Increment Indirect Formula Column Reference

Dec 3, 2007

COPYING indirect formula. When I copy, the lookup reference does not change. My formula is =INDIRECT("'"&$A247&"'!j106"). When I copy horizontally across cells, I want J106 to increase, ie j107, j108 etc. At the moment it remains at J106 and i have to manually increase the numbers by 1.

How do I change my formula so that the numbers increase automatically?

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Increment Formula Row Reference But Not Column

Jan 18, 2008

I'm trying to write a formula that will keep the Column ID static while allowing the Row ID to be reference. Each week my worksheet adds one line and the formula in question is moved one cell to the right and thus the formula cell makes the same move (1, -1). I need the formula to keep the column the same from week to week, while allowing the row to shift downward with the formula. I've attached a sample spreadsheet with the formula I derived. Check out the highlighted formula to familiarize yourself before running.

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Increment Row And Column In Formula Reference Added With Macro Code

Mar 21, 2008

I have a formula that I want to insert using a macro, so how do I iterate the * values in this line?

ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "='Sheet1'!R[*]C[*]"

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Formula To Increment Indirect References

Mar 5, 2009

I have a sheet which needs to look up one reference and then fill a table with the rest of them.


Cell A1 contains '0091 911'!$E$2 (cell E2 contains value 100)

Cell A2 contains =indirect(A1) and displays value 100

I need a formula which will auto fill the remaining cells in the table.


Cell A3 fills to contain '0091 911'!$E$3 (row +1)

Cell B2 fills to contain '0091 911'!$F$2 (column +1)

so it needs to fill the Indirect reference and not =indirect(A1),=indirect(A2)....

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Increment Formula Reference By X Rows

Aug 31, 2006

If I type the formula below into cell A1 and then drag it to cell A2 it correctly changes $A6 to $A7

CELL A1 =Planner!$A6*(BS8/20)
CELL A2 =Planner!$A7*(BS9/20)

I would like it to change $A6 to $A14 and then to $A22 as below. In other words adding 8 to the reference each time I drag it down.

CELL A1 =Planner!$A6*(BS8/20)
CELL A2 =Planner!$A14*(BS9/20)
CELL A3 =Planner!$A22*(BS10/20)
CELL A4 ==Planner!$A30*(BS11/20)

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How To Increment Worksheet Reference When Copying Formula

Feb 26, 2014

I'm having to copy formula on a tabulation sheet that compiles information from other worksheets, and I need to change the formulas in each row to refer to the successive worksheets. Right now I don't know any other way than changing the formula in each cell, and this is taking way too long.


One cell's formula: =COUNTIF('5'!$F$21:$T$50,TABULATION!C$5) In the next row down, I need it be: =COUNTIF('6'!$F$21:$T$50,TABULATION!C$5), then =COUNTIF('7'!$F$21:$T$50,TABULATION!C$5), and so on.


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Increment Part Of Formula Row Reference When Filling Across

Jan 15, 2008

I have a spreadsheet containing quite a few lookups etc. I am trying to copy a cell across about 10 columns. This has to be done for about 50 different rows on about 20 different sheets, so I am looking for an alteration to the formula to help me rather than typing in the formula over and over;

='Basic Labour'!AD6*Rates!$E$526

Say this is in AD6, then in AE6 I would require

='Basic Labour'!AE6*Rates!$E$527

and so on across the region to be autofilled...

(It is multiplying the same cell in a different sheet against the 'next row down' in a rates lookup sheet).

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Increment Formula Reference Relative To Copy To Range

May 26, 2008

In my data validation I have the following formula as the Source: =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE($F$2," ","_")). I want to be able to copy the cell and paste it into another cell and have the formula update to reference the new cell. Currently the validation is for cell G2 and references F2. I want to be able to copy G2 and paste it in G3-G6 having the formula update so it refrences F3-F6.

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Sheet Cell Reference And INDIRECT Formula

Jun 9, 2009

I have this formula in excel 2007:


Blad is Dutch for sheet, by the way.

In this formula, I want to let the ranges in Sheet1 be dependent of values in Sheet2. The formula itself is in Sheet2.

W must be replaced by the value of Sheet2!B12 and X to be replaced by the value of Sheet2!B9.

I tried this by using the INDIRECT formula, but the quotation marks of the search values are giving errors.

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Dynamic Cell Reference In Indirect Formula

Oct 11, 2011

I need making a dynamic cell reference in an indirect formula, which looks at a different workbook.

The other workbook is called: ESF.xlsx
The sheet name in the other workbook is defined in Cell B2
The first cell i need to pull across is B115.

In cell B8, This is what i have so far:


How do i make it so that i can copy this formula quickly, but so only the row and column reference change?

Like in C8 i would want it to look at cell C115, In C9, id want it to look at C116 etc.

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Changing Indirect Reference When Dragging Formula

Dec 9, 2012

I have been using the following formula to do conditional summing over multiple worksheets:


The formula works fine, but when I drag it to the next column c3:c39 stays the same. How do I get that reference to change when I drag the formula over multiple columns.

