Change Target To Full Text Based On Letter

Jan 10, 2008

how to allow both these codes to work on say sheet 1. I can get one to work just fine. So, any tips on how to get them both to work on the same sheet would be great.

Private Sub Worksheet_Activate()

End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel. Range)
With Worksheets("Sheet1")
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, .Range("n1:n200")) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "S" Or Target = "s" Then Target = "Submitted"
If Target = "A" Or Target = "a" Then Target = "Approved"
If Target = "I" Or Target = "i" Then Target = "Investgating"
End If
End With
End Sub

and this,.............

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Show Full File Path Ignoring Drive Letter

May 2, 2014

I am trying to allow users to select a file, and then the file name/ the file path / and date are added.

Right now, all those functions work in the following code, but the file path shows up as a letter drive. As there could be upwards of 50 people using this file and the mapped drive could be different, i wanted the full path to be displayed.

Private Sub File_1_overwrite_Click()

Dim filename As Variant
Dim filename1 As Variant

filename = Application.GetOpenFilename(, , "Select Programme")
filename1 = filename
filename1 = Mid(filename, InStrRev(filename, "") + 1)
File_1_link = filename
file_1_name = filename1
File_1_date = Format(Date, "MM/DD/YY")

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Change Letter Case Of Cells First Letter Only?

Mar 7, 2014

I need to change a few hundred cells (one column) where the first letter may be a capital letter to a lowercase letter.

GetAwardfromBid to getAwardFromBid
SmallLertter to smallLetter

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Return Column Letter Based On The Letter In A Cell.

Dec 31, 2009

For the below formula is it possible to replace the B's (column location) with a cell Say Z146 which contains the letter B (or a number if thats easier and someone can tell me the numbers for each column).

When the formula is dragged into the next cell (down) it takes its column reference from Z147 and then my life becomes so much easier.


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VBA Change Cell Value To Specific Letter Based On Value Of Different Cell In Different Worksheet

Jun 6, 2014

I've done the following:

Sub BrownBH()
If Range("Brown!B4:B31") = X Then
Range("C4").Value = [#A]
Range("C4").Value = NT
End If
End Sub

However, this doesn't even work.

When somebody enters an X in a specific cell on one worksheet, it's supposed to change the value to A of a specific cell in a different worksheet. Sounds simple enough...but...

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How To Use Target In Worksheet Change

Nov 18, 2011

I've been trying to configure my formula in Worksheet_Change to only run when targeted cells are being changed (by using Target). I don't get it to work properly.

A cell value is supposed to change in column AK when the equivalent cell in column H is changed. se my formula below.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = "H" Then
Dim LastRow As Long


Anyone used to work with Worksheet_Change Target who can see how I use Target wrong?

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On Workbook Open Change To Full Screen?

Feb 20, 2012

How can I make excel go to full screen (Alt-W-E) as soon as a workbook is opened and then revert back to normal view when it is closed? I already have this code in my workbook_open event just in case that will affect the answer:

HTML Code:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
If Not LockSheet(ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet) Then Exit Sub


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Trigger Sheet Change Target Macro?

Jun 19, 2013

If for example cell A1 begins empty with no data in it other than a formula and something occurs to change the state of cell A1 to a value which triggers a change in cell B1 (a variable), can I use this to fire a sheet change macro ????

Wish to trigger a macro on sheet change based on every cell in column C, is this even possible ???

Or, is a change in a variable (C1) for example, the same as that of a DIRECT user keyboard input for example ???


Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) Dim c As Range
If Not Application.Intersect(Target, Columns(3)) Is Nothing Then
Application.EnableEvents = False
For Each c In Target


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How To Write Code That Does Not Change Even If It Can't Reference Target Cell

Oct 22, 2013

When ever I update my external CSV file and hit refresh all data, I get #REF! Errors. The CSV file has a table that changes daily. Thus the "A" Column has a different number of rows depending on the day. The problem is that Monday the CSV file will contain 700 Rows, while on Friday it will have 200 Rows. I end up with a lot of #REF! Errors friday. How do I write the code so that (A561 for example) does not change regardless if it can reference the target cell or not? I even thought of making a macro that just copied the formula into all of the cells after each refresh, but there must be a better way.

Example code


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Worksheet Change Event For Multiple Target Cells?

Jan 20, 2014

I'm trying to run a macro anytime cells G2, J2, M2, O2, P2, S2, V2, Y2, AB2, AE2, AH2, AK2, AN2, AQ2 change.

Right now I have the below code which is working well, but I only have it set for G2. Do you know what the notation is to make the target range multiple cells?

