I have been attempting to enable the developer tab in Excel 2013, and have been unable to do so. When I check the box for the Developer tab, then click OK, the ribbon flickers, as if the tab is being added, but then the tab does not appear. When I go back to customize the ribbon, the check for the Developer tab is again not checked. I have also tried to move things around to different tabs and none of the changes stick.
Is it possible to edit and/or add extra symbols for the macro buttons? I mean to extended what the pallet offers Cutomsie Ribbon > Rename (As it is used to be before ribbon age with the ultra primitive built in symbol editor)
I have several option groups (Y & N in each) linked to cells to display TRUE / FALSE depending on which option is selected in each group. I have another cell which I want to apply conditional formatting to if EITHER Y or N is selected in all groups. At present I use COUNTIF to check for FALSE=0 in the linked cells which works if all the answers are Y. How do I apply CF if there is a mixture of Y & N (TRUE / FALSE) in all groups (I'm not sure if I've explained that well or not).
I noticed that my custom "Close without Saving" button stopped working. I checked the VBA editor and my Personal workbook was missing and all of my personal macros were gone. I restarted excel, same issue. Rebooted my machine and they re-appeared. Not sure how what happened, but at least the Personal workbook was not lost. I'm working off my company's network, so often I get the "Personal Workbook is locked for editing" message. I usually select the open as read-only file and go about my merry way. Perhaps I clicked something different on accident without paying attention.
Anyway, I digress, the custom macro button that I had in my ribbon still didn't work, so I removed it and tried again in both the ribbon and the quick access toolbar with no success. The Macro executes if I execute it manually or via the keyboard shortcut, but the ribbon/quick access toolbar buttons won't work. Frustrating, because I use this quite often. I've even tried writing a quick "dummy" macro to see if it was some sort of code error related to the macro, but got the same result. My "Close without saving" code is below (super basic code).
Sub Close_Without_Saving()'' Close_Without_Saving Macro' Closes active workbook without saving changes.'' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+q' ActiveWorkbook.Close (False)End Sub
I have an excel tool I am adapting to 2010 from 2003. It imports another tool which has been created elsewhere in my company and it is protected so I cannot alter it. This tool that I cannot change creates its own custom toolbar the "old fashioned" way so it dumps into the add-in tab on the ribbon. My tool opens this corporate tool and changes some items on the toolbar (enters values in a text box) and then imports data from it. However in run-time the custom toolbar never appears. Is there a way to refresh the ribbon in run-time after opening the file so I can then access the toolbar items?
I have the code that accompanies the attached spreadsheet model that locks the copy, paste, cut, double click and so on, with the right mouse button and shortcut keys, however, the toolbar excel these functions still remain active. How well I block access to the toolbar.
I have prepared an excel workbook with macros for a bill. In that I have protected the workbook (selected window also) after reduced the menu bar to just ribbon (HOME, INSERT,PAGELAYOUT,.......), so that I would get enough space. I have send it to my friends as WinRaR file. But when they open in their computer the sheet is not getting enough space to display the entire page as normally no body used to minimize the ribbon and formula bar. This is making lot of inconvenience. I tried one macro but it not recording the actions on ribbon.
For example - I have a two macro codes. One is change the Date Format from DD.MM.YYYY to MM/DD/YYYY and another one is Date Format from MM/DD/YYYY to YYYYMMDD.
I want to execute the macro from the customize ribbon through Add in Buttons.
See the attachment : Customize the ribbon with Macro code.jpg
I've been trying to research how to do this for a while now and still can't figure it out. My impression is that this is fairly straightforward in Excel 2010 since the menus and ribbons are easily customizable but not so in Excel 2007.
So far I can get macro shown as a button in the Quick Access Toolbar. But the issue is that I can't organize them or customize the icons.
I currently have an excel workbook (2010) in which I created a custom ribbon and assigned several different macros to the buttons.
Long story short, I will be saving several variations of this workbook every so often when I get new data.
The problem is that if I change the name of the file (Save as or Rename), the custom ribbon buttons no longer work. When I assigned the macros to the ribbon buttons, the macros were absolutely assigned.
Is it possible to assign relative macros to custom ribbons?
From research I have done, it appears that custom ribbons cannot be created using VBA. Is this still true?
We are using Windows7 with Excel 2007. We have old code from excel 2003 and earlier that was adding a msoControlPopup with other sub-controls using the code below:
Code: Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(Id:=30010) If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then ' Add the menu to the end
I tried going to Excel Options>Customize>Reset to reset any customizations to the quick access toolbar as this was recommended by something else I found online. This did not fix the problem.
I can find the control in the Immediate window but it just isn't showing in the add-ins tab. if I can find and repair that XML file perhaps?
My and a work college needed to combine our separate excel worksheets into a single document.
Office 2013 didn't have a function to "import sheet from file" so we used open office to import my .xlsx worksheets.
After we finished importing we exported the final workbook as .xls (so I could open it).
