Excel - How To Automatically Fill Blank Fields

May 15, 2013

I use a system which produces excel spreadsheets similar to this example (although much larger than this!). This makes it extremely difficult to carry out sorts and to tidy up the spreadsheet - generally I have to do this manually. I am hoping that there is a way that I can easily add in the data as per document 2 in red.

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Fill Embedded PDF Fields With Data From Excel?

Oct 2, 2012

Is it possible to fill an embedded pdf (AcroPDF) fields with data from excel?

For example: I have an embedded pdf file, it has a field name "NAMEFIELD", on the click of a commandbutton, I would like Sheets("Sheet1").Range("A1").Value to be input into the PDF file text field "NAMEFIELD".

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Automatically Fill Web Form With Data From Excel Sheet

Oct 26, 2011

How to fill a web form automatically with excel data. I need to sign up like 300 people on a site per day. Their detail are given to me in excel. How can I automatically fill the form with the excel data without spending time doing copy and paste for each person's data?

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Fill Cell With Blank Spaces Using Excel Formula?

May 12, 2013

I need to clear a value in a cell(what ever may be the value) based on a condition in another cell and set it to blank. Ex: If cell A is blank and then i need make cell B also blank, if cell A has some value then i should not disturb B I need to do this using formula. I have tried the below, but no use, IF(AA1="",REPLACE(Y1,1,10,""))

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Excel 2010 :: How To Fill Blank Cells Pivot Table

Dec 19, 2012

how to fill the blank cells in a Pivot table. I am using Excel 2007. How to do it in excel 2007. Heard that there is a provision in excel 2010 version.

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Excel 2013 :: How To Make Automatically Fill In Dates For Weekdays Only And Skip Thursday

Feb 9, 2014

I have class monday, tuesday, wednesday & friday but no class thursday. How can I make automatically fill in dates for weekdays only and skip thursday using excel 2013's "Fill" function then "series" ??

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Excel 2010 :: Insert Page Breaks Automatically In Blank Rows?

Jun 14, 2014

We have a schedule that creates an Excel file which separates each order by blank rows. I need each order to be separated by a page break, so each order prints on a separate sheet.

Each order entry is 1 or 2 rows

Using Excel 2010/2013 although the file produced is an xls file.

Columns A to J are populated

Rows 1 & 2 are the header

I have tried a macro that involves me doing a countif and counting entries in the row, and if they add to 10 it inserts a page break, but its bit long winded and only seemed to work once.

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Auto Fill Macro For Fields Below Active Field

Apr 9, 2014

I need a simple macro to use for conditional autofill of cells below the active cell (to the end of the sheet) with the text that is being entered in the active cell.

DESCRIPTION: I have two columns of data, the first (call it Col1), has a word number which is unique to each specific word in a foreign language, every cell in this column has a number in it from 1 to 30000. Each number reoccurs many times in cells over the length of this column.

The other column (call it Col2) is blank. As I type words in english in each cell of this column, I need the macro to autofill the text that I have just entered, into every cell in Col2 where it's Col1 number is a match with the Col1 number where I am typing.

For example, in one row, Col1 has the number "21" and I type in Col2 the word "run". I need the macro to find every row where the number 21 is found in Col1 and automatically enter "run" into Col2 at that location.

The macro must only autofill cells which have no data in them. Preferably from that cell down, although if that is not possible, all cells would work seeing we are only replacing blank cells with data.

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Access Webpage, Fill Fields, Retrieve Data

May 13, 2008

I am having a really difficult time with this code. I am trying to fill in some fields on an webpage in an effort to eventually retrieve some data. I have read lots of posts on the topic and somehow I'm still confused. My code crashes on this line and gives an Automation error, Unspecified Error message: With appIE.document.forms(0). No matter what I try, I can't get past this line. I have also tried: With appIE.document.all

Sub PropInfo()
Dim appIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
appIE.Visible = True
appIE.navigate "http://gisims2.miamidade.gov/MyHome/proptext.asp"
Do While appIE.Busy: DoEvents: Loop
Do While appIE.readyState <> complete: DoEvents: Loop

With appIE.document.all
.Item("cmd").Value = "FINDADDR"
.Item("cmdTemp").Value = "FINDADDR"
.Item("searchtool").Value = "ADDR" 'Search by' dropdown
.Item("stnum").Value = "2417" 'house #' field
.Item("stdir").Value = ""
.Item("stname").Value = "ponce de leon" 'street name' field
.Item("sttype").Value = "BLVD" 'street type' field
End With
End Sub

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Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank

Feb 7, 2013

I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.

I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.

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Use Two Dropdown Lists With Two Set Of Information To Automatically Update Fields

Jan 29, 2013

I would like to Use two drop down list with two set of information to automatically update fields.

I have Job Titles (1-6) and Step (1-5). Each Job Title has a new pay rate and each step is an increase in pay. What I am trying to do is set up a drop down list where some one can drop down Job Title and step and have the rate automatically fill in.

