Find Function In Calculated Column In PowerPivot Always Returns Error?
Aug 2, 2014
I have created a calculated column in PowerPivot and inserted a formula that worked in a normal excel spreadsheet however, this formula does not work in PP anymore.
Name column:
NAME: Bag green
it should find "green" in the name and return the position. Hoever it alway returns the error, that the find function could not find the string.I have attached an example spreadsheet.
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Nov 14, 2013
I have a column in powerpivot that has Products total amounts. Some of them are negative amounts but I want them to be positive. How would I write an IF statement for it? I want it to say " If Division amount column is a negative, then multiply by -1 but it is a positive , leave it as a positive" .
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Oct 1, 2006
I have the following
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Worksheets("Sheet1"). Range("L5").Value = Date
End Sub
When i try and run the code it returns an error saying: "Compile Error, Cant Find Project Or Library" and it highlights the word "Date"
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Jan 23, 2014
I have a database with a list of transactions with multiple fields, including:
Customer ID
Store ID
Item ID
I am wanting to add a calculated field that displays the first (or MIN) Date from the date column, looking at all of the orders where the customer ID, store ID, item ID and price are the same.
In the attached file I have shown what I currently have, as well as a solution using a helper column, and formulas I would use if I wasn't using powerpivot.
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Mar 11, 2014
I am having some trouble getting a formula to work. I am building a report that pulls figures from a pivot table in another workbook. I am using a vlookup with match function to get the column index to find the relevant data I want. Where I need to add two columns together I am using sum, with the vlookup & match formulas nested in them e.g.:
=SUM(VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("FAID",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("BPCM",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE),VLOOKUP(F13,'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C:$AQ,MATCH("COMD",'[PIVOT 156.xlsx]PIVOT'!$C$6:$AQ$6,0),FALSE))
F13 = Employee number
Column C on the pivot 156 workbook is where the employee number is based.
The Match formula is then getting the column index from the column headings of the pivot table ie. "FAID"
This in itself works fine, as long as it finds a match in the column headings. This is where i get the error as in the above function "COMD" is not in the pivot table. However I need to keep it included as it may appear on a future pivot table. Is there a way of getting the sum function to complete even though later in the formula it can't complete the vlookup? So it will ignore it, or assume the value is zero if it can't find it? The formula probably needs to do this for all the vlookups as some headings may drop off in future pivot tables.
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Sep 30, 2007
Is there a way in which you can create an if function or similar to give a reason for why the cell of data has an error.
Basically i have some data in a table, and when a #num! error pops up id like to in the cell next to it give a sentence stating why this has happened.
Cell A1 Cell B1
#Num! Number error due to 'x' being too small
Not sure how i can get this to work, i have tried a basic if function but that hasnt worked.
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Nov 12, 2006
My formula =IF(OR( FIND("Bugs",E2),FIND("Daffy",E2)),"/wkly",0). Always returns #VALUE! error. I can understand if neither value occurs in the string, what confounds me is if one of the two does occur in the string If I shorten to
Then the expected output is returned
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Feb 18, 2013
I want a UDF; = OK (f1,f2) each argument being an alternative function. If f1 returns an error message then use f2. Should be easy but I cannot get it to work.
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Nov 5, 2009
I've got a workbook that includes a Check Register worksheet. Column K of the Check Register worksheet has formulas that maintain a running current balance. So Column K has numbers (calculated) from K12 down to the last transaction (K461 is this instance). Cells K462 to K2000 contain formulas awaiting to be calculated.
I've written a procedure to "Create New Year" and in the process, I want to capture the value of the last calculated value in Column K from the old year. I cobbled code from different websites and have come up with this code
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Feb 22, 2013
Is it possible to see why this code returns a date that is almost correct? Searching for 01.01.2005 I get 01.11.2005 as result. I would like the code to only show the correct date, and if it doesn't exist it should end up showing "nothing".
Set fstdate = wsOBX.Range("B1:B" & lr1).Find(what:=startdate, _
LookIn:=xlFormulas, lookat:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, _
SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:=False)
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Jan 30, 2013
I have three different values in three different columns and I want to find the maximum amongst the 3 values.
A1 B1 C1
100 50 40
in D1 I have written a formula
=MAX(A1, B1, C1)
But it is returning an error saying formula you typed contains an error
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Nov 6, 2009
I'm having a real problem with the Vlookup formula in that I have used it in a spreadsheet to search, using approximate, rather than exact values, several tables where I have inserted raw data with no calculations and it works fine. But with one crucial series of cells where I am trying to return results from columns of fields that are the results of calculations, it sometimes returns the correct result and other times returns an empty field with seemingly no consistency at all.
I've been careful to make sure the data in the cells in the lookup column are in ascending order, as required. I've checked the formatting (all the lookup cells are numbers, no zeros with the thousands commas inserted, and all the return cells are currency with two zeros and the $sign) and the formatting is consistent.