After opening the workbook on my pc (excel 2013) i notice some of the sheets no longer have column headers, but the row headings still exists. (No ABCD, only 1234)
Also I am unable to use features such as "Freeze Pane"
I suspect this was caused by importing and exporting through open office?
I currently have a workbook that has VBA functions that calculates values by looping through large amounts of data in a few large excel sheets. I want to transfer the data from these sheets into Access and then bring data into the VBA code via an array from the data in Access rather than the array being populated from the data in excel as it currently is. How to create the connection. The access DB will be situated in a public directory on a server. How to create the connection string and then how I call the data from Access? I have just downloaded Office 2013.
I have a complicated spreadsheet with several columns. Some columns B, D, E, F, M come from calculations on other columns or are columns copied from other worksheets within the same workbook.
I have another column C which is generated entirely off a macro with no input from the user.
I insert a row at line 8 (see above). However its just a blankrow and the formula highlighted in E2 does not show in E8 but it does appear for E9. I'd need that formula to be in E8.
My dilemma is how to insert a row and have it copy the formula from too.
I'd like to avoid copying another row into it and editing data. Other thing to avoid is putting all new rows at the end of the spreadsheet if possible. Has to be in the middle of the existing table.
I have a big spreadsheet with IT / Finance data. Below is the formula, I currently have. I am summing column Y in Tab Savings Data Detail, where column A does not equal Parent, and The Value in Column AK on the Savings data details tab matches the value in current tab for cell B26 and where column G on the savings detail tab equals Transition to IT. I am adding that value to the second sumifs statement essentially the values in column X on the savings detail tab with the same criteria.
Now I need to add to each of these formulas. I need to sum only the values where the date value in column W on the data details tab is greater than or equal to 01/01/2013 and less than or equal to 12/31/2013
find the easiest way?
=SUMIFS('savings data details'!$Y:$Y,'savings data details'!$A:$A,"Parent",'savings data details'!$AK:$AK,$B26,'savings data details'!$G:$G,"Transition to IT")+ SUMIFS('savings data details'!$X:$X,'savings data details'!$A:$A,"Parent",'savings data details'!$AK:$AK,$B26,'savings data details'!$G:$G,"Transition to IT")
I have a construction schedule that my boss wants modified. There is a pesky dot I cannot select to delete. It is on a grid line and I can only select the cells adjacent to it.
Is it possible to retrieve an arrary of the autofilter criteria. I know this is possible in pre 2007 but with 2007 onwards I can't find a way of doing it.
I know I can get all the available items in a list by using the scripting.dictionary and also by using the visible cells I could see what could be filtered but that is not really accurate for what I want.
If I have multiple columns and look at the filtered information in one column I can retrieve an array of the visible cells from that column but that is not necessarily the criteria that is in the column. i.E. If another column has a filter rows may be filtered that would have otherwise been visible.
I have a workbook, which I use for different departments that displays a number of different pie charts and I have found that a particular pie chart omits a specific label repeatedly. The pie chart displays the wedge within the chart itself, but does not display the label. At the moment I have data labels with percentages. All other labels display, of which there are 7. I found a solution that fixes the problem each time it arises and that is to select Chart Tools/Format/Series 1 data labels and then Format Selection. When I then select any data label, I click on "Clone Current Label" and the missing label appears with the correct percentage amount. I use the workbook for multiple uses and rather than have it present as a template (*.xltm), it is a macro-enabled spreadsheet (*.xlsm). Could this be related to the problem?
What I'm looking to do in Excel 2013 is have it so a specified cell loads an image based on the results of a range of cells.
For example: If cell B1 = red and cell B2 = up and cell B3 = yes then cell A5 shows image X.
But then have it be comprehensive enough to do If cell B1 = green and cell B2 = down and cell B3 = no then cell A5 shows image Y.
My hangups are trying to get different images to load in the same cell. Also, all the examples of this I've found are pulling from one cell where I need it to display an image based on the results of multiple cells.
I've got a spreadsheet that pulls data from a SQL server.
I'm looking to have a button on the first sheet that extracts the data from SQL and inserts it into sheet 2 of spreadsheet. The data connection from SqL is working fine but when I click on the button sheet 2 is blank.
I am rather new to excel and currently using excel 2013.
I have a worksheet with column A ( data group) Column B ( Sent date with MM/DD/YY) , Column C Aged Group {using this formula =IF(B2="","",(TODAY()-B2))} , Column D status ( if the record is open or close).
I would like to create a table that can segregate the data group and how many days it has already aged. And then group them with different aged group. Refer to the attached screenshot.
Data GroupSent Date AgedStatus Quotation 06/06/1435Open Invoice 07/11/140Open invoice 05/01/1471Open PO 07/01/1410Open PO 07/05/146Open SO 06/30/1411Open Quotation 05/18/1454Open SO 05/05/1467Open Cash Note 07/03/148Close
Data Group0-15 15-3030 above Quotation Invoice PO SO Cash Note