Increment All Formula Column References

Jan 17, 2008

I'm using a macro to update individual formulas in a sheet that contains data from external documents. (i.e. ='C:September[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$AZ$1 + 'C:September[Book3.xls]Sheet1'!$BA$1 ) Every quarter I have to change the column references in this formula (i.e. $AZ$ will become $BD$ and $BA$ will become $BE$ and so on). Also I have to change the September reference to December etc (but I've mastered this already). My current code works well, but requires manual updating:

Dim ColumnReference1
ColumnReference1 = "BD"
Dim ColumnReference2
ColumnReference2 = "BE"
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H48").Formula = "='C:September[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$" & ColumnReference1 & "$1 + 'C:September[Book3.xls]Sheet1'!$" & ColumnReference2 & "$1"

My problem with this method is that I need to automate the updating of ColumnReference1 = "BD" to ColumnReference1 = "BH" to ColumnReference1 = "BL" and so on and so forth. It's handy that the reference shifts across 5 columns, which remains constant. Ideally, I'd like to tell the macro to look at "AZ" then add 5 columns.

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Formula To Increment Indirect References

Mar 5, 2009

I have a sheet which needs to look up one reference and then fill a table with the rest of them.


Cell A1 contains '0091 911'!$E$2 (cell E2 contains value 100)

Cell A2 contains =indirect(A1) and displays value 100

I need a formula which will auto fill the remaining cells in the table.


Cell A3 fills to contain '0091 911'!$E$3 (row +1)

Cell B2 fills to contain '0091 911'!$F$2 (column +1)

so it needs to fill the Indirect reference and not =indirect(A1),=indirect(A2)....

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Increment Address References In Loop

Oct 11, 2007

I try to select a range with a counter, but cannot find how to do it.
My aim is in the following loop to select the range ("B,i:V,i").
B and V are the colum, i is the counter that marks the row number, counting from 8 to 16.

Sub Copy()

For i = 8 To 16
If Cells(i, 7).Value <> 0 Then
i = i - 1

Cells(i, 2).Select

'this is the cell that should be a range ("B8:V8") to ("B16:V16"), as the counter goes from 8 to 16

i = i + 1
Cells(i, 2).Select
Application.CutCopyMode = False

End If
Next i
End Sub
the Sub works with a cell, can somebody please tell me how to turn the cell in the range?

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Increment Row And Column While Using Countifs Formula?

Jun 21, 2014

Have table with five columns and five rows. The columns(C4:H4) hold Systems, Systems is a defined range, and rows (B5:B9) hold staffer names, Staffer is a defined range. Cell A5 holds period, by quarters, ie, Q1-Q4.

At present am using =COUNTIFS(Staffer,$B$5,System,C4,Q,$A$5). This works fine but as you can see I must change the Staffer starting reference $B$5, with each new row.

formula that changes column and row automatically as I drag down and across.

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Increment Formula Row Reference But Not Column

Jan 18, 2008

I'm trying to write a formula that will keep the Column ID static while allowing the Row ID to be reference. Each week my worksheet adds one line and the formula in question is moved one cell to the right and thus the formula cell makes the same move (1, -1). I need the formula to keep the column the same from week to week, while allowing the row to shift downward with the formula. I've attached a sample spreadsheet with the formula I derived. Check out the highlighted formula to familiarize yourself before running.

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Increment Column Address While Copying Formula Down?

Apr 27, 2014

I am creating a training document for work; the sheet I'm creating is a summary sheet which works out how many people answered questions correctly, incorrectly (bringing in from another sheet), number of questions answered and percentage of correct answers.

Looks like:
Correct: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"correct")
Incorrect: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"incorrect")
Number of questions answered: =SUM(C4+C5) (correct+incorrect)
Percentage right: =SUM(C4/C6) (correct/number answered)

I need to drag these 4 formulas down into another 400+rows, however in the correct and incorrect formulas I need it to keep the 2:36 but change the e to f, g, h, etc.

