How To Stop Rows Resizing With Text Which Paste Into Cells

Sep 10, 2013

how to stop rows resizing with text which paste into cells

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Merged Cells Lock After Resizing

May 17, 2014

I finally have the merged cells resizing the way I need, however it seems to lock the cell after the process not allowing it to be edited again until I unlock the sheet. below is the current code I am using

[Code] .....

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Auto Resizing Inserted Pictures To Fit Merged Cells?

Jan 31, 2013

Ive been trying to find a way of inserting a picture into a defined merged cell. Once I insert the pic I would like it to auto size/fit into the merged cells.

I have only managed to do this by either resizing the pic's first, or running a retro macro to resize the image. Just wondering if there was an easier way?

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Lock Aspect Ration Doesn't Work When Resizing Cells

Aug 14, 2014

I imported a picture and changed the properties thus:

Lock aspect ratio is set.
Move and size with cells is set.

If I resize the picture itself, the aspect ratio is maintained - good. However, if I make the column narrower, the pictures width changes, the height remains the same and it acquires a new locked aspect ratio - bad.

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Identify Duplicate Rows And Copy / Paste First Cell To All Cells Of Equal Rows

Apr 14, 2014

I am new to macro and just trying to learn. I have a spreadsheet with 20000 rows and 8 columns. I am trying to identify equal rows based on the values of columns C, D, E and F. then I need to separate equal bunches with a blank row. Then I need to copy the ID number from the first cell of column B of each bunch and paste it for the rest of the rows in that bunch. I have written the following code but this does not put the ID of the first cell in a bunch for the rest of the rows in that bunch.

[Code] .........

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How To Copy Text From Cells And Paste To New Cells

Nov 23, 2012

I have a sheet that is set up with columns A thru G. In column A is a name and the columns B thru G is just data. How do I cut text thru vba and then paste it to another location.

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Macro To Find A Cell Containing Text /select Range Offset / Cut And Paste To Lower Rows?

Feb 4, 2014

I am trying to find a macro that can search a sheet for any cell that contains the text "Not on AOI" selects a range that contains that cell, 81 rows below, and 2000 columns to the right, then cuts the selection and pastes it 162 rows below the original cell where the text was found. What's hard is that the number of columns between the "Not on AOI" cells is variable.

I'm very new to excel macros and the parts I think I've put together are:

Cells.Find("Not on AOI", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:= _
xlFormulas, LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:= _
xlNext, MatchCase:=True).Activate


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Find Text Copy 24 Cells Below Paste G1?

Feb 15, 2014

Finding any specified Text like "Cube" down a specified Column in this case "D" when Text has been found
Copy the 24 cells directly below and Then Paste to G1.

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Stop Cut And Paste From Wrecking My Array Formulas

Feb 24, 2010

I have a worksheet "Expenses" with columns Month, Category, Expense, Amount. There are four categories and, obviously, 12 months.

In the workbook is another worksheet, "Totals" which lists the months across the top, and the categories down the left. Then I have array formulas in each cell, that look like this:

=SUM(IF(Expenses!$B$2:$B$990="July",IF(Expenses!$C$2:$C$990="Acquisition",Expenses!$E$2:$E$990,0),0) )

This works fine, until people start moving cells around in the Expenses sheet. Say they sort everything they've put in by month, and then they want to move July up to the top because it's the start of our fiscal year. So say they have six expenses for July and they cut and insert them in at B2. Suddenly the formula now says:

=SUM(IF(Expenses!$B$8:$B$990="July",IF(Expenses!$C$8:$C$990="Acquisition",Expenses!$E$8:$E$990,0),0) )

I thought by using absolute cell references instead of relative ones, I could avoid this problem, but that's apparently not the case. I tried changing the cell references in the formulas to relative ones but it still happens then too.

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Paste Text From Column Into Diagonal Line Of Cells?

Jul 8, 2005

How do I paste text from a column into a diagonal line of cells (i.e. A1, B2, C3, etc.)? Additionally (and this may be related), how do I get the cursor to move to a diagonal cell after an entry? (as opposed to down or to the side)

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Macro: Copy Text From Rang & Paste In Indiviual Cells

May 9, 2008

I want to copy text from a range of individual cells and then paste all of the individual cells copied and paste this data into a single cell with all the text separated by hyphens between the texts.

Example attached

If you are a macro writer i have a project that i need to complete. you will be compensated for your time.

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How To Paste Range Of Cells From Excel To Text Field Of Web Page

Sep 21, 2013

I want to copy a range of cells from excel sheet to a text field of a web page. Below is my macro, while executing it 'm getting run time error 70.

Sub GetTable()

Dim ieApp As InternetExplorer
Dim ieDoc As Object
Dim ieTable As Object

'create a new instance of ie
Set ieApp = New InternetExplorer

[Code] ......

