Excel 2003 :: Split Text Into Columns

Mar 29, 2012

I have a large number of product descriptions of varying lengths (column A) which I need to split into a maximum of 3 columns depending on the total length of the description. Each description in column A is less than 90 characters. Each column (B, C & D) can only be a maximum of 30 characters including spaces and commas etc. Also words cannot be split. Below is a sample of the result I would expect with the description in column A and the 3 extracted columns in B, C and D. I am using Excel 2003.

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Excel 2003 :: How To Show Differences And Count Between 2 Columns Of Text

Aug 5, 2012

Have Excel 2003. I have

List of email addresses in column a
List of email addresses in column b

** I would like a formula that will take all the values in column A and compare it to the entire list of entries in column B.
Would like it to show in Column C any entries in Column A that ARE NOT in the entire column B.

*Would like it to repeat for entries that are in Column B, but not in Column A and show in D.

*Then would like a count of the differences for each column (that is pretty easy).

It needs to look at the entire list of entries in the column as these will be email addresses. We want to know what is missing from Column A that is not in Column B and what is missing from B that is not in A.

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Text To Columns/time Formatting Split Them Into Columns

Jan 5, 2010

I've got some time values in an Excel Sheet in the format hh:mm:ss. I need to split them into columns (including the colon) like below:

hh: | mm: | ss

I can do this manually using text to columns but when I use text to columns in my macro, it automatically changes the time format to h:mm:ss PM

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How To Split Text From Text String Into Separate Columns - No Delimiters

Apr 8, 2014

I have the cell data as below

How would I split into a new column the first part which is a date into a new column, then the country and the remainder into separate columns?

I still want the original data as I need to check that the splits worked well?

16.5.90 CH 1671/90-4
18.10.1991 CH 3056/91-1
24.07.92 ch 2341/92-2
30.7.92 ch 2395/92-3
18.11.92 Us 3533/92-5
26.5.93PCT 1577/93-0
9.8.93 CH 2363/93-8
17.8.93 CH 2445/93-0
25.1.94 ch 209/94-6 ; 8.12.94 ch 3714/94-1
8.4.94 ch 1047/94-0
22.4.94 ch 1255/94-7
18.11.1992 CH 3533/92-5
18.11.1992CH 3533/92-5

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Split Text Into Columns?

Jun 4, 2014

I am having quite a bit of a challenge here and am not able to code to split the text into columns. The text to columns does not work here unfortunately. Below is my situation. In one column that has the contract details I have the data as follows:

Account Manager Jennifer MacFarlane CONSULTING - GENERAL on 20-JUN-13 Function #:176749
Account Manager Janet Bewers CONSULTING - GENERAL on 25-JUL-13 Function #:176878
Account Manager Janet Bewers HEAT STRESS AWARENESS on 27-JUN-13 Function #:176828
Account Manager Janet Bewers TRACTOR SAFETY AWARENESS on 08-AUG-13 Function #:177383

What do I key in to get Account Manager in one column, the name of the person in another column and the one in caps in another column and the date in one column and the function in another column. I tried using left, right and LEN and something is terribly wrong with my logic

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Split Text Across Columns ..

Nov 15, 2006

Need to split the WORD into Col B and put the DEFINITION into Col C.

Here's an example of what's sitting in A1:

Title – A description of record contents

I've tried using the text to columns but can't get it to work.
(since the Words are all different lengths, something gets chopped off)

What I have today:
In column A (within a single cell is both the Word & it's Definition).

I need to extract the word ONLY into a new column (B)
and extract all the other words into column (C) (without the dash)...

I've also tried :
=LEFT(A1, FIND(" ",A1)-1)
and successfully stripped the Word into column B
but can't find any functions to extract the rest properly into C

I JUST noticed, some WORDS are multuple...example:
Information Protection Level – Used to identify information protection values per Pro 2227

Can you provide a function for doing a 3 word extraction to Col B?

I guess, what I REALLY need is for it to take "everything up to the dash" and put in column B......then put everything after the dash and put in col C.

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Split Text To Columns Over 2 Sheets

Sep 4, 2009

I have data in Column A that is from a text file that contains 50,000 rows , this is pipe delimited data that is 300 columns wide. I would like to be able to keep the columns but using the Text to Column functions means that I lose some them.

I was wondering if anyone knew how to separate the text in to 2 sheets, with the first 200 columns in Sheet 1 and the remaining in Sheet 2. The reason I would like to separate the information in to cells is so that I can investigate the data better.

Its not possible to traspose this information as the rows are nearly 50,000 long.

Here is a small sample of what 1 row is like, it not the entire row. Each "|" character represents a break and a new column.

