Excel 2010 :: Sorting Numbers In Descending Order And Related To Each Other

Jul 1, 2013

I wanna sort these numbers in descending order and related to each others in excel 2010.



[Code] .........

About descending and related to each others, I mean for example : #700 in column A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H places in the same row and the same happen to #1533.954 and others. About the numbers that are The One ( like 549.894), I need to put them in its column and a new row with empty cells in its other columns. In the end i want a table like this:




[Code] .........

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Of Dates - Ascending Or Descending Order

Oct 25, 2011

Find the sorting method of dates in excel 2010. I have dates in one column and i want to sort it, but I am not able to sort in ascending or descending order.

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Rearrange Slices Of Pie Chart In Descending Order Without Sorting Data?

Aug 27, 2013

How to rearrange slices of pie chart in descending order without sorting the data?

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Multiple Values In Ascending Order

Dec 29, 2012

I am trying to sort multiple values in ascending order (example attached) however I can't get this to work. Tried looking at a few different forums and although there is plenty of sorting questions out there they all tend to be relating to dates not different values (i.e text and numbers).

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List Lowest 3 Variable Numbers In Descending Order

Oct 15, 2012

I have a list of numbers in cells A1:A10, these numbers change frequently. I would like to set up a formula to calculate the 3 lowest values from those numbers and list the three lowest values in cells J1:J3, with lowest value on J1 and the highest of the 3 values in J3.

I know I can use the small/large functions for this, but im not sure how to work it out to use just the 3 lowest values.

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VLookup Random Numbers - Sort Range In Descending Order And Return Relevant Value From Column

Aug 27, 2012

I have a column (B) of randomly generated numbers 1-14, and am using this formula range to sort in descending order and return the relevant value from column (c).

=VLOOKUP(LARGE(B3:B20,1),B3:C20,2,) to =VLOOKUP(LARGE(B3:B20,14),B3:C20,2,)

Works great, except when a number is duplicated, (E.G. 14,13,13,12,11,10,10,9,8 etc). It then returns the first value from(C) repeated, and not the value from the second and subsequent duplicated reference numbers.

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Excel 2010 :: Disable Something Like Text Box Related To Cells?

Aug 4, 2014

I am using excel 2010. When I click on cells on one column, something like text box will pop up with information related to that column. How can I get rid of this text box. How to disable this text box which I think it has a link between the text box and cells on that column.

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Vlookup In Descending Order

Feb 16, 2010

I'm running a workbook that has a list of all the runs for a day, and several daily driver sheets that automatically copy and order the drops using vlookup.

If you look at run 1 on the run listing you will see that holmfirth is the first drop and sandbach is the last drop.

This is also the case on page 1, as it should be.

However, on run 7 you will see that the first drop is Edinburgh and the last drop is Biggar.
The problem is that on the run listing form, we sort the run backwards so that it is loaded onto the trunk wagon backwards, then the load is tran-shipped (swapped) to the delivery wagon (dont ask) and the last drop on the trunk wagon (Biggar on the front end) becomes the first drop(on the back end) on the delivery wagon now in the correct delivery order. I need the daily sheet (page 7) to reflect the fact that Biggar is the first drop and Edinburgh is the last drop.

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Automatic Sort By Descending Order?

Mar 15, 2014

Don't know if macro is better, but I would like to try it with function

I have 2 sheets.

Sheet 1
Column A: Name
Column B: Points

Name Points
Mary 40
Johnny 20
Erick 60
Ralph 30

I want Sheet 2 to get data from Sheet 1 and sort by descending order automatically.

Then it should be

Sheet 2

Name Points
Erick 60
Mary 40
Ralph 30
Johnny 20

I don't want to do it manually every time I change some value; I want it to do automatically; so if I change, for example, Erick's points from 60 to 10 in Sheet 1, Erick should appear on the last place in Sheet 2, with his new value (10)

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Line Graph In Descending Order

Dec 8, 2009

How do i achieve the graph that is on the pdf with the data in the workbook i've attached. i cant work it out?

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Rank Table In Descending Order

Dec 15, 2009

I am looking to create a seperate league table based on percentages in two tables in descending order.

What i want is the not ready times in one ranked table and the call logging in another along with the persons name and percentage.

Im stumped about what is the simplest way to do this.