I am able to get the Job title to auto fill the rate field, but am having trouble incorporating the step into the formula.

Here is what i currently have:

=VLOOKUP(H6,'Pay Rate'!$B$2:$G$12,3,FALSE)

H6 = Job tilte field on 'WorkSheet' (Sheet1)
'Pay Rate'!$B$2:$G$12 = Sheet2 and Step increases per Job Title
3 = the current column I was working with in order to make the rate appear
False = for exact info

I do not want to combine the two columns but keep them separate drop down list.

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Automatically Update Autofilter For Change In Numeric Fields

Jul 1, 2009

I'm trying to use " autofilter". I put the code as
Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel. Range)

so it'll update by itself. My criteria are on row 5 and all my data is below row 7. Row 7 contains the headers.
This all works fine for text-fields. My question is if someone can get it working with numbered fields?

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Advanced Filter In Database Containing Blank Fields

Nov 6, 2011

I am struggling to get Excel Advanced Filter to work on a database, where not every field is populated. The problem I am experiencing is that Excel is treating a blank field as a criteria. When I run the Advanced Filter, any fields in the database that are not populated are filtered out of the results.

To try and illustrate the problem with a simple example: I have a database with two filter criteria: TYPE and CATEGORY. If I filter on type, it returns 100 results [correct]. If I filter on category, it returns 50 results, which is incorrect, as it should be 70. The reason it is returning an incorrect result is because it is treating the unpopulated/blank fields under TYPE as a criteria.

I have set up my criteria table with the below Boolean formulas: if the result of the formula is true (ie if it is blank), it returns "" and if it is false, it returns the selection.


Frustratingly, Excel Advanced Filter still treats the result of this formula as a criteria. So when I run the procedure, with only CATEGORY selected, all blank fields under the TYPE are filtered out of the results. The only way to get the Advanced Filter to produce the correct result is to delete the formula under TYPE from the criteria table - which of course defeats the object!

My intention is to incorporate the Advanced Filter into a VBA procedure, where the user will be able to select criteria under TYPE and CATEGORY from drop down menus.

I can think of only three possible solutions to the problem:

1. Ensure there are no blanks in the database (not really practical as it is not always possible to apply type or category)
2. Tweak the formula so that the Advanced Filter will not treat "" as a criteria
3. Write a VBA procedure, where the selections are written each time to the criteria table when the code is run (hoping to avoid this!)

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Exclude Blank Date Fields For Vaildation

May 2, 2006

I am using the standard validation from the tool bar. What I am trying to do is in
check the date in a cell and if the new date is Greater and or equal to another date in another cell. The problem is I am having is when the cell that I am checking for a date is Blank the validation does not work and one can put in a date. I tried unchecking the "Ingore Blank"

Spreadsheet example attached.

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Automatically Highlight Fields With Dates Older Than 5 Business Days?

Dec 17, 2012

I have columns of dates and I'm looking to automatically highlight dates that are older than 5 business days from today. Is that conditional formatting?

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Automatically Selecting Dynamic Fields And Requiring Text Entry

Feb 24, 2007

I've got a software test plan that has test cases w/ individual pull-downs to select result states (All individually color-coded thanks to a macro). If any state is selected other than "Pass" or "Untested", a text entry feild appears two rows beneath the test case for additional notes and information regarding what behavior occurred when the test was done.

I need a way to a.) Automatically select this text field once any state other than "Pass" or "Untested" is selected in the pull-down, and b.) Require text entry in the field before the user can proceed to the next test case. (ideally w/ accompanying custom error message describing what information is required.)

I've pasted my macro code below: ...

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Fields That Containa Formula Need To Appear Blank Until Data Entered

Jun 10, 2009

i have two date fields....one date requested eg 02/06/09 (cell C10)...another date completed eg 03/06/09 (cell R10)

a third field (cell S10) contains the formula: =IF(R10-C10=0,"less than a day",R10-C10)

so if a request was actioned on the day then it shows as less than a day, otherwise will show how many days it took

but when this formula is draggeddown all other cells show - less than a day

how can i make these cells blank whilst still holding the formula?

also - is there a quick formula to add to show only the amount of wrking days a request took to complete?

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Leave Fields Blank Until Number Is Entered In Other Field?

Jan 15, 2014

I created this formula =G2*2.9%+.3

what I am trying to do is take the number in the G column multiply it by 2.9% and add 0.30. For instance if 20.00 is in the G2 cell, the number I want the formula to produce is .88

the formula works for me but what happens is the rest of my sheet that does not have any numbers in the G column gets filled with .30

How do I prevent the formula from calculating if the G column is blank?

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Don't Show Blank Pivot Table Fields In Drop-downs

May 6, 2007

I am creating a pivot table from region, which some of the rows are blank.

Is there any possibility that the pivot table not show the blank in its dropdown combobox?