A|01234567/163|01234567/163|AB123456B|Mr|Gordon|Brown|01-01-1960|1|10 Downing Street|SW1A 1AP|4|||||||||||||||||||||0|0|16-06-2009|16-06-2009|| 

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Split Text Among Columns By Using Functions

Feb 5, 2010

Once again I return to the brilliant ones on this board. I read the Excel help page for "Split text among columns by using functions". But my parsing task is more advanced than what I could gather from this function.

Here is the contents of cell A1 to be parsed:
Pack type,(make selection),Pack A[=4.95],Pack B[=5.95],Pack C[=7.95]

I need to extract 4.95 into cell A2, 5.95 into A3 and 7.95 into A4. How
Oh also, I have many variations of that example, and want your solution to work for the variations. So here is another actual cell that I have to be parsed:
Qty. discount,(Make Selection),1[=18.95],2 to 4[=17.95],5+[=16.95]

So, each extracted value will always be preceded by = and followed by ]

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Split Text Across Columns Formula

Dec 9, 2006

I got a question regarding a what formula can i use to act like the Split method in programming. I would like if this can be done with a formula not programming cos i am a programmer Basically i got a column full of data in the following format:.dddd.ddddddd.ddddd. Now the number of the "d" can be random in between the dots. So i would like to be able to split the line by looking at the "." .There is one thing though that each line does have 3 or 4 "." characters.

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Split Text Across Columns With Delimiters

Apr 17, 2008

I have a column full of text with most data separated by commas, except sometimes between the commas there is a string, marked by ' ' , which itself contains commas.

For example: 45,'im a string, look at me',67,43,5,'im another string, look at me',78

I try to make excel put all the data into columns, so 'im a string, look at me' will have its own column, instead of being split into two columns. I tried telling excel that the ' character marks strings, but it just removed the apostrophes and kept splitting any string that contained a comma. I tried to use a special delimiter,' but excel didn't allow me to. Does someone have a macro that will do the text to columns for me, or is this possible to do with the regular text to columns feature of excel?

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Text To Columns :: Macro To Split Text

Jun 17, 2008

I am trying to write a micro code to split text which is copied into cell A1 into columns. I can do this fine by going to "data" the "text to Columns" and selecting the places i want to split the text (this is the same for every piece of data i copy in).

The macro works perfectly every time. the problem is that the spreadsheet is shared and i want to protect certain cells on the sheet, when i protect the sheet the recorded macro does not work as the "data", "text to columns" is not available in a protected workbook.

I was just wondering if someone could help me, so i can run a macro to split the text which also allows me to protect cells. In the "text to column" option the "fixed width" (column breaks) i choose are: 4, 25, 34 and 43.

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Split Text Into Fixed Length Columns

Jul 20, 2012

I have 5 columns with data in each

I want to create a 6th column that looks to the columns on the left with data in ti and concatenates all data in the 5 columns and puts it into one cell in the 6th column however put a space between each break of data so that it can be distinguished which bit of data was in what column previously.

The challenge is the new 6th column can only contain 30 characters - When it exceeds 30 characters then create a 7th column and put the rest of data in the 7th column, again the 7th column can only have 30 characters so if exceeds this then put the remaining characters in a 8th column

There will never be more than a total of 90 characters in the original 5 columns so there will only need to be scope for a maximum of 3 additional columns

So for example

Column A had two words in it that totaled 20 characters (the space between the two words is also counted as a character)
Column B had two words in it that totaled 20 characters (the space between the two words is also counted as a character)
Column C had a word that contained 10 characters
Column D had a word that contained 5 characters
Column E had a word that contained 10 characters

Then the result would be

Column F would only have the data originally held in Column A (because it can't include Column B's data as this would exceed the 30 characters)
Column G would have data that was originally held in column B and column C - with a space between B and C data
Column H would have data that was originally held C, D and E - with a space between C, D and E data

Another point to consider is if in one of the orginal 5 columns had say 3 words in it and lets say the 3rd word is the word that exceeds the 30 character limit, then the whole of the third word is to be carried oved to the next new column, I can't have words cut in hlaf with one half in Column 'F' and the other half in Column 'H' for example.

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Split Data Into 2 Cells, Text To Columns

Feb 26, 2009

i have cells with city and state in them and i'm trying to separate the one column into two columns. the problem is, i'm trying to keep the city name in one column and the state in the other. some of my cells have two word cities like new albany, or upper arlington. the text to columns feature is separating those cells into 3 columns not 2. is there a way to do this?

worthington, oh
upper arlington, oh

text to columns splitting upper arlington into 3 different cells because the only delimiter in the cell is a space. i need to keep upper arlington in one cell and oh in another.

