Excel 2007 :: Select Last Cell In A Column?
Oct 24, 2008
I have Microsoft Office Excel 2007 Power programming with VBA in which this website was listed as a good reference site. I am working on a spreadsheet where I want to select the last non-empty cell in a column and the column always has some cells that are empty, though it is NOT the last non-empty cell in the column. This spreadsheet is automatically generated and I want to change this particular column to all one format and all one number, 0042. This spreadsheet is then loaded into another system via tab-delimited txt file, so this number is meant to serve as an indicator. Sounds like I gave too much information, just wanted to be clear.
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Dec 27, 2012
If I had columns as above with values in B1 and C1 but none in A1 and D1
How do I loop through so that columns A and D are hidden?
My spreadsheet has columns A to DI and different columns have values each day so I want to write code to hide just the columns with no values.
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Aug 10, 2012
Highlighed the Column and Row of the selected Cell. I have seen someone using it. Whenever he click on any cell the related column and Rows clour change. For Example if I select Cell B5. The Column B and Row 5 change its colur from B1 to B5 and Row from Column A to Column B. If this option is already available in office 2010
Column B
Row 5
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Oct 2, 2012
I am using 2010 and want to select a range starting at the same cell all of the time (regardless of whether or not it has contents - so let's say B7. Starting at B7, I want the range to include all of the columns starting at B and go to the end of all of the columns. Then I want the range to include all of the rows starting at B7 and end at the last row. I will eventually copy this range and paste it on another worksheet start on a specific cell of another worksheet. (Perhaps, we can add a name to this range).
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Aug 6, 2012
HTML Code:
Sub DeleteEmptyColumns2()
Dim Cell As Range
For Each Cell In Range("4:4")
If Cell = "0" Then
End If
Next Cell
End Sub
I am attempting to remove columns in my table of data, using the above code seems to remove some them but not all, is this the best way to loop through a range?
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Oct 29, 2012
Is there a way to select completely empty rows in Excel 2007 (Win 7)? I have found directions for highlighting empty cells (f5, Special, Blanks...), but sometimes the cells selected will be in rows with other filled cells in them so that doesn't really do what I need.
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Jun 2, 2014
Essentially all I want to do is create a procedure/function in Excel such as =SQLdata(3), where 3 could be customer ID and then the function would make a connection to SQL and perform the SELECT etc procedure and return the CustomerName in the cell with that formula.
I have excel 2007 and MS SQL where my data is stored. I understand that I need to make the connection to my SQL database, but I really do not know how to do this.
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Jan 7, 2014
I have spread sheet and values in some columns have highlighted in color.What I have to do is I need to quickly separate the highlighted data and put in the other spreadsheet.
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May 3, 2012
I would like to know if it is possible with VBA in Excel 2007 to select objects based on size (or above a certain size).
I would like to select all the picture objects but not the small checkboxes on my worksheet.
I know that I can select the items one by one with home -> find/select -> select object but how I could make this "find/select" conditional.
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May 17, 2013
I am looking for a formula or VBA code that will allow me to Select a Team leaders name and all the agents reporting to that team leaders would populate. I have the first part of that problem solved but its getting the agents names to generate uniquely that I find problematic.
Below is a step by step example of how i intend it to work
Step 1
I select the Teamleaders name
Once that has populated the Team Names automatically appear
The scores will populate on its own as I will include a Vlookup formula to generate the scores, Its just the Agents names. I am using Excel 2007
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Sep 26, 2013
My excel version is 2007 and i am on WIN7 64bit
I have a workbook with VBA which was working fine earlier. Lately i have been getting
"Runtime error 1004" Select method of button class failed.
I am adding buttons dynamically in a loop in a sheet and what surprise me is , i go to debug mode when error pops up and it points to below line
MySheet.Buttons.Add(ActiveCell.Left - 5, 25, 20).Select
but my code is running in a loop and i can see that atleast 20 buttons were added and it fails to select when it try to add this iteration. It is completely confusing me.
My entire below code is in a loop
maWrk.Cells(xIt1, yIt2).Select
mySheet.Buttons.Add(ActiveCell.Left - 5, 25, 20).Select
Selection.OnAction = "callMe"
I also notice that when it fails, on select method .. the button was actually added to the sheet with caption/name as "Button 65536" but then fails to select it. What makes the select to fail after adding the button? Could there be anything special with Button 65536?
Is there any better way to code the adding button and setting action and name for excel 2007?
note before entering the loop i am deleting all the shapes with myShape.Delete which name matches "btRun"
I also want to highlight that i don't have 65536 rows in my sheet. I just have 200 rows. and when this error happens it is on row 150 so firstly i wonder why it is naming the button as Button 65536. I would assume it will start with 1 and go on increments.
What makes excel to fail to select an added button in VBA?
