Excel 2010 :: Color Fill A Range Of Cells If Specific Cells Not Blank
Feb 7, 2013
I am using Excel 2010 and basically i am trying to fill a range of cell with a green color if any value was enter in a specific cells. Example: I would like to fill range: A10:c13 with a green color (regardless of the cells content in this range) if a value was entered in cell C10 or C11 or C12 or C13.
I've tried conditional formatting but unfortunately I'll have to apply formatting for every cell and for a range of over hundred cells is not efficient.
how to fill the blank cells in a Pivot table. I am using Excel 2007. How to do it in excel 2007. Heard that there is a provision in excel 2010 version.
I am using Excel 2010 and I am trying to average the amount of days in a month to a daily average per person in my worksheet.
Total sales per person A5 = 10 - This is the Grand total per person for column A A6 =4 A7=6
Daily average per person C5=2.6 - Average for all persons here C6=2.0 C7=3.0
The formula I am using is:
Which gives me an answer of 2.6 in cell C5 as shown above which is what I am wanting.
Please note that my cell range for my staff goes from 6-15 for both Column A and C where the other cells are blank in both columns.
My question is, If I was to clear all the data in both Columns A6:A15 and C:6:C15, cell C5 would return to a #VALUE. How to I change the formula so that if the cells were Blank, cell C5 would also be blank until I enter data for each person again?
I have a similar question regarding coloring of empty cells between two cells with specific numbers as posted in below thread : [URL] .....
This is exactly what I want. But here I have some problem with formula.
Above formula could pick cell value 1 and color the empty cells in a row between the cells having value=1. But if I want to use the same formatting for other numbers like 2 or 3 it doesn't work.
For example in row(A1:Z1) I have A1=1, D1=1, and F1=2, K1=2, and O1=3, U1=3
I required multiple conditional formatting that could color the cells based on values first from A to D then from F to K and finally from O to U.
I'm using above formatting it works with cells having values 1 but its not working for 2, 3 or any other cells values.
I have already tried replacing 1 in above formula with 2 and 3 but it doesn't work.
i would like to be able to fill color numerous rows of cells that have a number in one of the columns that is either above a certain number or below a certain number.
example 3-Nov 5 H 5-Nov -3 V 6-Nov 4 V 9-Nov 12 V 10-Nov -1 H
in this example i want to fill color any row that in column 2 has a number less than -1 and greater than 4.
Is there a way to create a macro to color code a cell based on the value in a cell, and then look up a value in a table, then color code it based on where it fits into the table?
I have a table of values for about 30 projects. In column g - there is a CPI value (see bold column)
Example: Project ID Name Program PMT SI ID AC Milestone TCP Level [Code] ......
Here is the table:
I have to color code a cell, base on the CPI and how it fits into the table below. So if the current Milestone is M2 or M3 and the CPI calculated is .14 the cell would be colored RED, if the CPI number is 2.01 for M2-M3 I would want cell to be colored Turquiose. If we were at Milestone M6 and the CPI was 2.01, it would be colored blue. If the CPI was .75 at Milestone M5, it would be colored Green
If I have cells in my worksheet filled with yellow color, is it possible to count them based only on this criterion (fill color). They might or might not be in the same column.
I would like to get some code that will fill blanks in a range.
I have not used the board facilities properly. In the following table I need each blank cell in column B to be filled with the text from the preceding cell that has text in it.
i.e. B2 to be populated with "text1". Cells B4:B6 to be populated with "text2".
The code needs to know that row 9 is the last row to populate.
How do I make this to work with dynamic range instead running for complete column? For example: Run this code until last active cell in Column A. Column A will always has value so if cell A25 is last active cell in range then this code should stop executing for column R25. So execution of this code would depend on active cell in column A.
Columns("R:R").Select Dim Cell As Range For Each Cell In Selection.Cells If Cell.Value = True Then ' if true do nothing Cell.Value = "" ElseIf Cell.Value = False Then ' if false change to Null Cell.Value = "Null" End If Next
I am searching for the best way to loop thru col A and highlite cells with a fill color of green. I then wish to copy and paste these cells to another WS.
I am trying to use the IF formula or a similar VBA/Macro to color certain cells. We deal with 16 different sand types that come in on rail cars. I want to put in the sand type in a cell; EX: C11 has text "30/50BH" if this statement is true to color cells A11-D11 yellow. If it is not a true statement to check for the next sand type, "20/40BH" and go on from there. If I can get an example of what to do I can build it for the 16 sands we have.
The formula I have in mind would be something like
I want to color the cells for some specific texts in RED, and some in BLUE and some in GREEN.
For Eg: I want to color the cells in RED, which contains below specific texts in a sheet. UNIX LINUX MS OFFICE POWER POINT....like this for nearly 100 specific texts.
and I want to color the cells in BLUE, which contains below texts in a sheet. JAVA .NET SQL MSDOS....like this for nearly 100 more specific texts.
If i create a rule in conditional formatting for each text,I have to create nearly 400+ rules for my task now, which is not possible.
I am using Excel 2010 and have the problem as shown in the attached file.
Input Sheet shows the Data I have at present Output Sheet is the desired result.
I need a macro which should create an "Output" sheet by doing the following on the Input Sheet
1)Insert a Blank Column before Column A 2)Unmerge the Region Heading and insert the respective Region Name in the newly inserted Column. Region Heading will be in Bold Font. 3)Repeat Step 2 for all Regions 4)Delete the Rows which was merged.
