Excel Macro No Longer Function After XP To Win 7 Upgrade

Jan 17, 2014

I was using some Excel Macros as shortcuts to go to and log into some common web sites I use everyday. After my company upgraded us from XP to windows 7 the macros stop in the middle on a line of code(in bold) and I am not sure why. Do I need a pause or delay to give it time?

HTML Code:
Sub Button1_Click()
Dim IE As Object
Set IE = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")


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Excel 2007 :: Macro Buttons No Longer Linked?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a workbook created in Excel2003 as an xls with a nuumber of buttons to call macros. I converted it to an xlsm in Excel2007 and now get the message "((#Ref.xls could not be found..." whenever I click any of the macro buttons. Event code in the individual worksheets works fine.

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Excel 2010 :: Huge Row Height After Upgrade?

Dec 7, 2011

We just upgraded to Office 2010 and now on many of my regular Excel files, when I open them in the new version, the last row that's visible in the window ends up with some massively huge row height such that you can't even page down past it.

I can resolve it easily by clicking on the row number and re-sizing it, but I'm getting tired of doing that.

What's wrong with Excel 2010?

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VBA And Macro Issues After Upgrade To 2003

Jul 21, 2006

I have Excel worsheets that used to work with Excel 2000 and now cause errors since I upgraded to Excel 2003.

I get the following error when I run the macro;

Run-time error '-2147467259 (80004005)':
Method 'Select' of object 'Shape' Failed

From the following line of code;
ActiveSheet.Shapes ("Rectangle 7") .Select

The macro works perfectly on Excel 2000 but not on Excel 2003. The Macro open data files and extracts data into a big table. Is there any issues with Excel 2003. Do I need to rewrite some of the code?

To get it to run the first time I tried to use it, I had to unprotect the sheet and remove the VBA password. Then I was able to run the Macro but the code fails at the step noted above.

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Replace Part Of Longer Function

Mar 14, 2014

I am working with a lot of data and have been making a table of statistical analysis for several rock types. I have it worked out to where i can filter the data and with the use of a bunch of IF functions, below, and it keeps everything the way I want.

{=MAX(IF($H$2:$H$22="sedimentary rocks",$W$2:$W$22))}

The problem is I have to introduce new rock types, but if I just copy the formulas over i then have to go through hundreds of cells and switch sedimentary rocks to volcanic or whatever new class i have.

How this can be done faster. Maybe some way to say "find "text" within this range and replace" i can do it for actual values but when its embedded in a function im not sure.

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Excel No Longer Opening CSV Files Correctly

Feb 7, 2013

All of the sudden, I've started having issues on one PC with Excel opening CSV files.

I work with these files every day and they work on other computers.

The problem is that if the field value starts with a dash, Excel will not show any records before that. Meaning, if there is a record on line 50000 that starts with a dash, it will not show the previous 49000 records.

I can open the file in Notepad++ and find all '- and replace it with ' and it will work fine. But I have hundreds of files.

This just started. I'm using using Office 2010 x64. I'm tempted to get Office 2013 to see if this will resolve it as something has obviously went wrong.

In the past, I would open the CSV files just like any Excel file and NEVER any issues. I would do this with multiple files each day but even the file that I use to not have issues with in the past is now an issue if it has a dash in a field.

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URL Longer Than 256 Characters - Importing From Web Excel Sheet

Jun 20, 2014

When trying to import an excel file (.xlsx) from the web to a local excel file on my computer, I have tried to set up a macro to automate this process. I recorded a macro using the "record macro" function, but when trying to import the .xlsx file, the URL was too long and Excel does not allow for such long URLs.

The URL in question is:


One solution which I thought of was to shorten the URL with tinyurl.com, which converted the URL to: [URL] . I then used this in the macro recording and it indeed worked. I then tried to substitute all instances of the tinyurl in the VBA code with the long URL, but the

.SourceDataFile = "http://www.transelectrica.ro/widget/...let_excel=true"
was regarded as an invalid cell/argument.

Is there any way in which I can make this work? I need to have the whole URL, as in the end I plan to have an automated process with the URL changing every 10 seconds with the system clock (and thus refreshing the imported table every 10 seconds), so going through tinyurl every time is not an option.

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How To Add VLookup To Longer Macro

Jul 25, 2013

how to add a vlookup to a longer macro I'm working on but I keep running into a variety of errors. I ended up creating a new Sub () to test out a very simple vlookup macro in the hopes of figuring out what's going on.

