Excel 2007 :: Macro Buttons No Longer Linked?
Apr 12, 2012
I have a workbook created in Excel2003 as an xls with a nuumber of buttons to call macros. I converted it to an xlsm in Excel2007 and now get the message "((#Ref.xls could not be found..." whenever I click any of the macro buttons. Event code in the individual worksheets works fine.
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Feb 11, 2012
In an effort to manipulate the xml documents within an xls, you used to be able to change the extension to .zip then open. This no longer works for me, just getting the 'cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive.
I have tried it with a number of different files, but no joy.
It still works with a .doc so I guess it's not that Microsoft have stopped this capability?
Using Excel 2007
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Apr 26, 2012
I am using Excel 2007. When I pulled up a workbook today with 3 sheets in it, all that comes up is the first sheet and the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen are no longer there. I must have accidentlly pushed some button, but I can't get to the other sheets. I really need the information on the other sheets. How do I restore the view that shows the sheet numbers at the bottom?
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Jan 5, 2012
In Excel 2007, I have a tables linked from Access 2007. I frequently delete and import a new set of data into Access, then refresh the Excel file. Most of the time this works, but I've noticed sometimes one column doesn't refresh (even though I can see it in Access). If I modify the field name in the Access query, then refresh the table in Excel the newly named field is added in the in the last column of the table with current data. The column that wasn't refreshing stays the same.
When I originally created the link in Excel, I added various columns with formulas, but do not edit the columns that are imported from Access.
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Feb 1, 2012
Using Excel 2007.I have references set for Microsoft ADO Ext 2.8 for DDL and Security and Microsoft AciveX Data Objects 2.7 Library.
I am trying to refresh tables in Access dbase from Excel.
I am receiving this error:
Run-time error '3709' The connection cannot be used to perform this operation. It is either closed or invalid in this context
Debug points here
Set adoTbl.ParentCatalog = adoCat
what I am doing wrong?
Full code below
Option Explicit
Sub RefreshLinks()
'Comments: 1.)Refresh linked tables
' 2.)Set Reference To Microsoft ADO Ext. 2.8 for DDL and Security
'Date Developer Action
'02/01/12 ws Created
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Jan 17, 2014
I was using some Excel Macros as shortcuts to go to and log into some common web sites I use everyday. After my company upgraded us from XP to windows 7 the macros stop in the middle on a line of code(in bold) and I am not sure why. Do I need a pause or delay to give it time?
HTML Code:
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim IE As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")
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Dec 11, 2012
I am using excel 2007
I am attempting to put a drop down list using "Data Validation". I can get it working when my list is on the same sheet (sheet 1) and the column of cells I want the drop down list to show up in....(you know..when the drop down list shows up in each individual cell)......BUT...when I put the list on another sheet (sheet 2) and try to do the "Data Validation" back on sheet 1, excel won't let me go highlight the list on sheet 2.
I even tried writing sheet2 and the range and that still doesnt work.
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Nov 1, 2011
I have an Excel 2007 template which is used for data entry. I want to disable cut, copy and paste functionality and have disabled shortcut keys via VBA and used CustomUI to leave a bare ribbon. However, a user can still add cut, copy and paste buttons to their quick access menu. Any way to prevent this?
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Oct 10, 2013
I have a userform with a textbox and would like the user to type inside the textbox which in turn send the text typed to a cell on my spread sheet say sheet 1 cell ref A1. I am writing the following into the control source Sheet1!A1 but the control source does not except this. I am using excel 2007 .
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Jun 17, 2009
I have used the LOOKUP formula several times with no problem.
Now -- even in the simplest example -- I can't get it to work as I expect.
Rather than explain, attached is a very simple spreadsheet that shows how the LOOKUP formula is returning a different value than I would expect.
As mentioned on the spreadsheet, the value I would expect to be returned is "euro", not "other sam".
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Jul 1, 2014
I have this worksheet with 2 buttons and 2 textboxes.the first button is named search literally to search the items inputted in the textboxes and the second button is clear which clear all the inputted items in the textboxes and the search field. I manage to code those things however I have a main problem. How am I suppose to linked a checkbox with those items?
For example I searched this particular item so the checkbox corresponding to that item must show up in the left most column of it. and if I searched multiple items those checkboxes must show up too. I am having a hard time coding and trying since I am new in vba. I also attached a sample worksheet. I am using excel 2007.
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Sep 26, 2013
I created some excel 2003 spreadsheets to use for Fire/Police dispatchers. I have a series of yes/no option buttons that were created using the control toolbox. I have a macro that clears all the blanks where text is added, but want to add a line that clears the option buttons also.
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Feb 10, 2012
I am trying to create a worksheet that has multiple radio buttons. Each radio button is linked to a Macro. I need there to be many buttons running down one side of the worksheet. Each button needs to perform a macro that is relevant to the cells in the same row that it is on.
Essentially what i am trying to do is make a macro that when the button is pressed copys data from H6 and paste it into B6. The button is situated above I6. I need a button for each row from 6 to 110.
