Excel Count Function - Calculate How Many Yes A Country Receives?

Mar 7, 2013

I have a column which contains a list of countries and the next column is filled with Yes and No's.

Is there a formula which calculates how many Yes a country receives?

e.g. USA



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How To Count Country For Each Product

Mar 24, 2014

I have a very big Excel table with many products. A product like a "pen" can have different attributes, then each of it gets an own row. Each row has one entry in the column "country". It indicates in which country the product gets shipped.

I want to count the country, in which the products get shipped.

But I don't want to count two times if a product "pen - blue" and "pen - yellow" both get shipped to the US.

I tried it to achieve this with a pivot table but it counts every row and I haven't found a way that it only counts each country per product once.

I have an simpliefied example attached. The columns "product" and "country" exist already, the column "country count" I hope to get automatically.!

Country count



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Count Cells Based On Country

Dec 6, 2013

Find attached Sample sheet : Sample Data.xlsx‎

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Add ‘country Name’ Column To Worksheet From A List Of Country Codes.

Apr 2, 2009

I've got a worksheet with five columns of data. One of the columns contains country codes. I have a list of countries that the codes relate to. I would like a new column in the worksheet that contains the country name. I'm not sure if this is possible, but it seem that most things are with VBA! The countries and their codes are on 'Sheet2' I relalise I might have to do some boring re-ordering of the data on 'Sheet2'

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How To Add Country Flags To Excel Table

Apr 11, 2013

how to add county flags to excel table.I have a table with list of countries and I would like to add picture of their flags into the same cell or to the neigboring cell.

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Excel 2003 :: Run Macro And Fill Out Cells When Country Is Selected?

Jun 8, 2014

I have a dropdownmanu in sheet1 with different countries taken from Column A in Sheet3. I need a macro to run when i select a country example Denmark. It will fill out transmittal code and also country code in named cells for it in sheet1. Info taken from Sheet3

Transmittal code is in below testsheet in Sheet1 cell E12.

Country code is in Sheet1 cell.

But this have to be possible to change. Also the range for the country have to be possible to change.

This vba code i need to run as soon as i select a country in the dropdown manu.

But one thing i would like to solve also is. When i select a country it will create a dropdownlist in I13 taken from the info in column, i have in Sheet3 column F. So if i select example Denmark, it will show a dropdown menu in sheet1 I13, with the ledger codes 10 and 6x. I have tried to make this work but cant make it work good.

I use excel 2003. Please have a look and upload the testsheet back.

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Count Number Within Slabs Through Excel Function / Formula

Feb 23, 2014

I have the following list

Column A Column B

Name of Parts Amount
A 4500
B 5500
C 8000
D 12000
E 4300
F 28000
G 1000
H 7000
I 10000
J 5000
K 11000

Total No. 11

I want the result as follow.

Slab No. of Counts

0 to 5000 4
5001 to 10000 4
10001 and Above 3

Total 11

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Function / Formula In Excel To Count Unique Values Matching Criteria

Jun 4, 2013

I have a worksheet. I would like to count unique number of "Trans" in column A only if value of cells in column B "Type" equals "Return". In example below, I would want to see the value "3" as total.

Trans Type
1 Return
2 Return
2 Return
3 Exch
4 Exch
5 Return
5 Return

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Stop Users From Selecting Another Cell Until Current Selection Receives Data

Jul 21, 2009

Amongst the several sheets contained in my workbook, there is one called 'Inspection Report'. Users fill in whatever data is required in the other sheets, and once they get to this one, they are supposed to enter a number from 1 to 3 into Cell X1 (which is currently selected) before they select anything else. Unfortunately, I am currently unable to stop them from doing what they should not be doing.

So, I would like to have a notification of some sort pop up into their face if they click or move the selection anywhere else while Cell X1 is still empty. Something like a validation would be nice.

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Cell In Excel To Determine If Country On List Has Been Entered In Cell?

Apr 18, 2013

I have a Userform that allows the user to input a country from a combobox which after clicking a button writes that data into Cell AH11 in the excel spreadsheet, what I need is for Cell AI11 to read what has been entered into Cell AH11, look up whether or not that country is on a list I have and enter a yes or a no if it is or it isn't on that list.

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Change Color Of Cell Range When Last Cell Receives Data

Apr 3, 2009

I need my worksheet to automatically fill in a range of cells (from Range B*:G*) with my yellow color once the last cell in the range (G*) receives data, and automatically switch back to no color if the data in Cell G* is erased. However, if somebody merges a range, it should appear as it would by default - as if no macro exists, if that makes sense. I've attached a sample worksheet.

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Count Function To Count From A Set Point On Recurring Basis

Jun 22, 2009

I want to count from each cell that doesn't contain "0". So if cell C2=100, I want to be able to count the number g1*2 from that cell and return a value. But then I want to start another count from c5 to the number of g1*2 and then another count from c8 etc basically any cell that contains a value other than "0", I want to start a count from.