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Automatically Sort In Descending Order

Jun 17, 2009

I'm using a table with columns from A to F and an unlimited number of rows. Note that there is a title at the top of each column.
-I'd like my datas in column F to be automatically sorted in descending order from top to bottom when I hit the enter key or when the number is entered in last column (column F).
-the the entire row of data needs to be sorted according to the sorting criteria of column F ( datas entered need to stay on the same row)
-the macro should validate that the number value entered in column F is the same as the number value entered in column A. (to make sure that there was no typing mistake)
-Result in column D must be the difference between the corresponding value in column B and C (B-C=D)
*The next couple of constraints are not absolutely required, i'd like to have them only if it's possible to add constraints with filling color:
-Whenever there is no value entered in column C on a specific row I'd like the entire row to be colored in yellow (fill color)
-IF a number is entered in column C, and that the result of B-C in column D is not equal to zero, I'd like this specific row to be filled in Red.
-when all the values are entered in a row from column A to F and that the result of B minus C is equal to Zero in column D, i'd like this specific row to be filled in a green color.
***in other words, the datas in each rows from column A to F will be entered on 2 occasions; on the first time, only the datas in column A,B and F will be entered (so basically after entering this set of values the row should be filled in yellow. the second time, the remaining values will be added to the rows, so at this time A,B,C,D,E and F will all be entered. when this is done there will be two options
1-the value in column D is equal to Zero then the entire row should be filled in green or
2-the value in column D is'nt equal to zero, then this specific row should be filled in red.

Keep in mind that the datas of a row should be automatically sorted only when the value in column F is entered or when the enter key is hitted to add a new row.

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Display Graph In Descending Order

May 11, 2007

I'm being asked to report on some survey findings containing 60 questions for my company. I've rated all 11 departments from 1st to 11th place for each question.

I want to be able to display a graph showing which departments came first, second and third and also where my department came - in the example of the first question, 7th.

What I'd like is a bar graph (ideally) without any values on the Y axis, the department name along the X axis and text labels at the top of each bar showing the position (ie. 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 7th).

The problem is that if I produce a graph from the following table:

Dept 1 - 1
Dept 2 - 2
Dept 3 - 3
My dept - 7

..then it produces a bar graph with bars in the opposite direction; ie the best department having the smallest bar.

I could just reverse the figures with 11 being the best instead of 1, but then the text labels on top of each bar are wrong. I know I could just label the correct figures by hand with text boxes, but I have 60 of these things to produce!

The closest I came was using the reverse values and having a custom text format to replace the numbers with the opposite text values ie. 11="1st";10="2nd"; but I couldn't get that to work

Any ideas? ....

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Lookup Function And Dates In Descending Order

Feb 10, 2010

i have tried: =VLOOKUP(TODAY()-7,A2:M2000,3) to return data that corresponds to a date 1 week ago. Unfortunatley, it does not work because my dates in the array are in descending order. The order cannot be changed... is there another function I can use to return the value I am looking for?

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Sorts Data By Column In Descending Order

Mar 26, 2012

I have a macro built that sorts my data by column in descending order depending on what column of information is selected from the drop down menu.

However I need the macro to sort column F in ascending order, and continue to sort the other colulmns in descending order when selected.

I can't get my macro to switch the sort from descending to ascending order for this one column. Looking to see if this is possible, and if so what macro formula I would use.

Here is what the macro i am currently using:

Sub ddSort_Click()
Dim iDdSortVal As Integer
Dim CurrSheet As String
Dim lFirstSectionRow As Long
Dim lLastSectionRow As Long
Dim strCol As String
Dim lRptHeaderRow As Long
Dim iRptMeasColumn As Integer

CurrSheet = ActiveSheet.Name

[Code] .......

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Sorting But Not Ascending/descending

Jan 20, 2009

I've sorted it by column A. However, sometimes the date is the same and then it doesn't always go right... see f.ex. 17 dec, where the ship arrives in the harbour and then is at sea again and then departs Not exactly what happens. I had the same problem on 28 dec, but there it disappeared when I told Excel to sort secondly on column B.

However, this doesn't work for 17 dec.

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Excel 2007 :: Sorting Tabs In Alphabetical Order

Feb 7, 2011

I have excel 2007, I have a spread sheet with approx 80 worksheets. The document grew over the year of 2010 and is not in alphabetical order. I am starting this new year wanting to have the tabs in alphabetical order. I looked in the DATA sort option...but looks like its is worksheet specific. How to make the tabs sort in alphabetical order...

