I want a UDF; = OK (f1,f2) each argument being an alternative function. If f1 returns an error message then use f2. Should be easy but I cannot get it to work.
I have created a calculated column in PowerPivot and inserted a formula that worked in a normal excel spreadsheet however, this formula does not work in PP anymore.
Name column: NAME: Bag green
it should find "green" in the name and return the position. Hoever it alway returns the error, that the find function could not find the string.I have attached an example spreadsheet.
I am having some trouble getting a formula to work. I am building a report that pulls figures from a pivot table in another workbook. I am using a vlookup with match function to get the column index to find the relevant data I want. Where I need to add two columns together I am using sum, with the vlookup & match formulas nested in them e.g.:
Where: F13 = Employee number Column C on the pivot 156 workbook is where the employee number is based. The Match formula is then getting the column index from the column headings of the pivot table ie. "FAID"
This in itself works fine, as long as it finds a match in the column headings. This is where i get the error as in the above function "COMD" is not in the pivot table. However I need to keep it included as it may appear on a future pivot table. Is there a way of getting the sum function to complete even though later in the formula it can't complete the vlookup? So it will ignore it, or assume the value is zero if it can't find it? The formula probably needs to do this for all the vlookups as some headings may drop off in future pivot tables.
I have this code that only returns a #NAME? error. I'd love it if someone could take a look and let me know what you think might be going on. If it factors into it, D1:D4 each contain one of the following: USD, AUD, GBP, MX and E1:E4 contain the corresponding exchange rate. Also, J7:AJ41 contain a function that returns a number. Let me know if you need more information. I just can't figure why this is not working.
Sub newtabs()
Dim x As Range Dim Curr As String Dim Rate As Double
For Each x In Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Range("D1:D4") Curr = x.Value Rate = x.Offset(0, 1).Value Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Select Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount").Copy After:=Sheets(2) Sheets("Cash Flow Detail - WkCount (2)").Name = Curr Cells(7, 10).Select ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=IF(activecell.offset(RC7)=" & Curr & ",('Cash Flow Detail - WkCount'!RC*" & Rate & "),0)" Selection.Copy ActiveCell.Range("a1:aa35").Select ActiveSheet.Paste Next End Sub
My formula =IF(OR( FIND("Bugs",E2),FIND("Daffy",E2)),"/wkly",0). Always returns #VALUE! error. I can understand if neither value occurs in the string, what confounds me is if one of the two does occur in the string If I shorten to
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong with this formula in Excel 2003. I figured out how to do it in Excel 2007 using the SUMIFS statement, but alas Excel 2003 won't take a SUMIFS statement.
I have data in a column, J of Worksheet B that I need to add based on 2 conditions. The first conditions are in cells AJ6 to 8 on Worksheet A. The second condition must be matched from Column A of Worksheet B to the same condition in Column F on Worksheet A.
Basically, if B36 is yes, use If Statement B, otherwise IF Statement A. If I write Yes, I get a "Value" error, if I change the yes to 1, I get a FALSE error.
I'm using the formula below to count the distinct number of values in the range, many values are repeated so this formula only counts each one once, it works sometimes. For some reason I get a #Div/0 error once in a while.
The entire range might not always have a value, when I get the error if I add text to the remaining cells of the range the error is cleared.
I do not want to use a If (iserr(myformula),0,myformula)) because there are still values that need to be counted even if the range is not totally populated.
I am using MS Query to join 3 worksheets together.
I need to calculate one field but it keeps returning an error. the 2 fields are part of the same table calle "Trades"
The fields are : Quantity and USD Price
USD Price is calculated initially in the worksheet using the current exchange rate. I can display each fields separately (no problem) but when I try to multply the 2: I get a syntax error.
Things i have tried: I tried to multiply Quantity by 2 and it works. when I try to multiply USD Price by 2 I get the syntax error.
I also tried to copy the values (not the formula) into a new column called USD Price2 and: - Quantity*USD Price2 : syntax error - USD Price2*2: Syntax error
Private Sub Workbook_Open() 'Application. ScreenUpdating = False ' Turns off screen updating Dim Filename As String Dim nFam As Integer Dim cRow As Integer Dim i As Integer ws As Worksheet
Filename = "O:BVRMusers_sharedJCIntraday ToolFamily List.xls" Workbooks.Open Filename 'Opens Family List
'Count the number of rows (Families) in Filename (Family List) Set ws = ActiveSheet With ws . Cells(1, 1).Select cRow = .UsedRange.Rows.Count End With End Sub
i cannot get ws to be set as the ActiveSheet. i receive a run time error 91 each time and cannot figure out what is wrong. i've used this code before under subform functions, but this is the first time i've placed it in the "ThisWorkbook" area.
