Excel 2007 :: Index Match VBA Multiple Worksheets Many Rows
Jul 30, 2014
I have a workbook that has 5 worksheets. Worksheet1 is the Summary tab, Worksheets 2-5 contains data all sitting under the same headings and formats however vary in row number e.g.
Worksheet 2 - 63000 rows
Worksheet 3 - 48000 rows
Worksheet 4 - 23000 rows
Worksheet 5 - 21000 rows
In Worksheet 1 Column AQ contains a Cost Centre number which I would like to extract the parent description of in Column BI of the same Worksheet and then the child description into Column BJ. Worksheet 1 currently has 16000+ rows and grows daily.The location of the Cost Centre in Worksheets 2-4 is contained in Column A and the Parent Description in Column W and the Child Description in Column Y.I am currently using this INDEX MATCH formula to search all worksheets but as you can imagine it's tediously slow and needless to say sometimes not reporting/updating the values correctly likely because it's frozen.
COUNTIF(INDIRECT("'"&Sheet1!$A$1:$A$4&"'!A2:A63355"),AQ2)>0,0))&"'!A2:W63355"),23,0) this looks up Cost Centre in Worksheet 1 Column AQ and returns the results from Column W in Worksheets 2-4 to Worksheet 1 Column BI
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May 22, 2014
I have two data sets across two worksheets. The first worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet1:column A) and other data . The second worksheet contains sales order numbers (Sheet2:column A) and the product details.
On sheet1, I had to manually duplicate a sales order number (inserting another row) if the number of units of the order is greater than 1. I then need to fetch the product details from sheet2 for each unit for that specific order number. However in sheet2, there are multiple products for one sales order number.
How do i create a lookup/match to fetch the product details for each sales order number without duplicating the product details if there are multiple products for one sales order number?
I know a simple vlookup function will return the values that it matches first and that is not what i want.
Example: Sheet1
Column A (Sales Order#) | Column B (Quantity)
0417436GPCP | 1
0417436GPCP | 1
0413412FACY | 1
0413412FACY | 1
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Sep 21, 2012
HTML Code: VLOOKUP(M2,'FX Rates'!$A$1:$P$199,2,FALSE)
I have lots of vlookups in my spreadsheet. Match and Index is a better method and should speed up my spreadsheet (1000s of vlookups!).
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Feb 28, 2013
excel 2007. Here is the situation:
I am using the Index and Match function to lookup for two specific criterias in a different worksheet. So far, it is working well, but it gets complicated. I want to look for the criterias in 6 different worksheets based on what a certain column is saying. Here is an example:
So, if the continent is Asia in the column A, I want Excel to look in the Asia worksheet for the city and the venue and return me the contact information. Same, if the continent says Europe, I want it to look in the Europe worksheet or the city and the venue and return me the contact information. So on and so forth.
The formula I have at the moment is this:
How do I incorporate the logical test for it to look for the proper worksheet knowing that all my continent worksheet have the same structure?
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Mar 26, 2013
currently using Excel 2007 with Windows Vista.
I currently have a worksheet where I want to input a date (G2) and a rank value (H2) ranging from 1 to 4. The header value (B1:E1) corresponding to the date (A2:A4) and the rank (B2:B4) should be returned to I2 (currently returns #NA).
Using formula: =INDEX($B$1:$E$1,MATCH(H2,INDEX($B$2:$E$4,MATCH(G2,$A$2:$A$4),)))
which I found under: Find row, find value, then return column heading
However, the above formula does not seem to work with my date order or recurring data values of 1 to 4 over the 3 rows.
The worksheet layout is as follows:
The return value under Header should be C.
I have reversed the order of the dates and put sequential numbers in B2:B4 as plug variables and the above formula will return the correct Header value but I need the formula to work with the current date order and repeating rank values of 1 to 4 in B2:B4. Do not wish to use VBA.
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May 23, 2014
I have one worksheet. I am needing to match up column G cells (TELCEL/MULTI) with value on E3 and with value E4 and give consecutive numbers on column F depending if the matched column G with value on E3/E4 is on same date of column L and if column Q (Tipo de movimiento) appers "Ventas"; I have plenty blankcells and other values on column G.
column E
Clave del producto
Fecha del movimiento
Clave de la tienda
Clave de la caja
Clave del usuario
Clave del vendedor
Tipo de movimiento
[Code] ........
I have to put 1 to first and then sum one if condition is true
Telcel, Telcel tiempo aire $31
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Jan 7, 2013
Using Excel 2010.
