Excel 2013 :: Chart Label Not Displaying?

Jun 8, 2014

I have a workbook, which I use for different departments that displays a number of different pie charts and I have found that a particular pie chart omits a specific label repeatedly. The pie chart displays the wedge within the chart itself, but does not display the label. At the moment I have data labels with percentages. All other labels display, of which there are 7. I found a solution that fixes the problem each time it arises and that is to select Chart Tools/Format/Series 1 data labels and then Format Selection. When I then select any data label, I click on "Clone Current Label" and the missing label appears with the correct percentage amount. I use the workbook for multiple uses and rather than have it present as a template (*.xltm), it is a macro-enabled spreadsheet (*.xlsm). Could this be related to the problem?

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Fixing Chart Axis Scale To Thousands And Displaying Multiplication Display Label On Remaining Number

May 16, 2013

I want to automate the Display labels in my Charts using VBA Coding…

I would need to use this small code in Charts with different Scales as some of the Scales in my Data are in a very large Range close to Trillions so its not possible to have these as the Primary-Y-Axis Scale and therefore I would need to use the in-built Display label option which Excel provides..

However, I always prefer to have the scale in the Range of Thousands so the Max I can have in the Scale can be 10,000 so if there is any Number more than that or the Scale is going above than I would prefer that this gets auto-calculated to Multiply with the remainder and show appropriate Scaling.

For Ex:In this example My largest Number is 4500000000 which is 100 M..So I would want the scale to show 4500 and the Display label as X Millions..

So The Display Label would be different for different Ranges but the Max Scale preffered would be 10,000.

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Excel 2013 :: Filtering Data For Mailing Label

Feb 22, 2014

I'm having trouble filtering a large list of 900 names to create mailing labels for anon-profit organization. For years I have been using Microsoft Works to create these labels, however, the people now doing the membership insist on using Excel. I have Office 2013 and am using Excel 2013 on a new Dell PC using Windows 7. I have partially solved the problem but have one hang up.

I got to a point where I could filter out the dates and a couple of other items, but can't seem to get the last two. I was able to get the minimum date (equal to or greater) than 2012 to filter and the (equal to)LIFE (life membership) one and the (equal or greater than) ID# of 9000to filter by changing the cell format in all of those columns of cells to "text" instead of "general", BUT I still can't get it to (be blank) for the M column which houses a "D" or "U" (indicating deceased or uninterested) and an E column which houses an "E" if the person receives the newsletter electronically rather than by mail.

My fieldset up is:

To Year is equal or greater than 2012
Or M Class is equal to LIFE
Or ID# is equal or greater than 9000
And M is blank
And E is blank

The first three work but the last two do not seem to filter properly.

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Excel 2010 :: Data Label On A Chart

Jun 23, 2014

I make a bar chart from series of data from cells.

The data consist of values that regarding of students achievment in a test. On the cell if the value is 56.67 and on the data label is shown 56.67.

When the cell value is 50.00, which then I've change the format of the cell to custom format to 0.00;; so it only show 50 but on the data label of the chart it will show 50.

Even after I change the format of the data label it will still show '.' At the of the value.

How to hide the '.' On the data label if the decimals value is .00?

I'm using MS Excel 2010

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Excel 2013 :: Date On Horizontal Axis On Chart

Apr 12, 2014

I'm having trouble getting the dates i want on the horizontal axis on a chart in Excel 2013. I want 12 dates along the axis starting at 01/01/2013 then each month until 1/12/13 however as you can see the dates are 01/01/1900.

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Excel 2013 :: Plotting Gaussian Curve Over Bar Chart

Apr 14, 2014

I'm trying to overlay a Gaussian distribution on some data. The data is a frequency of particle size diameters, ranging from 200-1000 um (see attached). I'm using Excel 2013.

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Excel 2003 :: Pivot Chart Displaying Added Values?

May 31, 2012

I'm using Windows XP with MS Excel 2003. I have a pivot table representing a survey. Let's say I've built the survey outside of excel and I've imported the response data into Excel. One of the questions in the survey is "ratings" and the possible valid responses for it is: "Excellent", "Good", or "Poor". In my data set in excel let's say I have 10 responses or rows and all the responses for the question on ratings are either "Excellent" or "Good". (There are no rows with a "Poor" value in the ratings column).