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Dec 2, 2013
I am having a small problem with microsoft excel 2007.the problem is that: my excel 2007 cannot display tooltip of the column width when I keep and drag left mouse
Show tooltip of the column width as attached file.
I also tried many ways to find settings of advance menu. But cannot.
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Nov 27, 2011
Autofill column B with sequential values based on whether value in column A changes its value.
I would like to autofill column 'B' with sequential values (i.e. GenoMap1, Genomap2, Genomap3,... GenoMap10, GenoMap11, GenoMap12,... GenoMap104, GenoMap105, etc...), but changing to the sequential GenoMap# only when the value in column A changes.
This is what I imagine.
A1 "Alfiero", B1 "GenoMap1"
A2 "Alfiero", B2 "GenoMap1"
A3 "Alfiero", B3 "GenoMap1"
A4 "Allocati", B4 "GenoMap2"
A5 "Amaranto", B5 "GenoMap3"
A6 "Amaranto", B6 "GenoMap3"
A7 "Amaranto", B7 "GenoMap3"
A8 "Ambrosiano", B8 "GenoMap4"
A9 "Ambrosiano", B9 "GenoMap4"
A10 "Ambrosiano", B10 "GenoMap4"
A11 "Ambrosiano", B11 "GenoMap4"
I listed examples above of GenoMaps higher than 10 and 100 to show how I need them numbered.
I'm using MS Excel 2007 in Windows 7.
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Jan 8, 2014
I need to remove the duplicates under column B for each item under column A and I can't seem to figure out how to do it.
I'm using Excel 2007; I would prefer a VBA solution, as I have to do this on a monthly basis. However, if a formula is the best way to go, then that's just fine. Either way, I'm preparing the data for a pivot table. I am unable to post the actual document in the interest of data protection.
Essentially, I'd like to turn this-
_ A B
1 Paris Bill
2 Paris Bill
3 Paris Mike
4 Paris Derek
5 Paris Derek
6 London Mike
7 London Bill
8 London Mike
9 London Bill
10 London Derek
11 Tokyo Derek
12 Tokyo Derek
13 Tokyo Derek
into this-
_ A B
1 Paris Bill
2 Paris Mike
3 Paris Derek
4 London Mike
5 London Bill
6 London Derek
7 Tokyo Derek
In other words, each city should have only one instance of any name that accompanies it; not all names will accompany each city.
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Jun 1, 2011
I have a 5000 line table I am filtering by a few columns, and I'd like to calculate an exponential trendline value.
But I actually don't want all the values from R1059 to R1167 - I want to select only the displayed values (R1059, R1068, R1077, etc). Is there a way to select only display values to use in a formula? The problem is it would be a lot of manual work to select them all - there are 50 or so instances I would have to select 13 manual values.
I am using Excel 2007 on XP.
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Dec 24, 2009
Using Excel 2007 Calendar Control:
I want to select a date of choice from a calendar in a field within an Excel spreadsheet.
I do not know how to do userforms and so that is why I wonder if I can add this in just a spreadsheet.
This is how far I have gotten so far: After doing the following, I have a static calendar setting in my spreadsheet like a text box showing the current date.
More Controls
Calendar Control 12.0
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Feb 24, 2011
I have a question regarding filtering of columns. I have set up Excel 2007 so that I can click on the drop-down menu in each column to filter them.
However, in my data set there is one blank row separating two set of rows. Now, when I apply the filter on a column, all the rows above the blank row filter correctly, but all the rows below stay un-filtered.
I guess Excel only looks at the consecutive rows, then stops when it hits a blank row. Is there any way of applying the filter beyond a blank row (i.e. the whole column)?
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Jul 15, 2014
I have Excel 2007, and I have column 1 with a thousand entries "HC 14-0001" all the way down to "HC 14-1000". I have on my hard drive 1000 foldiers named the exact same "HC 14-0001 to HC 14-1000". I want to create a Hyperlink from each item in that column to its corrisponding folder on the hard drive. I can easily create the Hyperlink, but I want to find someway to copy them. I can create the first two rows... HC 14-0001 and HC 14-0002 and create good Hyperlinks to the folders, but when I highlight them and drag them down, the excel spreedsheet is updated all the way to HC 14-1000, but the Hyperlinks do not change.
How can I get the Hyperlinks to change? I don't want to spend the next week creating Hyperlinks for a 1000 entries on this spread sheet, and I have 5 other spreadsheets exactly the same.
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Jul 28, 2013
I've to continue the same sheet made by my bos (I'm using excell 2003, my bos use 2007). However, I'm unable to find the next column which my bos used it. Ex : My last column in excel is IV column. However, my bos's column in more than IV column.