The point of this is that the half life will expire after that count, so I want to be able to add the drug levels on an ongoing basis until the count of the half life has been reached. But there will be further dosing along the way before this half life is reached and these values need to be added to the existing value until the half life expires.

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Using Count Function Exclude Zeros In Count

Jul 18, 2007

I am trying to count data using several criteria

1.Need to add data from for a certain category, say "blue" + data during a certain date but exclue the ones with zeros

My formula using arrays look like this, but it is still counting data with zero in the cell as an item

=count(if(A4:A400(text by category)=”blue”,count(if(O4:O400(date)<”04/01/07”,count(An4:An400)[Actual data],-(countif(An4:An400,0))))))

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Function To Calculate IRR

Dec 30, 2008

My code below comes up with #VALUE! error msg

Function PIRR(NumPer As Single, StartVal As Double, EachVal As Double)
Dim Values() As Double
Values(0) = StartVal

For i = 1 To NumPer
Values(i) = EachVal

PIRR = Application.WorksheetFunction.IRR(Values())

End Function

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Find Country Name Into String?

May 6, 2014

i am trying to find country name in cell consisting of sting, i applied "=INDEX(K2:X2,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(ISNUMBER(SEARCH(K2:X2,A2)),0),0))" this formula i am getting desired result but i am not able to apply ctrl+d since all cell reference are iterating.

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Conditional Average For Each Country

Mar 16, 2007

I have countries in column A and the values in column B.

I want to see the avareges of values for each country.

I have tried a few samples that I have found in the forum but they do not work for me.

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Country Code Lookup

Feb 23, 2009

We get a very detailed Call Data Records(CDR) for all telephone calls made by our employees. CDR typically contains the called number, duration in seconds and cost. What is missing it the city name and country name for the called number.

For e.g. a typical CDR log would be
Called # duration(secs) Cost
442075000000 40 0.02

From looking at this number, the country code is UK - 44 and the city code is 20 which is London.

I have a spreadsheet that contains Country code and city code for all major cities in the world.

Is it possible to create a lookup function, that would take the 'Called #' from the CDR and lookup the data in the CountryCity code spreadsheet and give me the called City and Contry name.

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Calculate Percentage Based On Count Of Specified Text

Aug 8, 2007

I have a list of YES or NO answers in a sheet. I want to calculate the % of YES in the list. E.G. if there are 100 cells in total and 25 of them say YES and the remaining 75 say NO, the percentage should be 25%.

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Calculate RAND Function Only Once

Nov 10, 2013

I have a workbook that calculates a RAND function based on input in another cell. Specifically, the formula in E2 selects a random text string from another range depending on data entered in D2. I want to be able to fill this formula down for use multiple times.

The formula works fine on its own, but the problem comes when I, say, move on to D3 to input more data. E3 does its random calculation as it should, but E2 also recalculates; I want E2 to remain static once it calculates the first time.

I'm attaching the workbook in question. The calculation I'm referring to is in the 3rd worksheet.

TLL Injury Machine.xlsx

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If Function- To Calculate The Units

Jul 24, 2006

I have a spreadsheet that keeps attendance. Now I need to calculate the
units (1 unit= 15 minutes) the children are actual here. On a normal
schedule they are here for 16 units but if the are late the units get
subtracted. When entering the data, they would like to use letter instead of

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Function To Calculate Payroll

Nov 18, 2008

I am trying to calculate payroll. I have 2 columns where regular hours and overtime hours are manually inputed. They are then multiplied by their respective pay per hour columns to come up with regular and overtime pay. The next column adds these to get total gross pay. That gross pay is then multiplied by the FICA and FICA Med factors to figure those taxes(2 different columns). I then have a column the adds all deductions to get total deductions(Fed,FICA,FICAMed,St). The last column subtracts total deductions from the gross pay column to get net income. My problem is the net pay column is $.01 off sometimes.

I think what is happening is I obviously have all columns in dollar amounts with 2 decimal points. Some function columns have multiple decimal points in the answer and then are only showing the 2 decimal points. When those columns are used in the next equation, instead of using the dollar amount that is showing with 2 decimal points, it is remembering the multiple decimal points. This is resulting in being a penny off when I get to the end. How can I get the equations to use what actually shows in the columns(2 decimal points) instead of remembering multiple decimal places?

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Function To Calculate IRR Of An Array

Jan 15, 2008

I have written the code below. But it didn't work. In my opinion the error is most probably caused by irr worksheet function. Because the code is actually bigger and I tried it all part by part.