For example, let's say out of the 10 responses, 6 are "Excellent" and 4 are "Good". As such my Pivot chart shows two bars: one for the number of respones with "Excellent" (10) and another bar for the number of responses with "Good" (4). My delima is how to show a third bar showing "Poor" with a zero as the number of responses.

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Label Scatterplot Chart: Plot Two Values Against Each Other Using A Scatterplot, And Label Each Service

Feb 13, 2008

I'm working for a local authority who have been given a mass of survey data. In this particular task, residents of each small district within our area have been asked their levels of satisfaction with a service, and how important they think that service is. I want to plot these two values against each other using a scatterplot, and label each service.

Excel does not automatically allow this so I used a very good sheet from the forums here: Attach labels with names to the points in a scatter plot. It's the top file, and works well. However, I can't seem to customise it for my own data.

Problems include:

- Excel often freezing when I try to run it
- Not all the data being picked up for the chart
- Incorrect labels being picked up..........

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Label Chart Elements

Jun 20, 2008

I've used Rob Bovey's Chart Labeller a lot recently, but this morning when trying to add some labels, I get the error message

"Unable to get the Name property of the Series class (bGetSelectionIndexes())"

Is there a limit to the number of series it will work with?

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Label Values Not Updating, But Chart Is

Oct 17, 2005

I have a number of charts (mostly pie) I don't have a legend, but I do have "Show label and percent" selected.

When I add in new data the actual chart updates to show the right sized pie slices... but the values on the labels don't update as well. I can't figure out how to make that happen?

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XML Chart Not Displaying

Dec 19, 2009

I have an XML file which I can open in Excel as an XML table. When I try to insert a chart from any of the data, a chart appears but the data appears as the legend but not as any lines on the chart. The column headings, which would normally appear as the legend, do not appear. The chart itself is blank. Does anyone have any ideas of a way to solve this?

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Adding Text To Chart Data Label

Dec 14, 2011

I have a simple line chart but I want to add an text description to each of the points. The data is driven by a pivot table so the text needed may change based on the drop down options.

If I was using the below data I would want the line graph drawn using the date and value, but the data label at each point to state the description.

Date Value Description
01/01/2010 90% Text A
01/02/2010 80% Text B

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Bubble Chart: Add To Label Hover Display

Dec 19, 2006

When you hold your mouse over a bubble on a bubble chart, it typically displays the x value, y value and size value. Is there any way to add other captions to display? For example, if my chart is based on sales data and I'm plotting a point based on ease of probability (x axis) and dollar value (y value)....I'd also like to see the initials of the salesperson assigned to that prospect when I hover over the bubble?

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Label Chart Scatter Plot Markers

Jun 4, 2008

In the attached spread sheet I have created a scatter plot. How can I label each of the markers with its appropriate label from Column A - the Company Ticker. When I right click to show data labels it brings back the incorrect column. Also is there a way once the labels are brought in to put them in the circle and so that the chart doesn't look too clumped together.

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Text & Cell Value For Chart Series Label/Name

Jun 26, 2008

How do I name my data series in a chart so that the name consist of both a cellreference and my own text?
Example: "Name" & Sheet1!A1. If the value in A1 is 2 then the series name shold be Name2

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Conditionally Label Chart Data Series

Jun 28, 2008

I think that this is probably rather simple, but the answer is eluding me, I cannot find anything that helps online either. I have a set of data that looks similar to the sample below, however it is quite a bit longer. I would like the 'Effect' as the X axis, with the 'Score' as Y. This basically shows three columns, which is fine. However I would also like to use the 'ID' as the label against each plot point and I'd like each plot point to look the same.

The problem I am having is that to get the labels to show, I am having to add each series manually, which is rather time-consuming. Is there a correct (faster) way of doing this as I think I'm missing something obvious!


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Pivot Chart - Displaying Two Series

Nov 2, 2012

I have 2 columns of dates on which 2 separate events occur, e.g columns 1 is dates of receiving incoming calls (and there can be multiple incoming calls , so there are multiple rows with same date) and the other column is dates of outgoing calls (same deal of having multiple rows with same date, each row = 1 outgoing call). I want to plot both as line graphs and find out where they intersect , each one peaks and tapers.

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Displaying A Average Line On A Pivot Chart

Jan 29, 2009

how to add an average line to pivot chart?

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Macro To Refresh Pivots Also Resets Chart Data Label Fonts

Aug 20, 2013

I have 6 pivot charts within a document. I use a macro associated with a button to refresh the tables and therefore the data displayed on the charts.

