Extract First Character Of Each Word In String To Create Code Letters
Nov 3, 2012
Junior Fit Softstyle T-Shirt
Antique Cherry Red
Junior Fit Softstyle T-Shirt
Antique Cherry Red
Softstyle T-Shirt
Antique Heliconia
Softstyle T-Shirt
Antique Heliconia
Softstyle T-Shirt
Antique Heliconia
This is column a and b. Looking at b I am looking for a formula that will pull the first capital letter out of each word like ACR to create color codes.
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Dec 28, 2013
My mission is to extract email addresses from cells. or I want any word that contains "@" in column A to be extracted in column B.
For example, if cell A1 contains: tracy jane@gmail.com , I want jane@gmail.com to be put in B1.
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Sep 4, 2012
I am working with flight numbers and want to split out the letters from the digits. Examples,
In column A I need the first two or three letters only,
In column B I need everything to the right of what appears in column A
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Jun 15, 2007
I have the function below from http://www.ozgrid.com/VBA/extract-words-function.htm
and have it working exactly as it's supposed to. Is it possible to adapt this to remove the last character of the text string, specifically the commas? My problem is that the raw data in one cell is like this (including commas) 0.333, 5.8874, 6.85423, 0.025. I separate each text string into separate cells but am left with the commas. I'm not using the "Data Text to Columns" option as I need the results in specific cells so they can then be used in calculations.
Function Get_Word(text_string As String, nth_word) As String
Dim lWordCount As Long
With Application.WorksheetFunction
lWordCount = Len(text_string) - Len(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "")) + 1
If IsNumeric(nth_word) Then
nth_word = nth_word - 1
Get_Word = Mid(Mid(Mid(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word), 1, 256), _
. Find("^", .Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word)), 256), 2, _
.Find(" ", Mid(Mid(.Substitute(text_string, " ", "^", nth_word), 1, 256), _ ............................
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a column that has various codes such as "E123" and "X456" and "S345". I just want to extract the numbers and leave the letters in each cell. How do you write a formula using the LEFT function to extract the last three numbers?
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Jul 20, 2008
Looking to extract a numeric value with two letters attached to it from text strings. The text strings vary. Below are the examples I'm looking to extract .51OZ from the first cell, 12CT from the second, and 30CT from the third.
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May 16, 2014
In column A, I have the following lines:
2014-05-15 02:08:43 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:31:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 02:37:20 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 03:07:19 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:01:37 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
2014-05-15 15:04:46 @Centre INFO - CHANGE WORLD (Original World to Destination World)
I would like to use conditional formatting to highlight cells which have the same first 16 characters (yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm) before the "@" AND that contains the words "CHANGE WORLD". Therefore, I'm looking for a formula I could include in the conditional formatting so I can easily find the "CHANGE WORLD" that occurred at the same time (minus the seconds, they may vary slightly).
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Jul 25, 2014
How can I extract the first word only from a Textbox string?
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May 7, 2014
I have a long list of process steps in a collumn e.g.
and then i have a list of tanks: Tank1, Tank2 etc. The i want a forumla to extract and return the tank in a adjacent cell:
_Tank1_CIP Tank1
_Tank1_CIP Tank1
_Tank2_CIP Tank2
_Tank4_CIP Tank4
_Tank_9_CIP Tank9
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Jun 10, 2009
For icount = 1 To LenComputername
valComputername = Asc(Mid(UserComputername, icount, 1))
Next icount
If the computer name is NAMTOK-PC Then the LenComputername is 9. Does that mean then that the valComputername is equal to 78?
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May 18, 2009
My question is about converting a Literal String to Character Code. I'm using the following coded InputBox. And it prompts the user for what characters to search for in a string.
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Jul 29, 2014
i have a list of 2000 fields which have the same format IE "AB10014"
I need to remove the "AB" from every field and leave the #.
Besides putting a space and running text to columns I'm not sure how.
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Dec 5, 2013
I would like to extract competition naps from the competition entries and then remove the string ending "nap" from the data so it can be pasted to another sheet in it's 'clean' format.
on the example sheet column B will always be the first column and the range will extend to either G,H or I (always the max range as there are always 6 to 8 races)
i would like the code to search through these columns of data and find the cell ending in 'nap' then to return this in column i, once done remove 'nap' ending from both the source cell and column i.
once done to then go through all the rows and do similar
the end result would be all naps returned into cell j and all the 'nap' endings through the data range B to I (max) to be removed to leave the horses name only.
in book 3 the first row nap was sommersturm so i have shown the outcome i would like with the nap ending in I1 removed and the horse name returned in J1 again minus 'nap' ending.
the data will always be clean with no leading/trailing/excessive spaces and always be lower case too. sometimes a space is not in between horse name and nap but it's always last 3 characters i want removed still.
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Nov 13, 2008
If I had the word OMNICONNECT in cell A1, is it possible to put a formula in B1 that would return OMNIC ?
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Jun 9, 2009
Have problems using find and the Dictionary
What Im trying to do is find a certain word in a string then return the number associated with that word
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Aug 11, 2008
How would i extract the first 3 letters of the first 2 words in a cell?
the cell may have 1 to many words in it.
I would like to exclude words like of and the...
i.e. the univeristy of washington should be uniwas
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May 10, 2009
I have a key-word, and I need to search a 90,000 words in a range where i should find several words that have 2, 3 or 4 letters of the first letter of the key-word, then find several words that have 2, 3 or 4 letters of the second letter of the key-word,
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Jan 9, 2007
I am new to Excel and just starting with formulas. I am wondering if a formula can handle the following:
We have a column that has a url in each cell. Example (I removed the http:// before it so that all the words show up and it doesn't change to a clickable link):
We would like to tell it to copy the portion after the last forward slash and until the period and put it in another cell. In the above example it would give us sylvantropicalbirdi. We then would want to append a _t to it.
