Failure Of Automatic Calculation When Worksheet Moved To Another File

Jun 1, 2008

I have workbooks in which summary tables are generated by lookup formulas. Tables are on different sheets but all use the same lookup value by referring to a cell on the 'master' sheet. The lookup value appears in cells on all sheets, by reference to the master sheet (e.g. [formula] = mastersheet!$B$2).

The master sheet contains the main summary table and is copied and detached for distribution, using a macro. For practical reasons, this is done in two stages, first copying the sheet within the workbook (to make minor alterations), then moving it to a new book to save and distribute.

This is where the problem arises. After the sheet has been detached, we find that if we now change the lookup value on the master sheet in the original file, the tables on that sheet will update normally, but the cells on other sheets remain frozen at the previous value and the tables on those sheets do not update.

The only way round the problem is by Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F9. (Maybe I should add that all my workbooks are always set to automatic calculation.)

The macro itself is not the cause of the problem; if we follow the same procedure manually, the result is the same. However, if we move the sheet in one step, eliminating the intermediate copying stage, the problem does not arise. But this is evading the problem, not solving it, and I would be reluctant to have to resort to this.

The original problem remains as stated, viz. failure of automatic calculation.

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Hyperlink - Update When File Moved?

Jul 20, 2013

I have a spreadsheet with hyperlinks to various file types (PDFs, Docs, etc.). Is there any way that I can have the hyperlinks update themselves automatically when I move one of those files to another location?

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Worksheet.Opentext Failure?

Jan 7, 2009

I am struggling with the Worksheet.Opentext code required to open a text file in excel - specifically with the date format.

For example, I have a text file containing Feb08.

When opened manually using space as deliminator it correctly returns 01/02/2008.

However, when I record the same opening action as a macro and then run same macro it returns 08/02/2009, which is incorrect. Try it and see for yourself!

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Input Automatic Calculation

Jan 24, 2009

In attached file, I need to find a way for "y" to be automatically calculated. But for that, "y" needs to first find out which equation to use, depending upon the corresponding entry in first column.

would somebody know how to do it ?

I was trying vlookup, but couldn't.

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Automatic Calculation Causes Freeze?

Oct 8, 2013

When i have automatic calculation on, excel freezes. When i push the escape key i get focus back to excel but then it nearly immediatley loses focus again. I have to keep hitting excel to navigate anywhere with excel. By turning calculations to manual it no longer freezes. Is there a way to identify whats causing this freeze, I went through and deleted nearly all events? Why would auto calculate freeze excel if no changes are being made to a formula?

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Ensure Automatic Calculation

Apr 30, 2008

I have largish workbooks (10MB) with a variety of formulas and lookups to generate tables and charts. Calculation is ALWAYS set to Automatic, but sometimes (not always) the formulas fail to update when values are changed. Sometimes F9 will force calculation, sometimes Ctrl + Alt + F9, sometimes (especially with charts) I have to close the workbook and reopen before they will update. The workbooks contain macros but none are running when this happens. A search of your forum indicated that this question has arisen several times before, but I haven't seen a definitive answer.

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Manual Or Automatic Calculation Option Using VBA

May 26, 2006

Is there a way of using VBA to check which calculation option is on - "automatic" or "manual" ?

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Wont Recalculate With Automatic Calculation

Oct 6, 2006

I am working in a fairly large worksheet, and I realized that when I make changes to it, sometimes some of the cells do no recalculate. The only way I can get them to recalculate is by clicking into the cell, and then hitting return.

The issue is that I don't know which ones are failing to recalculate unless I click into each individual cell and hit return to see if it changes. This would be logistically impossible given the size of my sheet.

Has this ever happened to anyone else? Does anyone have any suggestions as to how to fix this issue?

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Automatic Calculation Upon Change-way To Disable For Certain Cells Only?

Dec 12, 2011

I have several data validation style drop down menus, and I basically don't want excel to recognize changes in these cells and execute a calculation of the entire workbook. Since there is a large number of calculations being performed in the workbook the sheet gets really slow.

Overall the way excel "automatically calculates" really screws me up a lot. This built in functionality could be a lot smarter in my opinion.

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Averaging Data By Week - Automatic Calculation?

Jun 18, 2013

I need to average data following the format below by average per week by week/store combination e.g. wk 1/store A average is 6.



[Code] ..

I can easily use SUMIFS to achieve this, but I have a large amount of data between the weeks of 1-52, a dozen different stores and I will be adding to this. I don't want to have to enter new SUMIFS every time I enter a new wk/store combination. How do I get this info to automatically calculate?

