Excel 2007 :: Highlighting Found Search Data
Oct 26, 2012
I am using excel excel 2007 in windows 7. I have a search button that works great, however, I want it to also highlight the cell green, when it finds what I am searching for. Here is the code below for the search button I have.
Private Sub CommandButton6_Click()
Dim searchthis As String, Found As Range
Me.Unprotect Password:="123"
searchthis = InputBox("Type Number.", "Property Search")
searchthis = searchthis & "*"
Set Found = Range("A:A,e:e").Find(What:=searchthis, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlWhole)
If Not Found Is Nothing Then Found.Select
Me.Protect Password:="123"
End Sub
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Jul 17, 2013
I have a excel 2007 workbook that has 5 sheets "MASTER" , "RED" , "WHITE", "GOLD" & "BLUE". There are 7 columns in each sheet and the master has about 8,000 rows . In column D of each sheet there is a unique number (approx. 8 - 10 digits ) that I would like to at the press of a command button search through sheets "RED" "WHITE" "GOLD" & "BLUE" against the unique numbers in the "MASTER" sheet and if there any duplicates numbers delete the entire row but leave all the data in the master sheet.
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Jan 17, 2013
I have two sheets with data. I wont excel to look for a value in colum A in sheet 2 the value to look for is defined in colum a in shet 1. If value is found it should insert in sheet one the value that is in the cell next to the found value. The data is not sorted. I have attempted and failed with using different functions.
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May 10, 2013
I am trying to create a VBA code that will automatically highlight the row of an Excel table (2007) of the active cell. So far I have this:
If Not Intersect(ActiveCell, Range("Table_Name")) Is Nothing Then
Range("A" & Target.Row & ":EJ" & Target.Row).Interior.Color = 10092543
End If
Where the columns A and EJ represent the size of the table. But I would like to automate the column choices so that if the table has columns added or removed, the code still works. Is there a way to just reference a row of a table?
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Jan 26, 2014
I am using Excel 2007 with a WIN XP OS…. My objective is to color code each cell in Column F within each sub-group based on the following instructions:
1) Column F contains a percentage…. Each sub-group in Column F totals 100%.... Each sub-group is separated as shown on the enclosed sample.
2) Starting with the highest percentage, followed by the next highest, (etc.), I want to sum each subsequent cell until reaching a target threshold (total sum) of 62%.... All cells in this grouping to be highlighted “yellow”.
3) Once the 62% target threshold is reached, the very next highest subsequent cell percentage is highlighted “light olive”…. If there is a tie, the lower number shown in Column E serves as the tie-breaker.
4) All remaining cells within the sub-group are highlighted “light brown” including those denoted by 0%.
5) Finally, if the cell is blank and absent of a % call out, then no highlight is required.
I process a daily spreadsheet having typically in excess of 1000 rows and in turn, I’m looking for a method to automate the color coding….
[Code] ........
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Jan 23, 2012
I'm using this code to find values of "FEP MHS" or "LSD MHS" in column S and if column S containes either of these values it deletes the entire row from the spreadsheet. I need this to work on a spreadsheet that runs on a daily basis and each day it contains a different number of rows. I have used this code to successfully delete most rows that contain these values in Column S but for some reason it does not delete all the rows, typically leaving 6 - 7 rows that contain these values. I'm using Excel 2007 I need code that finds the last row used and deletes the entire row if these values are present.
Set RngRSLHMHSD = Columns("S").SpecialCells(xlConstants, xlTextValues)
For iRSLHMHSD = RngRSLHMHSD.Count To 1 Step -1
Then RngRSLHMHSD(iRSLHMHSD).EntireRow.Delete
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Sep 10, 2012
I have a problem with the Excel 2007 file which I use on Windows 7.
The file suddenly appear message:
Excel Found Unreadable Content in 'File Name'. Do you want to recove the contents of this workbook? if trust the source of this workbook, click Yes.
if I click "YES" than this message will appear:
Excel was able to open the file by repairing or removing the unreadable content........ and so on
And all the file is missing inside the sheet.