I went to this website VLOOKUP In VBA and copied exactly a sample code they provided there (only thing I changed was substituting in my own lookup value and range), but I'm still getting an "object required" error. Is there something wrong with the provided code, or do I have a setting off on my computer? I've tried to use vlookup in a macro several different ways but I keep getting assorted errors (including object required)


Sub Fustrated()
Dim E_name As String
E_name = "Lira"
Sal = Application.WorksheetFunction.VLookup(E_name, Admin.Range("AF3:AG12"), 2, False)
MsgBox "Number" And Sal
End Sub

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Macro With Delete Row - No Longer Runs

Apr 6, 2007

This macro ran fine until I started using Offset on ranges to have them extend. The macro replaces "L" with blanks but does not go on to delete the rows. The name "Type" refers to =Offset(Mem05!$A$2,0,0, CountA(Mem05!$A$2:$A$270),10)

Relevant part of Macro
Application.Goto Reference:="Type"
Selection.Replace What:="L", Replacement:="", LookAt:=xlWhole, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=True, SearchFormat:=False, _
On Error Resume Next


Is it using Offset that could be causing this error?

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Excel 2007 :: Change Extension To ZIP To View XML No Longer Works

Feb 11, 2012

In an effort to manipulate the xml documents within an xls, you used to be able to change the extension to .zip then open. This no longer works for me, just getting the 'cannot open file: it does not appear to be a valid archive.

I have tried it with a number of different files, but no joy.

It still works with a .doc so I guess it's not that Microsoft have stopped this capability?

Using Excel 2007

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Excel 2007 :: Sheet Tabs At The Bottom Of Screen No Longer There

Apr 26, 2012

I am using Excel 2007. When I pulled up a workbook today with 3 sheets in it, all that comes up is the first sheet and the sheet tabs at the bottom of the screen are no longer there. I must have accidentlly pushed some button, but I can't get to the other sheets. I really need the information on the other sheets. How do I restore the view that shows the sheet numbers at the bottom?

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Excel 2010 :: Macros No Longer Work When Workbook Shared

Aug 22, 2012

Using Excel 2010.

I've created a spreadsheet at work that has two summary tabs which contain hyperlinks to around 30 separate sheet tabs.

On each sheet tab there is a list of unique values in column A (and other information relating to each value in columns B to D which are repeated for more than one unique value). In column E, users enter a test script name against each unique value they wish to 'reserve', and the macro picks out the unique test script names and via the COUNTIF formula counts the frequency of each test script name for each of the different values in column B.

My problem is that the macro seems to work fine if the workbook is not shared, but errors if the workbook is saved as shared. The error is 'Run time error 1004 - Unable to select the MergeCells property of the Range class'.

Here is the macro code:

Sub Get_Policies_Per_Script(updCol As Long, ShtName As String)
Dim rowctr As Long
Dim tgtrow As Long

Const ppsformula As String = "=COUNTIFS($A$3:$A$65000,I$24,$E$3:$E$65000,$G"

If updCol = 5 Then 'test name column has been modified

[Code] ..........

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Macro No Longer Works - Getting Compile Error?

Jul 30, 2014

I created three macros to work with reporting for my company.

One sorts a field, another deletes unwanted columns, and the third double checks columns for answers--I work for a telecom polling firm.

It was working last week on my computer, and it still works on another computer at the office. However, I keep getting an error message when I try to run it.

The message is "Compile Error: Expected Function or Variable". The code is below, and bolded where it breaks down.


[Code] .......

What could be the rationale for the sudden breakdown? I was testing it on a file that I have tested with before without issue. I also tried a second file, and even restarted my computer. I am currently trying to write a fourth macro for counting responses and giving percentages, so while I don't need to have the perfectly cleaned data to do so it would be nice to have.

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New Book Macro Creator No Longer Working

Nov 25, 2013

I have a macro that used to create a new book for each of the worksheets in a workbook that would name them the same as the worksheet.

Since our company upgraded to Windows 7 the macro, more often than not, fails to work.

The code for the macro is


Sub NewBook1()
Set wbSource = ActiveWorkbook
For Each ws In wbSource.Sheets
Set wbDest = ActiveWorkbook
wbDest.SaveAs strSavePath & filePrefix & " " & ws.Name & " " & fileSuffix
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: Paste Options No Longer Showing Up When Clicking CTRL

Jul 30, 2014

I'm currently using Excel 2010. Before, when ctrl+v'ing a cell that wasn't a number (but was, for example, a function), I could immediately after press ctrl, bring up a paste menu, and press v to paste as a value.