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SUM Returning 0 - Calculation Set To Automatic And Cell Formatted As Number

Dec 19, 2013

I have this problem where the SUM function is returning 0. The context is this- I am simulating values using RAND() and looking up the values corersponding to probabilities from a different tables. I then use the TRIM function to return the value I need, and the final number is of a "general" format.

This is the formula in the column I wish to sum:

And this is dragged down the column.

When I change the cells using =VALUE(cell) the SUM function then returns the required value. Oddly the SUMPRODUCT function seems to work.

Calculation is set to automatic and the cell has been formatted as a number.

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Turn Off Automatic And Manual Calculation Modes Manually?

Dec 12, 2011

I know how to turn off automatic and manual calculation modes manually in excel or through VB. But is there a way to make the automatic calculation mode ignore changes in certian cells? It would be good if you could right click on a cell and turn this on/off as an option. I assume I will have to code this in vb somehow, but I am a novice. Something like:

Sub test123()
For Cells = Value.Range("I7:R22")
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Like I basically want part of my sheet to be set to manual calculation mode, and partially to automatic...

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Formula Not Updating: Using Tools, Options, Calculation, Automatic

Oct 27, 2006

I have a table with rows that keep growing. But I have place formula in the whole of column F, i.e. F2:F66565. When I import information from MS Access into column A to E, the formula in F does not work, until I copy from F2 to the end manually. I have tried using Tools, Options, Calculation, Automatic. That doesn't work, I have also tried F9, that doesn't work and I have also tried checking Precision as Displayed under the calculation tax in Tools-Options, that doesn't work either.

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Automatic Calculation Of Cell Value When One Of The Variables (cell Value) Is Changed?

Oct 31, 2013

which will calculate value of a cell when one of the variables has been changed?

To illustrate what I have in mind, an ecxample:

* User can add values to cells using UserForm
- Component name (to Cell "A1")
- Component price (to Cell "B1")
- Component quantity (to Cell "C1")


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Automatic Macro Run When File Opens

Mar 30, 2012

I need a code that will automatically run my first macro. The first macro already calls all the others. I just need everything to run as soon as someone opens the file.

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Macro To Create Automatic Backup Of File

Oct 27, 2013

Is it possible to create a macro that automatically saves a backup of the excel document in another desired location?

I have this formula:

Sub backupbutton()
Dim fname
fname = "D:" & Format(Now, "dd mmm yy hh mm") & ".xlsm"
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:=fname
End Sub

But that just keeps on making multiple copies of the file rather than overwriting the backup in the D: location.

Also, that particular macro requires me to have to click on a button in order for it to work but I would prefer that it happens automatically when the original file is saved.

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Stop Automatic Formatting Importing Text/CSV File

Sep 1, 2006

When opening a CSV file in Excel, it seems Excel makes an "intelligent" attempt at interpreting the data into a data type.

This causes a text field containing 7300070E-4 to be interpreted as 7.30E+0

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Automatic Message Box When Deleting A Worksheet

Apr 11, 2007

I have been browsing the web trying to find a worksheet event that will automatically open a message box if the user tries to delete the sheet. Is this possible??

PS I do not want them to delete the sheet, so perhaps a message box with a a cancel button

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Automatic Report Generation From Excel Worksheet

Apr 24, 2014

want to generate automatic report from excel work sheet

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Automatic Link Update WITHOUT Prompt When File Opened Not Working (XL2003)

Jul 6, 2006

Despite setting the "Edit/Links/Startup Prompt/Don't display the alert and update links" option numerous times, my workbook still prompts me to update links every time I open it. The option seems to be set okay (it is preset whenever I go into the "Edit/Links/Startup Prompt" dialog), but it doesn't seem to affect the workbook's startup behaviour. The workbook contains a ComboBox control that is initialized with customer names from another workbook, which is included in the References for this main workbook.

I am using Excel 2003 (from Office Pro 2003) under Windows XP (SP1). I believe this used to work without the prompt when I was working on this app last fall (I'm not sure, as my memory of specific behaviours back that far is fuzzy). However, it has been persistently prompting ever since I started working on this app again this spring/summer. Was there perhaps a bad fix to Office 2003 (that I automatically applied) that broke this feature?

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Manually Calculate Single Worksheet Of Automatic Workbook?

