Extract Text Before/After Period (Full Stop)

May 30, 2008

I have a series of text - domains actually (i.e. goldintre.cr.usgs.gov.) - and I need to extract the text that appears before the first period in one cell, and the text that appears after the first period. Both have to be without the periods. So in the above example the result should be 'goldintre' in one cell and 'cs.usgs.gov' on the other.

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Indentify/Locate Text Ending With Full Stop.

Jul 22, 2006

I am just looking for a way to use the find function but only to display results that end in what I am looking for. For example i am trying to find a sequence of numbers/letters that end in a. If I do a find it displays results for anywhere there is a . in the sequence. I would like just the ones that end in the.

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Stop Macro Running After Specfied Time Period

Oct 17, 2007

I'm opening a workbook and then running the macro in the workbook. The problem is I would like to build a "timeout" feature if the macro is running too long (as some of the macro's this will run can take days to complete) but I don't know how to run the macro asynchronously. Also I need to know if i can get it to run asynchronous is there an event that will tell me when the process is finished. The calling application of the macro is written in VB6 and opening excel workbooks to run the macros out of. also the "timeout" feature must be done from the VB6 application it cannot be edited into the the workbooks containing the macro.

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Count Number Of Full Time Periods Within A Time Period

Nov 18, 2008

I have thousands of timestamps that have a start & end date and time in 2 separate columns. (one named start and one named end...)

I also have numerous set time periods that i'm interested in.. (about a dozen or so)

for example 01/01/2008 - 05/01/2008, 07:30:00 - 10:00:00

What i need is to be able to count the number of times the full time period i am interested (07:30:00 - 10:00:00) in falls in between the thousands of start and end timestamps i have. The time periods must also fall within the date range specifed.

So if my timestamps were
Start: 01/01/2008 06:30:00 & End: 02/01/2008 11:00:00, based on the set time period above, there would be a count of 2

and if my timestamps were
Start: 01/01/2008 07:05:00 & End: 02/01/2008 09:00:00 there would be a count of zero as there is not a full uninterupted timeperiod 07:00:00 - 10:00:00 between these timestamps.

and if my timestamps were:
Start 01/01/2007 07:00:00 & End 02/01/2007 10:00:00 the count would be zer as this is a year early!

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Add Space And Full Stop Between Consecutive Small And Capital Letters In Excel?

Apr 13, 2014

I have 1000s of rows of data wherein there is no space or full stop once the sentence ends and a new one starts. For example,

Original text: Bob is a boyJanice is a girl.
What I want: Bob is a boy. Janice is a girl.

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Extract The Word Between Last Backslash And Before The Period?

Mar 14, 2014

I have cells that contain the value :

c: estworking filesabc123.xls
c: estworking filesabc123xyz.xls and so on....

How to write the function to extract the string of text after the last backslash () and before the period (.) (i.e. "123 & xyz in the above example"). The length of the path is inconsistent in the column; still the function should extract it.

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Payroll Extract To Work Only On Certain Pay Period Dates.

Feb 9, 2007

I currently have an Excel payroll extract that populates a start date and end date via the calender control 11 user form.

What I have found out is I need to inject some sanity to this application. I can not have users select days that are outside of a pay period.

The users should only be able to select the first or the 16th of the month for a pay period start. Then they can only select the 15th or the 28th/31st for the pay period end.

What I am trying to do is have them select the month and the pay period start date, then the end date would automaticly be selected. But I don't want to have to create a bunch of loops to counter for the differing month end dates or leap years.

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Replace All Text In Full Column?

May 22, 2014

I need to replace a full column with a certain word. It needs to start at a specific cell and needs to replace the full column until it hits an empty cell. I can't do a find and replace because the words in that column are all different words.

For example:

I need it to replace all of column F starting at F2 with a specific word and it needs to keep replacing until it hits an empty cell.

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Replace Full Text With Abbreviation

Dec 21, 2006

My workbooks have a column of state names that I need to replace the names with abbreviations. I am doing it manually with the Replace (Ctrl+H) right now, and it's very time-consuming since I'm doing it with numerous, large workbooks. I would be very grateful if there's a quicker solution. The state column is always the same (I). The states are United States and Canada, but I could edit if there's an existing solution from a different country, or modify a simliar work-around.

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Custom Text Format - Putting Space Characters Before And After The Period?

