I have list like the below. I need to pull out everything before the space for each of these and after the _ which is after the CRN_, SA_ or MA_
CRN_212141 JRDC 7402-01_ICT-ICM IT Services Basel PDiv 3702 POPEnd 01/31/2015
MA_7500007822 JRDC
SA_GS-35F-4461G No Alias Determined
CRN_179764 Director of Administration and Managem PDiv 3799 POPEnd 06/30/2014
MA_N00189-09-D-Z044 USJFCOM Projects
SA_GS-35F-4461G No Alias Determined
I have a cell in my worksheet with a fully qualified filename like 'D:abcDefGHIJklxyz123.app
I would like to extract only the xyz123.app. Obviously, the number of characters is going to vary based on the filename. The find and search functions appear to locate the cell but not the substring in the text. The right and left appear to work based on number of characters and in my case these are varying. Also, there does not appear to be any function that can do a search a string from right to left.
I have a cell in my worksheet with a fully qualified filename like 'D:abcDefGHIJklxyz123.app
I would like to extract only the xyz123.app. Obviously, the number of characters is going to vary based on the filename. The find and search functions appear to help locate the cell but not the substring in the text. The right and left appear to work based on number of characters and in my case these are varying. Also, there does not appear to be any function that can do a search a string from right to left.
I need to extract the text located before last specified character () From C:PicturesPersonalChristmasDSC_00001.jpg ----> C:PicturesPersonalChristmas
I found a nice formula in another thread but that one returns the text located after the last "". The formula is =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("@",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"","@",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"","")))))
I have a column that has various codes such as "E123" and "X456" and "S345". I just want to extract the numbers and leave the letters in each cell. How do you write a formula using the LEFT function to extract the last three numbers?
I have as an example two products. One called PORAW VC and the other PORAW WC30
I need to extract from the 7th character (in this case) to the end of the string. The string length always changes and to complicate matters some products dont have a space in their name.
eg PORTP060DUS ( here I want to extract just the 060DUS ) PORAW VC (Just need to extract VC) PORAW WC30 (Just need to extract WC30)
I have the function below from http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/extract-words-function.htm and have it working exactly as it's supposed to. Is it possible to adapt this to remove the last character of the text string, specifically the commas? My problem is that the raw data in one cell is like this (including commas) 0.333, 5.8874, 6.85423, 0.025. I separate each text string into separate cells but am left with the commas. I'm not using the "Data Text to Columns" option as I need the results in specific cells so they can then be used in calculations.
Function Get_Word(text_string As String, nth_word) As String Dim lWordCount As Long With Application.WorksheetFunction lWordCount = Len(text_string) - Len(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "")) + 1 If IsNumeric(nth_word) Then nth_word = nth_word - 1 Get_Word = Mid(Mid(Mid(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word), 1, 256), _ . Find("^", .Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word)), 256), 2, _ .Find(" ", Mid(Mid(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word), 1, 256), _ ............................
Say for example I have ABCD-ABC12 basically an arbitrary length of alpha (A-Z) characters followed by an hypen "-" followed by another arbitrary length of alpha (A-Z) characters and then immediately followed by an arbitrary length of numbers. (with no spaces between alpha and number)
How can I extract just the numbers from the group of alphanumberic characters after the hyphen and set it to a LONG variable?
I am attempting to make a macro for. It requires me to scan a column of cells worth of data (characters) for parts of what they contain and place those parts into a variable or string so that I can use an IF statement to place text in another cell.
I used to know someone who could do this via VBA, but I have been unable to reach him.
This sheet is fairly basic. The cells to be scanned are all in one column, they are all four digit numbers and I need to read the first two digits into separate variables.
Example: If the cell has "4101" in it, I want to be able to read the first digit "4" into one variable and the second digit "1" into another variable.
This way I can place text based on either one of those digits into the next cell over with an IF statement and can enclose it into a large loop to do the entire column.
I need a formula which can pick out the names from string of text, each name follows "-->", the number of names in each cell differs and is undefined. The result needs to be posted into each column following these cells.
An example of a cell is below:
Loss -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hen... U. DEC 3 5:00
-->--> Matt Ricehouse -- -- -- -- Dec. 4, 2010
Win -->--> Tom Aaron -- -- -- -- Strikeforce - Hea... SUB 1 0:56
I have tried using text to columns but everything after the first line is not recognised (when I click finish anything after "TIME" is simply not there).
I can do this in Excel, but I don't seem to have a single example to hand of how, using VBA, to extract all characters up to but not including, the first space character in a cell.
This is column a and b. Looking at b I am looking for a formula that will pull the first capital letter out of each word like ACR to create color codes.
