Excel 2010 :: How To Stop Macro From Sorting Hidden Rows
Feb 3, 2014
I recorded a simple Macro in Excel 2010 to sort data by the first Column, heading "Ref". I have assigned CTRL + e as the keyboard shortcut for this.
My sheet contains a number of hidden rows (as I hide rows when I have finished working on that issue).
When I run the macro, it does sort by the number of Column A, but also, the hidden rows are then shown again.
I realise I could just click on the A-Z sort button to stop this happening, but I really like being able to use keyboard shortcuts, which is why I tried the macro route.
I wondered if it is possible for the macro to ignore hidden rows?
This is the macro:
Sub SortByRef()
' SortByRef Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+E
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Sep 25, 2012
How do I delete filtered rows without deleting the hidden rows in excel 2010?
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Oct 16, 2013
range formula that i am using for drop-down lists. One of the drop down lists is based on the range where the data changes(it is a list of jobs that has been released from cad room and when they have been machined a "yes" in one of column appears and then it needs to be filtered so that only non-machined jobs are visible).
Bitmap Part Description
Expected Spindle Hours
Clock In
I need a formula that is not taking into account values from hiden rows. OR the formula that is not taking into account values from the rows that have Yes in the 4th column.
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Nov 11, 2012
I'm trying to copy a whole bunch of tables with identical layout to a master table, so I can create a whole bunch of pivot tables that include data from ALL the various tables. The source tables MAY be filtered, and I can't work out how to copy them easily while also INCLUDING any hidden/filtered rows while at the same time leaving any filter settings on the source tables intact.
If I use something like range("Table1").Listobject.DataBodyRange.Copy then it only copies the VISIBLE rows.
But I want ALL rows to be copied to a master table.
1. I don't want to unfilter the sources tables, because users might still want the source tables to remain exactly as the user filtered them. (However, it doesn't matter if the DESTINATION list is filtered or not). I realise that I could copy the entire sheet to a temp sheet, then unfilter any tables on that sheet and THEN copy these to the master list. But wan't to know if there's a simpler way.
2. I DON'T want to use SQL to create a pivot table directly from the tables, because the tables will have further information added to them from time to time, and so if I use SQL to make a pivot directly from them, I'll have to recreate the pivot cache using that SQL query each time, which might muck up the settings in any existing pivot tables. I realise that I could use SQL to copy the data to a 'staging area', and just point the pivot table at that.
3. I can't use PowerPivot, because its not installed in this environment.
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Jun 22, 2012
I have a vba script with forms that use the calendar object no longer supported in Office 2010, so I found a suitable substitute and replaced every instance of the calendar I could find across all the forms with the new solution. All seemed to work great. But when I closed the application and then reopened it, it threw an error saying there was a missing library.
When I went to the references it showed me that the Calendar object was missing. I have scoured the application for every possible instance and eliminated it, but apparently there is one or more still out there lurking in the weeds somewhere. Is there someway to search for the control that is tripping this error?
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Mar 7, 2013
I am looking for a macro that will remove any rows exceeding 12 months. Each month new data is added in and I am looking to remove anything over 12 months with the new month is added.
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Dec 13, 2011
I am using Excel 2010 and need a macro that can convert data from rows to columns. I have read several posts about this subject but have no experience with macros and don't know how to change the macros to fit my scenario.
Here is what I currently have:
Here is what I need it to look like:
There are up to 4 vehicles/locations per account number, and I need 1 account number per row (the dots above are for spacing only and not part of the actual data).
I could do this manually but because I have so many rows of data it could take days or weeks. Is there a macro out there that can do this??
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Feb 27, 2012
(Excel 2010): Hide row if cell C in this row is empty.
I've just started using macros and I'm sure there is one for this problem.
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Nov 10, 2013
I am on office 2010
I am new to VBA programming so i might be making a obvious mistake. I am trying to create a macro that will insert rows depending on a cell value. I also need this to be executed from a command button rather then to occur immediately after the cell value is entered. So as a example
Lets say
Cell A2 has a value 20
Cell A3 has a value 3
Cell A4 has a value 5
when this data is entered and then a Command button poressed there should be
20 rows beneath cell A2
3 rows beneath cell A3
5 rows beneath cell A4
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Aug 27, 2013
I have a sorting question in Excel 2010. Attached is an example workbook with a simplified version of the situation.
I want to sort a table multiple times. I have a table with part numbers and alphanumeric locations (Row, Shelf, Bay, Slot). I have formulas that divide up the location into 4 separate columns to be able to sort.
The first sort I do is by location, which I can easily achieve. The issue I have is sorting AGAIN by part number, while keeping the original sort somewhat intact. If a part number shows up multiple times (i.e. in two DIFFERENT locations), the Nth instance might show somewhere down the list.