Oct 4, 2012

using this format *.#,##0_);*.(#,##0);*.0_);@*. I get this:


would like custom format to do this,

Bonds . . . . . . . .

note:@ sign activates text formatting, *=repeats .=character being repeated

I've tried putting space characters before and after the period - no luck

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Find A Specific Sentence In A Cell Full Of Text

Apr 28, 2009

Could you tell me how I can find a specific sentence within a cell that contains many sentences.

for example

I want to find, "I am new." within a text that contains, "Hello I am Bob. I am new. I live in england."

I am currently using =+FIND(AB$1,$V2) where AB1 contains the sentence I am looking for and V2 contains the cell full of sentences. However this returns #VALUE! when the sentence is not found. I want it to return null.

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Change Target To Full Text Based On Letter

Jan 10, 2008

how to allow both these codes to work on say sheet 1. I can get one to work just fine. So, any tips on how to get them both to work on the same sheet would be great.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel. Range)
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, .Range("n1:n200")) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "S" Or Target = "s" Then Target = "Submitted"
If Target = "A" Or Target = "a" Then Target = "Approved"
If Target = "I" Or Target = "i" Then Target = "Investgating"
End If
End With
End Sub

and this,.............

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Extract Text From Given Point In Text String When Data Points Do Not Share Given

Jul 9, 2014

I have a set of task descriptions that I am attempting to trend on. Some of these (Column B) have the customer's name added to the description; others do not. I need to be able to make a list of task names (ColumnA), removing the name from the text string.

The formula I am using is [=LEFT(B3,FIND("for",B3)-2)].

The problem I am having is when the description does not contain the "for" built into the formula, I get "VALUE" error. What adjustment can I make to the formula to pull over the Description if the "for" does not appear in the text string?

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Stop Text At A Character?

Jul 4, 2012

I have a list of over 300+ email addresses. If there is a way that I could pull out the ".com" (Find & Replace: Which is not working in any format, Text, Custom, General.) then pull out the text from the right to left until I get to the "@" into another cell and drag that down that would make it so much easier. Is there a formula that will pull data and then stop at a CHAR code? @ =CHAR(64) These email addresses are all different lengths. (personal to corporate email addresses.)

Example: moe10134@hotmail.com

Looking for something like this: Replace ".com", =LEFT(9) or whatever will take out the "moe10134@" and the ".com" leaving only hotmail.

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Extract Multiple Text Strings From A Long Text String

Sep 4, 2009

An original text string entry appearing in an Excel cell would be:

"N7C Neuroprotective J5Z Antiviral, other M2Z Antiarthritic, other J5A Antiviral, anti-HIV"

I need to extract N7C, J5Z, M2Z and J5A from this string and list these alphanumeric values in separate cells adjacent to the original text string. The challenge is that these alphanumeric references may appear in different positions within the original string with no fixed value e.g. a "," separating them. The alphanumeric references may also be 3 or 4 characters in length and there may be different numbers of alphanumeric references in the original string.

Another example would be (very different from the first):

"T2Z Recombinant, other K5B Radio-chemoprotective J3Z Antibacterial, other D3A Vulnerary A10C Symptomatic antidiabetic K6Z Anticancer, other R8A Antiasthma B6A Septic shock treatment I1Z Immunostimulant, other S1Z Ophthalmological R8B Antiallergic, non-asthma M1A1 Anti-inflammatory"

You can see that in this further example "A10C" & "M1A1" are 4 character alphanumeric strings wheras the others feature 3 characters.

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Maco That Will Copy Text Down And Then Stop At Specific Row

Apr 7, 2009

What I'd like to do is copy text down in column A but when a cell in column C says something like 'end of data' I'd like the copy to pick up the next row in Column A and copy down until 'end of data' and so on.

Or maybe copy text down in Column A until the text changes in col A.

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VBA Stop If Active Cell Contains Text String

May 17, 2006

how to create VBA code to stop macro if activecell contains text string?

I have code like this

Sub halo()
If application.istext(activecell.value) = True Then
exit Sub
End If
End Sub

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Stop Text Spilling Into Adjoining Cell

Nov 13, 2006

i run a Excel spreadsheet that adds payments that are made, and i have a row put there so i can make notes. sometimes these notes are quite long and if the cell to the left of it is empty the text will continue going across these cells and make my spreadsheet a real mess to understand. how do i make text stay only in it's given cell?

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Extract Numbers After Text In Text String

Mar 12, 2014

I am trying to extract numbers after a specific text in a text string, for eg :abc SN 12345 xyzedf SN No. 456 mnoAs per above, i want to extract any numbers afters "SN". the numbers can be vary in digits i.e. it can be 3 digit numbers or 4 or 6. Also, at times there is some other text in between (like SN No.) numbers and search word (i.e. SN)Any formula to get result as "12345" and "456".