Is this possible or am I just wasting my time trying to figure it out?
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Feb 1, 2007
I've found several posts but none seem to peform this varying function:
EX12345678....Result in Col B: "EX" and Result in Col C: "12345678"
RTZZ4567.......Result in Col B: "RTZZ" and Result in Col C: "4567"
The problem with the formulas I've got specifically define - pulling let's say LEFT, 2 characters.....when, I may need it to pull 2 or 3 or 4. I found something that's smart enough to look for ONLY ALPHA and strip those out and place them into one column. =LEFT(A1,MIN( FIND({0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},A1&"0123456789"))-1)
* I need something that's smart enough to look for ONLY NUMERIC. no matter how long the string is...and place those in Column C (like I mention in the example at the top).
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May 9, 2013
Is there a way of getting the first three character of every word or number in a cell ( seperated by spaces) ?
for example in cell E2 I have
and would like it to read
I have a approx a 1000 rows that I would like to do this with.
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Aug 15, 2007
I have a cell in my worksheet with a fully qualified filename like 'D:abcDefGHIJklxyz123.app
I would like to extract only the xyz123.app. Obviously, the number of characters is going to vary based on the filename. The find and search functions appear to locate the cell but not the substring in the text. The right and left appear to work based on number of characters and in my case these are varying. Also, there does not appear to be any function that can do a search a string from right to left.
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May 12, 2014
I have list like the below. I need to pull out everything before the space for each of these and after the _ which is after the CRN_, SA_ or MA_
CRN_212141 JRDC 7402-01_ICT-ICM IT Services Basel PDiv 3702 POPEnd 01/31/2015
MA_7500007822 JRDC
SA_GS-35F-4461G No Alias Determined
CRN_179764 Director of Administration and Managem PDiv 3799 POPEnd 06/30/2014
MA_N00189-09-D-Z044 USJFCOM Projects
SA_GS-35F-4461G No Alias Determined
Desired Results:
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Aug 15, 2007
I have a cell in my worksheet with a fully qualified filename like 'D:abcDefGHIJklxyz123.app
I would like to extract only the xyz123.app. Obviously, the number of characters is going to vary based on the filename. The find and search functions appear to help locate the cell but not the substring in the text. The right and left appear to work based on number of characters and in my case these are varying. Also, there does not appear to be any function that can do a search a string from right to left.
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Dec 19, 2007
I have as an example two products. One called PORAW VC and the other PORAW WC30
I need to extract from the 7th character (in this case) to the end of the string. The string length always changes and to complicate matters some products dont have a space in their name.
eg PORTP060DUS ( here I want to extract just the 060DUS )
PORAW VC (Just need to extract VC)
PORAW WC30 (Just need to extract WC30)
I suppose this is some sort of dynamic extraction
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Apr 10, 2014
I am looking for a while for a macro or a function, which should change needed letters in string into needed ones.
A1 cell contains words "John Johnson Martinson". I want to switch "n" letter into my specified, lets say "m" and the result should be "Johm Johmson Martimsom".
I would like to get it within range of columnA. Is it possible to get?
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Aug 18, 2014
I need to extract the text located before last specified character () From C:PicturesPersonalChristmasDSC_00001.jpg ----> C:PicturesPersonalChristmas
I found a nice formula in another thread but that one returns the text located after the last "". The formula is =RIGHT(A1,LEN(A1)-FIND("@",SUBSTITUTE(A1,"","@",LEN(A1)-LEN(SUBSTITUTE(A1,"","")))))
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Jul 24, 2007
Say for example I have ABCD-ABC12 basically an arbitrary length of alpha (A-Z) characters followed by an hypen "-" followed by another arbitrary length of alpha (A-Z) characters and then
immediately followed by an arbitrary length of numbers. (with no spaces between alpha and number)
How can I extract just the numbers from the group of alphanumberic characters after the hyphen
and set it to a LONG variable?
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Feb 8, 2008
I am attempting to make a macro for. It requires me to scan a column of cells worth of data (characters) for parts of what they contain and place those parts into a variable or string so that I can use an IF statement to place text in another cell.
I used to know someone who could do this via VBA, but I have been unable to reach him.
This sheet is fairly basic. The cells to be scanned are all in one column, they are all four digit numbers and I need to read the first two digits into separate variables.
Example: If the cell has "4101" in it, I want to be able to read the first digit "4" into one variable and the second digit "1" into another variable.
This way I can place text based on either one of those digits into the next cell over with an IF statement and can enclose it into a large loop to do the entire column.
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Jan 25, 2009
A given string of some letters (from three to five, six) is followed by a single number (1-4). Then it ends, or is followed by another such combination, up to a maximum of, let's say, four.
What I would like to do is to divide a given chain of characters into the smallest chains which contain only letters and one number. To the examples given above, I'd like to receive the following sets:
yyy3 and yyyy1
xyzxx1 and yxz4 and xzx1
... and so on
Is it somehow possible to do it with simple functions? Or is VB necessary (which sadly I don't know)?
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Oct 5, 2009
I have a set of letters in a single row DISATAGFOORCBORDQFINFCOBBKIEHDSMCNRSKARDFCJSLCQCECFVSBCBOYKPVYKC. I want to distibute them across 5 columns such that each letter occupies one cell. I might want to specify a different column width later on so the solution should be flexible.
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