Excel 2010 :: Convert Matrix Data To A List?

Oct 16, 2013

I have been using Excel to record the routine daily issue of items to different groups in a matrix layout, I use a different workbook for each month with worksheets for each group. The matrix takes the form of the item issued being the left hand column and the date issued the top row of the matrix, the quantity issued is recorded at the intersection. Each item can have a different quantity issued on different days. I'm using Excel 2011 for Mac but could use PC Excel 2010. Is there a way to convert the data held in this way to a list? What I'd like to achieve is a list showing the Item, the Quantities Issued and the the Issue dates

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Excel 2010 :: Value To Cell Based On Horizontal And Vertical Data On Matrix

Jul 30, 2013

I have chart like below. In empty cells I want either 1 or 0 (1 if software is installed and 0 if not).







Data of computers and their software are like this:












So called Matrix Lookup was very close, but it finds data FROM Matrix (aka that first table). Is it possible at all?

Excel and Windows version:
Excel 2010 SP1
Windows 7

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Convert List To Matrix

Jun 24, 2007

I want to take information from a list and put into a matrix using VBA. So my problem is to find the correct cell in the matrix.

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Convert List (vector) To Matrix

Dec 18, 2007

I'm looking for a way to automatically convert a list of values into a matrix.

For example,


[Code] .......

should be converted to


In this case it could still easily be done manually, but if the matrix has more dimensions it will get harder.

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Convert Columnar Form Of Data To Matrix

Aug 6, 2012

I am looking to convert data stored in columnar form to a matrix.

I found this link: [URL] ........

Which does the reverse of what I am trying to accomplish. Would it be eaiser to modify the above or start over?

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Convert Raw Data Matrix To Multiple Column Data?

Sep 6, 2012

Here's a sample of the document I have, the original has several thousand entries, so figured for the sample I'd limit it. The raw data is on sheet 1, and sheet 2 is what I want to have to more easily manipulate the data. I started doing it manually, but I'm sure there's a far better method that I just don't know about yet. sample.xlsx

For those that don't want to download the document:

My data is like this:

ID1 Field1
ID1 Field2
ID1 Field3
ID2 Field1
ID2 Field2
ID2 Field3
ID3 Field1

What I want is this:

Field1 Field1
Field2 Field2
Field3 Field3

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Excel 2010 :: Macro To Copy Data From A List In The Next Column As Per The Current Column List

Mar 27, 2014

I am using Excel 2010. I need to copy a list from any Column on the right to the existing Column. See the sample file.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert To PDF

Feb 16, 2012

I have just upgraded Excel from 2003 to 2010 and cannot locate where I would convert a spreadsheet to a .pdf document.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert :00 Into 0:00 Time?

Jan 9, 2014

I have imports with several values listed as :00. I am unable to adjust the import or export to make these values 0:00 as they should for calculating. How can I convert the :00 values to 0:00? Its literally just like I need to add a 0 zero in front of the colon ":". This is the case with anything imported that is less than 1:00 minute. I have :55 that should be 0:55 and so on. I have tried re-formatting for different time values, tried various formulas that were listed in the forums.

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Excel 2010 :: VBA - How To Convert A Range To A Table

Jan 27, 2014

I am relatively new to VBA and am trying to convert a range of data to a table in the same sheet. I receive the following message when I try to run the code as shown below:

"The worksheet for the table data must be the same sheet as the table being created." The code stops on the third line of the code.

Sheets("Data Forwards").Select
ActiveSheet.ListObjects.Add(xlSrcRange, Range("$A$1:$U$1000"), , xlYes).Name = _
ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").TableStyle = "TableStyleMedium2"

I can see that the range is highlighted in the sheet before the code breaks.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Formulas To Corresponding Text Based On ID

Jul 22, 2014

I have an excel file with 2 sheets. Sheet 1 has a column that contains formulas (ie (18299*11151)/20067 ) Those numbers are IDs referencing questions stored in Sheet 2. What I would like to do is find a way to look up those questions and place them into the formula instead of the ID numbers.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Convert Sheet To PDF And Attach To Outlook Email

Jan 30, 2012

I am looking for a macro that will convert the active sheet in an Excel 2010 file to a PDF, attach the PDF to an Outlook 2010 email message, and fill in the subject line and recipient address which are the same each time.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Numbers To Dates Automatically In Workbook?

Mar 19, 2012

1- I dont know why but sometimes excel 2010 converts numbers to dates automatically in my workbook. I use this macro to solve the problem, but since last week it is not working. I get an error: "Method 'NumberFormat' of object 'Range' failed".

2- because it should work in all cells of the workbook, the macro must make changes only in the cells with absolute numbers (ex: 1223) but must not change if in the cell there is a date like 12-may-2012 (numbers with hyphens).