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Keeping Track Of Scores And Automatically Displays Names Of Players In Descending Order?

Feb 7, 2012

I'm fairly new to using excel and have been trying to create a simple spreadsheet that keeps track of scores and automatically displays the names of the players in descending order. Anyway I have gotten to the point of using hookup to match a value and return that players name. But when two players have the same score it will only return the first found value. I sort the number scores using a LARGE function and it works great. Then I use something like this =HLOOKUP(Y2,B27:K28,2,FALSE) to match that value with the players name. How to return the other players name when the scores are the same?

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Large Order Spreadsheet With 3 Date Related Columns

May 15, 2007

I have a large order spreadsheet with 3 date related columns. One for customer requested delivery date, one for factory quoted delivery date and one for actual delivery date.

I want to be able to set something up that if it gets near either the requested or quoted delivery date (by say a week), that the cell flags red so it's a visual reminder to check whether the order has been dispatched etc.

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Excel 2010 :: How To Sort Sheets Into Alphabetical Order

Nov 13, 2012

Is there a way to sort out the sheets into alphabetical order in excel 2010?

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Excel 2010 :: Moving Between Cells By Using TAB Or ENTER Key In Specific Order?

May 1, 2014

Have developed a form for my associates and want them to be able to move to the cellls I want them to fill data in to by merely hitting the TAB or ENTER key vs. having to move the cursor to each cell requiring them to input data.

Want cursor to move in a specific cell order. You would think you could merely say 1M, 2C, etc.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Multiple Times

Aug 27, 2013

I have a sorting question in Excel 2010. Attached is an example workbook with a simplified version of the situation.

I want to sort a table multiple times. I have a table with part numbers and alphanumeric locations (Row, Shelf, Bay, Slot). I have formulas that divide up the location into 4 separate columns to be able to sort.

The first sort I do is by location, which I can easily achieve. The issue I have is sorting AGAIN by part number, while keeping the original sort somewhat intact. If a part number shows up multiple times (i.e. in two DIFFERENT locations), the Nth instance might show somewhere down the list.

Is there a way to sort my table to where you keep it in location order WHILE accounting for duplicates, which I would want grouped together in location order? Please see attached file : SortExample.xlsx

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting / Filter Dropdown?

Mar 25, 2014

I'm trying to add a sorting filter dropdown on some columns in a sheet. If I select the column, then use Data -> Filter, it adds the filter. on that column. But then, if I select another column, the "Filter" button in the tool menu is already selected, even though there is no filter for that column. If I click it, the filter on the other column disappears. Then, clicking it again adds a filter for every single column. It seems I'm not able to select f.ex. 3 different columns and add a filter to only those. It's either all or none. Is this how it's supposed to work?

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Excel 2010 :: Pivot Table Sorting With VBA?

Apr 10, 2013

Using Excel 2010

I have a workbook with multiple sheets.Sheet1 is named "UPC" and is a giant database for my workbook containing 80,000+ rows and 12 columns.

Sheet2 is named "Scan" and uses a bunch of index-match formulas. Basically, you scan a barcode and it auto-populates across the row all the information it pulls with that particular UPC from the "UPC" sheet. One of my columns, "QTY Scanned", in the "UPC" sheet has a countif formula to keep track of how many times that item was scanned on the "Scan" sheet.

Sheet3 is named "PSlip" and has a big button on it that you press and multiple macros go into overdrive. First macro takes all the rows from "UPC" with a quantity greater than 0 in the "QTY Scanned" column and copies it to the "PSlip" sheet.

Second macro takes that data and makes a pivot table.This is all clothing, pants, shirts, jackets, etc...When my pivot table is created, my Column Label is Size. When the pivot table is created, it automatically sorts it in ascending order, so it goes from numbers to letters.

This is great for pants because the size is in reference to a waist size; 24,25,26,27, etc...

HOWEVER, shirts, jackets, and other tops are not in a numeric size: they are in a Text format. XS, S, M, L, etc...

Sometimes we only scan pants for an order, sometimes only tops, sometimes both.

Is there a way for the pivot table to recognize when tops are in included and automatically sort the sizes?