Option Base 1
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim counter As Integer
Sub General() 'Makes general calculations
Dim Cash_Flow_Project_Entity(49) As Variant 'Toplam Yatýrým Nakit Akýmý
Dim FIRR(49) As Variant 'Yearly FIRR
Analysis_Period = Worksheets("Veri"). Cells(15, 5) 'Takes " analysis period" from "Veri" Worksheet
End Sub

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Data Validation Of Country And City

Aug 5, 2014

Data validation using named ranges as countries are listed multiple times and to relate country with cities.

How can i relate country with city in two different columns(named ranges) not in order.

Formula to be used for Data Validation would be useful.

Sample data file is attached.

Its just a sample.data can be for 250 rows.


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Search Country Name With Caller Number?

Mar 23, 2014

I have 2 excel sheets format is below mention. In sheet one i have some number with ISD code and in second sheet i have country name and Code. now i want to match Country name in sheet one but my problem is that there are some code are in 1 digit and some code are in 2,3,4,5 digits. If you see in example 220 is belong to Gambia and 224 belong to Guinea so first i want to match all code who is having 1 digit code second who is having 2 digit than 3 digit, 4 digit respectively.

If I'm using below mention formula it's give me first value from sheet to:

INDEX('Country Code'!C2:C229,MATCH(TRUE,INDEX(ISNUMBER(FIND('Country Code'!$B$2:$B$228,B4)),0),0))

As per Ist number 54911678222709 Formula will check Ist 5491 digit if it is Match than ok else chek 549 if it's match than ok else check 54 and 5.

Sheet One:-
Caller Number

Sheet two as Country Code:-
Country CodeName
971Emiratos Arabes Unidos
232Sierra Leona

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State And Country Check Macro

Jun 17, 2009

1 - If any cells (with data in it) in the "state" column contain any of the following abbreviations in it...


Then all matching row cells in the column named "country" should say "Canada",

AND....(it must also meet this criteria)...

Criteria 2 - If any text in "Country" column is "Kryponite", AND "State" column is blank

If BOTH criteria 1&2 are met.....THEN...

then delete both the country & state columns

If not, keep both columns and highlight in light red any errors to this macro.

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VBA / Function To Calculate Effect On Inventory?

Jul 6, 2014

I am making an excel sheet which can track the hypothetical effect building an order has on current inventory. The user is to change the quantities in this hypothetical order whenever they want.

It is composed of two sheets, the inventory sheet and the model sheet. The inventory sheet has the costs of every part carried and how many are currently in stock. The model sheet has a breakdown of what parts are required to build the different models.

I am looking for a function or VBA which can take a hypothetical order (build xx of model one + build xx of model two + build xx of model three), see how many total parts are needed, then calculate and display the effect it has on current inventory. This is only to see the hypothetical effect on inventory, not to actually change the inventory in the inventory sheet.

I've attached what I have so far - most everything is completed except for this final calculation. I have tried using the VLOOKUP function in VBA to try and come up with a solution but I couldn't figure out the best way to go about this. I think the hardest part might be that a hypothetical order can be made up of all three models.

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No Mode Function In Subtotal - How To Calculate

Jul 21, 2014

I'm trying to calculate the mode for a large data set, but there is no 'mode function' in subtotal. I need to find the mode for each change in day - without having to retype the function.

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Calculate A Nested IF Function In Speadsheet

Oct 27, 2009

I'm writing a spreadsheet where I need to calculate a nested IF function (I think), and I am unsure of how to do it.

The problem is this:
The total $ value of the quote is entered, then depending on two variables, a rebate may be deducted from this total value. The first variable is eligibility (a Y/N response), the second is the type of project - there are two types of project and each attract a different rebate amount.

So I have:

A: total quote $
B: Eligibility - 'Y' or 'N' (if 'Y', then value of 'C' is deducted from 'A'), (if 'N', then no value is deducted from 'A')
C: Type - '1' or '2' (if '1', then 'C' = $1000), (if '2', then 'C' = $1600)
D: final result

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VBA DATEDIFF Function To Calculate Person Age

Jul 9, 2012

I'm struggling with the VBA DATEDIFF function. I have a person's DOB and am attempting to determine their age by comparing to a different date. It seems like their age only changes when I change the year, rather than choose a date within the year past their birth date... Here is my code:

Sub Test_click()
DOB1 = #7/19/1930# 'DOB
date2 = #7/18/2012#
Date3 = #7/21/2012#
age1 = DateDiff("yyyy", DOB1, date2) 'age should be 81 (but is 82)
age2 = DateDiff("yyyy", DOB1, date2) 'age is 82 (correct)
End Sub

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Function To Calculate Frequency Of Items

Feb 27, 2007

I have a matrix w/ alpha characters in a 10x10 grid. I want to see how many times each letter shows up and then rank them asceding.

What is the function to do this? I looked at Frequency and Count, but do not think either will do the required work.

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