However, each time I refresh the data, the 'data label' font size also refreshes. What is particularly odd is that 5 of the charts are pie-graphs, of those 5 graphs, the font size only resets on 4 of them (with the data labels in a single chart staying at my desired font size).

I can manually put the font size back to that which I desire but I'd rather it just didn't change in the first place.

I've had a look to see if there's any noticeable differences between the 5 charts but there's nothing which I can find.

I'd be happy to run a bit of VBA to set the font size as I want it, if there isn't a better solution.

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Chart Legend Text, Linked To Cell, Not Displaying

Jun 18, 2008

Has anyone ever seen a problem like this? The Legend text is not displaying what is in the cell reference and I cannot figure out why.

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Excel 2013 :: Mail Merging From Excel Database To Outlook

Apr 15, 2014

Using EXcel 2013, Windows 8

I have an Excel worksheet with one column being e-mail addresses. Other columns are Christian names, etc

Ideally can I create a full Mail merge with Outlook using whatever data I want. But probably just e-mail address and Christian name?

Otherwise be able to send one e-mail to all the e-mail addresses, without a major re-type.

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Pass Userform1 Label Content To Label On Userform2

Jun 13, 2013

I have two userforms with a label which displays CompetitorID. I want to transfer content (displayvalue) from UF1.label to UF2.Label. I know labels don't have a value property but want to simply know if it can be done as presently I'm getting run time error 380, can't set property value.

VB : HeadEntryForm.lbCompID = Me.lbCompID ' trf selected competitor ID to ID field on HeadEntryForm

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Label Making (take The Information And Incorporate It Into A Label Format)

Jan 14, 2009

I have a spreadsheet with a customers information and various parts we make for them. I need to be able to take this information and incorporate it into a label format. I need something quick and easy as there can be 150 parts per customer

Customer: ABCD
Customer PO: 12345

Part Number Quantity
AB 1
** 15
EF 22
GH 14

and I need it to output:

PO: 12345 QTY: 1

PO: 12345 QTY: 15

PO: 12345 QTY: 22

PO: 12345 QTY: 14

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Get VBA To Recognize Label In Userform As Value And Have Another Label Calculate From It

Aug 17, 2012

I have a userform in Excel and I would like to have a label calculate from the sum of 3 different labels. I have tried a few ways of which none worked.

This is what I currently have. This returns $0.00 in the label value but does not calculate...

Public Sub TotalCACost()
If TextBox12.Value > "" Then
Label685.Caption = ""


The reason that I have it as a public sub is that I am calling it to Private Sub extBox12_Change() as well as a couple of other textboxes so that when ever TextBox12 or the other textBoxes gets changed, the value will recalculate. The "other textBoxes" change the values of label443, 444, 445, 385, 386, 387 etc..

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Excel 2003 :: Daily Stock Chart AND Random Scatter Chart Data

Jan 14, 2014

I need to plot various data on top of stock charts.

This data could be irregular in date: it could be weekly, or simply random.

To plot this data by itself requires a Scatter Chart.

From what I know so far, you CANNOT DO THIS.

However, I suspect this could be done if I build a Stock Chart from scratch using a Scatter Chart.

Error bars can be used to make the tails, however, I don't know how they built the body bar which has the characteristics of a bar (border, and interior.)

But since I don't really need those two characteristics, I just need a wider error bar line that is provided in the chart edit window. I'm guess through a macro, there are wider line widths assignable.

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Excel 2010 :: Add Pie Chart Into Data Point Marker On Line Chart

Nov 27, 2011

I am looking for a creative way to display a pie chart within a data point marker of a line chart.

My database has 3 value columns, Type1, Type2 and the Total (Type1 + Type2)
these are recorded per day (Date, in Column A)

I have a line chart that displays the total by date, but I want to find a way to display the percentage split of a particular day by type.

I was thinking to load the chart image into the Data point marker, but i don't think that is the best way as the data is updated daily and I would have to do it each day for a few line charts.

The other way I was thinking about was to have a generic Pie chat in the Line chart (Maybe in a corner) and the pie would update depending on way date series was selected or Mouseover'd)

the way that I am approaching it at the movement (Not the best way and by far not the coolest way. Is to have a list of all the dates in a column next to the Line chart and using some VBA, what ever date is selected in the column the pie chart displays the corresponding data. But eh challenge is that when there is alot of dates, I am going to be scrolling up and down.

I am using Excel 2010, but I cant not use the slicer's as the other users do not have 2010, they have 2007.