This is my function:
Sub PuxaDatas()
Dim sht As Worksheet
For Each sht In ActiveWorkbook.Sheets


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Excel 2010 :: VBA - Convert Selected Ranges In Multiple Sheets Into One PDF

Feb 10, 2014

I'm using Excel 2010 and would like to know if it's possible to convert selected ranges in multiple sheets into one PDF file? For example, I want to select range("A1:O10) in Sheet1 and range("A1:N25") in Sheet2, then convert both Excel sheets into PDF file with two pages.

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Excel 2010 :: Can't Delete Filtered / Visible List Rows From List Object

May 19, 2014

I have pulled a SharePoint list into my workbook. The list object (table) is still linked to the SharePoint list, as I'd like to synchronize it later on. I have filtered it with an autofilter. I'd like to delete all of the visible rows. I have tried a billion things to no avail. I have been searching Google for hours now. None of the examples work.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Reference Unit Price In List Two Based On Date In List One

Mar 8, 2012

I'm using Excel 2010 on a Windows 7 machine.

I have one sheet with a large list of dates and total prices.

I have a second sheet with a list of dates and unit prices.

I want to divide the total price in my first list by the unit price on my second list.

I want to somehow point Excel to the date in the first list, and then lookup the corresponding date in the second list to use the correct unit price.

My thoughts thus far have been along using VLOOKUP with WEEKNUM and YEAR but I've been unsuccessful.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Convert Numeric Dates Into Proper Date Format

Aug 21, 2013

I have a column of dates formatted as:


The cell format in the column is General.

I need to change it so that the format looks like this:


Is there a quick/easy way to do this in Excel 2010?

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Multiple Columns To Rows Depending On Input Value

Jul 6, 2014

I have lot of data in Excel 2010 which I wish to bring in Columns using a Macro depending on the input value which the macro should prompt me. For E.g.:


If I select data from A1 and J1 (in practical it will be more Columns) the Macro should prompt me how many Columns would be the output on Master Sheet. If the input is 2 then it should create an output Sheet "Master" and should show the following result

.. ..
.. ..

It after selection I run the macro and input 3 then the output should go in three columns (A1,B1,C1) one below other. If 4 is Input then 4 Columns (A1,B1,C1,D1) will come below each other so on and so forth.

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Convert Matrix To Table

Jun 4, 2014

I need to convert a Matrix to a Table. Something like this:

Input file:

Output :

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Create Unique List From Matrix & List Frequency Of Each Occurrence

May 23, 2009

I've searched the forum and believe this thread to be the closest to what im looking for, but its doesnt completely apply: matrix to list conversion. I have an attachment to support my questions (see attached). I have a matrix of words (strings) that contain repeating and non-repeating contents. The matrix also has spaces which are of no value. Essentially, the VBA needs to ' analyze' this matrix and create a consolidated frequency list (as shown in the file).

The matrices are HUGE and therefore some of the clumsy VBA i am using is turning out to be a bit inefficient. The file also contains formulas and such that I cannot use AutoFilter nor can I use Insert or Delete rows...so the VBA shouldnt use those either.

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Excel 2010 - Getting Average When Have A List Of Dates

May 29, 2014

Data example is displayed below. I need to know how to find the average, not date average, but count. What is the average per day? Example on 2/9/2014 there are 12 entries but on 2/10/2014 there is only 1. Example: For all the lines of data that I have, what is average per day?



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Excel 2010 :: Email Each Tab To Distribution List

Nov 10, 2011

I have a Macro in Excel 2010 which emails each tab to a distribution list.

However Outlook asks for permission each time to send the email, is there a way to disable this ?, or get Outlook to grant permission for a set amount of time ?

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Excel 2010 :: Return Just Surnames From List

Nov 6, 2013

I have the following data in column H ....

Excel 2010H2Ms L Sentinella3Mr R and Mrs A Agarwal4Dr H M Bingham and Mrs G M VersaceSheet1

I would like to return (into columns I and J) only the surnames that exist in each cell, so it would return something like this ...

Excel 2010HIJ2Ms L SentinellaSentinella3Mr R and Mrs A AgarwalAgarwal4Dr H M Bingham and Mrs G M VersaceBinghamVersaaceSheet1

Notice, there are two surnames in H4, so one of the surnames would be returned into I4 and the other one into J4.

I'm able to write formula to strip out everything and return the surname but only if there's one surname in the cell, I can't figure how to do it when there are two.

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Convert A List Of Data

Jul 6, 2009

I have a list of data i would like to convert to a different format using a macro.
The conversion involves Sort the data. Delete rows when criteria is met. Insert blank rows when criteria is met. Insert formulas into cells. I have attached a sample workbook.

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Excel 2010 :: Convert Text To Number And Format Number Without 2 Decimal Places?

Oct 23, 2011

I have a problem that when I try to convert text to number and format the number without 2 decimal places as seen on the link I have given below, Instead of 1607.947, I get 1607947. I have Excel 2010 loaded. The details are in below picture.


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Excel 2010 :: Convert Eaches To Case And Cases To Eaches

Nov 8, 2012

I'm using excel 2010, WindowsXP.