Any way out to recover this file?
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Feb 22, 2013
I have an excel 2007 file which contain a lot of macros. File size is 100MB. This file is not developed by myself, it's post in the webpage and let the members of the page to download on daily basis.. I've been downloading and using this file for over a year with no problem until this week.
Problem: During opening the file. There is a message box popped up, saying "Excel found unreadable content in filename.xlsm'. do you want to recover the contents of this workbook ? If you trust the source of this workbook, click Yes." When I click "yes", excel is trying to repair the file. Once it's done, I could see only the contents, however, all the macros are gone. When I copied this very same file and open in other notebooks, everything is working fine...
Assumption: Couple days ago, I was writing/testing macros in other workbooks and also opened this particular file. I might did something stupid which cause this problem...
During the same time, I used to have the same problem with another file. I solved it by copy and open with another PC then copy macros and paste it to the file on my notebook.
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Jul 8, 2014
I have a file which has in excess of 12,000 rows of data in 5 columns (sample file attached with fake data). The five rows are:
"First Name" "Last Name" "Name" (uses CONCATENATE to combine column A & B) "Email" "Date Attended"
There will be duplications in the list as people will have attended more than once over the years.
What I want to do is search through the email addresses (Column D with D1 being the header) and where there is a duplicate email address copy the cell to the right of the duplicate (F#) into the next available cell to the right of the first occurance and then delete the row with the duplicated email address.
I am on Windows 7 and Excel 2010
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Dec 29, 2011
I have written a macro to convert data from a report exported from Salesforce.com to a format that is acceptable for upload to our website. One of the necessary conversions is to convert values from a Boolean value to a Y/N value. I wrote a macro with a series of search-replace commands such as this:
'replace 0s and 1s in "Direct Billing" column with appropriate data
Selection.Replace What:="0", Replacement:="N", LookAt:=xlPart, _
SearchOrder:=xlByRows, MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False, _
This code generates a warning when no "0" values are found:
"Microsoft Office Excel cannot find any data to replace. Check if your search formatting and criteria are defined correctly. If you are sure that matching data exists in this workbook, it may be on a protected sheet. Excel cannot replace data on a protected worksheet."
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Jul 18, 2012
I have been able to make a excel sheet which takes inputs from userform for First Name, Last Name, Address etc. I have included a duplicate check for column "B" for "First Name". This checks if any existing data is already which matches the new data input for "First Name" through userform.
The userform only checks for the "First Name" check as required and gives a message that duplicate has been found. Then I have to close the userform and do a Control Key+F ( to find the new name for example, James) in excel sheet and validate that new name is same or different from existing name "James". This I want to do since this new name "James" may be another "James" as his "Last Name" is different. So even though First Name is same, since Last Name is different I know they are two different persons. In that case I will add the entry manually in sheet, instead of userform, since I would not be able to input the new data for "James" since the duplicate check with the current code will not allow me to do so.
What I am current trying is -
1. If the new name say "James" is entered through userform, then excel should point me to the existing row where the record for existing name "James" is there, say row 4.
2. Now without closing userform I should be able to see in the background excel sheet the search results for "James", as excel is pointing to that now. There may be multiple "James" in the existing which should be pointed out.
3. Based on the results that I see in the background excel sheet I can now decide that, this new name "James" is different from old "James" (of row 4) since his Last Name is different. Accordingly excel code should then ask me to add this record or discard this new record.
4. Duplicate check for First Name is enough for me. I would not require "Last Name" duplicate check.
I hope I have been able to explain my problem. I have also attached my current code as I am not able to attach any sample test file.