Also, I use the xlDown command in my sorting code, but later on it reverts back to "A5:AT60"... is there any way I can remove these specific cell references? I want to avoid having to re-write the macro every time my selection shrinks or expands.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range) If Not Intersect(Target, Range("G2")) Is Nothing Then


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Worksheet Change Event Where Target Cell Contains Formula

May 23, 2007

I need to hide/unhide a couple of rows based on the result of a formula in the Target Range. Basically, Cell D2 contains the results of a sum (a+ B), if this is greater than 10,000, unhide the next row.

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Target.Cells Is Counting In Worksheet Change Event

Nov 6, 2006

Below is an example from the ozgrid forum illustrating the worksheet change event. Not sure of the meaning of 'Do nothing if more than one cell is changed" on the 2nd row of the code. Does it means that if a value is entered in other cells, the code will not fire?

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
'Do nothing if more than one cell is changed or content deleted
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Or IsEmpty(Target) Then Exit Sub
If Target.Address = "$A$1" Then
'Ensure target is a number before multiplying by 2
If IsNumeric(Target) Then
'Stop any possible runtime errors and halting code
On Error Resume Next
'Turn off ALL events so the Target * 2 does not _
put the code into a loop.
Application.EnableEvents = False
Target = Target * 2
'Turn events back on
Application.EnableEvents = True
'Allow run time errors again
On Error Goto 0
End If
End If
End Sub

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Restrict Target Change Event To Single Cell

Sep 9, 2007

I'm trying to create a sheet where clicking in a range brings up, in my users words, "a box I can type loads of comments in". They want some kind of flag in this cell showing if comments are posted or not. So far so ok, got the userform to pop up using the selection change event below and dump the actual comments somewhere the user won't look. A rather inelegant IF statement to see if there's anything in the dump cell gives them their flag.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
If Intersect(Target, Range("B2:B300")) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
UserForm1.TextBox1.Value = ActiveCell.Offset(0, 10).Value
End Sub

So what's the problem? When I select entire rows, the userform pops up. Is this unavoidable?

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Command For Target: Send A Target Link To A File

Sep 1, 2007

i am needing to issue a dos command in excel? basically i need to send a target link to a file. i cant use a hyper link for several reasons, and this is the only way i know how to go about this.

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Replace All Text In Full Column?

May 22, 2014

I need to replace a full column with a certain word. It needs to start at a specific cell and needs to replace the full column until it hits an empty cell. I can't do a find and replace because the words in that column are all different words.

For example:

I need it to replace all of column F starting at F2 with a specific word and it needs to keep replacing until it hits an empty cell.

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Replace Full Text With Abbreviation

Dec 21, 2006

My workbooks have a column of state names that I need to replace the names with abbreviations. I am doing it manually with the Replace (Ctrl+H) right now, and it's very time-consuming since I'm doing it with numerous, large workbooks. I would be very grateful if there's a quicker solution. The state column is always the same (I). The states are United States and Canada, but I could edit if there's an existing solution from a different country, or modify a simliar work-around.

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Change Column Letter When Dragging Down

Oct 28, 2013

I have a formula in cell C2, =Summary!B2

I want the formula in cell C3 to be =Summary!C2

Then the formula in cell C4 to be =Summary!D2

etc etc.I need to do this for 43 rows so just want to drag the formula and the column number rather than the row number change.

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Cell Value In Col B To Change Based On Text In Col A?

Apr 27, 2014

I need to include a prefix of +91 and +911 based on a text in column A. If any cell in column A has a specific text and when I enter a number in corresponding cell in column B it should add a prefix number as below.

If any cell in col A has text "STATE LINE OR MOBILE 1" then the corresponding cell in col B should add a prefix of +91 to whatever number I enter in that cell of col B.

If any cell in col A has text "MOBILE 2" then the corresponding cell in col B should add a prefix of +911 to whatever number I enter in that cell of col B.

If any cell in col A has any other text then the corresponding cell in col B should be the same number as I enter in that cell of col B.

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Extract Text Before/After Period (Full Stop)

May 30, 2008

I have a series of text - domains actually (i.e. - and I need to extract the text that appears before the first period in one cell, and the text that appears after the first period. Both have to be without the periods. So in the above example the result should be 'goldintre' in one cell and '' on the other.