While this macro is easy to create (i use the record button and then assign the macro to the button), i would have to do this 104 times and assign a new macro to each button.
Is there a quicker way?
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Apr 25, 2008
I use Excel 2007 and I have an .xls that I've had set to auto-open at startup and has worked fine for months now. Alll of a sudden a couple days ago it stopped auto-opening, and I have to now manually open the .xls. I looved in the Advanced>At Startup setting and it's set to the correct folder. What other setting in Excel 2007 do I need to check that would be causing this startup problem?
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Feb 7, 2013
All of the sudden, I've started having issues on one PC with Excel opening CSV files.
I work with these files every day and they work on other computers.
The problem is that if the field value starts with a dash, Excel will not show any records before that. Meaning, if there is a record on line 50000 that starts with a dash, it will not show the previous 49000 records.
I can open the file in Notepad++ and find all '- and replace it with ' and it will work fine. But I have hundreds of files.
This just started. I'm using using Office 2010 x64. I'm tempted to get Office 2013 to see if this will resolve it as something has obviously went wrong.
In the past, I would open the CSV files just like any Excel file and NEVER any issues. I would do this with multiple files each day but even the file that I use to not have issues with in the past is now an issue if it has a dash in a field.
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Jun 20, 2014
When trying to import an excel file (.xlsx) from the web to a local excel file on my computer, I have tried to set up a macro to automate this process. I recorded a macro using the "record macro" function, but when trying to import the .xlsx file, the URL was too long and Excel does not allow for such long URLs.
The URL in question is:
One solution which I thought of was to shorten the URL with tinyurl.com, which converted the URL to: [URL] . I then used this in the macro recording and it indeed worked. I then tried to substitute all instances of the tinyurl in the VBA code with the long URL, but the
.SourceDataFile = "http://www.transelectrica.ro/widget/...let_excel=true"
was regarded as an invalid cell/argument.
Is there any way in which I can make this work? I need to have the whole URL, as in the end I plan to have an automated process with the URL changing every 10 seconds with the system clock (and thus refreshing the imported table every 10 seconds), so going through tinyurl every time is not an option.
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Oct 17, 2008
I hope I can explain what I am trying to accomplish properly. Many years ago (5+), I had this exact workbook setup, but am having a lot of difficulty remembering VB & Excel and making this again from scratch.
I am looking to create an Excel Workbook. The workbook will contain numerous tabs, each tab will essentially be a template, and contain basic formulas.
On tab 1(Sheet1), I would like to have a listbox. The individual items in the listbox, should have the same name of, and be linked to all tabs in the workbook.
There will also be three buttons.
Button1 - Generates the names in the listbox based on existing tabs within the workbook
Button2 - Opens a new workbook, and copies over the selected tabs (AKA - creates a working copy of the workbook)
Button3 - Clears the selection and resets the listbox.
The number of tabs, and contents of tabs, within the workbook will be changing. So the listbox should know to look for all tabs, be it 5, or 50.
The end result would allow someone, who knows nothing of Excel, to open this workbook, as a read-only file. Generate a list of available tabs, select the tabs they need, generate a new workbook containing these tabs, that they can then edit to suit their needs.
In my line of work (and I am sure everyones) there is a huge problem with consistancy. This leads to a snowball effect of problems carrying over, and being copied from one project to the next. As I mentioned earler, I once already had this workbook setup, and it solved all our consistancy problems. I am hoping to do the same.
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Jul 25, 2013
how to add a vlookup to a longer macro I'm working on but I keep running into a variety of errors. I ended up creating a new Sub () to test out a very simple vlookup macro in the hopes of figuring out what's going on.
I went to this website VLOOKUP In VBA and copied exactly a sample code they provided there (only thing I changed was substituting in my own lookup value and range), but I'm still getting an "object required" error. Is there something wrong with the provided code, or do I have a setting off on my computer? I've tried to use vlookup in a macro several different ways but I keep getting assorted errors (including object required)
Sub Fustrated()
Dim E_name As String
E_name = "Lira"
Sal = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(E_name, Admin.Range("AF3:AG12"), 2, False)
MsgBox "Number" And Sal
End Sub
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Apr 6, 2007
This macro ran fine until I started using Offset on ranges to have them extend. The macro replaces "L" with blanks but does not go on to delete the rows. The name "Type" refers to =Offset(Mem05!$A$2,0,0, CountA(Mem05!$A$2:$A$270),10)
Relevant part of Macro
Application.Goto Reference:="Type"
Selection.Replace What:="L", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=False, _
On Error Resume Next
Is it using Offset that could be causing this error?
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Aug 22, 2012
Using Excel 2010.
I've created a spreadsheet at work that has two summary tabs which contain hyperlinks to around 30 separate sheet tabs.
On each sheet tab there is a list of unique values in column A (and other information relating to each value in columns B to D which are repeated for more than one unique value). In column E, users enter a test script name against each unique value they wish to 'reserve', and the macro picks out the unique test script names and via the COUNTIF formula counts the frequency of each test script name for each of the different values in column B.