Rows 1 and 2 (range: A1:CM2) within Spreadsheet X contain the range of data that I need.
Within Spreadsheet Y, Row 6 will change monthly and will be input by the user. The value in Row 6 equals the data in Row 2 in worksheet X.
I need to put a formula in row 4 of spreadsheet Y that returns the value of Row 1 in Spreadsheet X.
Unfortunately, I cannot change the spreadsheet layout, otherwise I could do an HLOOKUP formula using Spreadsheet Y Row 6 and Spreadsheet X Row 2 and be done with it. I assume that I need to use an Index-Match formula, which I am not as familiar with. In addition, all of the online support I have found explains Index-Match with data in columns, not rows.
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Jun 4, 2014
I have a data set where the row headings repeat a lot. I have 5 headers repeated probably 30-45 times each. Eg. Truck, Car, Van, Tank, House, Car
At the moment I am using the formula...
which will only return the result of the first occurrence of the cell it is looking for (for eg. I am looking for the values in the cells in columns labelled 'Car', is it possible for it to look past the first occurrence in the data set and find all the values?
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Jun 10, 2014
I'm having trouble using wildcards for text in index/match multiple criteria; I need to find the nearest site along a river (x) below a certain point (distance =21), each stretch of the river is labelled with the streches downstream (so stretch abc is upstream of ab).
My problem arises when the nearest point downstream is on the downtsream stretch of river. How do I use wild card to search for ab&"*" that will exclude abd.
[Code] ..........
'formula in cell E14 ={INDEX(A2:C11,MATCH(1,(A14=B2:B11)*(C2:C11
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Aug 26, 2013
I have an Excel Spreadsheet (2007) that contains over 500,000 records that shows Electric meter usage per month over a 24 month period per meter. What I want to be able to do is to select a meter row per number and copy is to it's own worksheet. At the end - I want to be able to have a seperate worksheet per electric meter number - that I can create a graph. If I go through all 9000 meters and copy and paste into a different worksheet - it will take me weeks to do manually. How can I do this automatically?
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Jan 29, 2014
I have 3 calculations I would like to make based on data in the spread sheet and I can't seem to get them to work with data from the two separate columns.
I tried a few of the index match max formulas I found here and could only get them to work with one column of data.
I have the spread sheet attached and the 3 calks I want to do are blank on the bottom.
I am using Excel 2011 for Mac
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Jul 6, 2012
I have a workbook with 4 sheets and with sheet 5 as a "consolidated" sheet. I have to create the macro, which will on a daily basis copy the populated data from those 4 sheets and paste into the sheet 5 (same workbook). The data in the Sheet 5 should be pasted from row 2 below each other.. Row 1 will be the headings and shouldn't be replaced. The data in all 4 sheets should be copied from row starting 37, columns C to BA but it will end with different row numbers. note that columns A & B are populated but shouldn't be copied.
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Feb 17, 2014
very basic Excel user (using Excel 2007). Trying to see how I can use the VLookup function from multiple worksheets to get an average. I know it can be done, but just not sure how to go about doing that. My spreadsheet is attached - basically what I want to do is to get an average for the individuals listed in the "Consensus" tab for the figures that appear in Worksheets "1", "2" and "3".
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Jan 11, 2012
I've already found a TON of threads about this process but nothing that matches specifically what I'm trying to do.
I have a spreadsheet that I'm using to auto fill other tabs with data that only matches specific criteria. Here's what I'm looking to do:
Columns I, J, K, and L may be marked as either Y or N (or blank). I have different sheets that require 1, 2, 3, or 4 of those columns to match Y. For example, on sheet 2 I want to copy the entire row if there's a "Y" match on column I and J. On sheet 3 I want to match "Y" against, I, J, and K. Sheet 4 I need to match only L, etc.
I need the data copied into the existing sheets to start on row 7. I have other data on rows 1-6 that cannot be moved.
I'm running Excel 2007.
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Jan 15, 2013
In Excel 2007, Windows 7 Home Premium, I am trying to summarise multiple worksheets into one sheet, creating a list in one column in this summary sheet that includes the cell contents from the same cell from each sheet. For example, my first sheet is called KCD183 and I want to list the value from KCD183 Cell A2 in my Summary Cell A2, then show KCD184 Cell A2 in Summary Cell A3 (i.e. the next row down). So my Summary sheet will list all cell A2s from all my sheets, 1 after the other down column A and will continue to add these for any new sheets I add.