Oct 3, 2013

I have a workbook with about 34 worksheets (one for every day plus a few extras). I have a summary sheet which collates all the data from each other worksheet. I have required a "MAX IF" type array formula on this summary sheet which slows everything down.

Is it possible to have the whole workbook in automatic calculation, but set the 'Summary' sheet to manual calculation when I press F9 or click on a button?

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Omit Worksheet From Calculation

May 2, 2008

Broadly, my workbook contains 5 worksheets. Worksheets 1, 2 and 3 contain calculations, worksheet 4 contains a summary of calculations from worksheets 1, 2 and 3. Worksheet 5 is a data table used for worksheets 1, 2 and 3.

I need the worksheets to calculate in the following order:
1. Worksheets 1 and 2 extract data from worksheet 5.
2. Worksheet 4 captures that data.
3. Worksheet 3 uses the data from worksheet 4 and extracts data from worksheet 5.
4. worksheets 1 and 2 recalculate using the calculation from worksheet 3.
5. Worksheet 4 captures the refreshed data from worksheets 1 and 2.

Is there a way, using formulas in the worksheets, to ignore worksheet 3 on the first iteration of worksheets 1 and 2, and prevent recalculation on the second iteration of worksheet 1 and 2?

In my mind I can see Excel simply recalculating over and over again, or will it stop. Is there actually a "problem" here or am I perceiving something that will not occur?

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Do...Loop Failure!

Nov 5, 2008

Do...Loop failure!
I thought I was being smart and have produced the following

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Avg # Attempts Before Failure

Mar 25, 2009

Trying to calculate average successful attempts before failure. Have several hundred data points (1=success, 0=failure). A1:A10 = 1 1 1 1 1 0 1 1 1 0

Cell A11 should calculate average attempts between failures for the whole range A1:A10.

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Multiple VBA Calculation Events To Just One Worksheet

Oct 14, 2009

I use VBA's WorkSheet_Calculate event to detect when a cell of particular interest calculates to a specified value. It works well as long as there is only one worksheet (tab). However, when I duplicate that tab (and the final app could have up to 10 copies) to run a different set of data concurrently, I get bad results. The data is online, real time trading data, with each selected stock being tracked in a different tab.

Apparently both (or all) tabs in the workbook react to the same event, whereas I would assume that the event routine in each tab would react only to a calculation in that tab. If this is in fact the case, is there a way to a) make the event routine in each tab respond only to a calculation in that tab, or b) upon a calc event anywhere, determine which tab it occurred in?

Here is the present event code; right now it reads exactly the same in every tab. As long as nothing is happening in any other tab, it does its job correctly.

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Worksheet Calculation Triggered By Drop Down Box

Dec 22, 2009

I am trying to do is trigger an event when a cell changes, and this cell is updated via a linked drop-down box.

The issue is that the code seems to work fine (in about 10 seconds or less) if a manual calculation is entered into the sheet - but when it's done via the drop-down box, it takes about 3 minutes to complete the macro.

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Delay Calculation Of Worksheet Functions

Nov 9, 2006

I have a workbook that has many simple functions moving data around to different sheets and processing some if statements on some of the data. The problem that I am running into is all of the data is initially pulled in from a SQL DB, and I believe that the workbook is calculating many of it's if statements, prior to all of the SQL data being loaded, therefore, many of the worksheet formulas are coming up with the wrong result. Is there a way to delay the calculation of all the basic worksheet functions, so that I can ensure that all the data is in the workbook from SQL, before they all fire. I have attempted to use Tools--Options--Calculation--Manual Calculation, but it appears that even though I have things set that way, all of the formulas in the workbook have already pulled their values through.

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=SUMPRODUCT Formula Failure

Feb 24, 2009

No doubt due to a fundamental lack of understanding my SUMPRODUCT formulae (please see attached workbook) is not working.

Can someone be kind enough to point out the error of my ways? I've tried every possible combination (except the right one).

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Userform Sub Reference Failure

Jul 16, 2009

I have a program that creates a userform, but it cannot complete the initialization. The initializer calls the sub below, supplying the relevant worksheet, category header, and combobox tag for the form. So far, it will find the header of interest on the worksheet. I want it to load all the cell data in the target header column into the form's combobox. The sub, however, has an issue with the line highlighted in red. I think it has to do with the way the combobox tag is referenced in the line, but I don't know how to fix it.

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Moved The Sheet To Another Workbook

Oct 9, 2007

I have the following formula that was in a workbook. I then moved the sheet to another workbook and now no longer works.


Does the INDIRECT function not work for references to other workbooks.

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