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Copy Text In Excel Cells And Paste As Bullets Into New Word Doc

Nov 3, 2013

I have a simple excel sheet with columns A (name1) B (name2) C (name3) D (name4) E (name5) F (text). A given name can only appear once in any given row.

I am looking for a vba code (Excel 2003) that would loop through cells in A1:E?? (number of rows varies, loop needs to find last non-empty row in column A) and look for a particular name (e.g. "Stefan Thomas"):
1) create new unnamed word doc
2) Put "New Annex" as a header (top right) in the new word doc
3) Insert text "List for Stefan Thomas" centered and underlined as the first line of the new word doc. The document will have two sections:
4) Insert text "Items in Column A" bolded and aligned to the left
5) Insert text "Items in Column B to E" bolded and aligned to the left below the section in 4
6) if "Stefan Thomas" is in column A, copy text in column F and paste in word doc as first bullet (below title "Items in Column A")
7) repeat step 6 for all other instances of "Stefan Thomas" in column A (append text as next bullet in section "Items in Column A")
8) If "Stefan Thomas" is in column B or C or D or E (can only appear once per row), copy text in column F and paste in word doc as first bullet (below title "Items in Column B to E")
9) repeat step 8 for all other instances of "Stefan Thomas" in column B or C or D or E (append text as next bullet in section "Items in Column B to E")

if you could indicate in the code how I can choose the type of bullet as well as space between bullets and font type

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Locking Conditional Formatting In 2000: Copy/paste Text From Other Cells Or Columns Even Other Workbooks

Jul 27, 2009

I have a column "g" with this conditional formatting:- =A2<>A3 Format Bottom Border.
However I will pass this workbook onto someone else who will fill in the text in column "g". They will use copy/paste text from other cells or columns even other workbooks that will not have the conditional formatting.

I have used Cells > Projection > Locked unchecked then used Tools > Protection > Protect Sheet and checked all. There does not seem to be a way to unlock the cell but protect Conditional formatting. Each time I copy and paste from other non formatted cells it wipes out my formatting.

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Highlighting More Rows Than I Want To - How To Stop Please

Nov 28, 2009

I am using a 2007 excel spreadsheet and on parts of it I can't just highlight one horizontal row of cells, it wants to highlight three down. I suppose that I have asked it to do this but I can't for the life of me undo it.

I have tried unmerging cells, cutting and pasting somewhere else, but nothing works.

Can anyone help me please as it's driving me to distraction?

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Formulas Every X Rows With A Stop

Mar 23, 2007

I have this macro that adds whatever formula that is in L1 to the same cell down 66 rows. But it doesn't work like the way I want it to because it's stopping when it sees empty the problem is that my colum is actually completely how do I get it to stop when I want to?

Sub every66rows()
Dim i As Integer
i = 1
With Range("L1")
Do Until IsEmpty(.Offset(66 * i))
.Copy .Offset(66 * i)
i = i + 1
End With
End Sub

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Stop Blank Rows Printing

Dec 1, 2006

I tried to reduce the size of the printing area by deleting the blank rows. To achieve this I entered VBA code that appeared in the newsletter issue 3 after slightly modifying the code suiting to my need. But, while exeucting the code with all the parameters, xlCellTypeBlanks, xlCellTypeFormulas,xlErrors, the error as shown as a screen shot herein is populated. But, with the parameter,""xlCellTypeBlanks"" all the Blank Rows only got deleted and similarly only those rows containing Formulas are deleted, while the parameter is""xlCellTypeFormulas".

I want all the cells that contain xlFormulas, xlErrors and xlCellTypeBlanks as well be removed while executing the code given herein. But, if the range contains "xlFormulas" and "xlCell TypeBlanks", the rows containing blank cells are not removed and vice versa.

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Stop User Changing Rows

Jan 19, 2007

Is there a general way to disable a user from changing row size or adding new rows.

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Create Macro That Can Copy / Paste Or Cut / Paste Rows Into Different Spreadsheet

Oct 1, 2012

I have one workbook that needs two macros.

On the "Complete Backlog" tab of my workbook, I want users to enter in the requested information based on the column header. Then I would like a Macro attached to a button that says "Refresh" that the user would click after they have entered in all of the information. This macro should look in Column M (WIP Status) and if any of the cells say "Close", it should Cut the entire row from the spreadsheet(Ex. A2:M2) and Paste it into the speadsheet titled "Closed Jobs".

This is so that as jobs are closed/finished, they are removed and stored on a separate sheet. The items would have to be pasted so that it pastes into the next available row - not just on top of each other.

I also need another macro that i can put into a button that doesn't "delete" a row from the sheet, but just copies over to another sheet - so that there are two instances in the workbook.

If would look something like: If a cell in "Column G / Director" of the "Complete Backlog" speadsheet is equal to "Snodgress" then copy columns A-L of the same row to the spreadsheet titled "Snodgress" - of course skipping down the rows to the next blank row. equal to "Herr" copy row to "Herr" spreadsheet. equal to "McCormick" copy row to "McCormick" spreadsheet.
and so on.

