Excel 2007 :: Custom Controls Not Showing In Add-ins Ribbon Tab And XML Error
Jul 18, 2013
We are using Windows7 with Excel 2007. We have old code from excel 2003 and earlier that was adding a msoControlPopup with other sub-controls using the code below:
Set HelpMenu = CommandBars(1).FindControl(Id:=30010)
If HelpMenu Is Nothing Then
' Add the menu to the end
I tried going to Excel Options>Customize>Reset to reset any customizations to the quick access toolbar as this was recommended by something else I found online. This did not fix the problem.
I can find the control in the Immediate window but it just isn't showing in the add-ins tab. if I can find and repair that XML file perhaps?
I've created a custom ribbon which contains checkboxes that hide or show columns.
I would like to change the enable state of the checkboxes while the user is interacting with the spreadsheet.
For example:I would like to disable all of the checkboxes if they are not viewing sheet1I would like to disable the second checkbox if the first checkbox is unchecked.
I know how to set these all on initialize. I just have not figured out how to update these controls after it has been opened.
I currently have an excel workbook (2010) in which I created a custom ribbon and assigned several different macros to the buttons.
Long story short, I will be saving several variations of this workbook every so often when I get new data.
The problem is that if I change the name of the file (Save as or Rename), the custom ribbon buttons no longer work. When I assigned the macros to the ribbon buttons, the macros were absolutely assigned.
Is it possible to assign relative macros to custom ribbons?
From research I have done, it appears that custom ribbons cannot be created using VBA. Is this still true?
I've been trying to research how to do this for a while now and still can't figure it out. My impression is that this is fairly straightforward in Excel 2010 since the menus and ribbons are easily customizable but not so in Excel 2007.
So far I can get macro shown as a button in the Quick Access Toolbar. But the issue is that I can't organize them or customize the icons.
I often use the .TAG property on controls as a sort of temporary container to hold variables, arrays and such but this gets messy because I sometimes forget which control I used for what since there appears to be only 1 tag property per control. Are there any controls that have numerous .TAG like properties I could use (even name) to hold my temp data?
I've just started using Excel 2007, and despite manually activating the add-ins I use, the add-ins tab is not showing on the toolbar. Also, I can't find the format tab either.
I am looking for the settings if possible that will add to a custom tab in the ribbon.
What I have is an add-in that creates a custom tab in the excel ribbon. I save it as an add-in and activate it in excel options so it is available for all workbooks.
Now I have a callback in there that runs a macro that opens a workbook, this workbook also has custom UI that I want additional callbacks added to the same custom tab created in the add-in.
I have a pretty developed add-in I've created for use at work. It has 3 full custom ribbon tabs worth of buttons and boxes and other features that run all of the macros in the project. Everyone loves it. The only problem is, its only used when we work with customer statement excel files. When using Excel for other tasks it is annoying to have 3 extra, essentially useless tabs taking up space on the ribbon.
Is it possible to create a button and stick it on, say the Data tab, that will "Start" the add-in and make the 3 custom tabs visible? Ideally there would also be a button to "Close" the add-in or hide the extra tabs until they're needed as well, but how to customize for my specific needs.
I have worksheet with 5000 rows data's including the comments in one coloumn.My problem is when I edit the comments,the comment box shows somewhere else is not showing to near the related cell.I am using excel 2007,its happen after the upgradation of 2003 to 2007.
I have a workbook with two worksheets, "Main" and "Control".
Both of them are with hidden tabs (unchecked "show sheet tabs").
On worksheet "Main" I have command button which opens worksheet "Control".
The assigned makro is: Sheets("Control").Select
The problem is: when I open "Control" and close after that the workbook, the next time when I open the workbook "Control" pops-up instead of "Main" even though I do not save it.
1. I need macro on "Main" which will allow me to open "Control".
2. Regardless I "Save" or "Don't Save" "Control" when selected and workbook is closed, to open the workbook always displaying worksheet "Main".
I created a custom tab withthe UI editor into my personal sheet which is set as startup and I want to have this tab automaticly shown when it is opened.
So when the workbook is opened I would like the show the tab Andre rather than the home tab.
I am working on building a custom menu and I am looking for the code that would open a specific workbook execute a macro when I select the tab, can this be done????
Created a new tab and menu buttons on the Ribbon in Excel in 3 separate .xltm files. Everything worked great through all of the development and testing, but when we went live we got reports of a bug. Here is what is happening...
User opens the template file and immediately saves it as a .xlsm file with a new name in a new location. The user then does various amounts of work in the file. When the user needs to use one of the tools on the custom tab, it is as if the buttons are inactive or not associated with any actions. The tab and buttons are all visible, the animation of the button being pressed works when any of the buttons are clicked, but nothing happens. The user can close and reopen the file and the ribbon buttons will work correctly, but not until they close and reopen.
Upon digging into the problem, we found that if the user clicks on the custom tab before they save the file, all of the buttons will work correctly after the save. But if the tab is not activated before the save, they dont work until a close and reopen.