I realise that I could just export the spreadsheet to Access and report on it from there, but I don't have the software!
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Mar 31, 2012
I have different worksheets to contains information from different years. To make it comphrensve, I have created a mastersheet which contains all the info across the worksheets. And once I make an entry in the worksheet, I hope the mastersheet can be updated automatically. the function I set is
Yet, my problem is..... once I perform sorting in the mastersheet, the cells are wrongly matched. So, I just wonder how I can revise the function?
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Apr 5, 2013
I have two worksheets, named as follows:
Worksheet1: SUMMARY
Worksheet2: ART 2013
'ART 2013' contains a list of staff numbers in column C16:C752 and a list of dates in column M16:M752 (formatted as "mm-yyyy")
Within 'SUMMARY' cell G12 contains the date 04-2013.
What I would like to do is achieve a function that will look at 'ART 2013' columns C and M in and where the date in Column M is equal to cell G12 (04-2013) of the 'SUMMARY' worksheet excel will return the Staff Number in 'ART 2013' column C.
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Oct 27, 2009
making a roster file for our school clinic so that reports can be generated automatically and there are less hand-written records around.
I am having trouble with the 'Supplies' sheet, where I am attempting to sum up the quantities (column k) adjacent to all occurrences of a supply in Column J sheets 1 through 31. So that we can know how much of x supply was used in the whole month and so on.
=INDEX('24'!$J$3:$K$106,MATCH(B5,'24'!$J$3:$J$106,FALSE),2) Returns a value, but that is because sheet 24 has a value for b5, problem is if i use +INDEX and any of the sheets dont have a value for B5, the result is either VALUE or N/A
=SUMIF('1:31'!J5:J105,B6,'1:31'!K5:K105) gives a VALUE! error
I've also tried =INDEX('1:31'!$J$3:$K$106,MATCH(B5,'1:31'!$J$3:$J$106,FALSE),2)
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Jan 21, 2014
See attached file, "Rate Sample Index-Match Formula".
I need a formula to return the value at the cross section of two (2) lookup values that match. This formula will be input into column D under, "RATE" on the 1st tab, "TEST FILE".
In the 1st tab, "TEST FILE" there are a series of columns as follows;
A = Service
B = From
C = To
D = Rate
In the 2nd tab, "RATES" there is a series of rates with drivers From (green) & To (blue)
The formula needs to do the following;
1. Lookup the "From" value in column B on tab, "TEST FILE" and match to column B2:B59 on tab, "RATES" both highlighted in green
2. Then Lookup the "To" value in column C on tab, "TEST FILE" and match to row C1:BH1 on tab, "RATES" both highlighted in blue
3. Then return the value at the cross section of the match "From" (point 1 above) & "To" (point 2 above) in range C2:BH59
For Example;
The rate From SYD To CBR = 0.33. I have highlighted this in yellow on both tabs to show where the formula needs to lookup the data to return the answer.
Additionally, if we were to add service as an additional lookup match how would this work?
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Jan 10, 2012
I have a list of about 4,000 contacts each with about 2 or 3 products with us. Each product creates a new contact row.
I would like to merge each row with the same contact into one row.
I have attached an example : Example test.xlsx
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Apr 27, 2012
I think I could get this to work but the INDEX command is not returning an index of the row like it is documented. It is returning the value in the cell. In order to get this to work, I need to return the index of the row. I need to know what row the match found the item on because the value I need to copy is going to be in column J of that same row.
I have two worksheets within 1 excel document.1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)
1 worksheet is a hand filled and excel programmed worksheet (Name is website-upload)
The other worksheet is a table from a database connection worksheet. (Name is ODBC_Products)
Each worksheet has a Sku column in it.
website-upload: Column AODBC_Products: Column B
Each worksheet has a QTY column in it.
website-upload: Column KODBC_Products: Column J
Goal: I would like to search the Sku column ODBC_Products and find a match for a sku that is listed in the website-upload sku column and then when I find that match, display the qty from the ODBC_Products worksheet to the website-upload worksheet.
Notes: I add columns and delete columns all of the time on this worksheet so I would rather do this in excel vs. a macro. I figure this can be done with something like:
Returns N/A
Returns an Error
Here is an example of what I have: [URL]
The website-upload image says Website Qty column (J). That is supposed to say column (K)
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Jul 11, 2008
INDEX/MATCH multiple ocurence match values needed
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Apr 16, 2009
I know there are many posts concerning this, but after scouring, I couldn't find one that fit my situation. I have a total of six worksheets, I am only concerned with two worksheets.