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Variable Cell Reference In INDIRECT Formula

Sep 28, 2006

I want to create a formula of the form: =INDIRECT(ADDRESS(4,2,2,TRUE,($A9) and insert this in a cell BUT the $A9 reference needs to reference the row of the cell where the formula is being inserted which will vary. ie. A30, A31, etc. How do I do this?

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Copy Formula With Absolute Reference & Increment Row Number Every X Cells

Mar 25, 2009

I am creating a spreadsheet which creates a bulk of data from a front sheet.

The question is:
Is there a way to automatically copy a fixed formula for 100 cells using one fixed cell reference such as $A$1 and then automatically after 100 cells replace $A$1 with $A$2, after another 100 with $A$3 and so on?

Explanation with Example:

For example, Sheet1 contains the words "Green Tree" in Cell A1 and Sheet2 will then place "Green Tree" into 100 different sentences such as:

Plant a Green Tree
Grow a Green Tree today

This would be created with the formula ="Grow a "&'Sheet1'!$A$1& " today"

After 100 different variations using the formula I want to change that formula to reference cell A2 on Sheet1.

I know if I place "Red Tree" in Cell A2 and use the formula ="Grow a "&'Sheet1'!$A$2& " today" I can do this manually using find and replace for the 100 cells, but I want to do this for 100 different variations of Green Tree to create a 10,000 different sentences so I'd need to find and replace 100 times!

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INDIRECT - Sum Contents Of Column On Another Worksheet Up To Certain Cell Reference

Jan 24, 2012

Trying to use INDIRECT to sum the contents of a column on another worksheet upto a certain cell reference which is in another cell on the worksheet.


I have taken it back to simply having sheet1 with numbers in A4 to A23, then sheet2 with A23 in cell B1, and the formula above it C9, but I keep getting #REF!.

The formula works fine if on sheet1 without the worksheet names in it. Formula evaluation gets to =SUM(INDIRECT("Sheet1!A4:Sheet1!A23")) then gives =SUM(#REF!)

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How To Update Cell Reference When Dragging - INDIRECT Formula

Jul 10, 2014

I am using the formula below to sum across several worksheets, and the formula I am using works fine, but when I copy the formula across to other cells, I can't figure out how to have it update my cell range:


The range A:A is ok to be static, but I need the G:G to be dynamic so when I drag it to the right it will change from G:G to H:H. I:I, etc.

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Reference Sheet Names With Indirect Function To Make Formula?

May 21, 2014

Attached I have a document where I am wanting all of the individual sheet names on the Total page. Rather than having to change each formula to match the sheet name I believe there is a way to reference the sheet name column (AO) in the formula so you can drag it down to fill in the columns. I am basic with Excel and do not know how to add this indirect function into my current formulas.

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Increment Row And Column While Using Countifs Formula?

Jun 21, 2014

Have table with five columns and five rows. The columns(C4:H4) hold Systems, Systems is a defined range, and rows (B5:B9) hold staffer names, Staffer is a defined range. Cell A5 holds period, by quarters, ie, Q1-Q4.

At present am using =COUNTIFS(Staffer,$B$5,System,C4,Q,$A$5). This works fine but as you can see I must change the Staffer starting reference $B$5, with each new row.

formula that changes column and row automatically as I drag down and across.

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Increment All Formula Column References

Jan 17, 2008

I'm using a macro to update individual formulas in a sheet that contains data from external documents. (i.e. ='C:September[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$AZ$1 + 'C:September[Book3.xls]Sheet1'!$BA$1 ) Every quarter I have to change the column references in this formula (i.e. $AZ$ will become $BD$ and $BA$ will become $BE$ and so on). Also I have to change the September reference to December etc (but I've mastered this already). My current code works well, but requires manual updating:

Dim ColumnReference1
ColumnReference1 = "BD"
Dim ColumnReference2
ColumnReference2 = "BE"
Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("H48").Formula = "='C:September[Book2.xls]Sheet1'!$" & ColumnReference1 & "$1 + 'C:September[Book3.xls]Sheet1'!$" & ColumnReference2 & "$1"

My problem with this method is that I need to automate the updating of ColumnReference1 = "BD" to ColumnReference1 = "BH" to ColumnReference1 = "BL" and so on and so forth. It's handy that the reference shifts across 5 columns, which remains constant. Ideally, I'd like to tell the macro to look at "AZ" then add 5 columns.

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Increment Column Address While Copying Formula Down?

Apr 27, 2014

I am creating a training document for work; the sheet I'm creating is a summary sheet which works out how many people answered questions correctly, incorrectly (bringing in from another sheet), number of questions answered and percentage of correct answers.

Looks like:
Correct: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"correct")
Incorrect: =COUNTIF(sheet1!E2:E36,"incorrect")
Number of questions answered: =SUM(C4+C5) (correct+incorrect)
Percentage right: =SUM(C4/C6) (correct/number answered)

I need to drag these 4 formulas down into another 400+rows, however in the correct and incorrect formulas I need it to keep the 2:36 but change the e to f, g, h, etc.

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Stop Formula Column Reference Changing On Insert But Not Row Reference

Mar 6, 2008

A 'Days Attended' cell (N8) and a 'Days Absent' cell (O8). N8 needs to count the number of "Present" values there are on another worksheet. The other worksheet has dates across the top and names down the side.