So before, if I had a range of cells that were functions (say something simple like "=D3/E3" on F3 and dragged down), I could do the following to paste the range into another worksheet:

1. Ctrl+shift+down to select the entire range
2. Ctrl+C
3. Ctrl+V into a different worksheet (at which point everything shows up as either "#DIV/0!" or as the wrong number, depending on cells to the left)
4. Ctrl (brings up the paste menu)
5. V (selects "values")
6. The entire range is now pasted as values, and not as functions

Recently, however, clicking on "ctrl" after pasting brings up no paste menu. I haven't changed any settings. I will lovingly serenade the first (and second, and third) man (or woman) that figure out what settings I must change or what I must do differently.

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Macro That Returns Specific Results From A Longer List

Aug 4, 2008

I am trying to write a macro that returns specific results from a longer list based on an entry in a cell.

For example if I have “Colours” typed in cell A1 in Worksheet 1 and there is a list on Worksheet 2:

Colours Black
Colours Yellow
Colours Green
Animals Dog
Animals Cat
Animals Tiger

Then I would like the blow answers returned in cell B1 on worksheet 1

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Upgrade Old Macros

Dec 17, 2009

I have Excel 2000 currently at my Job. When we upgrade to 2007 or 2010 will the macros that I have for 2000 work in the newer version? If not what can I do to get them to work?

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Broken UDF After Upgrade To 2007

Mar 13, 2009

Function MultLookup(Rng As Range, lookup_value As String, col_offset As Integer, Optional num_return As Integer) As Variant
Dim myArray(), cnt, cell
For Each cell In Rng
If cell.Value = lookup_value Then
cnt = cnt + 1
ReDim Preserve myArray(1 To cnt)
myArray(cnt) = cell.Offset(0, col_offset).Value
End If
Next cell

If num_return = 0 Then
For i = 1 To cnt
If i = 1 Then
MultLookup = myArray(i)
MultLookup = MultLookup & ", " & myArray(i)
End If
Next i
ElseIf num_return > 0 And num_return

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Macro Or Excel Function For Calculating Average

Apr 16, 2014

Excel function or macros for calculating the average of waterSD column where the TT column is less than or equal to 100(red markings). functions like IF TT IS LESS THAN OR EQUAL TO 100, THEN CALCULATE AVERAGE OF WATERSD....

I had done manually on the right side in the attached excel sheet. only those yellow markings.

Because already I have some macro which do this process but it is not accounting for the TT column less than 100. it starts from 200 TT values. but i need to include 100 TT also. That's is where now we have yellow markings. I will provide you the macro code if you can edit that where it will start calculating form 100TT value, it will be really great. The code is,

[Code] .....

Attached File : average for watersd OF 100TT.xlsx‎

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MATCH Function Integration Into Excel Macro

May 7, 2012

I am using a macro to pull and arrange data from two worksheets into a "master" sheet. After I run the macro, I have a large set of data but no way to see which sheet each entry came from.

I would like to have a MATCH formula run in a column to the left of the data. Column A will indicate if the data line is present in the sheet A, and Column B will indicate if the data line is present in sheet B. In the past, I have used something like the following:


Things in brackets would be replaced with the relevant cell, sheet, and range being referenced. This line says "NO" if the cell string is not in the referenced range and "YES" if it is.

How would I insert this into the macro to have this run on every row with information in it?

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Excel 2003 :: Macro With Submit Function Included?

Jul 12, 2014

I cant find out of include the submit button. I can fill out the field but not submit.

Use excel 2003


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Excel 2000 :: Macro Calling Unrelated Function?

Jun 9, 2014

the macro works fine until it executes the paste values. At that point, the macro jumps to the "CountThem" function which is located in another workbook. The data that I am copy/pasting is in no way connected to any cells that are using that function. Although, other values in the workbook are passed down from data that uses that function.

I am still in the dark ages using Excel 2000.

This is the code for my macro.

Sub Current_to_Raw()
' Current_to_Raw Macro
' Macro recorded 2/12/2014 by


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Macro Needs Window And Excel To Be Open/reopened To Function

Apr 9, 2007

I have this module that is supposed to delete rows containing some words and those that are entirely empty..