Cell R2 contains this value: " Forecast Time: 240 Index A forecast = 9078.314". I want to extract the characters "9078.314" and put them in a different cell. The cell that it should be affected to depends on the characters "240". I believe I should use the MID() and VLOOKUP() functions but I get stuck at the very first step of extracting my data.
get the function to get the text in the middle of long text
i have text like this 125/565/797/7222/222/2122
how i put the formula to get text after multiple "/" example the text : 125/565/797/7222/222/2122 in cell A1 i want to get after third char "/ " value 7222 Before the fourth "/"in cell A2 and after the last "/" in cell a3 or value 2122
The following code reads text one character at a time, and each character is determined either to be a blank space or to be any other character. If it's determined to be any other character, then the character is added to the active cell. If it's determined to be a blank space, then the active cell becomes the cell one column over. The idea is to have different words written in columns next to each other.
The sample text file I'm reading from reads: "text file". The file has only those two words. One space between them. No space before the first word, and no space after the second word. The following code compiles and runs. BUT the result is that the word "text" is in column k, not A. And the word "file" is in column J, not b.
I have a list of over 300+ email addresses. If there is a way that I could pull out the ".com" (Find & Replace: Which is not working in any format, Text, Custom, General.) then pull out the text from the right to left until I get to the "@" into another cell and drag that down that would make it so much easier. Is there a formula that will pull data and then stop at a CHAR code? @ =CHAR(64) These email addresses are all different lengths. (personal to corporate email addresses.)
Example: moe10134@hotmail.com
Looking for something like this: Replace ".com", =LEFT(9) or whatever will take out the "moe10134@" and the ".com" leaving only hotmail.
You know how you can combine different cells and concatenate their values? Can you reverse that? For Example, I have this value "Yambao, Mikhail P." and I want to break them apart so I can use "Yambao" as a reference value to fill up other information concerning that name.
I'm trying to test whether the third last character (3 and B) is a text or not.
As you can see, the reslts are both TRUE, but I'm expecting to see that the first one should be FALSE, as '3' is a number right?
Likewise, if I replace the formula with ISNUMBER instead of ISTEXT, the results are both FALSE, but shouldn't the first one be TRUE, again, because the '3' is a number?
Have I missed something in the formula, or is there a better way of expressing this formula?
I have a set of task descriptions that I am attempting to trend on. Some of these (Column B) have the customer's name added to the description; others do not. I need to be able to make a list of task names (ColumnA), removing the name from the text string.
The formula I am using is [=LEFT(B3,FIND("for",B3)-2)].
The problem I am having is when the description does not contain the "for" built into the formula, I get "VALUE" error. What adjustment can I make to the formula to pull over the Description if the "for" does not appear in the text string?
I have thousands of track titles into my music library that requires some organization. In this case below, I need to add a "" character to split the track number from its title. So, the problem remains at the lack of pattern in the text and the only reference it the beginning of the song title (but it also can begin with a text or a number).Text.jpg
From: 01 - It's A Long Way To The Top.mp3 >>>>>>>>>> To: 01It's A Long Way To The Top.mp3 From: 02-Crazy.mp3 >>>>>>>>>> To: 02Crazy.mp3 From: 3-01 Need Your Love.m4a >>>>>>>>>> To: 3-01Need Your Love.m4a From: 10-13 Angels.mp3 >>>>>>>>>> To: 10-13Angels.mp3 From: 01 10_15 Saturday Night.m4a >>>>>>>>>> To: 0110:15 Saturday Night.m4a From: 3 - Guitar Mafia.mp3 >>>>>>>>>> To: 3Guitar Mafia.mp3 From: 1-01 Losing all.m4a >>>>>>>>>> To: 1-01Losing All My Friends.m4a
1) In any cell, I would like to remove "Area#xxxxxxxxx" (where x are random numbers).
Example : "INFO Log - [sys] Area#541185471Character#46545"
2) I would like to remove x characters before a word.
Example : 2013-08-28.txt@INFO
I would need to remove 14 characters before the character "@".
I tried to play with the LEN and RIGHT/LEFT formula but so far, I can't get it to work... The idea is to parse some text and remove the part in red (I was thinking about using SUBSTITUTE).
At this point, I have a list in the first column that looks something like the following:.......
First, I want to delete any cells that have two or more '' characters and delete any cells that do not have any text after the first '' character. Then I want to take the text before the character and put it in column B, deleting the ''. Once I have done these things, my original post and this one can be marked solved.
have to deal with a text database into Excel but ended up finding irregular format that need to be fixed. As it can be seen within the text right below, there are space delimiters in between the words. I want to replace always the 2nd space from right to left with a semicolon.