Finding Numeric Value Of Column

Jun 23, 2006

how I can get the userform to close when another worksheet is selected. what I really need is for the userform to just show on one worksheet (not close) Is that possible? If not I want to be able to re-size the userform when another worksheet is selected (like getting it to minimise)

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Finding A Non Numeric (or Numeric) Character In A Field

Sep 1, 2008

I have a few thousand products codes (i.e ABCD123BLA08 or SHU267BLA) They are non standardised in length or structure. I wish to pull out everything upto the end of the third numeric digit.( ie ABCD123 and SHU267) I cannot use left as they are all different lengths. Ideally i would serach for a non numeric char after the number then use left up to that point. Search can't do this, FIND can't do this.

ABCD123BLA08 would be ABCD123
SHU246BLU would be SHU246
I147ORT08-12 would be I147

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Finding Last Numeric Entry In A Row?

Jun 23, 2014

Looking at one row and finding the last numeric entry has defeated me, I've attached a sample sheet which clearly shows the rows and and what/where to display the results ...

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Finding First Non-numeric Cell

Jan 12, 2004

Sub Test2()
'From the top down
If IsEmpty(Range("A1")) Then
Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1, 0).Select
End If
End Sub

I would like to change this to find the first non-numeric cell (technically the column i'm searching is dates, but i assume those are seen as being numerical). I tried to change this line:

If IsEmpty(Range("A1")) Then
If IsNumeric(Range("A1")) Then

But as many of you know it didn't work (i also tried variations of IsNumeric(Range("A1")).Value=True

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Finding An Invalid Value In A Numeric Field

Dec 9, 2008

I have a column of voucher numbers that is suppose to have only values 1 - 999999. How can I find one that has non numeric values or imbedded blanks?

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Extracting A Numeric A Specific Numeric String From A Description Cell

Oct 22, 2009

I am trying to do is extract the volume size of products in 'ml'
from 10k plus products from a description field cell.
this description field could also contain the weight of the product in grams
so I cannot just do a search for a numeric string ,
it has to be associated with the milli-litres statement .

is is possible to do a sort of ' *ml ' search and then select and copy to another cell ???

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Delete Entire Row If Column D Has A Numeric Value?

Apr 15, 2014

i want to delete entire row if D2:D10000 has a numeric value e.g .111 to 100000.1114

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Vlookup To Insert The Numeric Value Into The New Column

Feb 18, 2010

Sheet 1 has a column with verbiage in it. Sheet 2 has a column of possibel verbiage with a second column of numeric values for the verbiage On sheet 3, I want the numeric value for the verbiage in cell b19 on Sheet1

Long way, create a new column on sheet1, run a VLookup to insert the numeric value into the new column, then do an "equals" on sheet 3 that point to the Vlookup results. How can I get the value onto sheet3 without creating the extra column?

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Delete Column If All Values Are Non-numeric?

May 7, 2012

I have the following issue. I have a file, which contains about 7 000 columns, each with 8000 rows, mostly filled with numbers (with decimals). But sometimes, numbers will be replaced by "N/A" where a value was not available. What I want to do, is delete columns, where all the rows are just "N/A" to reduce the size my file.

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Sort Column Based On Numeric Value?

Oct 12, 2012

I want to be able to sort the columns in a worksheet based on their cell values, eg. column of text sorts A to Z and column of numbers sorts largest to smallest. Cells are formatted as General, number or currency but the sort button only offers A to Z or Z to A.

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Numeric Variables For Row & Column Numbers

Mar 2, 2008

I recorded a macro to perform a graphing operation which will be used in a For-Next Loop which will run eight times. I need to modify the “ range” portion of one of the recorded lines to allow the graphing data to be dependent on variables I have set up as integers. See the applicable part of the recorded code below.

