Find Last Calculated Value In Column Of Formulas
Nov 5, 2009
I've got a workbook that includes a Check Register worksheet. Column K of the Check Register worksheet has formulas that maintain a running current balance. So Column K has numbers (calculated) from K12 down to the last transaction (K461 is this instance). Cells K462 to K2000 contain formulas awaiting to be calculated.
I've written a procedure to "Create New Year" and in the process, I want to capture the value of the last calculated value in Column K from the old year. I cobbled code from different websites and have come up with this code
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Aug 2, 2014
I have created a calculated column in PowerPivot and inserted a formula that worked in a normal excel spreadsheet however, this formula does not work in PP anymore.
Name column:
NAME: Bag green
it should find "green" in the name and return the position. Hoever it alway returns the error, that the find function could not find the string.I have attached an example spreadsheet.
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Mar 28, 2014
I am trying with no progress to join these parts of code to shorter part - to obtain formulas in format = 1 234 (for 1'123,342) in one. note, it is running after Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual . It will makes my code much easier to read.
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Jan 7, 2014
I would like to figure out a formula that will calculate what percentage of a column is filled based on the total number of rows.
For instance if I have Column K and that will have delayed savings by sales pursuit, I want to be able to calculate the percentage of what is being delayed from a total number of pursuits (basically the count of rows in column A). Ideally this would be a dynamic range (offset).
Ex. Say I have 25 rows in column A, but I only have 2 rows in column K filled. How can I calculate that there is a 8% (2/25) delay?
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Jan 27, 2007
When a date is entered e.g 1/27/2007 The bill payment dates should all be automatically calculated under the “Date” column. Rules for the date
Rule1. e.g. 1 Month—the date should be 1 month after the date entered (as shown by the simple example 1/27/2007 one month is 2/27/2007 in the sheet)
Rule2 if the date entered is the last day of the month, the calculated date should also be the last day of the month provided it is a working day.
E.g 1/31/2007 one month is 2/28/2007. (provided 2/28 is working day)
2/28/2007 one month is 4/30/2007 (provided 4/30 is working day)
Rule3 If the calculated date based on rule1 and rule2 is a non-working day, the date is pushed back by 1 till it becomes a working day. e.g 1/27/2007 two month is 3/27/2007 if 3/27/2007 is Saturday it becomes 3/28/2007 which is a Sunday, another non-working day. So the output should be 3/29/2007
Rule4, under rule3, the date cannot be pushed to the next month. Instead, we push the date forward. In the previous example assume 3/29, 3/30 and 3/31 are all public holidays, by rule3, it will be finally pushed to 4/1. But this becomes another month. So we push forward instead to 3/26 which is Friday. The output is 3/26/2007
Definition of working dates (Monday to Friday excluding the holidays listed in the sheet).........
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May 27, 2014
There are groups of similar ID numbers in Column J. For a group of similar ID numbers in consecutive rows there is only one row that has a number greater than 0 in its Column L cell and the rest of the cells of Column L for that set of similar IDs is filled with 0s.
First for that unique ID group I need to find out which row is it that has a value greater than zero in its Column L cell.
Then I need to use that value to fill the rest of the 0s in Column L corresponding to that set of Unique IDs.
The process continues with identifying similar IDs in Column J and this time doing the same thing for their Column M. I have attached a sample file that shows the data and how the results need to look like.
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Apr 18, 2008
When all is said and done, and you've finished an enormous amount of work in a workbook, is there an automated way, or something in the options to find out just how many formulas you used in it (aside from counting each cell with your cursor, lol)?
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Jul 19, 2009
I have various formulas (such as: =(D3-$E$3)/$E$3 )
which continues for each row (IE next row 3 is replaced with 4 etc)
I have made som errors when I made the formulas and therefore I have the following questions:
1. Is it possible to find and replace all E's with another letter (F in my case). I haven't been able to resolve this, when it has to be done inside formulas?
The optimal would be if I could set 'Display formulas' under tools, and find and replace in the formulas displayed.