Is there a way to sort my table to where you keep it in location order WHILE accounting for duplicates, which I would want grouped together in location order? Please see attached file : SortExample.xlsx
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Mar 25, 2014
I'm trying to add a sorting filter dropdown on some columns in a sheet. If I select the column, then use Data -> Filter, it adds the filter. on that column. But then, if I select another column, the "Filter" button in the tool menu is already selected, even though there is no filter for that column. If I click it, the filter on the other column disappears. Then, clicking it again adds a filter for every single column. It seems I'm not able to select f.ex. 3 different columns and add a filter to only those. It's either all or none. Is this how it's supposed to work?
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Apr 10, 2013
Using Excel 2010
I have a workbook with multiple sheets.Sheet1 is named "UPC" and is a giant database for my workbook containing 80,000+ rows and 12 columns.
Sheet2 is named "Scan" and uses a bunch of index-match formulas. Basically, you scan a barcode and it auto-populates across the row all the information it pulls with that particular UPC from the "UPC" sheet. One of my columns, "QTY Scanned", in the "UPC" sheet has a countif formula to keep track of how many times that item was scanned on the "Scan" sheet.
Sheet3 is named "PSlip" and has a big button on it that you press and multiple macros go into overdrive. First macro takes all the rows from "UPC" with a quantity greater than 0 in the "QTY Scanned" column and copies it to the "PSlip" sheet.
Second macro takes that data and makes a pivot table.This is all clothing, pants, shirts, jackets, etc...When my pivot table is created, my Column Label is Size. When the pivot table is created, it automatically sorts it in ascending order, so it goes from numbers to letters.
This is great for pants because the size is in reference to a waist size; 24,25,26,27, etc...
HOWEVER, shirts, jackets, and other tops are not in a numeric size: they are in a Text format. XS, S, M, L, etc...
Sometimes we only scan pants for an order, sometimes only tops, sometimes both.
Is there a way for the pivot table to recognize when tops are in included and automatically sort the sizes?
I still want the numeric values at the beginning, but once the text starts it automatically sorts in this order:
XXS, XS, S, M, L, XL, XXL, MT, LT, XLT, XXLT, 1X, 2X, 3X, 4X, 5X
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Jun 25, 2013
I am using this code (below) to hide certain rows or columns depending on what number is entered. Everything is working fine and I am at the point where I would like to share this excel sheet with others but I would like to lock certain cells so that others cannot alter the formulas. As soon as I lock the cells and then enter values into the unlocked cells, I get the "run-time error '1004': Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class".
I am using excel 2010 x64.
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)If Not Intersect(Target, Range("B3")) Is Nothing Then
If Range("B3").Value = 0 Then
Columns("G:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
If Range("B3").Value = 1 Then
Columns("H:P").EntireColumn.Hidden = True
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Jun 19, 2014
I have a workbook with a tab for each day of the month. This workbook is placed in a shared file and used by various yards in different locations. A new yard beginning the process is refusing to use it because due to formulas we must lock the workbook (contains many formulas and a live clock macro to track trip time) and they cannot sort A-Z. The sheets are labeled 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 and so on to 31. I know that you can write a Macro to allow sorting, but I cannot get it to work. the users CANNOT know the password due to hidden revenue etc. and formulas.
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Aug 14, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 64-bit (with SP2 and all other updates installed).
I have a worksheet where some cells have a yellow background, based on conditional formatting of what is in column A. (Note that data in column A changes, so the row can sometimes be yellow and sometimes be white.)
I need to sort this worksheet as follows:
1. By background color, so yellow is on top, white is on bottom.
2. Then, within the yellow rows, data in column J.
3. Then, within the white rows, data in column A.
Currently, I do this manually by sorting the entire worksheet by column A, then selecting only those rows that are yellow and sorting by column J.
Is there a way to combine these steps, perhaps with a macro?
I initially thought to make each "background color" its own table, but since column A can change and thus the background color of a row can change, I need to be able to have rows move from yellow section to white section. I don't think having two separate tables allows that.
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Dec 29, 2012
I am trying to sort multiple values in ascending order (example attached) however I can't get this to work. Tried looking at a few different forums and although there is plenty of sorting questions out there they all tend to be relating to dates not different values (i.e text and numbers).
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Sep 10, 2013
I have a database of names in one column in excel 2010 and over time I have coloured the text of some of the names green to show that they have been added to a new online database. I want to be able to count how many of the names have been coloured so I can see if it matches with the total number already added on to the online database. I have over 800 entries so I don't want to have to manually count them unless I find I have missed any. Conditional Formatting is greyed out (it is a Shared document so that might be why).
in creating an IF (text is a certain colour) THEN 1, 0 or any others ways I can find the total in that colour. I only have two text colours in my spread sheet, black and light green.