Does anyone have a clue whether the calculations in the cells might be the problem or if it might be something else and, whatever the case, how I can workaround the problem?
I'm a relative novice with Excel. I'm using Version 2007 but I'm saving the file as an .xls.
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Apr 24, 2008
i have a problem regarding calculated field.. i have data of sales of a distributor with all the accounts that he handles.. i want to get the total number of buying accounts for that distributor..
buying account is an account that bought a specific product for at least one time... even the account buy 2 or 3 times more for that specific product the account is considered as 1 buying account..
i want to use a pivot table so i can manipulate the data.. first i tried to add an additional field to my data and put the formula
"if(norbo_val>0,1,0)" where norbo_val is the total sales less the rejects. it means if ever an account have positive sales the account is considered as a buying account for that specific product. my problem is that when that account bought the same product for 2 or more times it sums all the times an account bought for that specific product..
so i decide to remove the field in my data and create a calculated field in the pivot table. i input the same formula to the calculated field and it gives me the correct result where if ever an account bought a specific product for at least one time regardless on how many times the account bought that same product, the account is considered as 1 buying account. the only problem i am encountering now is that the grand total is not summing up the total numbers of buying accounts if i list all the accounts. it seems the formula is affecting the grand total where it should add the total of buying accounts but instead using the formula of the calculated field so the result is only 1.
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Mar 27, 2014
Let's say I have data that looks like this grid below. Each color represents a column heading and each number is a data point within that column.
Blue Red Green Yellow
18 27 15 36
56 41 3 22
Can I write a formula that would do the following 2 things with the data in this format:
1. Find the max of the data...simple =Max(...) formula
2. Use the max to return the column heading. In this case the max is 56 so the value I want to return is "Blue"
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Sep 11, 2012
I'm trying unsuccessfully to write a function that looks for a column in a pivot table and returns the entire column as a text string. The function should take a pivot table and a text string as an argument. The text string is the name of one of the columns. The function needs to return the entire column (excluding the header and footer rows) as an array.
In the example I pasted below, the function should take the pivot table (PivotTable1) and a color, say "Red", as arguments, and then return the values in the Red column as a 48x1 single vector array, in the order shown, starting with 43 and ending with 1. I can only post a text version of the spreadsheet; I was not able to post the actual spreadsheet.
Average of Cost
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Feb 2, 2007
I am having trouble with the following code. When I put in a value in C8 that is on the list being searched (A2:A27), the Answer is still coming up as false (ie, the find function isn't finding the variable in the list, though it is there). I'm guessing I'm using incorrect syntax somewhere.
Dim Answer As Boolean
Private Sub CalcBi_Click()
Dim Pledge, Edate, PR, PPA, EEA As Double
Dim Due, Chdate As Date
If Range("C6").Value = "" Or Range("C8").Value = "" Then
Exit Sub
Pledge = Range("C6").Value
Edate = DateValue(Range("C8").Value)
Set rngschedule = Worksheets("Bi Weekly Schedule").Range("A2").Offset(Application.WorksheetFunction.Match(Range("C8"), Worksheets("Bi Weekly Schedule").Range("A2:A27"), 1), 0).....................
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Mar 31, 2009
I am trying to use the Find function within some VBA code but keep encountering a compile error. Code works fine on it's own as below but doesn't work within the VBA code. I can't figure out what part of code needs to be modified.
The desired result in J2 = "Jim"
the value in cell I2 = "Jim |Anderson"
Working Function as follows:
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Apr 11, 2012
I am writing some code where one column is selected and a value is searched for in that column. If found the code continues on its way manipulating the data. The issue is that the value being searched for will not always be there which results in an error. Is there a way that I can just tell the macro to continue running if the value is not found.
Selection.Find(What:="1", After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlFormulas, LookAt _
:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, MatchCase:= _
False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlDown)).Select
Selection.Delete Shift:=xlUp
On a second question is there some code I could write that would select all the rows with the number 1 in column V and delete them rather than doing the way I am here?
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Apr 27, 2009
I have a spreadsheet with a large amount of data, and one thing I need to do is Find the maximum value in a column and then select it. I was originally using an If loop to find it, but I would like to make the code more efficient by using this method. My code is as follows:
Function FindCells()
Dim FindData As Long
Dim Row_Number As Integer
FindData = ActiveSheet.Cells(6, 15).Value
Range("L5:L2000").Find(What:=FindData, After:=ActiveCell, LookIn:=xlValues, _
LookAt:=xlPart, SearchOrder:=xlByRows, SearchDirection:=xlNext, _
MatchCase:=False, SearchFormat:=False).Activate
Row_Number = ActiveCell.Row
ActiveSheet.Cells(2, 14).Value = Row_Number
End Function
This string of code works fine, but it doesn't find the right value. Cell (6, 15) contains the maximum value but excel treats it as a whole number. If I try to change the data type of FindData to double or to string I get a Runtime 91 error. If I change LookAt to xlWhole I get the same error.