When i use
=COUNTIF("Attendance!C9:Z9", "Present"),
and the next date comes along the formula changes to
=COUNTIF("Attendance!D9:AA9", "Present")

ie. the reference moves a column across - the new date's absent or present is not counted. Using =COUNTIF(INDIRECT("Attendance!C9:Z9"), "Present"). is no good because when i add a new name i need the row reference to move down as a row is inserted. ie. both person's formulas count the same row. So, my question: I need the columns to stay the same - C:Z (leyway for future dates) and the rows to change as i insert or delete people from the system.

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Stepped Increment For Reference

Mar 3, 2009

If I ask anyone in my office they can easily tell me what the next line should be in this list. I can't figure out how to do it in Excel


So, obviously the cells are referencing column A and increasing by 5. That's it, nothing fancy. I have 5,000 cells to fill and it's increasing by 13 instead of 5 so I can't just do it by hand. If I highlight the first 3 and then drag down the next cell would say A8. Not even sure how they get that.

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Indirect Reference To Defined Name

Feb 17, 2012

Reduced to it's simplest form I have a formula

=1*(FY2012_TY), where FY2012_TY

is a Defined Name which refers to a column on another tab in the workbook, and is defined as:


What I would like to do is to come up with an approach to this formula that would allow me to drag it across columns and have the year automatically increment (e.g., FY2013_TY, FY2014_TY, all of which are similarly defined Defined Names referring to adjacent columns). I have tried various approaches using INDIRECT along with CONCATENATE, but when it comes down to evaluating the formula, I consistently get a #REF! error.

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Row Reference Using No Indirect Or Offset

Feb 1, 2009

I have an income statement with the cities on top (column header) and the expenses below it. There are 5 cities for example. The last line is net profit before it changes to the next city.

New York (column header)
Net Profit

Net Profit

How do you get the row reference for Boston Net Profit without using the offset or indirect function? (doing external linking with workbook closed) The formula would find Boston first and then look for the first net profit after Boston? The small if function may work for this.

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Adding Text To INDIRECT Reference

Feb 13, 2014

Is there anyway to add text to an INDIRECT reference so that it will now reference a new range?

For instance, this is my formula...


I am trying to say, if the cell 1 column to the left of the cell that matches the text in B2, in the cell range referenced in A1 (CWS) "added to the text "TM", is blank, then write "-", otherwise return the number in the cell 1 column to the left of the cell that matches the text in B2, in the cell range referenced in A1 (CWS)+"TM".

Cell A1 is a data validation list that refers to different ranges. The only difference between those named ranges and the named range I want to reference is the text "TM" comes at the end.

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Indirect Reference To Closed Workbook

Jan 17, 2008

I am writing a formula in cell "B1" in "December 2007 REVISED BY DAN.xlsm" that will reference cell "X1" in a workbook that has not been created yet.

The way I will tell the formula what the name of the workbook will be is by referencing cell "A1" and adding the extension ".xlsx" to it.

Example: ...

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Using Named Ranges Following Indirect Reference?

Feb 7, 2012

I have the following formula which i'm using to indirectly reference a worksheet. The worksheet i'm referencing includes named ranges that i'd like to call on but i can't get the syntax right.


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Using Sumif And Indirect To Reference Another Worksheet

Oct 15, 2013

I am trying to use the sumif and indirect function together but I keep getting an error and I'm not sure why.

Actual formula:

Using the sumif/indirect function, I have the following:
> Cell B5 contains the name of the tab "SWG OR"

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Indirect Reference To A Separate Workbook

Jun 26, 2014

Just wondering if there is a way to indirectly reference a workbook in a formula?

For example, suppose A1 has the path/filename of the workbook I want to reference.

So in another cell I want to do, say, a VLOOKUP(A2,A1,5), where A2 is the lookup value. This way, if I have multiple workbooks I want to look at, I can specify them all in various cells, and simply have the formula look at the right cell to perform the lookup.

I've played with INDIRECT and get something close if I do


but that just returns the contents of A1 in the target sheet.

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VLOOKUP - Indirect RangeName Reference

Mar 12, 2008

I'm having difficulty referencing named ranges indirectly in a VLOOKUP formula (Excel 2003).

Cell A1 contains a fuel cost.

Cell A2 contains a formula that returns a RangeName.

In Cell A3, I want to enter a VLOOKUP formula that uses the range returned as the result in Cell A2 as the Table_array. In other words: =VLOOKUP($A$1,$A$2,2,FALSE). The result is #NA!.

If I use =VLOOKUP($A$1,INDIRECT($A$2),2,FALSE), I get #REF!.

Among other things, I've also tried =VLOOKUP($A$1,TEXT($A$2,"@"),2,FALSE). No cigar.

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Worksheet Reference In Indirect Function

Feb 22, 2010

I have a worksheet with a name that inckudes a hyphen, e.g. 1234-5678.
And I have the worksheet name in a cell, say, I!.



I get a REF error because of the inclusion of the hyphen in the worksheet name.

How can I fix this without eliminating the hyphen?

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