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Stop Text At A Character?

Jul 4, 2012

I have a list of over 300+ email addresses. If there is a way that I could pull out the ".com" (Find & Replace: Which is not working in any format, Text, Custom, General.) then pull out the text from the right to left until I get to the "@" into another cell and drag that down that would make it so much easier. Is there a formula that will pull data and then stop at a CHAR code? @ =CHAR(64) These email addresses are all different lengths. (personal to corporate email addresses.)


Looking for something like this: Replace ".com", =LEFT(9) or whatever will take out the "moe10134@" and the ".com" leaving only hotmail.

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Resizing Name Box

Jan 19, 2007

I can't find a way to re-size the name box (the one in the top left hand corner of a spreadsheet, to the left of the formula bar), or change the type size that this box uses.

I've looked through Excel help, but I can only find help on re-sizing toolbars and not the name box.

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Paste Rows Without Overwriting Other Rows (automatically Shift Other Rows Down)

Jan 3, 2010

The number of rows you are pasting and then you can select that same number of existing rows and use "insert". This is what I'm trying to achieve:

(before paste)

(after pasting unknown number of rows)

Is there really no built-in way to do this?

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Resizing Textbox On The Fly

Oct 13, 2011

I now have 5 textboxes "on top" of one other (i.e. vertically arranged). I would like to - depending on which checkbox is checked - extend the top one all the way down and make the bottom four invisible. I'm pretty sure I can handle the second part:


For example. How to resize a textbox?

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Resizing Range With VBA

Sep 30, 2012

I have table1 that has its original range as A1:B3. Depending on the amount of n in another column, I want table1 to be resized to A1:Bn.

I have tried with

ActiveSheet.ListObjects("Table1").Resize range("A1", "witdh")

with "width" being a variant.

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Resizing Range In VBA

Oct 26, 2013

I am trying to copy down a range of formulae using the resize function. Here's the code I have :-

Dim no_of_transactions As Long
no_of_transactions = Last_Row_of_data(main_workbook.Sheets("working").Range("g2"))

However I am told by the vba editor that I need an = sign ? The function Last_Row_of_data tells me the number of rows that I have.

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Resizing Range VBA

Apr 18, 2006

I have a worksheet named Advisers with a range also named Advisers, the range is a list of names which is added or deleted from by use of a UserForm.

I have the following lines of -
The first populates the worksheet
The second is supposed to resize the range Advisers accordingly but it gives a Run-time error I've tried the 2 examples below

c.Offset(0, 0).Value = Me.Adviser_txt.Value

Worksheets("Advisers").Resize(Range("Advisers").Rows.Count, 1).Name = "Advisers"

c.Offset(0, 0).Value = Me.Adviser_txt.Value

Worksheets(Sheet2).Resize(Range("Advisers").Rows.Count, 1).Name = "Advisers"

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Range Name Resizing

Aug 2, 2007

= SUMIFS(E9:E1494,C9:C1494,1) This formula works ok. If I rename range E9:E1494 as "Col_1" and change the formula to =SUMIFS(Col_1,C9:C1494,1). I get #VALUE error.
The range is formatted as number.

Also ...

If I delete some cells in a range, referring formulae are modified accordingly, but if I add cells in the range the formulae do not recognize the change

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Extracting Rows Of Data Based On A Cells Text?

Jul 9, 2014

one of my suppliers can only provide me with a basic .xls product list as shown in the attached test sheet.xlsx.

Is it possible to create and run a macro from test sheet.xlsm that will extract data from test sheet.xlsx, specifically from below the heading on row 64 down to and above the heading on row 123 and paste into the (new) worksheet in test sheet.xlsm

This sheet is updated daily and all the heading rows are constantly fluctuating as products are sold and added.

I can do this manually easy enough but if there's any way that this can be automated

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Insert Rows Based On Text Values In Cells?

Feb 20, 2014

I regularly run a report that comes out in a slightly different format each time depending on whether or not there is data for specific criteria. for instance (sample attached): criteria a, b, and c are in rows, 1, 2, and 3 in columns. a, b, and c are expected to repeat themselves several times. if there is no data in one instance of b then you may see something like abcacabc.

I'd like to loop through each row in column a, check to make sure that it is the correct value (either a, b, or c) and if not, insert a blank row so I can then copy the data to my final project without having to worry about formatting.

the example above would then become abca cabc

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Combine/merge Row Cells Text Between Blank Rows

Jun 14, 2009

I have a large list of text in one column which i need to combine between blank rows into one cell or a new column, the number of rows to be combined varies.

for example





would become

aa bb
ww xx zz
gg hh ii jj

I have over 30000 lines so doing it by hand is not an option.

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