Dim firstrowno As Integer
Dim ltcol As Integer
Dim lastrowno As Integer
Dim rtcol As Integer

‘code which sets the values of the above variables Is Not shown

ActiveChart.SetSourceData Source:= Sheets("PLOTS").Range("AN27:AQ33"), PlotBy _

How do I replace/modify the ("AN27:AQ33") in the code above using the variable integers; firstrowno, ltcol, lastrowno and rtcol ?

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Highlight (or Select) Cells From Row 1 Through A Numeric Var X In Column A

Jul 2, 2014

How do I select or highlight cells from row 1 through row x (a numeric variable) in column A? I'm eventually hoping to shift those cells in column A (from row 1 to x) to the right by one.

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Macro To Select Numeric Values In A Column

Jun 5, 2014

In cell A1 I have a countdown timer from an external source that counts down to 00:00:00 approximately every 10 minutes and then resets.

I need a macro to be triggered whenever 00:00:00 is reached.

The macro will select column AL and copy a range of cells (within AL) that contain numeric values only and paste these numeric values in the adjacent cells in column AM. It is important that the paste is values only and not formatting or formulas.

Column is being fed dynamic data from an external source and displays either #N/A or numeric values.

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Find Numeric Codes In A Column And Replace In Vba

Oct 18, 2007

I am using the following vba code to find numeric codes in a column and replace them with the same code along with descriptive text:

Selection.Replace What:="11", Replacement:="11 - GSA"
Selection.Replace What:="10", Replacement:="10 - NYS OGS"
Selection.Replace What:="1", Replacement:=" 1 - Dist Sale"
Selection.Replace What:="2", Replacement:=" 2 - Direct Sale"
Selection.Replace What:="3", Replacement:=" 3 - No Sale: Warranty Exchange"
The problem as you might already see is that when the replacement of "1" happens, Excel will replace the 1 in the 10 and 11. Of course I want to only replace the number 1. Is there a better way to code this operation?

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Add Leading Zeros To Variable Numeric Column

Jun 18, 2009

I have a column of about 13,000 10 digit numbers. I need to add four zero to the beginning of each row of numbers so I can make it 14 digit numbers. Is there a way to do this without cutting and pasting four zero's for each row of numbers.

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Change Numeric Constants In Column To Zeros

Oct 13, 2009

I have the following code

Call LastCell_Example(LastCell)
lastrow = Cells(Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).row
Set Datarange = ActiveSheet.Range("B1:" & LastCell)
' Set to 0 all cells that contain constants, but ONLY those that are numeric
Datarange.SpecialCells(xlCellTypeConstants, xlNumbers) = 0

lastcell_example contains

Dim rng As Range

' Use all cells on the sheet
Set rng = Sheets("Courtage").Cells

' Find the last cell
LastCell = Last(3, rng)

' Select from A1 till the last cell in Rng
With rng.Parent
.Range("A1", LastCell).Select
End With

When I run the code above, I don't understand the fact that the first rows in the sheet AFTER "Courtage" are also being changed to zero.

Obviously, I'm not limiting my datarange correctly, but could someone explain what I need to do to limit the changed data to ONLY the current sheet.

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Delete Non Numeric Rows Based On Column

Mar 12, 2008

The attached picture shows part of an excel file. It contains about 50.000 rows which I want to run a pivot on. The problem is though that the file contains some rows which stop my pivot from running correctly. These data which I mention are in rows 4, 7, 22-25. Seeing as deleting them manually would take me hours and hours I was wondering if there would be a macro which I can run which delete rows automatically. I think it should filter on the following: whenever there is not a numeric value in column A, the entire row should be deleted.

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Return SEARCHED Column Number Of Numeric Label And Value

Jan 12, 2006

I would like a flexible Formula to Return the Column Number of individual
Numeric Labels and their Numeric Value. I have a 2-Row by many Columns
chart/ grid layout. My 1st Column, Column Number "1" is Excel Column Letter

Numeric Label 17 is housed in Column Number "12" per my chart , its Numeric
Value 5 is housed on the next Row - directly below the Numeric Label.