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Change Number In Repeating Cells That Also Contain Letter Such As D1 / D2 / D3

Jun 15, 2014

i need a formula for a sign in sheet for the academy i work at. we have night and day classes of the same sessions, in the planner they are listed as d1, d2 d3 and n1 n2 n3 and so on for each.

so basically im trying to create a formula to quickly ender the d1, d2, d3 ect into the cells on eachpage for the students to sign in for each day it works out to be about 190 calls and 9 diferent classes to you can see why id like to speed this up. problem is i need the number to change not the D and excel want to use the cell allocation.

as you can see from the document i have not attatched, i have created a formula to add in the dates automatically, i would like to do the same with the session numbers or the D numbers, this is one of the shorter courses and has about 190 days

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Change Cell Contents (date) To A Letter?

Feb 21, 2012

I have a range B2:ZZ2000

Some of the cells contain a variety of dates (formatted as d-mmm) Other cells contain either "i", "n" or are blank - or contain a text string, eg "his name"

I'm looking macro code that will: Look at the range and only for any cell containing a date, replace it with "y".

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Change And Show Letter With F9 Or Random Or Any Formula

Jun 7, 2009

I just want to show a letter and change it to any letter and show it again in seconds. Can it be done with formula, maybe with RAND formula or any other formula.

for example when i press F9 the letter A change B, and then i press F9, it changed to C, and then when i press F9 and it changed to A again, and i press F9 and it changed to B, and so on...

(Is it possible too..with a little variation if i press F9 continually, it changed every 5 second?)

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Change Unc Links To Drive Letter Mapping

Jan 31, 2008

I have a user whose links in his spreadsheets are in UNC format. He changes them to drive letter mappings, but when he opens the workbook again, the UNC format returns. how to change the links so that they remain as F: etc.. rather than \servernamesharename The user has MS Excel 2000 and Windows Xp Professional

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Change Colour Of Cell Based On Text In Another?

Feb 1, 2013

I am trying to make a cell change colour based on the partial content of another cell.

For example, cell A4 has a alpha-numeric sequence in it and I want cell B4 to turn blue if part of the sequence is ABD or F&C.

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Find A Specific Sentence In A Cell Full Of Text

Apr 28, 2009

Could you tell me how I can find a specific sentence within a cell that contains many sentences.

for example

I want to find, "I am new." within a text that contains, "Hello I am Bob. I am new. I live in england."

I am currently using =+FIND(AB$1,$V2) where AB1 contains the sentence I am looking for and V2 contains the cell full of sentences. However this returns #VALUE! when the sentence is not found. I want it to return null.

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Indentify/Locate Text Ending With Full Stop.

Jul 22, 2006

I am just looking for a way to use the find function but only to display results that end in what I am looking for. For example i am trying to find a sequence of numbers/letters that end in a. If I do a find it displays results for anywhere there is a . in the sequence. I would like just the ones that end in the.

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Change First Letter Of Word From Uppercase To Lowercase In Each Cell Of First Row?

Sep 18, 2013

Is there a way to get Excel to automatically change the first letter of single word entry to lowercase in each cell of the first row of my worksheet leaving the case the same for all other letters?

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Formula To Adjust Based On Target Cell

Mar 11, 2007

I have a spreadsheet at work . I am tracking the quality target for the department and I need to create a formula that adjust accordingly to the target set for month end which is 90%.

I have build in the foreacasted numbers for the whole month but I need the formula to indicate the minimum error points needed to achieve the target of 90% for month end when I replace the forecasted numbers on a daily basis with actual numbers.

I have attached the spreadsheet which will be clearer.

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Monthly Increase Based On Annual Target

Nov 17, 2007

I am trying to figure a formula that will give me a monthly increase with a annual target. Example:

2006 sales were $100,000 and December 2006 sales were $9,000.

For 2007 I would like a 10% increase in sales which means I should end up with $110,000 at the end of 2007.

The formula should figure a gradual sales increase each month until December 2007. I am assuming the business sales trend is upward with no seasonality so that January 2007 should be the annualized increase over December 2006.
I have used the formula =100000*((1+.1)^(1/12)-1) which works for 2007, but it gives me a large jump between December 2006 and January 2007 and then a slight increases each month.

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Formula To Change Date In One Cell Based On Text In Another?

Jan 29, 2014

I am trying to put together a report tracking sheet, ie I have different test that take a different length of time to return to the office and I want to be able to see when a test should be back from the lab,ie:

A blood sample takes 1 day, a urine sample takes 3 days.

I need a formula that basically says that if the data in cell A1 = Blood, (and I have the test date in cell A2) then the data in cell A3 should says A1=Blood, A3=A2+1 to give me the test due date

I found the following formula in one of the other posts;


The problem that this will only work with two tests and I have more than two tests, I have fourteen and each takes a different length of time to process.

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