The macro works fine when I open the file for the first time (excel as well) but subsequently if i try to run it again, the macro doesnt work anymore. What could possibly be causing this bug?

Private Sub DeleteRows()

ScreenUpdating = True
Dim Rng1 As Range
Dim X As String
X = " TOTAL"
Set Rng1 = ActiveSheet.UsedRange. Find(X)
If Rng1 Is Nothing Then
Exit Do
End If

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Perform Find And Replace Function

Apr 8, 2014

I have two sheets. One is named sheet1 where all my data is and sheet2 where all my values are. I want to do a find a replace on column N (sheet1) using the data in sheet2. Column A on Sheet2 has all the values that are found in column N and column B on Sheet2 has what the data should change to.

So for example:

Sheet1 says the following on column N:

Sheet2 says:
Column A
A1: Cat
A2: Dog
A3: Bear

Column B
B1: 2
B2: 8

I want the values on column N to be replaced with 2, 8, 15 and so forth. I use excel 2010.

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Excel 3003 :: How To Prevent To Stop Macro Called From A Function

May 3, 2014

I am trying to use the simplest code possible (being a novice) to execute a macro which makes a copy of Cell A1:A4 and paste its values to Cells B1:B4 if cell B5=1 (or whatever). The Macro with copy and paste works (I recorded it and in my testing it was ok). And also the function, that contains If-Then status of cell B5, works and calls correctly the Macro.

Yet when the macro is called by the function (=CopyMyCells(B5)), the Macro (MacroCopy) runs - I tested this with a Msgbox - but stops just in doing what I need, i.e. in doing the copy-paste process. Here the code which is placed in a module of the proper Worksheet (Excel 2003, on WinXPSp3):

[Code] ........

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Excel 2010 :: Macro Based Search Function Using Data From 2 Cells

Mar 15, 2012

I have been using a macro to search and highlight customer addresses for me, however I have changed my worksheet and now have the addresses in two columns instead of one (D for the numbers, E for street names) for sorting purposes.

What I would like to do is either; find a way to search using data from 2 cells to get a result, or have multiple results highlight and popup.

Using: Excel 2010

Set FoundCell = Sheets("Route").Cells.find(What:=Sheets("Intro").Range("G15"), LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False)
If Not FoundCell Is Nothing Then
With FoundCell

[Code] ...........

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Excel 2010 :: VBA Sheets Copy Function Works But Then Jumps To Beginning Of Function

Apr 8, 2014

I'm having trouble using the worksheet copy command in a VBA subroutine. I have the following line in my code:

[Code] ........

When I step through my code and execute this line, the sheet is copied as expected and put in the correct place, but then instead of the next line of code being highlighted, the pointer jumps to the first line of a function (in a different module) in my code.

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Text Longer Than A Column

Apr 17, 2009

I just reinstalled windows (XP) and Office 2003, SP3.
When entering text in a column and if it was larger than the current column, it used to just display into the next column unless there was data in that column.

Now, it just displays a few letter from the end of the first word. How can I change this back as default?

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Text Can Be No Longer Than 80 Characters

Mar 17, 2014

I am submitting a book CSV file to my website. However, the website will not accept any cell that contains more than 80 characters. The error states the following. "WARNING: Title should be less than or equal to 80 chars; your Title was truncated to 80 chars" repeated 13 times.

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VBA - Fill Until String Longer Than 10

May 23, 2012

this is a hard nut I've been working on for a while. I have a worksheet that in column A has the following rows:

| A
1 | 21432 - Accessories
2 | SortPrice
3 | 1
4 | 2
5 | 3
6 | 4
7 | 5
8 | 6
9 | 21440 - Furniture
10| SortPrice
11| 1
12| 2
and so on...

What I'm trying to do, is to make a macro that will fill the value "21432 - Accessories" down until the next which is "21440 - Furniture", which then should be filled down until the next 5 digit value..

In my opinion the best way to approach it would be to search for a string longer than say 10 characters, then fill it down until the next string that's longer than 10 characters..

This is what I'd like it to look like after the macro has been run:
| A
1 | 21432 - Accessories
2 | 21432 - Accessories
3 | 21432 - Accessories
4 | 21432 - Accessories
5 | 21432 - Accessories
6 | 21432 - Accessories
7 | 21432 - Accessories
8 | 21432 - Accessories
9 | 21440 - Furniture
10| 21440 - Furniture
11| 21440 - Furniture
12| 21440 - Furniture
and so on...

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