Find Last Cell In Column And Increment
Jan 24, 2009
I have a worksheet (Sheet1) with column A labeled MissionNumber. I have also created a Form which I can use to enter the next mission number into that column. However, instead of manually entering the number...when opening the form I would like it to check column A for the last entry...and automatically increment the mission number by 1 and have it displayed on the form.
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May 21, 2009
Increment all cells located in Column H up by one (the one above it) cell Except for the header cell (since its the header)(H1),
H2 will always be a blank due to the make up of my database so that will not cause the header to be re-written.
Column H is not an entirely filled column and some cells are empty (if this info was needed in optimizing the code),
Im seeking the quickest and easiest way of implementing this since the database is very large.
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Jun 28, 2009
Here is what I try to do:
A1 = Power(C1,B1)
A2 = Power(C2, B1)
A3 = Power(C3, B1)
An = Power(Cn, B1)
How can I increment column C while keeping B constant at B1 by using right-bottom mouse pointer dragging on column A? Or is there another way?
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Apr 15, 2013
I have a number of strings in adjacent columns in the same row, like so.
Coulmn1 Column2 "blank" Column3
If the cell is blank I want to hide the respective column .
I'm guessing the code will roughly take the form of the code below with an if statement nested in a for statement.
Sub (test)
With Range("BD22")
For i = 1 To 10
if range (i,22) = "" then hide
else don't hide
.Offset(1, 0).Formula
Next i
End With
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Jun 14, 2013
I have a workbook that has a few data sheets and a summary sheet. On this summary sheet I have to grab data from the data sheets which is in the same row number but different column (always 5 to the right of the previous one).
Eg: Person's Name is in Row 10, Col E (E10), the next name is in J10, then O10, etc. This carries on past Column Z. For each person there is a bunch of other data which is in the same format (set row but 5 over for column).
Since row stays the same i thought i could absolute reference that and then leave column as relative and drag down. This works but only if I drag to the right (across columns) and only if i need to increment by 1.
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Jun 21, 2014
Have table with five columns and five rows. The columns(C4:H4) hold Systems, Systems is a defined range, and rows (B5:B9) hold staffer names, Staffer is a defined range. Cell A5 holds period, by quarters, ie, Q1-Q4.
At present am using =COUNTIFS(Staffer,$B$5,System,C4,Q,$A$5). This works fine but as you can see I must change the Staffer starting reference $B$5, with each new row.
formula that changes column and row automatically as I drag down and across.
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Jan 17, 2008
I'm using a macro to update individual formulas in a sheet that contains data from external documents. (i.e. ='C:September[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$AZ$1 + 'C:September[Book3.xls]Sheet1'!$BA$1 ) Every quarter I have to change the column references in this formula (i.e. $AZ$ will become $BD$ and $BA$ will become $BE$ and so on). Also I have to change the September reference to December etc (but I've mastered this already). My current code works well, but requires manual updating:
Dim ColumnReference1
ColumnReference1 = "BD"
Dim ColumnReference2
ColumnReference2 = "BE"
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H48").Formula = "='C:September[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$" & ColumnReference1 & "$1 + 'C:September[Book3.xls]Sheet1'!$" & ColumnReference2 & "$1"
My problem with this method is that I need to automate the updating of ColumnReference1 = "BD" to ColumnReference1 = "BH" to ColumnReference1 = "BL" and so on and so forth. It's handy that the reference shifts across 5 columns, which remains constant. Ideally, I'd like to tell the macro to look at "AZ" then add 5 columns.
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Jan 18, 2008
I'm trying to write a formula that will keep the Column ID static while allowing the Row ID to be reference. Each week my worksheet adds one line and the formula in question is moved one cell to the right and thus the formula cell makes the same move (1, -1). I need the formula to keep the column the same from week to week, while allowing the row to shift downward with the formula. I've attached a sample spreadsheet with the formula I derived. Check out the highlighted formula to familiarize yourself before running.
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Mar 7, 2014
I am working on a sheet that has dynamic data saved. For any new value, a new row is inserted. I want to add a counter or more like an index so that I can see the number of the rows. I know that excel has is on the side but, I want to be able to make calculations. Like average of the numbers. Lets say I have 512 rows added. I want to be able (automatically via vba) to set the average with a sum of the values/ 512 which will be the number of the code I am asking. So I want a code that will start with the number 1 at (lets say) cell B2 and it will go like B3=2, B4=3.... any time a new row with data is added.
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Apr 27, 2014
I am creating a training document for work; the sheet I'm creating is a summary sheet which works out how many people answered questions correctly, incorrectly (bringing in from another sheet), number of questions answered and percentage of correct answers.