I'm trying to sum cells in a column that meet the following criteria: If the first character of the cell = "V" then sum the last two characters in the same cell. I.e., if A4 = "V12" and A6 = "V10", then I need the formula to return the total 22. All other cells, whether blank or starting with a different letter need to be ignored. My attempts have failed, including this last one that returns a #VALUE error. =SUMPRODUCT(LEFT(A1:A10,1)="V")*(MID(A1:A10,2,2))
Having a problem with a simple udf to calculate values across multiple sheets using the calling cell as a reference point. It works great until you open another workbook and then switch back. At that point all cells calling this udf return a #value! error. If I type anywhere on the sheet all of the values will recalculate but this is less than ideal for the end users here. below is example of concept
Function TestMe() Application.Volatile (True) Dim strCallAddress As String Dim intSubTotal As Integer strCallAddress = Application.Caller.Address intSubTotal = Worksheets(2).Range(strCallAddress).Value intSubTotal = intSubTotal + Worksheets(3).Range(strCallAddress).Value TestMe = intSubtotal End Function
In column D I have the time of the end of my shift. When I try to input =MIN(1;$D:$D) in column E, i get the same answer (0,625) for any row, while =$D:$D gives correct values. So I guess it has something to do with the MIN function
Have a spreadsheet prepared by someone else on older Excel version exported from database. The sum and count functions work fine both vertically and horizontally, but trying to add selected cells returns #VALUE! Attached is small range of 50-col x 2500 row spreadsheet. Original content is highlighted in yellow. See cell E2. I assume the forumula is seeing number content as text. How do I convert the entire spreadsheet to numbers.
I am working on a Monthly Vehicle Spread Sheet. One of the outputs I am trying to achieve is an automatic calculation of Mile Per Gallon. To do this, I need to know if there is a function that will return the value of the first entry of a group of cells.
In calculating the miles per gallon, I need to subtract the first gallon amount entry of the total gallons in the month, then divide that number into the difference of the mileage in the month recorded when the vehicles fueled up.
I'm a newbie who has a simple "Area()" function that multiplies two numbers. I copied it off the Net as a programming test. I added to a Module of my Workbook using Tools>Macro>Visual Basic Editor. I put it in "Modules>Module1". Problem is, it doesn't seem to be recognized in my Workbook. When I enter "=Area(A1,A2)" into a cell (without the quotes) I get "#NAME?". What am I doing wrong? Here's the function:
I'm using the following phrase out of a much longer expression to demonstrate that the return value of the MID function seems to be nothing I can understand.
This expression:
returns 6/10 as text which makes sense. However I was under the impression that when text in Excel contains numeric characters, it can be interpreted as a number. So then how does the following expression,
return the result 38878? Does it still think it's text?
Im trying to do a lookup but when I drag the formula down it returns the wrong values and also returns #N/A or #REF (which I think means it's refering to a wrong range and cant find the data???). How can I do a look up function by dragging the formula down a long column of data eg. 65,000 rows in excel, that returns the correct text. I have attached a simple example- see attached.
I am trying to get the week from a given data (from a cell that has been correctly formatted with date). =YEAR works, =MONTH works, =WEEKNUM does not work. I am using Excel 2003 and I have tried in both my workplace and at home...
I.e., I have a date in C2 (18-05-08), and =YEAR(C2) returns 2008, =MONTH(C2) returns 5, while =WEEKNUM(C2) returns #NAME, and =WEEKNUM(C2,2) does not work at all...
However, is there a way that I can get Vlookup not to return N/A when I have a blank cell on the report (not in the data table). I want to be able to calculate the progressive grade average of a stduent as the year progrsses.
whats happening to my workbook. On a worksheet called Data, i'm pulling in a lot og data from a database. Then on another worksheet i'm looking for certain things on the data sheet and counting how many there are.
This all goes along find until i close the workbook, and then re-open.I click the automatically update button that appearsand once it finishs updating all my values are replaced with #Value.
I have a file created in Excel 2003 that uses a vlookup to reference another file, also created in Excel 2003. The function returns VALUE when the referenced file is closed. I get the VALUE error whether or not I update links upon opening the file. If I open the source file, the function calculates properly.
Here is the formula when the referenced file is open:
The full & correct path appears in the formula when the referenced file is closed.
Columns C, D & E in the referenced range contain text, column F contains a Sum. This file is linked to another file, also using lookups. The linked area in this file works without problem, but it is a precedent to the calculation in column F.
Both these files reside on a network in subdirectories of the same logical drive. I am using a laptop that briefly had Excel 2007 installed on it, but was wiped clean before it was issued to me.