Private Sub cmdCancel_Click()
Unload Me
End Sub
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Apr 18, 2013
Currently I am using excel 2007. In that I have two sheets (sheet1 as Dashboard & Sheet2 as Database). On sheet1 I need to develop a functionality of searching as per key word (Keyword will be typed on cell B2) and i need to display search data below cell B2 till whatever cells depending as per database.
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Apr 18, 2014
I want to search for a file in Sharepoint using Excel 2007 VBA.
Path to the Sharepoint location where the files are at is [URL] ....
File name is customer_list_xxxxxx.xlsx The x's are a date which changes every day or week. So a new file will be uploaded to the sharepoint path.
Example customer_list_041414.xls
I've tried so many different code options for this, but no luck.
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Jul 28, 2013
I've to continue the same sheet made by my bos (I'm using excell 2003, my bos use 2007). However, I'm unable to find the next column which my bos used it. Ex : My last column in excel is IV column. However, my bos's column in more than IV column.
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Apr 7, 2014
VBA to copy entire row in all worksheets in file based on criteria.
step1 Copy tab has criteria in cell c1
step2 search if this c1 value in each tab in column e or g or h
step3 check if column i is yes
then if criteria meet, copy entire row to copy sheet
I came across some similar posts in other forums which can do partial work but not entirely .
Note ; number of rows, columns and tabs varies in file
I am using excel 2007.
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Apr 1, 2014
I'm using Excel 2010 on my Mac. I would like to set up the data as follows:
[Code] ........
Now what I would like to do is have the data in each column highlighted a certain color based on specific ranges. For example in Column B I want anything from 92% - 100% highlighted blue. I would like 83% - 91.9% highlighted purple, and anything under 83% highlighted red. Do I need to have a conditional format entered in each cell? Can I set up a conditional format for the whole column? Once I can figure the formatting in my example the remaining columns will be a breeze since they will be set up in the same manner just different number ranges, same colors will apply.
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May 15, 2014
I need code for a search box function, that returns the information recorded in a cell for example, "Barcelona" or "London" etc), instead of the location of the cells.
I will need to narrow it down to search only the information in the following columns:
I am totally new to VBA coding and have stumbled my way through a few things, but everything I have searched for so far has had at least one error when transposing to Excel.
I am running Excel 2007.
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Dec 7, 2011
I am using excel 2007. I have a worksheet with a list of words I wish to step through this list replacing the selected words in another workbook with nothing (ie deleting them).
I have the following code
Sub replacewords()
Dim MyWord As String
Dim wbLibrary As Workbook
Dim wbWorking As Workbook
Dim myExcelColumns As Integer
Dim myExcelRows As Integer
Dim MyRow As Integer
Dim MyRange As Range
It does not seem to evaluate "myRange";
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Mar 8, 2012
using Excel 2007. I need a code to identify a worksheet within a workbook by cell/range value. The book is used by various users. They have the rights to add new sheets and all but delete columns in the 'master worksheet'. The sheet names can be changed by the user but I need to rename the master sheet on opening the file. To do this I have put a specific value in a cell within the master worksheet which then should allow me to find the sheet and rename it. (let say Range A1 has a value of "this sheet") I have a mental block on how i can run a loop to search each sheet for the identifying value until the range and value is found and the sheet identified
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Nov 7, 2013
I use the following formula in excel 2007 (and it's working perfectly in 2007) but this formula does not work if I work with the same file in excel 2003 ...w why and what I have to adjust?
=IF(SUMPRODUCT(--(C5='sheet 2'!B:B);--(C13='sheet 2'!C:C);ROW(B:B))=0;"not found";INDEX('sheet 2'!D:D;SUMPRODUCT(--(C5='sheet 2'!B:B);--(C13='sheet 2'!C:C);ROW(B:B));1))
(I'm working with the dutch excel version so it might be that ";" must be ",")
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Jun 18, 2014
I want to highlight particular characters in an excel cell. This cell may contain other words as well.
For example, if i search for the word "apple" in the excel sheet, only that particular word in the cell should be made bold. the cell may contain " I like apple". in this case "I like" should be left as it is.