Looks like:
Correct: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"correct")
Incorrect: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"incorrect")
Number of questions answered: =SUM(C4+C5) (correct+incorrect)
Percentage right: =SUM(C4/C6) (correct/number answered)
I need to drag these 4 formulas down into another 400+rows, however in the correct and incorrect formulas I need it to keep the 2:36 but change the e to f, g, h, etc.
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Oct 29, 2009
I have the following formula. How can I change it so thst when copy/drag the column number automatically increments by 1
IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE))
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Dec 3, 2007
COPYING indirect formula. When I copy, the lookup reference does not change. My formula is =INDIRECT("'"&$A247&"'!j106"). When I copy horizontally across cells, I want J106 to increase, ie j107, j108 etc. At the moment it remains at J106 and i have to manually increase the numbers by 1.
How do I change my formula so that the numbers increase automatically?
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Jul 10, 2013
In Column A, each cell up to A2197 has had data manually entered. A2194 has data AD453302085PIND, A2195 has data AD453302086PIND, A2196 has data AD453302087PIND.
Following on from A2197, I need to increment each cell by one number. I have modified the following solutions which were provided yesterday ="AD"&RIGHT(LEFT(A2196,5),3)+1&"PIND" and
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May 22, 2014
I'm trying to use the following loop to increment the column width of a range of columns thus:
NewWidth = 0
WidthIncrement = 0.5
For MyCount = 1 To 26
NewWidth = NewWidth + WidthIncrement
Cells(1, MyCount).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = NewWidth
If I set WidthIncrement to be an integer value, the code works correctly. If, however, I make it something like 0.1, all the column widths that the loop acts on are set to 0. I suspect it's something to do with how I'm declaring the NewWidth and WidthIncrement variables - they're currently set to Double. I know that I can have decimal values for column widths (e.g. 8.43)
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Jun 6, 2014
In my spreadsheet, each row of data in Column B starts with 3 numerics (e.g. 001) followed by some text. For example:
Cell B2 contains '001 - Text for this cell'
Cell B3 contains '002 - Different Text for this cell',
Cell B4 contains '003 - Different Text for this cell', etc.
I have hundreds of rows which follow this format.
I have had to insert several rows in my spreadsheet in between existing rows which has thrown off the numbering in the first three positions of my Column B cells.
Is there any way to update the data in Column B so the text data in each cell is retained but the first 3 numeric values are updated and again sequential?
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Aug 6, 2009
Please see the attached sheet. I have columns B through a lot (B through O in my oversimplified example). In every 7th row in each of these columns there is either a 1 or a blank/zero. I need to multiply that 7th number by the Quantity in column A, to achieve a total (ie the sum of each result of 7th cell*quantity) for each column in the bottom row, labeled "Totals".
In the actual version of my sheet, there are far too many rows to select everything manually. I've been fiddling with combinations of COUNTIF/COUNTA and OFFSET, but I haven't come up with a way to check for the 1 in every 7th row, THEN multiply that 1 by the quantity in column A, THEN add up the results for each column. As you can see, there are 1's elsewhere in the columns that are irrelevant to this particular calculation, so something like LOOKUP would also have to look in every 7th cell and couldn't just look at the column as a whole.
If you can't provide an immediate solution, but can at least point me to a resource that would allow me to devise a way to isolate every 7th row (THAT part is the sticking point), I'll surely post the solution to my own thread with updated keywords if I need it.
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Mar 21, 2008
I have a formula that I want to insert using a macro, so how do I iterate the * values in this line?
ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='Sheet1'!R[*]C[*]"
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Aug 7, 2013
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May 24, 2008
I have an excel sheet I am working on and in columns F1:F2000 I have an IF statment, I need to be able to add more "IF"s to it but I will exceed the 1024 char limit. Is there a way I can put this formula into VB as a function called DocumentType() and then in excel F1:F2000 =DocumentType()?
Is it as simple as:
Function DocumentType()
End Function
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Mar 14, 2013
I have a table... One of my cells is called Capacitors and the number of the cell is 202600. This is the default value. How can i increment this value?
For example:
I have capacitors in one cell with this value => 202600.
But I want to put capacitors in another cell and i want the value to be 202600 + 1 => 202601
Another cell with capacitors with 202600 + 2 => 202602
And so on...
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Oct 31, 2008
How do I increment a cell by 1 when data in another cell is changed. In other words...I am logging phone calls made. When I enter the date I made a call I want a cell labeled "times called" to increase by one.
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Nov 20, 2011
In my excel workbook, I have a customer table and invoice sheet among many others.
As part of my system, there is functionality to grant new customers with a discount on the first purchase. Within my customer table, the last two columns are "Number of Purchases" and "Customer Type" (either single/multiple depending on no. of purchases), which are then used to determine whether the discount is valid or not on the invoice.