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Increment Indirect Formula Column Reference

Dec 3, 2007

COPYING indirect formula. When I copy, the lookup reference does not change. My formula is =INDIRECT("'"&$A247&"'!j106"). When I copy horizontally across cells, I want J106 to increase, ie j107, j108 etc. At the moment it remains at J106 and i have to manually increase the numbers by 1.

How do I change my formula so that the numbers increase automatically?

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Increment Row And Column In Formula Reference Added With Macro Code

Mar 21, 2008

I have a formula that I want to insert using a macro, so how do I iterate the * values in this line?

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='Sheet1'!R[*]C[*]"

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Changing Hard Coded Column References To Variable References

Oct 22, 2009

I have a number of statements within the Sheet Event Code (Excel 2007). Three times lately I have added a column and had to go back into the code and find all of the references that needed changing to reflect the new column.

I have been working on this for a couple of days and even tried EE, but to no success.

I have read that Defined Names / Constants should be used as often as possible, but even trying that, the VBA code errors out or "hangs up". Even within Bill Jalen's book (VBA and Macros 2007), there is nothing that addresses this, especially using Intersect.

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim rng As Range

On Error GoTo mEnd
Set rng = Sheets("Log").[F14:F10000]
If Not Intersect(rng, Target) Is Nothing Then
If Target = "" Then
With Sheets("Log")

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Structured References And With Cell References I Get A Column Of Zeros

Nov 25, 2007

It is suppose to be that if the employee is "FT" and has worked >=4 years the return is 15. But if the employee is FT and has worked 2 years but less than 4 years then it is suppose to return 10 (these are days off) Or if the employee is FT and has worked 1 year, but less than 2 then it should return 5 days off. And all the others in the column get no days off.

I have tried to do it with structured references and with cell references I get a column of zeros!

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Increment Within A Formula

Sep 15, 2008

I have a formula that I'd like to have increment by one, but I can't figure out how to do it.

Here's the formula:

I'd like to have the -4 in the equation increment to -5 when I paste it to the next row without having to fix each one of them.

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Increment One Column But Keep The Other Constant

Jun 28, 2009

Here is what I try to do:
A1 = Power(C1,B1)
A2 = Power(C2, B1)
A3 = Power(C3, B1)
An = Power(Cn, B1)

How can I increment column C while keeping B constant at B1 by using right-bottom mouse pointer dragging on column A? Or is there another way?

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VBA Column Increment Loop?

Apr 15, 2013

I have a number of strings in adjacent columns in the same row, like so.

Coulmn1 Column2 "blank" Column3

If the cell is blank I want to hide the respective column .

I'm guessing the code will roughly take the form of the code below with an if statement nested in a for statement.

Sub (test)
With Range("BD22")
For i = 1 To 10
if range (i,22) = "" then hide
else don't hide
.Offset(1, 0).Formula
Next i
End With

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Increment Column By 5 - Fill Down

Jun 14, 2013

I have a workbook that has a few data sheets and a summary sheet. On this summary sheet I have to grab data from the data sheets which is in the same row number but different column (always 5 to the right of the previous one).

Eg: Person's Name is in Row 10, Col E (E10), the next name is in J10, then O10, etc. This carries on past Column Z. For each person there is a bunch of other data which is in the same format (set row but 5 over for column).

Since row stays the same i thought i could absolute reference that and then leave column as relative and drag down. This works but only if I drag to the right (across columns) and only if i need to increment by 1.

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Increment Formula With If Statement

Aug 7, 2012

How to increment a formula with an If statement that transforms 2 values in time format and then as long as these two values keep beeing added in the cells the formula keeps active in the column.

I tried to apply the code for all the but this makes my file huge like 20MB!

You can check this on the file, go the "records" sheet, add the time in the "shift start" and "shift end" fields, then the difference value goes to "hours" in the sheet.

[URL] .....