Please note that the number of Data Rows will vary for each Region.
I have shown two Regions for explanation purpose only. There will be several Regions in reality.
I have created a comparison sheet and compares my old one from last week to the new one I create for this week. It populates cells with the differences and shows me the data from the new sheet. But since my they are so massive A5:AZ20,000 I want to create an auto summary or something.
Column A has each properties Unique Identifier And the rest is various info for the property. I would like it to return my unique ID and then the columns with new data that has showed up from the comparison some are text and some are numbers.
In earlier versions if I used the double clicked the autofill handle it would only fill down to the next adjacent cell containing data. Now it fills down to the bottom of all the data regardless of whether there is a blank cell or not e.g
Now this happens
X X X Z X X X Z X X X Z X X ...Z X X X Z
How can I stop this as I need to enter different data in the next section?
I need a VBA to delete rows with blank cells within columns F - AZ Columns A - E contain headers but also need to be deleted if cells in columns F -AZ are blank.
How we can select specific cells in the filtered data using VBA in Excel 2010.
I need to select 10th column, 5th row data .. or 10th column, 6th row data .. or 13th column, 8th row data...
How to select this data using VBA.. I am struck here .. If I give the below code.. the hidden cells inbetween the filtered data is getting selected.. only the first row is getting selected correctly.. i.e, ..rnVisible(1, 2).Select .. If I change the row like rnVisible(2, 12).Select its selecting the hidden cells ..
Dim rnVisible As Range Set rnVisible = ActiveSheet.Rows("2:10000").SpecialCells(xlCellTypeVisible) rnVisible(2, 12).Select MsgBox ActiveCell.Address
Have developed a form for my associates and want them to be able to move to the cellls I want them to fill data in to by merely hitting the TAB or ENTER key vs. having to move the cursor to each cell requiring them to input data.
Want cursor to move in a specific cell order. You would think you could merely say 1M, 2C, etc.
I have a list that I need to move to another column without spaces. I have it moving without spaces but it is only one item over and over again. I am using Excel 2010 and that may be my issue. I have attached the exact worksheet and formula.
In Excel 2010, you can color a cell with a fill color and a font color.
It can be done manually via one of 3 methods that I know of (aside from a macro or a routine):
-From the ribbon button (underneath the font size and increase and decrease font size toolbar buttons)
-By formatting the cell (right clicking on a cell),
-Clicking on the ribbon's font section (giving you the same 6 category format cell box as right clicking on a cell)
What I need is a routine that resets the Fill Color and Font Color toolbar buttons to "No Fill" and "Automatic" if I run it inside a macro or create a command button on a worksheet.
how can I automatically fill cells with certain colors based on the value of the cell. (i.e. I want to search an entire workbook and fill cells with values between 80 and 99 green, 60 to 79 yellow and 0 to 59 red.)
I have a spreadsheet which is used by users unfamiliar with Excel. They are using the filter to select records, however when this is used some records appear which have no entry in the cells of that column. Can I overcome this? There is no data in the blank cells, other than a data validation drop down.
I have sporadic cell values in a column. I will be describing the lamen logic I use to fill in these blanks manually. Find the first nonblank cell in the column, then look for the next nonblank cell in the column. I count the number of blank cells in between. If even # of blank cells, then I give the first half of the blanks the value of the first nonblank cell and the second half of the blank cells the value of the next nonblanck. If odd # of blank cells, then I do the same with the exception that the odd cell that falls in the middle will be randomly designated the value of the either first or second nonblank cell.
creating this code or fomatting in my excel file. I want to fill color in cells between the two cells that has value of say "1" or anything in it. There will be only 2 numbers at any time in any row that has the value in it. All other cells will have value of "0" or can be changed to empty cells. So, the formula should check from say range "A3 to Z3" in row and for example it gets the first numbered cell in C3 then it start filling color from C3 cell until it reaches the other cell in that range that has the number in it. Say the row "A3 to Z3" has 1 number in C3 and other in cell H3 then it should fill color between this two cells from C3,D3,E3,F3,G3 and H3.
I am trying to clear the contents of a range of contiguous cells (containing formula) in Excel 2010 64bit. But it is taking a LONG time (read >30min to clear a range 288 x 100). Originally was doing it in VBA but it was taking too long so I started stepping through the macro and identified that the slow down was occurring on a particular sheet only. So the problem is in Excel....not VBA because it is still very slow when deleting the same range in Excel without using VBA.
I've tried all the usual suspects including: Application.EnableEvents = False (run from the VBA Immediate window when using Excel without VBA), Setting to Example of slow clear contents5.xlsxExample of slow clear contents5.xlsxManual Calculation, Turning off screen updating, deleting all the conditional formatting on the sheet, removing any data validation from the sheet (yes all these at the same time). There are no links to external workbooks. I've even tried in VBA changing from .ClearContents to .Value = vbNullString. All to NO AVAIL! By way of background the file is about 72Mb #.xlsm.
If I try to clear contents of larger ranges on other sheets in the same workbook it is instantaneous. If I copy the problem worksheet off to a new workbook, I can delete the problem range almost instantly. Why deleting a range of cells should take so long! Again to clarify, I am using the terms "delete" and "clear contents" interchangeably, but they both mean "clear contents" (not delete and move up cells). P.S I've also looked into the reported conflict between Excel and Google Desktop Office Add-in (Office Button->Excel Options->Addins->Com Addins and deselect Google Desktop Office Addin) but I didn't have Google Desktop Office Add-in so it isn't that.