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Excel 2003 :: Filter Data In Graph / Chart (without Having To Create New Chart)

Dec 29, 2011

I have a spreadsheet created in Excel 2003 (which is what we use at work, unfortunately).

My employees periodically take a test to ensure they have certain items memorized (or are making progress to that end). The spreadsheet rows show all 46 of my employees, and their test scores. The columns are the dates that the tests are administered. I can create a line graph based on the chart data, and interpolate these data with no problems.

The problem is that there are 46 employees! 46 lines on the same graph make for a very cluttered, hard to understand visual. I want to simplify the view by "filtering out" some of the data.

I have an additional column in my spreadsheet for each employee's work area (Area 1, Area 2, etc), and another column with data based on first letter of last name (the values here could be "A-G", "H-M", "N-S" and "T-Z", for example). I figure i could filter my line graph based on these two columns. For example, somehow select just Area 1, and reduce the number of lines on the graph to 16. Or better yet, Choose "Area 2" AND "A-M" and end up with 7 employees (and therefore 7 lines on the graph).

Here's what i have tried:

1) Select the work area column, and use the Filter, which created a drop-down list at the column heading. When i use this drop-down list, i can easily filter the data in the worksheet by Work Area, but this is not reflected in the line graph, which still shows all 46 lines. The problem was that i forgot that i had set the Calculation Options to "Manual". Setting this to "Automatic" (or leaving it on Manual and pressing F9) solved the problem, as the chart now updates when i use the filters. Calculation options are under the "Formula" tab in 2007, or in Tools -> Options -> [either calculation or formula, i forget what it's called] in 2003.

2) Create several separate line graphs in several separate sheets. I wouldn't want to assign someone else the task of maintaining a spreadsheet of such inefficient design.

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Excel Not Showing 0 Amounts As Data Label In Charts

Feb 17, 2009

I am building automated solutions where graphs source data is based on outcome of formulas. In case of line graphs I use #N/A as result if no data is available or formula results into an error - this way the data point and data label will not be shown in the graph.

However this does not work for bar graphs - with #N/A, #DIV/0, 0 or "" the bar itself is not shown but the data label is shown (as #N/A or 0). How can I set-up my formulas so that if result is 0 or formula is in error that the graph does not display the data label.

Attached excel file shows same data in 2 charts - 1 line chart (=OK) and 1 bar chart (=not ok). The data for chart is pulled from 2 other tabs (week&month) and merged into 1 data source for graphs.

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Excel 2007 :: Lookup To Return Column And Row Label?

Jun 13, 2013

I have the below data. I'm trying to create a lookup that would return the Month and Year in another cell. For example, I have in another cell the min of all the data, I want to get the month/year in the cell below it with lookups. I've tried INDEX/MATCH, but not getting the results I want.

Excel 2007ABCDEFGHIJKLMN3JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecYTD420134.47 (0.35)0.86 4.98 520121.27 (2.29)(0.27)1.55 4.61 (2.33)2.07 1.38 0.62 (0.60)2.50 0.12 8.63 620111.41 3.69 3.97 2.49 2.06 3.14 (2.97)5.83 (1.26)(1.30)0.34 (0.36)17.04 720103.34 2.24 1.59 (0.33)7.70 0.63 (0.26)2.00 2.78 2.81 3.01 7.96 33.47 820098.51 3.12 (1.95)(7.30)7.91 8.94 2.90 0.41 0.66 0.67 1.39 3.10 28.36 920084.09 1.60 6.83 8.65 4.42 6.79 11.01 8.16 1.03 18.41 17.74 7.01 95.74 1020072.08 (0.62)6.02 (0.30)4.74 (2.28)4.04 (1.12)1.29 0.89 11.58 1.79 28.11 1120064.87 (1.83)4.56 5.04 2.19 0.53 3.55 6.00 (0.68)2.76 2.82 4.74 34.55 1220052.43 3.17 1.71 4.44 5.78 5.84 (2.61)5.21 0.04 6.34 1.87 5.76 39.98 132004(0.22)4.98 2.86 (0.52)4.80 3.22 3.45 1.97 2.77 2.61 25.92 Portfolio Summary

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Excel 2013 :: Average Readings Per Day

Jul 2, 2014

Working in Excel 2013......... I take 3 readings per day, I would like to see the daily average per day

In cases where the data is blank or "0", just average the 2 readings.

Sample Data

Date Speed


[Code] ..........

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