2. Is there a smart way of swapping D3 with E3 for all formulas? (So the result will be: =($E$3-D3)/$E$3 and etc for all formulas)
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Sep 9, 2009
This is so hard to explain so see my example and my attachment. example: If "314A" is in column A and "4031" is in column B then return the value in column G.
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Jan 29, 2009
if I could find a good book on formulas, I might be able to raise the bar on my questions.
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May 13, 2013
On Sheet 2 I am looking for a formula to find Dog1 in a cell on a different sheet and then to equal a cell 2 columns to the right of where ever it found Dog1. I cannot make it so that it simply equals a certain cell all of the time. It has to be able to move in sheet 1. For example sometimes Dog1 will be on row 5 and sometimes it will be on row 7. So the equation I am looking for needs to be able to work no matter what row it is on. I have tried a couple VLOOKUP equations but they are not working because like I said, Dog1 is not the only text in that cell.
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Jul 11, 2007
I have many regularly used workbooks with financial data in them. Many times the financial data needs to be adjusted due to rounding issues. To do this I add a +1 or -1 or sometimes it is in decimal form +/- .1 Also the number "1" is not always (but almost always) used. There are some circumstances where I may add + 2 or +6 or any small number to the end of a formula.
My problem is that when I use the file again after making these changes, I am wanting to remove the "adjustments" I have made to the formulas. Sometimes a green triangle will appear in my cell telling me the formula does not match that of other near-by cells, and that is good, but it is not consistent enough to find them all, or even most of them.
What I am wanting is a macro I can run that will identify any cell with these "adjustments" I have added to them and I will then go in and delete the +/- 1 or whatever the number is. I can easily do a Find "+1" for the entire workbook, it is the range of possible numbers that is preventing me from doing a simple ctrl + f.
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Jul 20, 2007
Is there a function within Excel, that allows you to search for any relevant cells that have a hardcoded amount within a formula, ie. adding, subtracting, dividing or multiplying a harcoded number. eg. cell B2 + cell B3 + 5 and then identifying that cell because it has a +5 (however, being able to identify any hardcoded number anywhere from -9,999,999,999 to 9,999,999,999)
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Apr 6, 2007
In the first vlookup it picks up a value. I need to do the same vlookup function but it should also pick up another value in column 9 and should add value in column 7 and 9 and return it. Employee id numbers are in column E in the first page.My formula checks for the employee id in Su sheet and retrieves the value from the seventh column. I need to retrieve also from 9 th column and add them together.
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Mar 16, 2008
Is the some way I can find out how many VLOOKUP formulas I have in a sheet and a workbook?
I can find them with ctrl F, but is there a what to return a number of how many instead of counting frome the Find box.
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Feb 12, 2008
I have a macro that searches a column for a date and then selects the appropriate date. The next step is to then copy the row and insert a new one below the copied one and paste only the formulas and none of the data. I have tried several iterations but all of the seem to paste the data too.
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Feb 5, 2012
I am really struggling with the following formula:
I am trying to find the cell in the named row "Ann_TaylorRegularBust" that is closest to the input bust size in cell B4. This formula works when I use actual range instead of the named array.
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Jun 16, 2013
In my spreadsheet the formula
gives 8 which is correct.
But I know ONLY that the column is 11 (that is 11 th column). Then how do I write the above count formula wilthout using column letter k.
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Oct 2, 2007
I have a range that is filled with formulae and the the number of rows in the range with data changes as the formulae reevaluate the inputs. So the rows with visible data changes between one row and 200 rows. By looking at the output in the first column of the range, Col M and finding the last row where the formulae returns data, I need a way of selecting across the columns of the range (M1 through to Qi) where i is the number of rows that have data in.