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Split Text Across Columns By Random Number

Feb 6, 2008

I am trying to split a cell into column by number. e.g. KOPAS LIMITED 30 ST CLAIR AVE W SUITE 1111 TORONTO ON

KOPAS LIMITED(new column)30 ST CLAIR AVE W SUITE(new column)1111 TORONTO ON. The numbers are random. My list is of 27000 rows long.

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Text To Columns - Only Want To Split SPECIFIC NUMBER Of Times

Jan 26, 2006

I am trying to split names across columns. The problem is that some names
spilt into 3 columns (first, middle, last), and others split across 5 or 6
(extra names, etc.)

Is there a way to specify split, using SPACE as a delimiter, but only split
on the first TWO spaces, then leave the rest alone?

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Split Address Text String Into Separate Columns

Mar 13, 2009

I would like to "reverse concatenate" an address text string as follows: ....

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Split Text Across Columns (apartment Number & Address)

Jun 30, 2008

I have a 2000 row sheet with an address field that contains the apartment number and the address. The text is displayed as unit number, then hyphen and the building/street number for example '101-1234 15th Street'. I'm looking to cut the building number from the cell and paste it into a seperate column. Ideally removing the hyphen completely, so that I have two columns 'unit number' and 'building/street address'.

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Split Comma Separated Text And Insert Into Next Row Retaining All Other Columns

Oct 26, 2013

Original table:

X123, Y123, Z123

[Code] .......

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Excel 2003 :: Take Specific Text From Cell And Copy It In New One (Text And / Or Words Position Varies)

Jan 17, 2013

I'm having a 6000+ records, (contacts DB) exported in Excel 2003 format from MS Outlook.

Except the "First" and "LastName", all other contact elements are in the field "Notes" (which is the BZ column according to the exported outlook layout) multiplied by 6469 (records in total)

Useful information are included !!!

I'll give an example of a record...

Column: BZ, Row: 543 says --> "2110000000-6989000000, 1TOK_TER:17-11-010(25 DAYS LESS),

Now, I want every time to take the part of the text says "TER:something..." (part of which is date, but not every time with the known format dd-mm-yyyy, as you see here is yyy, followed by something else, with parenthesis here and maybe more data) and copy it in a new cell..., e.g:CO Column, same Row...

Above and every field which by the way is formatted as General (and it is text mainly) are made by merging older excel fields where data laid here and there, that's why you see the commas...with the method of a module with the following code:

Function MyMerge(Rng As Range)
For Each Cell In Rng
Temp = Temp & Cell.Value & ", "
Next Cell
Temp = Mid(Temp, 1, Len(Temp) - 2)
MyMerge = Temp
End Function

Note1:Records with the above string (TER:dd-mm-yyy) are 771 from 6469.
Note2: As an alternative solution I can see an extraction of the TER:dd-mm-yyy string and the copy in a new place, like the:CO Column, same Row...

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Import A Text File From A Specific Folder Into A Sheet Without Split It To Columns

Sep 26, 2007

I have a variable list. Each column will be 250 digits and numbers of rows will be variable. I want a macro to import a text file from a specific folder into a sheet without split it to columns. So we will work only in column A

Then macro will find B1002 wording in A1. if it is exist, it will copy the next 36 digits after B1002 wording if not then it will search A2 row. The next step will be to search and find another wording "B1001" if it finds it will replace copied 36 digits text. If it can not find B1001 wording it will go to upper row and search B1001 wording here and paste the text. This will go on till row shows #END. This means it reached the end of the list. And then macro will save this file as text file to another folder.

So macro will go to beginning to open other file in the folder and this will go on till last file in the folder.

This is the logic of the macro. Here is the sample of what I want.

Original Data: ....

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Excel 2003 :: Copy Specified Row And Columns Win XP

Jul 3, 2012

how to write a macro to copy a set of multiple columns (non-consecutive) from a specified row, onto a new sheet. Ie, it is always the same columns, while the row changes with the imported data.

Specifically, these are the columns I want to select, Range("B:B,D:D,F:F,H:H,J:J,L:L,N:N,P:P").Select

Moreover, I want to specify which row to copy from, in a cell (ie, "11"). So that when I run it, values from B11,D11,F11...P11, will be copied.

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Excel 2003 :: Extracting Text From Text String?

Sep 17, 2013

Date: 17/09/2013 KO: 19:45 Ref: B Malone Att: 7,574 extraction of text from the above text string which is say in A1. What l need is for Date to go in A2, KO in B2, Ref in C2, & Att in D2. I'm using Excel 2003

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Excel 2003 :: Highlight Row Based On Specified Columns?