The XML code is good because if I place it in a add on file (.xlam) and trigger it from the main file, there is no problem. But this is not a good solution since the add on file needs to be located in the same file that the main file is run from which can be any number of places.
This spreadsheet uses a custom format of ##-##-## for a date such as 012214 prints as 1-22-14.
I need to convert this into normal short date format such as 3/24/2014 because there are four columns of dates in the spreadsheet and we have to do some addition and subtraction from one column to another.
I have a large spreadsheet from which I need to create separate Reports by hiding various rows and columns. I have followed instructions for creating a couple of Custom Views (View tab, Custom Views, Add, Inserted Name, OK, Saved the document) but nothing happens apart from getting the message "Some view settings could not be applied". In fact none of the view settings were applied.
Using excel 2007 I've created a new tab and wanted to place the 2003 file menu on it. I don't know how to include it automatically in the tab using a combination of XML and VBA. So I created a button with the callback to run some code. Unfortunately, it still places the item in the Add-in tab. How can I get the undernoted code to operate within my new tab with either XLM or VBA?
Code: Sub InsertFileMenu2003() Dim cb As CommandBar Set cb = Application.CommandBars.Add("xl2003 Menu", , True) CommandBars("Built-in Menus").Controls("&File").Copy cb Application.CommandBars("xl2003 Menu").Visible = True End Sub
Any way to import and use icon sets for conditional formatting other than the ones provided in excel 2007? I would like to have some circles and shapes in colors other than just yellow, green, red, and gray.
I already have a Macro button built that hides values in column A. The next step I am trying to perform is a custom sort on column B in this order "Backordered", "Sourced", Shipped", and "Received". Here is my code that I have so far but where to begin adding in code to make this button sort.
In a program that I'm intimately familiar with (Excel) I seem to find it annoying. ...or at least in my limited usage thus far it's been that way. Takes up a lot of screen real estate and seems to be a bit of a cluttered jumbled mess of text and graphics.
For programs I use less frequently (Publisher) it seems to be helpful. I can sorta right-click my way through lots of things and get stuff done. That's kinda nice.
For a program I use moderately (Word) it's sort of a toss-up. I can't find stuff easily, but once I figure it out, it seems like it's a more efficient design.
I imported an Excel spreadsheet from a computer running an older version of Excel to my computer with Excel 2007. I opened up the specially designed add-ins tab and started a new worksheet which I then saved. When the programme was closed and re-opened, the add-ins tab was missing so I could not continue working on my new file.
Is this a compatibility issue between the versions of Excel (yet everything worked fine when freshly opened)? Following the help instructions I could not recover the bespoke add-in tab.
how I get this back each time I open the file? It is important I get the bespoke add-ins as they are designed to input runners taking part in a race and working out the results afterwards in various categories.
I have a worksheet that has a number in cell K5 - the number is generated on "file open" code and is custom formatted as "TN"0000. Thus 1 appears as TN0001, 2 as TN0002 and so on. I am trying to save a copy of the workbook based on the this cells contents i.e. TN0001.xls, TN0002.xls etc. but the files are saved as 1.xls or 2.xls. The code I am using is
im having a little trouble, I cant seam to get the correct structure for adding items to the 2007 ribbon. Withen workbook activate or deactivate i am using HandleMenu = true .... or false to show and remove the added ribbon. Though when i use the HandleMenu= false to remove the ribbon it leaves the Create report item behind. What am i missing to be able to remove it correctly.
I would like to be able to automatically minimize the Excel 2007 ribbon on opening a particular workbook. My preference is to be able to apply that minimization to certain worksheets only, but if that's not possible then minimizing the ribbons on all sheets in the workbook will be ok.
Will I also need a BeforeClose code as well to reinstate the ribbon so that it is visible when opening subsequent workbooks?
How can I change the name of toggle button to "Disbale Download" after clicking on the toggle button? I am trying to find the answer on WROX Excel 200 VBA but I am lost.
I have downloaded a custom menu workbook attached. I am wanting to only show the custom menu in one workbook as it appears in all workbooks open at the time.
I ran a simple macro that I created in my workbook, got a run-time error, clicked debug, clicked reset to stop the macro running, and now all of the icons in my workbook are greyed out. I can select cells, change worksheets, enter information in cells etc....just I can't save the workbook, or select any of the icons on my ribbon / in the office menu. Would really like to avoid terminating the application as I made a number of changes that I didn't save (doh doh doh).
I am using Excel 2007. I am having problem with web query. I want to get data from Komatsu parts catalogue, komatsu parts book, komatsu parts search, komatsu parts numbers, komatsu parts database this website. In excel 2007-> get external data tab->from web-> and i typed the website(Komatsu parts catalogue, komatsu parts book, komatsu parts search, komatsu parts numbers, komatsu parts database) and click go then i receieved Script error
[An error has occured in the script on this page] Line: 3 Char: 1373 Error: Expected identifier, string or number Code: 0 [URL] .....
Do you want to continue running script on this page?