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Jun 4, 2009
In the attached spreadsheet, I am trying to drag the formula from one column to the next but I need the same cells to be used in every column with the exception of one cell. For instance, the formula I want to use is in the cell highlighted yellow. In the next cell over (highlighted blue) I want the formula to use the same D and E cells with the only change being the first part of each (G). Both the blue and yellow cell represent what I want to do. For example, the next column (H) would have (H4+D4+E4) in the first part. Column I would have (I4+D4+E4), and so on.
The D and E columns will be in every equation for each column. The problem is that excel wants to use the next column over instead of keeping D and E in each. How do I drag these equations so that it just changes the first part and keeps the D and E columns the same?
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Apr 25, 2009
I need to Fill formulas down the column.
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Oct 13, 2008
I'd like to use a SUM formula to add together the numbers in a column, however i would like to do this missing some rows out........ ie; A1:A11 plus A13:A20 plus A22:A30.
I would also like to do this with another column containg fractions.
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May 9, 2009
How do I add a column of cells with formulas without getting #DIV/O! for the total?
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Mar 11, 2007
I have a column of values (Sold Price) for which I need to figure extra fees related to that cost, but they vary depending on the cost. The different fees associated with the Sold Price are:
A. If SP is $.01 - $25, fee is 10% of SP
B. If SP is $25.01 - $100, fee is 10% of 1st $25, plus 7% of remaining balance
C. If SP is $100.01 - $1,000, fee is 10% of 1st $25, plus 7% of next $25.01 - 100.00, plus 5% of remaining balance over 100
So I need one formula to go into the fee column which will work with all values of the SP column.
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Feb 17, 2008
Greetings Wizards of Oz! I have a workbook with financial data on two sheets in columns A - G on each sheet and formulas in columns H through P on both sheets which compares the data on the two sheets. What I would like is for the formulas to autofill down the same number of rows as there is data on each sheet. I currently have the formulas copying down 500 rows using the following macro but I'd like to do it properly.
Sub Copy_Formulas_Down()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False
End Sub
I experimented using FillDown from something I found in another post and modified it successfully - or so I thought - this script runs fine on one sheet but not the other. I get "Selection too big" when I run it on the second sheet. I think it has something to do with excel "remembering" that at one time I had data in all 65536 rows but I don't know what to do about it.
Sub Copy_Formulas_Down()
Range(Selection, Selection.End(xlToRight)).Select
Range(Selection, ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).End(xlDown).Offset(0, 1)).FillDown
End Sub.......................
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Apr 10, 2014
I would like to drag down the formula from the last cell in Column A in reference to the last row in column B.
E.g My last data in Column A104 (code to select the last cell and this can vary from time to time the report is updated)
Column B has data till B142. I want to drag A104(contains formulas) down to A142.
Here is what I have but Selection Autofill doesn't work.
Selection.AutoFill Destination:=Range("A3:A" & Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row), Type:=xlFillDefault
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Jul 27, 2006
How do I transpose formulas from a line to a colllumn?
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Apr 9, 2012
I want to place this forumla "=IF(INT(B3/$U$1)=(B3/$U$1),1,0)" across my worksheet.
Now, I'm okay when dragging down as it works fine with the B3 changing to B4 and the U1 staying as U1.
However, I would like it so that when I drag it horizontally, the U1 becomes V1. I want it so that I can do this and it stays within the $. So when dragging sideways it becomes "=IF(INT(B3/$V$1)=(B3/$V$1),1,0)".
if this is possible and if so, how to do it?
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Jul 5, 2006
I have a long list of inventory parts and there can be additions or deletions at any time. Currently the inventory is determined using formulas from other worksheets and this uses formulas. If I have a user insert a row to create a part in inventory, is there a way to make the formulas automatically be created in the cells within the row?
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Jun 5, 2008
I need a script that will look for all the formulas in a sheet and increase them by a digit.
Lets say one that particular formula is =(A1-A2)/A2*100
I need the macro to change this to =(B1-B2)/B2*100
I have already programmed in a Find/Replace command, but realised that this would only work one time only. I need generic code that will bump them up each time rather than having to hard code the Find/Replace command for every single cell in the book.
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