Dec 19, 2012

I would like to have Excel 2003 be able to highlight the row if there is data in certain columns. Specifically if there is a number greater than zero.

For example the following could work:


However, there are times when I need to add a column/criteria. Thus I would have to go into conditional format and redo all the rows in the worksheet. Is there a smarter way to do this?

I was hoping to provide a list of cell address from the header or better than that look for specific numbers in the header row and if there is a number greater than zero, then highlight the entire row.

There is no specific pattern as to which columns would trigger the requirement.

Also how do you keep the ranges from moving when copying across and down. Sometimes I run into that issue. Maybe highlight the entire row and then enter the conditional format?

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Excel 2003 :: How To Compare 2 Columns And Then Flag Where There Is Duplication

May 9, 2012

How do I compare 2 columns and then flag where there is duplication? I want to compare Column B against column C and then flag everywhere there is a match. In this case, Column B may have several thousands of entries (inclusive off all entries found in Column C) and I want to have Excel look through the thousands of entries in Column B and then just place an "x" where there was a match to the values found In Column C. For example:

Excel 2003ABC1Duplicate?MarchApril27899421458347889122254x21458112575445576332147x122258x11257921463Sheet1

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Excel 2003 :: Multiple Columns With Similar Calculation?

Jun 27, 2014

I have Excel 2003 and use the following code for 50 consecutive columns, using each column's Row 1 as the multiplier. Each column has over 20,000 rows. It works, but I'd like to know if there's a quicker and / or neater way to do it.

Range("bo2", Range("bo" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlMultiply
Range("bp2", Range("bp" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)).Select
Selection.PasteSpecial Paste:=xlPasteAll, Operation:=xlMultiply

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Excel 2003 :: How To Use Conditional Formatting Across Multiple Columns

Jul 14, 2014

I am using Excel 2003. I have a spread sheet and I am trying to use conditional formatting. But I can't figure out how to use conditional formatting across multiple columns and so I have been doing each column individually which has been kind of a hassle. I also am trying to figure out how to put in a formula so that every occurrence of a certain text will show up a certain color. I know that I can just do "cell value is", "equal to" and click on the cell, but the information in this spread sheet is organized alphabetically and is going to be added to frequently therefore every time I add information it re-organizes. This then messes up my conditional formatting because the text value that was in the cell gets bumped up or down.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Macro To Split Text In Every Cell Of The Same Column?

Apr 16, 2014

Excel VBA 2010.

I have this problem:
e.g Cells ""
C2 - 128.50 g
C3 - 211.01 g
C4 - 198.50 g
C5 - 179.34 g

I need to split the text into
Cell "C2" = 128.50 and Cell "D2" = g
Cell "C3" = 211.01 and Cell "D2" = g
and so forth

I wanted to avoid using delimited method with space and induce an automated method to format every cell of Column "C" one by one.

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Excel 2003 :: Counting Occurrences In Two Columns Involving Range?

Jan 29, 2014

I am using Excel 2003 and I need to count occurrences involving two colums like this: on sheet "SALES", column I has values ranging from 8.00 to 10.00; column M has positive and negative values.

formula to count how many numbers in column I exist between 8.00 and 8.99 associated to a positive value in column M? And likewise for negatives?

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Excel 2003 :: Extracting And Collating Data From Multiple Columns

Apr 27, 2014

The link to my file is: [URL] ........

I am using excel 2003.

My query goes like this:

I need to find out "total lifted quantity"(i.e. the sum of 'first state lifted quantity'+'second state lifted quantity'+'third state lifted quantity') for each "state" for each "size" and each "grade".

However when I am applying a pivot table (as seen in Sheet1) it is not giving data in lucid form. I don't want to split the data for three states in three different tables (as seen in Sheet 4).

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Excel 2003 :: Compare Characters Between Two Columns And Output Results In Same Worksheet?

Feb 6, 2013

I have a worksheet with five columns (A, B, C, D and E)

The cells in Column B contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.
The cells in Column C contain letters and/or numbers (without spaces) in no particular order.

I want to compare all characters in 1st Cell of Column B with all characters in 1st Cell of Column C, and display the matching characters in 1st Cell of Column D, and the character count of 1st Cell in Column D must be displayed in 1st Cell of Column E. note that multiple instances of the same character must not be treated as duplicates. When execution on 1st Row is finished then repeat procedure for Row 2, etc... Stop execution when first empty cell in Column B is located.


B1 = LJLM12

The script/code/formula must output the following:

D1 = LM2
E1 = 3
D2 = CG4G
E2 = 4
E3 = 4

I am using Excel 2003. Y

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