Once an invoice has been created, archived and refreshed with the customer selected (via a Customer ID), I would like some code to auto increment the number of purchases on the Customer table for that specific customer to +1.
For example, customer called Bob (Bob-1);
Number of purchases = 1
Customer Type = Single
Discount = Yes
Invoice then created for Bob (using Bob-1 as the unique value), sent off and refreshed. New figures should be:
Number of purchases = 2
Customer Type = Multiple (can be achieved by using IF statement on No. of purchases)
Discount = No
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Feb 26, 2014
I have a spreadsheet with 2100 rows. I am trying to fill one column with a numbering system that fills the same number in for 21 cells and then increases by one. For example:
However, I did the first column manually and wish to fill in my "trial" column for all 100 trials.
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Sep 29, 2005
How do you get a value within a cell to increment, by say, 1, for each and
every worksheet within my workbook?
For example, the value in sheet1 in cell A1 is 100
in sheet2, I input...= 1 + 'sheet1'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 101)
then, in sheet 3, I input...= 1 + 'sheet2'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 102)
then, in sheet 4, I input...= 1 + 'sheet3'!A1 in cell A1 (value now is 103)
How can I input a formula...then copy and paste it into my sheets without
having to go to each and every worksheet to input the formula?
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Feb 27, 2012
iam clicking on A6 than that show in that cell 2
if i click on b3 it will show 3 and so on
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Apr 24, 2014
I'm a structural design engineer and I want to develop my own spreadsheet to calculate required area (mm^2) of reinforcement bars in concrete to avoid concrete cracking due to temperature rise in summer. Available input are min area of reinfor (cell A3), crack width limit (A1) and calculated crack with (A2). For example.....
A1= Crack width limit 0.2mm. A2= Calculated crack 0.28mm (which is higher than the limit 0.2mm; therefore min area of reinfor A3= 1450mm^2 is insufficient to stop concrete from cracking). stop cracking, I want cell B1 to take 1450 from A3 and keep increasing it until the condiotn A1>=A2 is met and I want cell B1 to display that increament( lets say 1780mm^2). I hope you do get what exaclty I want to do in excel
I don't have much experience in Excel so I don't know anything about Macro/VBA coding etc. Can we do a simple thing like this B1=IF(A1>=A2,A3,somthing here to keep adding a value to A3??) OR do we have to give pragamming code???
If it has to be Macro/VBA, complete coding with an instruction where to write it.
NB: There are several calculations done with manual inputs within the sheet to derive the A2 (0.28mm) value
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Nov 17, 2006
I currently have a Macro which increments a cell by 1, as follows:
Sub Up_One()
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value + 1
End Sub
Sub Down_One()
ActiveCell.Value = ActiveCell.Value - 1
End Sub
How do I amend this so the selected cell 'goes to' cell A4 before carrying out the macro above?
My employees keep forgetting to click in cell A4, and the macro will simply increment whatever cell you're in at the time of click...
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Nov 24, 2006
Im trying to write a very basic macro that will let me increment a cell value from 0 to 20. in this instance im trying to make cell a40 change from 0 to 20 and im trying to make it increment by 1 every time and then go back down from 20 to 0. In this code i need to be able to see the changes happening as i will be showing the incrementation on a graph.
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Dec 15, 2006
I am working on a Loop, I have most of it working except incrementing the cell.
I have this,
PartN = Worksheets("Parts").Range("A3").Value
then the loop. what I can't figure out is I need for A3 to increment by one row until the loop is done. i.e. loop runs as A3, then A4, then A5 etc.. until the specified number of the loop is reached (which is basically the number of rows I have)
I tired something like
Dim CellN As Variable
CellN = "A3"
Do Until xxx
PartN = Worksheets("Parts").Range(CellN).Value
then before the Loop statement at the bottom I put
CellN = CellN + 1
but I get a type mismatch error
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Sep 11, 2007
I am experimenting one way to solve one problem, but to do this I have to Name some cells with some values, thing that normaly in VBA is symple but I have never done before in coding. May be my problem is because what I am doing is not valid with the vlookup but if you can take a look to my file. The problem is that when I run the Macros the Named Cells are totaly out of place...
Sub Lookup()
dercell_unit = Range("C65500").End(xlUp).Row
Range("B" & dercell_unit, "E2").Select
Set Rango = Range("B" & dercell_unit, "E2")
For i = 2 To dercell_unit
Names.Add "VALrsa", "=$C" & i
Names.Add "RESOLdds", "=$D" & i
Cells(i, 7) = Application.VLookup(Cells(i, 2), Rango, 4, False)
Next i
End Sub
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