I'm trying to create a table which coverts eaches to cases and cases to eaches depending which value is entered.

For example, if the warehouse associate fills in the EACH column, with 24, the CASE column will show 2 (using 12ea/case). If instead the warehouse associate fills in 2 in the CASE column, the EACH column will show 24. The idea is that the associate can fill in either value and it will convert. The problem is that I'm getting a circular reference error.





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Excel 2010 :: Extracting Name From A List Based On Criteria

Nov 15, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 on Windows 7. Here is a link to the worksheet I have a question about : Example.xlsx

The only two relevant sheets here are "TestScores" and "Area 1." What I am trying to do is copy names over from the TestScores sheet to the Area 1 sheet based their test scores. It is important to know that a passing score is anything 85 or above. If you don't pass Phase 1, you move onto Phase 2, and if you don't pass that you move onto Phase 3.

Let me first explain how the TestScores sheet works. Here is a screenshot of the sheet:

I copied in column C, the names, from a roster sheet. Columns A, B, and D all VLOOKUP information from the roster as well. You can ignore columns E & F. Column G is just a test name that is manually inserted. They are all in the same order since this is an example worksheet I am doing the program on before I input the real data. Column H is also manually inserted, with data validation to only allow values 0-100 and a few different relevant terms (MS, EXT ABS, N/E). These next two rows are the formulas in columns I and J, starting in row 3.

I=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(H3="","",IF(H3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need")))))
J=IF(H3="N/E","N/E",IF(H3="EXT ABS","EXT ABS",IF(H3="MS","MS",IF(I3="","",IF(I3="Need","",IF(I3>=85,"N/A (PASS)","Need"))))))

What these formulas do is the following: If N/E, MS, or EXT ABS is in column H, it copies those over to the next two columns. If someone scores 84 or below, it says "Need" in the next column. If they score 85 or above, it says "N/A (PASS) in the next column(s). The user is meant to write over these to insert the phase 2 and 3 scores.

Here is the "Area 1" spreadsheet I am working on that has the problem.

First off, I created these formulas by comparing them to another post and replacing my ranges and criteria. In column A, it returns all the names of Team Members who passed in Phase 1 (have a score 85+ in "TestScores" column H). The array formula is below and it works great.


In column E I have a similar formula, except it returns the names of those Team Members who have "Need" in column I of "TestScores." This formula also works great. The formula in column D is just a VLOOKUP based on column E and works well, too.


Here is where my problem is. In column F, I want to return all the names of people who passed Phase 2, which means they have a score of 85 or above in column I of the "TestScores" sheet. However, not only is it not returning the right names, I can't even figure out what criteria the names is returns has. The current list, in (mostly, oops) red, is incorrect. The formula, below, is almost the same as the formulas above, with only 1 difference in each case.


It refers to column I, instead of H, compared to the formula in column A. Its criteria is >=85 instead of ="Need", in comparison to the formula in column E. Nonetheless, it still isn't returning the right names! The other weird thing, is if I replace the ">=85" with "=90" it will return the names of team members who scored 90.

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Excel 2010 :: Auto Complete With Dropdown List?

May 21, 2012

My Excel 2007 has "auto complete with a drop down list". When I type in the first character, a drop down list appears listing all the entries in that column tha start with that character. I click on one of the entries and the cell is "auto completed" with that entry. Sure is handy. I try to find that functionally in Excell at work, Office Professional 2010, and no bueno for kaki.

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Excel 2010 :: Dynamic Dropdown List Of Dates?

Aug 9, 2013

I'm trying to create a set of three dynamic/dependent drop down lists of date values, based on a set of imported data. Depending on whether the preferred choice is to list all dates in a range or just dates on the 15th, the available start and end drop down lists will change.

In addition, if possible I would then like to display a list of valid dates (not sure if this needs to be VBA).

The attached sheet shows/explains what I am attempting but here it is as well:

If B3 is set to show all dates in the month then:

the first dropdown option for C3 will be the first date of IMPORT (D2)
the first dropdown option for C4 will be the C3 value, to the last date in IMPORT (D) column

If B3 is set to show 15th of the month then:

the dropdown for C3 will be the first date of IMPORT (D) column with a date of 15th the dropdown for C4 will be in the range of C3 to the last date of IMPORT (D) column with a date of 15th only dates of 15th will be listed in both C3 and C4 dropdownlists


the dates in IMPORT column D are taken from IMPORT column A, B & C, which will be imported and will always be date sequential the number of rows of date entries will change with every import but there will never be any blank rows between dates the values in IMPORT columns A, B & C will always be numerical, and can be referenced if required [ideally] the LIST OF DATES will be populated with the date range, based on the option selected in B3

I'm fairly familiar with Excel (2010) and I have also done some VBA but I'm new to dynamic, nested dropdown lists and I'm unsure what the most practical way is to achieve this.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Change The Background Colour In A List Box

Nov 5, 2013

How do i change the background colour in a list box?

An example is attached.

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