ect
528602545 assafsarit@walla.com 01/01/2013
527271005 eti_sh6@walla.com 01/01/2013
[Code] ...........
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Dec 10, 2012
whenever the active cell is within a given range, highlight the cell on the same row in column S (by changing its interior colour). This should occur each time the active cell is changed, whether by cursor keys or mouse. The effect would be similar to the row and column highlights at left and top of the worksheet.
This action should be restricted to one sheet in the workbook.
It's for Excel 2003.
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Sep 23, 2013
I have a 700 line spreadsheet and would like to delete the cell next to another cell if it contains a certain string. I.e if A1 to A3 equals "Test" then i would like to delete the contents of B1 to B3, But if A2 equals "Completed" then only B1 and B3 should be cleared.
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Jun 24, 2013
So I am having trouble figuring out how to do multiple text to equal multiple numbers. For instance right now I use =IF(E9="JOHN DOE","07", but I would like to have it where IF E9 = John Doe the cell shows 07, but IF the E9 = Sam Doe I want the cell to show 08, and the same IF E9 = Pat Doe the cell shows 09 and so on.
Meaning is there a way to have multiple functions go to a cell dependent on what is entered into E9 for example. I just want to have a number come out in one cell if a certain name is entered in a different cell. I loooked at this post [URL]....which got me started,
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Aug 6, 2012
HTML Code:
Sub DeleteEmptyColumns2()
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Range("4:4")
If Cell = "0" Then
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
I am attempting to remove columns in my table of data, using the above code seems to remove some them but not all, is this the best way to loop through a range?
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Jan 8, 2013
I have a Random Number macro that will generate a random number (from 1 to 50) and place it into cell C4 of the worksheet. From there, various calculations are performed in the spreadsheet, ending with a value in cell AB5 and cell AB6. Depending on this random number, occasionally the value of cell "AB5" and cell "AB6" do not match. I want the macro to continue looping (generating another random number until a match is made between AB5 and AB6). I've tried various things but nothing is working to make it loop.
Below is the code for the random number macro.
Sub RandomNo()
MyNumber = Int((50 - 1 + 1) * Rnd + 1)
Range("c4").Value = MyNumber
End Sub
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Apr 27, 2013
I have some data in sheet 1 column A. However, the amount of data varies everytime. In addition, blanks cells may be present in column A as well.
I have some data in sheet 2 column A. The amount of data also varies everytime. In addition, blank cells maybe present as well.
what I need here is to match the values in column A sheet 1 to column A sheet 2, and if it matches to delete the entire row in sheet 1.
However, i want to keep all blank cells in column A sheet 1.
Sheet 2 blank cells to be removed if any.
how do I do that in VBA? A lot of forums talk about a specific value but none on non specific values.
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Oct 14, 2007
The spreadsheet is password protected. The only cells that students can enter values into are the answer cells.
I am trying to figure out how to have a cell switch to being locked if the correct answer is inputted. ( I have a column that I hide that has the correct answers in it. Then I use a countif function to determine if the answer cell equals the inputted answer.)
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Dec 15, 2011
I've got a range of data in Column D approx 50,000 rows long and I need to go down this range and when theres a blank cell copy the info from the cell above. I've got some code which loops through this but I need to make sure I put "EOF and the bottom of the info to stop the loop. Is there a slicker way of writing this code?
Sub TestBlankCell()
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Nov 27, 2005
Here is what I am trying to do with no luck so far.
If I type RS23U1R109000 in a cell A1, I want B1 to read the 5th letter or
number and fill B1 with E86.
A1= RS23U1R109000 B1=E86
A1= RS23V1R109000 B1=E87
A1= RS23R1R109000 B1=E84
As you can see in my example, the 5th letter could be U,V,R or whatever, but
I need cell B1 to read that letter and populate B1 with E86, E87, E84 or
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May 9, 2014
In cell D4 I have =Q8.
I only want it to =Q8 if cell H1 conatins a value and is not blank. If its blank I dont want anything in D4
What can I add here.
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Oct 16, 2009
I'm trying to link data that is located on one spreadsheet and equal that to other information located in a different worksheet within the same file. See HPRP A Vital stats in E,F,G 12. I want to have the inforamtion from the spreadsheet Staff - Client Pre Screening in cell D,E,F,G 12. I tried the = function, but it is not working.
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Feb 18, 2013
For example:
IF I3=A and J3=1 then K3=low
IF I3=A and J3=2 then K3=med
I'll be creating 10 rules like this.
In "I" column the values are A to E while in J column values are 1 to 5.
In K column I want to set if it is low,med or high depending on the value combination of I and J.
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Apr 1, 2008
my spreadsheet to return the word unit if cell a18=1 or the word units if its over 1 but i also want the cell to remain empty if there is nothing input into cell a18 is this possible
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Dec 16, 2008
I have a sheet that counts stock, in cell I5 i have week 4s results in k5 week 5s. what I need is in cell N5 the number in I5 if their is no number in k5 but if k5 has a number in it I want that number in N5
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Jan 20, 2014
I am trying to have one cell automaticall input infromation based on another cell. For example, if A1 = 10, then I want B1 to automatically equal 20.
The formula I am using in B1 is as follows - =if(A1="10","20","")
I have 2 problems though:
1st - I don't want to put the furmula in any cell because other information is put in there also. I tried putting it in conditional format but I don't think it is meant for such usage. Also, I already have something in data validation. so I can't put anything there because to my knowledge you can only put one validation per cell.