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Lookup/Fill-in Form ? (insert Data Fields Into A Spreadsheet Form)

Dec 2, 2008

I'm having trouble trying to come up with a way to insert data fields into a spreadsheet form. I have a travel authorization form that I would like to have automatically fill in the required fields based on typing in a name. i.e. I would type in an employees name, and it would automatically fill-in the correct address, etc for that employee. I have attached a spreadsheet that contains one sheet as the form, and another sheet containing the employee data. I know nothing about VBA, but I have a feeling that is where I need to go.

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Automatically Fill In To Specific Row ?

Feb 23, 2010

to illustrate I attached a spreadsheet.The spreadsheet contains 5 colunms.

1. Names
2-4. Numbers
5. Sum of numbers (the formula for the sum is only entered in the first row)

What I want to do is automatically fill in sums from the second to the last row. I was trying it with the "record macro" function but failed because I don't know how to jump to the last row. CRTL-Shift-down is not useful in this case.

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Automatically Fill In Links Name?

Mar 5, 2014

I have an Excel file which extracts data from other excel files (the other excel files are named 1.xls, 2.xls, 3.xls, etc.). So the formula in the cell is for example: ='C:[1.xls]Sheet1'!A1

Is there a way to let Excel fill in the next excel file address for the next cell? So that i would get this:


Because i have about 500 excel files, and otherwise i have to change the file number manually...

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Function To Fill In A Day Automatically

Jan 10, 2009

In the worksheet just say:Cell A1: Jan-11-2009 as today date. Cell A2: What is a date function I need to put in there so when a computer clock change to 12:01am it automatically fill in a next day it should be Jan-12-2009 and continues do so for the next day at A3 ....when computer clock change again. Remember I wanted a cells A2...A3...A2000 are blank until the computer clock change to 12:01am.

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Get The Price To Automatically Fill Cell?

Mar 27, 2014

I am trying to get the Price to automatically fill cell C11 of the attached spreadsheet when a user enters Grade and Thickness information. I have tried index function, match function, vlookup function, and combinations of all with no luck.

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Automatically Fill In Sheet Name In Formula

Jun 22, 2009

I am creating a register of first aid kits on my site. What I want to do is have a summary as the first worksheet, and then have contents, and individual expiry dates for each kit on seperate kits. Is there a way to autofill, or auto complete, a different sheet name in formulas?

='Kit 1'!$B$27
='Kit 2'!$B$27
='Kit 3'!$B$27

='Kit 44'!$B$27

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VBA To Automatically Fill In Template Then Email

Jul 25, 2013

I have a list of people on sheet 1, column A. The corresponding information for each person is listed across 5 columns in sheet B (cols A:E). **The row numbers are consistent throughout the sheets (ie. Joe is listed in Row 5 on sheet 1, and his name and info is listed in Row 5 cols A:E on sheet 2).

June Sales
Sales Quota
YTD Sales
Total June Payout



What I want to do is to customize this weekly report for each person: Joe gets only HIS information emailed to him in a "template" that would be standard for each person (see below) -- the template would be the words in blue with the corresponding info, and this would be put directly into the BODY of the email

June Sales
Sales Quota
YTD Sales
Total June Payout


This would be repeated for all people on the list (100+). I think I can figure out some email code, but it is getting the information into the SAME template for each person repeatedly (not sure how to write a loop for this including the template)

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Automatically Fill Date For Whole Month

Aug 4, 2009

I'm using sheet for ledger. For entering date I use =today() but I want to do that in date column(A) I set a formula only once that if I enter data in 2nd column it automatically add today date and if data enter day after tomorrow it will add corresponding date. Is this possible?

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Fill Data Automatically After Choosing Name

Aug 14, 2008

I'm trying to create an invoice with customer list, and the problem now is I'm trying to find a list-dependent data way to input my customer's address.

At the moment, all I can do is a dependent dropdowns from a sorted list (see method here). So it's kinda troublesome in such that my list (of customers) opens up a list for address that has only one option (since there's only one address for each customer).

I hope there's a method out there whereby I can have a list of customers, then select the customer I want, and the address of this particular customer will appear in another cell below automatically (without the need of selecting it in another list).

My address is actually split into three different cells - Address, Building & Postal Code.

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Automatically Fill Information Across Worksheets

Aug 1, 2008

I have created a spreadsheet that I must fill out daily. this worksheet has averages that must be automtically shared with a "master" worksheet.

for example
information from sheet2!b23
information from sheet3!b23
information from sheet4!b23
must automatically be transfered to
in that order

at this time I am typing in =sheet2!b23 on sheet1 everytime, I want to avoid this.

If you are asking yourself why? I dont blame you but it needs be this way so I can average each days spreadsheet.

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How To Fill Blank Cells

Aug 12, 2013

I have a workbook with 15000+ Isometric drawing nos. in column A and and joint nos. in Column B. I want to fill the blank cells with the isometric drawing no.s for the corresponding joint nos. A sample worksheet is attached.

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