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Sep 20, 2013
I am trying to set up a spreadsheet in Excel 2003 that pulls data from a lot of different websites and formats it all for me. I have managed to do this with a few websites but there are two which I'm having problems with.
This is the table I am trying to get, but when I do a manual web query and select the table and click OK, it says that no data has been found.
[URL] ...
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Feb 8, 2012
I manage to do a proper search and the return value is correct, but the problem is when I don't get the correct value excel gives me an error, what I can add to make the result just to give me MsgBox "Not found"?
Code below:
Set Ran = Worksheets(2).Range("A:A").Find(CompName, lookat:=xlPart)
If Not Ran Is Nothing Then
MatchRow = Ran.Row
MatchCol = Ran.Column
End If
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Feb 29, 2008
I am looping in Excel to find "NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES". IF found I want to go up one row and replace the first 4 digits with " 9ZZ". The Line 1 data will alway be different so I just want to replace the first 4 digits. I don't want it to effect the rest of the line.
Line 1 - 100 6300 BRCH TOTALS
Line 1 - 9ZZ 6300 BRCH TOTALS
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Aug 30, 2007
I have a workbook with a sheet for every month. I have a searchbox searching for a client and jumping to that location. The problem I am having is that it takes me to the last occurence in the workbook if there is more that one client with the search criteria. Do you have any suggestions for a searchbox that whould take me to the first occurence and give me an option to go to the next occurence in the workbook. Please see the code below that I am using currently using.
Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim cl As Range, rng As Range
For Each ws In ActiveWorkbook.Worksheets
Set rng = ws.UsedRange
With rng
Set cl = .Find(Me.TextBox1.Value, LookIn:=xlValues)
If Not cl Is Nothing Then
Application.Goto cl
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Sep 5, 2007
I need a VBA code that will search column H for any value that DOES NOT start with "9" (this is a character field). If it finds a cell that doesn't start with "9", I would like it to delete the entire row. It will need to repeat this process for every cell in Column H that has a value and then stop.
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Jan 22, 2014
I have data in cells B2:E2 and this can go down 100+ rows.
In column B i have invoice numbers but some cells contain the word "Deposit".
I have sorted this data so that the invoice numbers appear first and then all the Deposits.
I need a code to find the first instance of the word "Deposit" and to insert a row so that all the invoices and Deposits are seperated by a single row.
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Aug 28, 2007
I need a VBA script that can display a search box on multiple sheets within the same workbook similar to using ctrl + F and search values in column B only. If there is text or the row happens to be empty then it should skip that and only search numbers. Also the numbers in column B range from 50000 to 89000 and if there is a wrong number entered then I want to have a pop up box saying Error: invalid value or something like that.
Sub search_box()
Cells.Find(What:="some#", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:= _
xlWhole, SearchOrder:=xlByColumns, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
End Sub
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Sep 8, 2007
In a large spreadsheet that receives external data, I have codes (U, N or V) allocated at various times to different rows as shown in sample worksheet attached. Elsewhere in the spreadsheet, I need to display (for later export) these codes along with their respective number in a sorted list. Please review the attached:
In the spreadsheet you'll see a column of codes, the next column is the data reference number, then to the right is three columns, one for each code. As displayed in the sample book attached, each Code column is to display the data reference number (from column 2)that matches that column's code.
What formula can I use to list these numbers in the appropriate columns?
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Oct 18, 2007
I was looking at this VBA code the other day and i was wandering what i meant. I thought if somone could expliane line by line,
Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim ThisAddress$, Found, FirstAddress
Dim Lost$, N&, NextSheet&
Dim CurrentArea As Range, SelectedRegion As Range
Dim Reply As VbMsgBoxResult
Dim FirstSheet As Worksheet
Dim Ws As Worksheet
Dim Wks As Worksheet
Dim Sht As Worksheet
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