Worksheet (functions!)
This one has a list of numbers formatted as general. (Column G)
Is actually a formula/macro that outputs a number... (didn't know if this mattered?)
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May 2, 2012
I'm working in Excel 2007 and need to move data from multiple rows to a single row if the ID matches.Below is sample data I would be working with. I want to move data from columns F-U to the right of the original data in the row above it. I would also like to delete the rows that had data moved.
GIDSurnameNameEmployee Number OriginalDate of birthGranting ARE
Employing ARECountry Employing ARECHCM Supplier IDVehicle
Investmt. shares / Awards at termination dateMatching Shares
at termination dateTermination
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Feb 26, 2014
I need to transpose data from Column A to Row 2 and down.
The data in column A is in sections of 19 rows and then a blank cell and another 19 rows of data contimuously, It is a dynamic range and can contain many thousands of Rows.
The data needs to be transposed from Column A to row 2 (row 1 has the head line for each column) so the 19 lines of data is now spread accross 19 columns in row 2 and the next section from column A is spread accross the 19 columns in row 3 and so on.
My data looks similar to the below. (Test Number 0001 starts in A1)
Test Number 0001
I use Excel 2007
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Dec 2, 2013
I would like to extract Bill cost from "rule" sheet and insert it to "data" sheet using index-match functions. My problem are multiple criteria and multiple matches.
The criteria are Column: Cost type, Power, Penalty Category (The logic goes like AND function).
And I want it to extract "Bills" value from "rule" sheet.
There are multiple matches in all columns (Cost type, Power, Penalty Category) which cause wrong extraction.
How do i solve this problem with index-match function?
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Mar 28, 2012
I tried searching some other Index/Match threads but figured I did not want to confuse the other original posters. I can index/match on a single set of criteria but what I am trying to do it add an additional match criteria into the equation and that is the last "MATCH" in my formula pasted below (MATCH($B3&"",O1:S1,0).
1)I need to match the value in Column A to Column N
2)Then for that combination, I need to match the combination value in Column B which ranges across Column O thru Column S
a.Ex. Cell A3
i.0001 matches to 0001 and B3 #50000 pulls in the value from Q3 (which would be 2)
Formula in J3
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Jun 11, 2014
I am trying to work on a index match but can't seem to make it work.
My look up value are on column while the data I want to show and look up array are on rows and still getting 0 results.
Is there any solution ofr this to make it work without altering my look up value & arrays to columns as well?
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Nov 6, 2013
I have a dataset of a few hundred rows, but will only provide a small sample of rows for this example.
I need INDEX/MATCH to return the correct values for the subset below.
Column A (Forecast Status) - Column B (Account Name)
Commit - Account01 (Row 1)
Commit - Account02 (Row 2)
Won - Account03 (Row 3)
Won - Account04 (Row 4)
Won - Account05 (Row 5)
Upside - Account06 (Row 6)
Lost - Account07 (Row 7)
Upside - Account08 (Row 8)
Won - Account09 (Row 9)
Commit - Account10 (Row 10)
In a new tab, I am creating a 'dashboard' view that will group each of the following:
Commit ONLY Accounts in cell A1 (Formula to be copied down to retrieve Rows 1,2,10)
Won ONLY Accounts in B1. (Formula to be copied down to retrieve Rows 3,4,5,9)
Upside ONLY Accounts in C1. (Formula to be copied down to retrieve Rows 6,8)
Lost ONLY Accounts in D1. (Formula to be copied down to retrieve Rows 7)
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Mar 7, 2013
I am trying to return a reference to the first cell that meets several conditions. I can calculate a column (say Col E) that tells if each row meets condition with
=IF(AND(IF('number of cases by year'!B28:B547>'cumulative distribution >0 '!F51,TRUE,FALSE),IF('number of cases by year'!$A$2:$A$521>=DATE('% of cases captured'!$C$3,'% of cases captured'!$A$3,'% of cases captured'!$B$3),TRUE,FALSE)),TRUE,FALSE)
Then to find the first time this is met I use
Is there a way to do this all in one step? I tried
=MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(IF(AND(IF('number of cases by year'!B20:B539>'cumulative distribution >0 '!F43,TRUE,FALSE),IF('number of cases by year'!$A$2:$A$521>=DATE('% of cases captured'!$C$3,'% of cases captured'!$A$3,'% of cases captured'!$B$3),TRUE,FALSE)),TRUE,FALSE),0),0)
but it does not seem to work. It returns #VALUE
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