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Extract Specific Text From A Text File

Jun 22, 2006

I had VBA run a third-party program ("HYD") using data listed in my spreadsheet. HYD produces a textfile and I want to extract a number from that log (line 58, columns 6-10 to be exact).

I started with

Open "C:TempHYDLOG.TXT" For Input As #1

but I don't know how to have it skip down to line 58 or which function to use to extract the number I want. I've read through tons of help files and forums but none of them treat anything as simple as scrolling down to specific lines.

The entire subroutine up to that point is as follows: ....

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How To Stop Rows Resizing With Text Which Paste Into Cells

Sep 10, 2013

how to stop rows resizing with text which paste into cells

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Macro To Remove 650 Stop Words From Excel Text?

May 24, 2014

I'm working on a text prediction project classifer model and would like to remove the stop words before I stem the document to get the important topics.

I found the thread that Stanley solved really useful. However, I have a lot more stop words that I'd like to remove, which I couldn't make work with the previous code (I'm completely new to this!)

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VBA Code To Stop Macro If Specific Text Is Found

Feb 24, 2012

I have a simple macro that copies data from worksheet to another. I only want this macro to be run once per day by the user. One of the cells that gets copied is the value found in the formula "=today()". My thought is that the macro could look for the existance of the current date in the pasted data (meaning the macro has already been run once today), and if the date = today, then a message pops up warning the user that the macro has already been run once today, and ask if they're sure they want to continue.

Any easy way to accomplish what I'm attempting to do? The current date gets pasted into a worksheet name "PriorDay" in cell C5.

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Stop Automatic Formatting Importing Text/CSV File

Sep 1, 2006

When opening a CSV file in Excel, it seems Excel makes an "intelligent" attempt at interpreting the data into a data type.

This causes a text field containing 7300070E-4 to be interpreted as 7.30E+0

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Stop Squares When Adding TextBox Text To Cell

Nov 8, 2006

In a userform i have created an textbox. The user types some text in it and after clicking an OK-Button this text must be copied to a cell To allow multiple lines (enter = new line in textbox) i have changed the textbox property EnterKeyBehavior to True. The problem is that after copying this textbox1.text to a cell in see square blocks in the cell.


instead of

I use the following code to copy the text into a cell:

Private Sub CommandButtonOK_Click()
Dim TextboxText As String
TextboxText = TextBox1.Text
ActiveCell.Value = TextboxText
Unload Me
End Sub

how to avoid this [] (should be like alt-enter in a cell)

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UserFrorm / Select All In Text Box Of First Tab Stop Programmatically While Opening Form

Oct 25, 2012

when my userform opens, it automatically puts the cursor into the first text box (based on the tab order) of the userform. I also set this text box value to read "0" (zero) when it first opens.

My questions is, can I make the userform open up as it does now (above), but ALSO highlight the zero ("0") in the text box? The reason is so that when the user inputs a number into this box, it also overwrites the zero in the box at the same time (because the zero would already be highlighted)?

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Stop Macro: Button To Hit Or Better Just Some Keys To Hit To Stop It Without Using The Ctrl+alt+del Which Closes Everything

Dec 13, 2006

my excel sheet runs through a lot of calculations, opens Flowmaster, a simulations program, passes on data, receivs data and so on. Is there any way to have a user input to stop the whole simulation. During the first tries I had a lot of break point in my debugger. But now I want to have a button to hit or better just some keys to hit to stop it without using the ctrl+alt+del which closes everything.

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Extract Mid Of Text?

Apr 26, 2012

There has to be a smarter way to do the formula in A3?

1 West @ Industry - 331.3421
2 =LEFT(A1,FIND("@",A1)-1)
3 =LEFT(MID(A1,LEN(LEFT(A1,FIND("@",A1)+2)),LEN(A1)),FIND("-",MID(A1,LEN(LEFT(A1,FIND("@",A1)+2)),LEN(A1)))-2)
4 =MID(A1,FIND("-",A1)+2,LEN(A1))


1 West @ Industry - 331.3421
2 West
3 Industry
4 331.3421

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Sep 6, 2007

I trying to extract the group, sqd, office1 and office2 from a symbol. Each is seperated by "/".

I can get the Group pretty easy but after that its been giving me trouble.

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Text Extract

Aug 12, 2008

I know there is a formula for the following but I cant remember which one. I have a text string with words seperated by a "". Which formula should I use to display the words from the string in a cell?

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