My problem is that the macro seems to work fine if the workbook is not shared, but errors if the workbook is saved as shared. The error is 'Run time error 1004 - Unable to select the MergeCells property of the Range class'.
Here is the macro code:
Sub Get_Policies_Per_Script(updCol As Long, ShtName As String)
Dim rowctr As Long
Dim tgtrow As Long
Const ppsformula As String = "=COUNTIFS($A$3:$A$65000,I$24,$E$3:$E$65000,$G"
If updCol = 5 Then 'test name column has been modified
[Code] ..........
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Jul 30, 2014
I created three macros to work with reporting for my company.
One sorts a field, another deletes unwanted columns, and the third double checks columns for answers--I work for a telecom polling firm.
It was working last week on my computer, and it still works on another computer at the office. However, I keep getting an error message when I try to run it.
The message is "Compile Error: Expected Function or Variable". The code is below, and bolded where it breaks down.
[Code] .......
What could be the rationale for the sudden breakdown? I was testing it on a file that I have tested with before without issue. I also tried a second file, and even restarted my computer. I am currently trying to write a fourth macro for counting responses and giving percentages, so while I don't need to have the perfectly cleaned data to do so it would be nice to have.
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Nov 25, 2013
I have a macro that used to create a new book for each of the worksheets in a workbook that would name them the same as the worksheet.
Since our company upgraded to Windows 7 the macro, more often than not, fails to work.
The code for the macro is
Sub NewBook1()
Set wbSource = ActiveWorkbook
For Each ws In wbSource.Sheets
Set wbDest = ActiveWorkbook
wbDest.SaveAs strSavePath & filePrefix & " " & ws.Name & " " & fileSuffix
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
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Jul 30, 2014
I'm currently using Excel 2010. Before, when ctrl+v'ing a cell that wasn't a number (but was, for example, a function), I could immediately after press ctrl, bring up a paste menu, and press v to paste as a value.
So before, if I had a range of cells that were functions (say something simple like "=D3/E3" on F3 and dragged down), I could do the following to paste the range into another worksheet:
1. Ctrl+shift+down to select the entire range
2. Ctrl+C
3. Ctrl+V into a different worksheet (at which point everything shows up as either "#DIV/0!" or as the wrong number, depending on cells to the left)
4. Ctrl (brings up the paste menu)
5. V (selects "values")
6. The entire range is now pasted as values, and not as functions
Recently, however, clicking on "ctrl" after pasting brings up no paste menu. I haven't changed any settings. I will lovingly serenade the first (and second, and third) man (or woman) that figure out what settings I must change or what I must do differently.
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Aug 4, 2008
I am trying to write a macro that returns specific results from a longer list based on an entry in a cell.
For example if I have “Colours” typed in cell A1 in Worksheet 1 and there is a list on Worksheet 2:
Colours Black
Colours Yellow
Colours Green
Animals Dog
Animals Cat
Animals Tiger
Then I would like the blow answers returned in cell B1 on worksheet 1
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Nov 30, 2007
The code to merge sheets to a master sheet runs great, however when I copy the code to the Personal.XLSB to have the macro available to use on every workbook I’m getting an error. The line of code is Application.Goto DestSh.Cells(1) and the error is Method ‘Goto of object’_Application’failed. This happen even if I create a new workbook with 3 sheets and only a few cells with information. The macro to mail the sheet works fine using the Personal XLSB.
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Jan 6, 2008
I want to do simple calculation using Macro in MS Excel 2007..
All the data is in Sheet1 ( Which is 13a ), the calculation is in Sheet2 ( Which is work ) and the result of the calculation will come out in Sheet3 ( Which is result )..
Here is my coding..
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Jul 10, 2012
I am trying to put together a standalone VBA macro that can easily be inserted into my financial models that allows me to quickly switch between two different printing setups - e.g. 8.5x 11 and 11x17 tabloid.
I also am using excel 2007.
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Feb 4, 2014
A certain macro (or is it a VB script?) in an Excel 2007 spreadsheet has to be manually recalculated every time I open the file. The only way I've found to do this is to click in the formula bar and hit Enter, or else click the green check mark to accept the formula. The spreadsheet is set to recalculate automatically, so I do not understand why this is happening.
Another wrinkle is that I can't locate the specification/definition of the macro. I checked the Developer menu on the ribbon and looked in the Visual Basic and Macros lists, but could not see the definition of the macro in question. Another user created the spreadsheet but I am unable to contact him...
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Nov 20, 2011
I am trying to rename a excel table from its file name after importing the data into the current sheet i am working in. Is there a method for going this? I can do it manually easily, but when I try to record myself within a macro, it still uses the file's previous name in the code before renaming it. Using Excel 2007.
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Mar 11, 2012
I have a sheet with 500 rows and 20 columns. I want to put an input box and a button on a different sheet. What I would like to happen is that when you put the criteria in the input box and click the button it opens the form for the row corresponding to the criteria and allows you to edit the 20 columns. Excel 2007.
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