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Find Last Cell In Column And Increment

Jan 24, 2009

I have a worksheet (Sheet1) with column A labeled MissionNumber. I have also created a Form which I can use to enter the next mission number into that column. However, instead of manually entering the number...when opening the form I would like it to check column A for the last entry...and automatically increment the mission number by 1 and have it displayed on the form.

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Replace Cell References In Formula With The Header Of The Cells Referenced In Said Formula

Dec 22, 2009

Here is the scenario:

I need to reference the formula in D1 with the cells headers names.

In a perfect world, it would take

and produce:

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Increment Formula By 1 In Successive Worksheets?

Dec 24, 2012

I have a workbook with 70+ worksheets that pulls data from a single input sheet and I need to increment the cell references in each worksheet by 1. Is there a way to do that without having to manually open each worksheet and change the cell reference.

'Row 27 on worksheet 1 cell B27' =+Input!$D3
'Row 27 on worksheet 2 cell B27' =+Input!$D4
'Row 27 on worksheet 3 cell B27' =+Input!$D5
Thru worksheet 70
'Row 27 on worksheet 70 cell B27' =+Input!$D72

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Increment/Modify A Formula Using Macros

Jul 22, 2006

I am needing a macro to modify a cell reference contained in a formula. For example: I have "=B2" in a cell of my worksheet, and I need some code to select and increment that by 1 so it becomes "=B3". I know how to use the ActiveCell.Offset command, as shown below, to select a specific cell so that it can then be modified, but I can't figure out how to make the actual change. ActiveCell.Offset(rowOffset:=0, columnOffset:=-1).Select

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Increment Formula Reference By X Rows

Aug 31, 2006

If I type the formula below into cell A1 and then drag it to cell A2 it correctly changes $A6 to $A7

CELL A1 =Planner!$A6*(BS8/20)
CELL A2 =Planner!$A7*(BS9/20)

I would like it to change $A6 to $A14 and then to $A22 as below. In other words adding 8 to the reference each time I drag it down.

CELL A1 =Planner!$A6*(BS8/20)
CELL A2 =Planner!$A14*(BS9/20)
CELL A3 =Planner!$A22*(BS10/20)
CELL A4 ==Planner!$A30*(BS11/20)

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Copy Formula Across Columns But Increment Row

Jun 1, 2008

I am trying to link cells between two worksheets and am having some difficulty. For instance, in E17, I want the cell to reference cell H41 on sheet 2 and for F17 I want it to reference H42 on sheet 2, etc. However, using the formula =Sheet2!H41 when I cut and paste the formula it changes it to =Sheet2!I41 (ie it changes the column and keeps the row constant). I want to find a way to fill a large amount of cells this way and would prefer to not have to manually change each cell individually. I assume I would use the indirect( and the column( commands but can't seem to figure that one out.

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Add Counter Column That Will Increment The Number Of The Rows (1,2,3..)

Mar 7, 2014

I am working on a sheet that has dynamic data saved. For any new value, a new row is inserted. I want to add a counter or more like an index so that I can see the number of the rows. I know that excel has is on the side but, I want to be able to make calculations. Like average of the numbers. Lets say I have 512 rows added. I want to be able (automatically via vba) to set the average with a sum of the values/ 512 which will be the number of the code I am asking. So I want a code that will start with the number 1 at (lets say) cell B2 and it will go like B3=2, B4=3.... any time a new row with data is added.