Example of Table.JPG
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Oct 25, 2011
Find the sorting method of dates in excel 2010. I have dates in one column and i want to sort it, but I am not able to sort in ascending or descending order.
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Jul 1, 2013
I wanna sort these numbers in descending order and related to each others in excel 2010.
[Code] .........
About descending and related to each others, I mean for example : #700 in column A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H places in the same row and the same happen to #1533.954 and others. About the numbers that are The One ( like 549.894), I need to put them in its column and a new row with empty cells in its other columns. In the end i want a table like this:
[Code] .........
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Feb 25, 2014
I need a macro to sort on five columns (Column A, L, P, X, and Y) out of about 33 columns. Sort is all lowest to highest.
The code I have so far is:
Sub Macro1()
Selection.Sort Key1:=Range("A2"), Order1:=xlAscending, Key2:=Range("L2") _
, Order2:=xlAscending, Key3:=Range("P2") _
, Order3:=xlAscending, Key4:=Range("X2") _
, Order4:=xlAscending, Key5:=Range("Y2") _
, Order5:=xlAscending
End Sub
However, I get an error "runtime error 1004 - method range of object global failed".
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Mar 7, 2012
Ok I recently ran into something in Excel that was completely unexpected. When I filter data, and select multiple rows of data, and copy and paste it.... it pastes the unfiltered rows as hidden rows! Is there a way around this without copying row by row?
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Jan 29, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 31 rows and 8 columns that are completed as a checklist.
I have a macro that currently increments where required and also pastes the 31 rows again after
What I am looking for is some code whereby if I run a Macro the previous 31 rows are hidden
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Aug 8, 2014
I am trying to develop a compliance report with Excel 2007) based upon a simple pass/fail criteria. The subtotals must be tracked both by Device (column) and by Requirement (row). There are macros (not included in the attached sample) that hides both columns and rows. I successfully found an example which I modified to correctly calculates data for a column when rows are hidden (see GOOD function below). However, I'm totally clueless on how to calculate data by row when columns are hidden (see BAD function below). What I'm trying to figure out is highlighted in red in the attached spreadsheet.
BAD (returns 0 and includes a circular reference)
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Aug 10, 2014
I have cells, or columns hidden when I do not need them, but I have to a data entered in those cells to make my spread sheet work. Usually just 0.
When I do the all clear or " clear all contents" operation at the end of the day, it clears the hidden data/cells too. Is there anything I can do to stop excel from clearing those hidden cells?
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Jun 28, 2008
We run a small gardening shop and use a simple spreadsheet to track of various things.
Row A contains headers, with the data following in the rows underneath. This table is now quite large, and we therefore hide 600 or so rows so that only rows with data from the last week is shown. We often need to print this for easy reference. I currently do this by highlighting the area I want and setting it as print area. The print therefore doesn't include hidden cells, which is what I need.
The problem we have, therefore, is that we have to manually select this print area each time. My experience with macros is VERY limited, to the point where I can record one which will select the print area and print. However, as the list gets longer and more rows are hidden the range obviously needs to change, and my simple macro will not keep up.
So my question is as follows. Is there a simple macro I could write to assign to a button that could "keep up" with the moving range? So either it always prints the header row and the, for example, 50 rows beneath (exlcuding the hidden ones), or, even better, it prints the header row and all rows with data in them that are relevant to the last week. Each row has a cell for the date it concerns so assume this may be possible?
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Mar 25, 2014
I am trying to send bulk emails from my excel 2010 - however I am getting a POP UP. find the screen shot in the enclosed word document So every time a new mail is sent from excel we need to press the button allow Is there a way where I can turn off this warning.
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Oct 6, 2011
After red filling certain cells based on some conditional formatting, I apply a filter to hide them. Now I need to delete them using a macro script.
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Jan 29, 2007
I have tried to use absolute references (perhaps I didn't do it right) but it didn't work. Below is the code that does work but I need to first make the sheet visible then activate it.
Sub Row_Sort(tmpsheet As String)
' Sort the first 4 columns of the tmpsheet sheet
Dim tmprng As Range
Dim OldActiveSheet As Worksheet
' Activate the desired workbook (in this case Linewkbk)
' Save old active sheet
Set OldActiveSheet = ActiveSheet.............
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Jun 16, 2014
calculate the number of full rows in one data base located on one sheet X to determine how many rows the macro needs to extend on sheet B (sheet B is made only of formulas for data interpretation in sheet A.
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Dec 20, 2012
I'm using Excel 2010 and I applied a Data Filter to a simple table. I then messed around with the drop downs in each column, sorting the data by different criteria. After doing this, is there a simple way to get the table to revert back to its original order/form?
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