2nd - I have multiple numbers (around 7) that I need to be automatically inputed along the columns.
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Apr 18, 2013
When I use the mouse pointer to select a cell I can't use the arrow keys to move to another cell while the pointer is over the cell and I can't edit the cell while the pointer is over the cell. If I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal therefore I don't think this is a scroll lock issue.
This issue also happens when I select a tab. If I select a tab and then leave the pointer over the tab I selected then I can't use the arrow keys to move around the worksheet or edit a cell; if I move the pointer away from the cell then I can move around and edit as normal.
I am using MS Excel 2010.
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Aug 8, 2014
I have tried a range of "sumproduct" and "count if" and I am still not having any luck.
What I would like excel to do is to count what surgery/hospital (B)is referring for what product (F)
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Sep 1, 2009
Using Excel 2003, is it possible to use 2 sumif functions in one cell?
i.e., sumif and sumif
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Mar 23, 2014
I want to paste/show a photo in a particular cell (D2) on a worksheet (called PP). I wish to delete any photo that may already be there in D2.
The picture's name (e.g. J-145.jpg) will be found in another sheet (called MP) in cell H1.
My pictures are stored in a folder (lets call it c:pictures) and the one I want has the same name (J-145.jpg).
I've tried many macros but none work.
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Jul 24, 2014
I am trying to create a macro which gives me an input box. I need to enter 2 numbers into the input box. It would be as follows:
Input Box Msg 1 - "What is your labor cost?" (NUM1)
Input Box Msg 2 - "What is your productivity rate?" (NUM2)
Then I need the macro to take this info and enter it into a formula which changes according to the row which you are on. (I need the macro to work based on which ever cell I currently have selected). The formula would be this if I currently had a cell on row 10 selected:
So, if I currently had cell L10 selected, and I ran the macro and put 100 in for "NUM1" and 10 for "NUM2" and my sheet had 20 in cell H10, then the macro would enter the number 1,000 into cell L10. If I had L500 selected, then the macro would enter the final number into cell L500 based on what value H500 contained.
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Jan 22, 2013
We have a query, that looks at an external data source (db2 i believe). It will pull all data under a certain product set, and as an additional Criteria we currently have Serial Number.
Now, if the value entered is the serial number, lets say '1234567' for example, it will happily pull all instances of that into the table.
However, what I would like is a cell where I can enter the serial number, and the query will look at the Criteria, the Value will reference a cell (where we can type any serial number), and it will then populate it! I thought that would be fairly intuitive even for a complete novice like myself - now I am likely to have nightmares about Function Errors!
What I have tried:
*Setting the value to a cell ref... ie instead of '1234567' i have set the value to =$a$1 and in that cell i have a serial number.
*Tried to create a parameter. So value of [Serial Number] I then get a prompt saying "Enter parameter Value (serial number) - Regardless of if i type a cell reference (ie =$a$1, or i input the actual serial that worked before when it was '1234567' I still get a function error!
I keep trying different permutations of things, but I am ill prepared.
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Feb 24, 2011
I have to file an insurance claim due to a fire in my home. I have a folder with .jpg photos located at C:InsClaimOnlinePhotos . Im working with Excel 2003. I am trying to put the picture of the damaged protery in Column A on the same row as the detail about that damaged property using the ActiveSheet.Pictures.Insert function. The name of the picture is located in Column B. There are multiple sheets in the Excel book and each contains from 10 to over 700 rows. I would like to run the macro based on the active sheet to add the pictures one sheet at a time. I would like the pictures to be about 1.2" High by 1.6" Wide and be actually be within the cell of Column A of the row where the detail information is located. I have played with writing my own code, pieces of others code and full code sets I found in the Forum. Nothing works. Below is the best I found so far but, it uses Column C for the placement of the pictues.
When I try to run the below code I get Run-Time Error "1004" "Unable to get the insert Property of the Picture class".
I'm not sure if this code should work in Excel 2003 or not.
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Feb 9, 2012
MS Word allows a person to turn off email addresses so that you have to press the Ctrl key then left click the mouse. This makes sure that every time a person touches a cell that it does not automatically load that address into Outlook. Is the same possible in Excel 2003?
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Aug 14, 2012
Using Excel 2003.
I have a hyperlink from cell M2 in a worksheet to cell B2 in another worksheet. I typed the cell reference on the target worksheet as B2. this works fine. The problem is that when I copy/paste the hyperlink down the column, the reference cell stays at B2. I need the reference cell to change when copied down to B3, B4, etc.
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Dec 3, 2012
Trying to isolate the second number in cell.
If I have 48X144X68 in J10, I need 144.
I tried:
=MID(J10,FIND("X",J10,2)+1,3) which works, but when a cell has 65X50X68, then I get 50X where I only want 50.
The numbers can vary in size (i.e., 1 to 5 digits) but always separated by an X or some letter.
Excel 2003
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Apr 11, 2013
Data in cell A1 - 1) A Q
Data in cell A2 - 12) V
Data in cell A3 - 131) B H L
How do I throw away the #) and the following space in cells A1, A2, and A3 and save the rest?
Excel 2003. ie. no VBA.
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May 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2003
Cell B13 contains the row number of the first row of data on the sheet and B14 contains the row number of the end row of data. This is because the number of rows vary over time.
I'm trying to do a COUNTIF to test for duplicates in column R (contains integers) and I want to specify the range to count by referring to the value in B13 and B14 in the formula and so I have the following which returns FALSE for some reason even if the value in R19 appears more than once in the range ...
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