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Automatically Increment Column Number In Vlookup

Oct 29, 2009

I have the following formula. How can I change it so thst when copy/drag the column number automatically increments by 1

IF(ISNA(VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE)),0,VLOOKUP($A2,'Purchase Order Pivot Table'!$5:$500,67,FALSE))

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Replace Character Used In Formula Where Formula References Cell

Feb 23, 2008

I am using vlookup to get a cell value from another sheet, but if the cell has "&" or "/" I need to substitue "&" and "/" with "and" so that the cell can be added later to a url.

i am using =VLOOKUP(a1,Sheet2!A1:W17968,6) to get the value of a1 in sheet 2 and return the value of column 6

this will return "Audio Cables & Leads" but i need it to say Audio Cables and Leads

I need the formula to also check and replace "/" with "and" as well so cables/wire will be Cables and wire

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How To Fill Down Selection But Increment Formula In Cell By +1

Mar 29, 2014

I have items in a column like below:

Line (A1) asdfasdf
Line (A2) adsfadsf
Line (A3) asdfasdf

What I would like to be able to do is highlight the three columns and fill down, but I would like for it to increment and paste the next three lines filled like this:

Line (A2) asdfasdf
Line (A3) adsfadsf
Line (A4) asdfasdf

Then below that the next three lines filled like this:

Line (A3) asdfasdf
Line (A4) adsfadsf
Line (A5) asdfasdf

The (A1, A2, etc.) are cell ranges and already contain the concatenate function that pulls data from a different location. The problem I am having is when I

highlight and fill down, it doesn't increment the cell by +1 (Ex. A1 beomes A2) but instead by +3 (A1 becomes A4) the number of lines highlighted.

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Copy / Paste Formula With Increment Of Six Rows

Apr 8, 2014

I am trying linking it and this what I am trying to do , need a formula for it.


Sheet 1 cell J3= Sheet 2 cell K3
Sheet 1 cell J4= Sheet 2 cell K9
Sheet 1 cell J5= Sheet 2 cell K15
and so on.

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How To Increment Worksheet Reference When Copying Formula

Feb 26, 2014

I'm having to copy formula on a tabulation sheet that compiles information from other worksheets, and I need to change the formulas in each row to refer to the successive worksheets. Right now I don't know any other way than changing the formula in each cell, and this is taking way too long.


One cell's formula: =COUNTIF('5'!$F$21:$T$50,TABULATION!C$5) In the next row down, I need it be: =COUNTIF('6'!$F$21:$T$50,TABULATION!C$5), then =COUNTIF('7'!$F$21:$T$50,TABULATION!C$5), and so on.


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How To Increment Worksheet Number When Dragging Formula

Nov 29, 2012


I have data in worksheets that make up the 52 weeks of the year. Each sheet is numbered like this "WK1" "WK2" and so on... up to "WK52"

Each sheet is setup exactly the same so all cells are the same.

So I have a summary sheet that structures the data from all the week sheets to plot to graph all within the same file.

Thing is when I link the first cell to the first sheet say WK1 and then try to drag the formula down to the worksheet number does not increment

Tried the code in the beginning of this post and it displays the worksheet and cell number in the cell cant get the actual data to be displayed.

When I drag this formula down I want it to index the worksheet number


Like this


This is what I get in the cell when I use the formula given in the post

WK01! $AG$14

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Formula To Increment Value Based On Time Range

Mar 1, 2014

I am working on a model for a school project. Time is in ColA, the number of events is in ColB.

Each event requires one person to work before and after the event. For example, if we assume that I need one person 30 min before the event, one during the event and one 15 min after the event - ColC shows the number of staff required. I would need a formula to calculate ColC. Basically I want excel to add the values of the rows above and below a value if it is within a specified time range

It gets a little bit more complicated unfortunately, the time requirements need to be dynamic - so one day it is 30 min before the event, but another day it could only be 15 min before but 30 min after the event etc.

I was trying to do this with a SUMIF formulas, but couldn't get it to work.

Col A
Col B
Col C

7:00:00 AM

[Code] .........

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Increment Row Number Within Formula When Copying Across Columns

Mar 16, 2009

to copying a formula from one column to the next adjacent column and also incrementing the 2 numeric values inside the formula. Please see attached sample.

One value increments with each new column whereas the other increments with each new row. Please see attached sample.

And in the last row there is the average formula which must copy the new column and average the new column.

I tried to create a Macro in attached but it did not work with formulas.

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