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May 30, 2008
In cells A1, A2, and A3 of Sheet1 I have data. This data is the result of some calculation else where in Sheet1. Nevertheless, I would like to link this data to Sheet2 in cells A1, A2, and A3. Now normally, you can't do this. But is their a way around this error message?
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May 14, 2013
Function Haversine has correct value in debugger but in cell it has the same value as Haversine2. Is this a known bug?
Public Function Haversine(lat1 As Double, long1 As Double, lat2 As Double, long2 As Double) As Double
Dim temp As Double
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Dec 10, 2013
I created a custom formula for a pivot table.the existing columns are weekly averages.I made a formula to calculate the average of 5 individual weeks.But when one of the value is blank.Blank cell is considered as zero.and hence the final average is wrong.
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Jul 29, 2006
I want to find the minimum value of column A if there is anything greater than zero in column B. I tried this formula (simplified): MINIF(B2:B6,">"&0,A2:A6) And it gives me the # NAME? error
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Mar 20, 2007
I'm getting an error message in when I attempt to create a pivot table calculated field formula using the SUMIF function. My questions are (A) Can SUMIF be used in a pivot table calculated field and (B) If Yes, then why am I getting an error message? To expand more on my second question(B). My scenerio is as follows.
I need to compute the Total Inventory Value (Quantity X Cost) of all our inventory that is aged over 60 days. I have a "Total Value" field that gives me the inventory value at a sku level. also have a "Days Since Last Receipt" (DSLR) field that gives the Days since the Inventory was last Received at a sku level. For Example:
SKU A --Total Value=$100 -- DSLR=50
SKU B --Total Value=$75 -- DSLR =70
SKU C --Total Value=$40 -- DSLR =80
Using the above scenerio and example I tried to execute this calculated field formula: =SUMIF(DSLR,">60",Total Value). However I get an formula error message.
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Jun 23, 2008
I have a PivotTable which shows the number of packs produced in a month. I created a calculated field which shows the number of vehicles needed to move these packs. The number of packs per vehicle is dependent on two criteria, the Pack Description and the Store. My calculated field, Shunts, is described as:
=Packs / IF(Store ="Middlewich",IF('Pack desc' ="Tall",30,60),IF('Pack desc' ="Tall",26,52))
which represents the logic
Middlewich & Tall = Packs / 30
Middlewich & other = Packs / 60
Other & tall = Packs / 26
Other & other = Packs / 52
However, it doesn't work!
I know Calculated Fields can be difficult to work with, but this is crazy and I think I'm missing something obvious as I'm sure I've had IFs work like this before!
I've attached my example, also showing the values I'd expect to see.
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Feb 18, 2013
I am trying to search for a phrase in a particular column but the excel search function is returning !Value as an error...
Both fields are text so nit sure what is wrong here.
I have a list of cities that i want to cross reference across a cloumn of notes on another sheet. So, I really want to search for the city (Sheet1 Cell A1) in Notes Sheet2 Cell A1) and I want to return it in Sheet1 Cell B1 Whether it exisits in the notes. I then want to copy this down my list of cities in Sheet1 Column a.
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Jul 31, 2008
I have this code that only returns a #NAME? error. I'd love it if someone could take a look and let me know what you think might be going on. If it factors into it, D1:D4 each contain one of the following: USD, AUD, GBP, MX and E1:E4 contain the corresponding exchange rate. Also, J7:AJ41 contain a function that returns a number. Let me know if you need more information. I just can't figure why this is not working.
Sub newtabs()
Dim x As Range
Dim Curr As String
Dim Rate As Double
For Each x In Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Range("D1:D4")
Curr = x.Value
Rate = x.Offset(0, 1).Value
Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Select
Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Copy After:=Sheets(2)
Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount (2)").Name = Curr
Cells(7, 10).Select
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(activecell.offset(RC7)=" & Curr & ",('Cash Flow Detail - WkCount'!RC*" & Rate & "),0)"
End Sub
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Oct 28, 2006
I have a sheet that uses vlookup when the lookup returns #na error how can i conditional format these cells to so text is same as background
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Jul 30, 2007
I have sumproduct formula that returns #N/A error and I'm not sure why
If I narrow the range from $939 to $1093 then the formula works.
But that is only evaluating 1 unit of 10
As I add worksheets to the workbook and update the unit numbers in B10, the entire range needs to be evaluated for matching criteria.
workbook is way too large to upload.
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Feb 12, 2009
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with this formula in Excel 2003. I figured out how to do it in Excel 2007 using the SUMIFS statement, but alas Excel 2003 won't take a SUMIFS statement.
I have data in a column, J of Worksheet B that I need to add based on 2 conditions. The first conditions are in cells AJ6 to 8 on Worksheet A. The second condition must be matched from Column A of Worksheet B to the same condition in Column F on Worksheet A.
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