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Dec 3, 2013
In any open (new or existing) workbook (Excel 2007), I cannot delete a column by right clicking the column header and highlighting the entire column. The "delete" word is greyed out and not selectable. I CAN however still delete a column by going to the "Cells" toolbar, then "Delete" pulldown menu, then "Delete Sheet Columns". Right clicking the column header is much simpler and easier.
BTW, I can still delete rows by both methods of right clicking on the row header and by going to the Cells toolbar.
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Dec 3, 2011
Using Excel 2007, how can I associate a recurring name in one column with one and the same number in another?
Ex.: "Jones" in C8 = "1" in G8
"Smith" in C9 = "1.5" in G9
"Williams" in C10 = "2.5" in G10
I hope my question is clear enough.
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Apr 22, 2012
Formula that can do this?
Excel 2007
I basically want column A to be like Column C. The logic is that every time the row that have 1, skip a row and run the numbers until the next 1 appears.
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Jul 26, 2012
I have some data in a Excel 2007 workbook in the range a1:d100 and I want to sort the data according to "A" column, which is the first column of the range and when I am giving data sort it is prompting to select the column, where as in 2003 it will prompt to select the column but by default it will take the first column of the range, so if we want the first column the we can hit enter key otherwise need to change the column name which will save time.
My question is that whether there is any setting I can make at the time of sorting data and by default it will take the first column of the range.
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Feb 1, 2013
Column A has following names: A5 Peter A6 Sally A7 Andre A8 John A9 Wayne Column B has following names: A5 Andre A6 Wayne
I need Column C to show names that are in Column A but not in column B ...
Column C should show following: C5 Peter C6 Sally C7 John
I am struggling with this in excel 2007
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Nov 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2007 and am having some trouble formatting a column for dates. I am setting up a template spreadsheet for the company I work for. The template spreadsheet has a sheet for entering the raw data and a sheet for summarizing it. I need new dates that are to be entered to be formatted correctly. I have set up a sample spreadsheet and inputted some sample data which looks like the following:
Now if I format these cells as English(UK) dates with the "dd.mm.yy" format the data>sort cannot sort these dates from oldest to newest. I can correctly sort them by using "text to columns" however if i do this then it only format's the cells that currently have a date entered into them and not any new date entries.
So in summary: Format cells into a date format does not allow dates to be sorted using the data>sort tool. (I assume that as they cannot be sorted ,a formula that searches for cells with dates before a certain date will not work either) Text to columns does not allow new entries to be formatted in the same way as the cells that had data in them when the text to columns tool was used.
Is there a way to format blank cells so that they will recognize the data inputted as a date?
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Sep 7, 2013
I have a worksheet "database" which is database of patient information in each row, in column H I have the "pateint IP number" I have a userform for search and copy. The textbox in the userform is "search_tb1", where I would input the required IP number and search in column H for a match, which should intern select the entire row of this selected cell and paste in another worksheet "preview" in row 2.
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Jan 17, 2013
macro for an Excel 2007 file. It has to be a macro. I have cells in two columns I need to look at. Column A will have a value of cat, dog, or mouse. Column B will have a date. If A2="mouse" AND B2<"1/1/2013" Then A2="" ElseIf A2=mouse" AND B2>="1/1/2013" Then A2="mouse". I don't need anything to happen if A2 is equal to cat or dog. The macro has to move down the entire A and B column: A3/B3, A4/B4, and so on until the end of the columns. Hope this makes sense. I've tried a few macro samples I found online but they don't quite fit what I need done, or I don't know how to modify it.
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm using this code to find values of "FEP MHS" or "LSD MHS" in column S and if column S containes either of these values it deletes the entire row from the spreadsheet. I need this to work on a spreadsheet that runs on a daily basis and each day it contains a different number of rows. I have used this code to successfully delete most rows that contain these values in Column S but for some reason it does not delete all the rows, typically leaving 6 - 7 rows that contain these values. I'm using Excel 2007 I need code that finds the last row used and deletes the entire row if these values are present.
Set RngRSLHMHSD = Columns("S").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues)
For iRSLHMHSD = RngRSLHMHSD.Count To 1 Step -1
Then RngRSLHMHSD(iRSLHMHSD).EntireRow.Delete
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Apr 15, 2012
I am trying to make an excel sheet which has a 2 column drop down. For example I want to have a drop down list in column 1 and when I select "Item A" in column 2 "item A" 's phone number appears. If i select "item B" form the drop down this, "Item B's" phone number would also appear in column 2 and so on. how this is done (if possible) on Excel 2007? I was hoping it could be done from one workbook to another but If it is easier from one worksheet to another then that is fine too.
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Jun 26, 2012
I have an intern that is working with me, and I have a file that I need updated but one of the columns has confidential information so I would like to just hide & password protect this column this way he can't access/view this information but still have access to modify the rest of the spreadsheet.
Is there a way to do this in Excel 2007?
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