I still want the numeric values at the beginning, but once the text starts it automatically sorts in this order:

XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, MT, LT, XLT, XXLT, 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X

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Excel 2010 :: Summing Order Revenues Over Next Consecutive Calendar Days

May 7, 2012

I am using Excel 2010. I am tracking client orders on a spreadsheet. I would like to offer a 60 percent rebate on revenue from orders placed between the first order date and 30 calendar days thereafter. On day 31 and continuing through day 60, I would like to offer a 40% rebate. On orders placed on day 61 through 90, I would like to offer a rebate of 20%. From all of the orders placed by clients who start ordering on different dates, I need to sum their order revenue in these three time periods. I have the individual client order data arrayed on my spreadsheet - one order per row.

I am capturing the unique client ID number (Column A), the order date (Column B), and the associated revenue (Column C). Keying off of their unique ID number, I would like to calculate the sum of how much revenue is generated in calendar days 1 through 30, days 31 through 60, and days 61 through 90 from the very first order date from any given client. The start date can be any date in the month, so I can not rely on any calculation that uses the calendar month. Orders are not necessarily placed every day. Multiple orders may be placed on any given day, and then no orders may follow for many days afterward.

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Excel 2010 :: Enable Sorting A-Z In Locked Workbook

Jun 19, 2014

I have a workbook with a tab for each day of the month. This workbook is placed in a shared file and used by various yards in different locations. A new yard beginning the process is refusing to use it because due to formulas we must lock the workbook (contains many formulas and a live clock macro to track trip time) and they cannot sort A-Z. The sheets are labeled 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on to 31. I know that you can write a Macro to allow sorting, but I cannot get it to work. the users CANNOT know the password due to hidden revenue etc. and formulas.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Different Sections Of The Same Worksheet Differently?

Aug 14, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 64-bit (with SP2 and all other updates installed).

I have a worksheet where some cells have a yellow background, based on conditional formatting of what is in column A. (Note that data in column A changes, so the row can sometimes be yellow and sometimes be white.)

I need to sort this worksheet as follows:

1. By background color, so yellow is on top, white is on bottom.
2. Then, within the yellow rows, data in column J.
3. Then, within the white rows, data in column A.

Currently, I do this manually by sorting the entire worksheet by column A, then selecting only those rows that are yellow and sorting by column J.

Is there a way to combine these steps, perhaps with a macro?

I initially thought to make each "background color" its own table, but since column A can change and thus the background color of a row can change, I need to be able to have rows move from yellow section to white section. I don't think having two separate tables allows that.

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Excel 2010 :: Sorting Or Counting Based On Text Colour

Sep 10, 2013

I have a database of names in one column in excel 2010 and over time I have coloured the text of some of the names green to show that they have been added to a new online database. I want to be able to count how many of the names have been coloured so I can see if it matches with the total number already added on to the online database. I have over 800 entries so I don't want to have to manually count them unless I find I have missed any. Conditional Formatting is greyed out (it is a Shared document so that might be why).

in creating an IF (text is a certain colour) THEN 1, 0 or any others ways I can find the total in that colour. I only have two text colours in my spread sheet, black and light green.

Example of Table.JPG

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Excel 2010 :: How To Stop Macro From Sorting Hidden Rows

Feb 3, 2014

I recorded a simple Macro in Excel 2010 to sort data by the first Column, heading "Ref". I have assigned CTRL + e as the keyboard shortcut for this.

My sheet contains a number of hidden rows (as I hide rows when I have finished working on that issue).

When I run the macro, it does sort by the number of Column A, but also, the hidden rows are then shown again.

I realise I could just click on the A-Z sort button to stop this happening, but I really like being able to use keyboard shortcuts, which is why I tried the macro route.

I wondered if it is possible for the macro to ignore hidden rows?

This is the macro:
Sub SortByRef()
' SortByRef Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E


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Excel 2010 :: Formatting Numbers Written In Text To Numeric And Pulling Only Numbers Out

Feb 20, 2013

I am extracting data from a website to excel 2010. my problem is the data contains both text, numbers, and sometimes a combination of both.

e.g. hi im ron for more information you can reach me at 6 five 6 four 5 seven 7 three 2 two..

I need it to look like this 6564577322 or 7 * 0 * 2 * 4 * 5 * 6 * 8 * 6 * 2 * 1...i need to look look the same

How do i first format the numbers written in text into numbers and then show only the numbers in a cell minus the text?

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