Sample Data: ...


To Return the correct Column Number: locate the Numeric Label 17 and its
Numeric Value on the Row below, Numeric Value is 5. The Numeric Value is to
be increased by a Value of 1 (one) - NEW Numeric Value = 6. The Column
Number Returned should reflect Numeric Label of 17 remains the same but the
Numeric Value is increased by one.

To Return a Column Number representing the Numeric Label 17 and its original
Numeric Value +1 (plus one): the Numeric Label is still 17 but the Numeric
Value is NOW 6. From the oringal Column Number that housed Numeric Label 17,
that is Column Number "12", SEARCH in Ascending order: moving LEFT from
Column Number "12" and using the Numeric Value as the 1st (first) search
order and the Numeric Label as the 2nd (second) Ascending search order.
SEARCH the Numeric Value Row until the first Numeric Value either equal to 6
or more than 6 is found. Then Return the Column Number of the Column to the
Right of that Numeric Value.

Required Result:

Return the Column Number based on the Numeric Label 17 and the NEW Numeric
Value of 6, search in Ascending order - First search order based on Numeric
Value 6 - Second search order based on Numeric Label 17.

Returned Result should be Column Number 10.

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Return Row Number Of LAST Numeric Consecutive Duplicate In Column

Jul 5, 2006

Using a Dynamic Named Range "Data", I would like a Formula to return the Row
Number of the "LAST" instance of a duplicate numeric value - repeating twice
consecutively in the same column.

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Formatting Text Based On Numeric Values In The Next Column

Feb 12, 2009

I am wondering if it is possible to format a cell that contains text - based on a number in the cell next to it. Here is what I have:


I would like the word 'Results' to display in BLACK text because the mean score is in the range 3.0-3.9 (same goes for the word 'Morale'). I would like the word 'Buy-In' to disply in GREEN text because the mean score is in the range 4.0-5.0. Basically, the mean scores are calculated using formulas and I would like the color of the category to change based on the mean score number. Is there a way to use conditional formatting to do this? Or another way to automatically make this work? File is attached.

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Insert Duplicate Rows Based On Numeric Value In Column

Apr 6, 2012

I have to create 1000 dynamic ranges and do not want to do this manually. See the list below for the syntax I am using, I am only showing the first 10.

Name Range

I have tried the following code which works to an extent...

Range("=OFFSET(Date,0,1)").Name = "KPI_01"

..but the final result of the named range is an actual range, i.e. "A1:A13".

How can I keep the named range as a dynamic range?

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Increment Numbers In A Column But Cells Contain Numeric PLUS Other Data

Jun 6, 2014

In my spreadsheet, each row of data in Column B starts with 3 numerics (e.g. 001) followed by some text. For example:

Cell B2 contains '001 - Text for this cell'

Cell B3 contains '002 - Different Text for this cell',

Cell B4 contains '003 - Different Text for this cell', etc.

I have hundreds of rows which follow this format.

I have had to insert several rows in my spreadsheet in between existing rows which has thrown off the numbering in the first three positions of my Column B cells.

Is there any way to update the data in Column B so the text data in each cell is retained but the first 3 numeric values are updated and again sequential?

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Totaling Numeric Amounts Based On Text In Another Column

Jul 26, 2007

I would like to total numeric amounts based text in another column.

For example, I have a bunch of rows in "column F" with the same text (company name) and in "column I" i have numerics. Is there a way to total "column I" based on the same text of "column F"?

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Convert Numeric And Scientific Symbol To Numeric Only

Jun 4, 2014

I have a column of several thousand entries listed as numeric with a scientific symbol eg.

19.53mSv/1mSv (some have a mix and or alpha/numeric range)

I want to convert them to the numeric value only. I'm extracting to a chart which is not recognising the alpha and throwing the data out. I tried find and replace, trying various options within the 'replace format' tab with no joy.

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Number Stored As Text - Make Column As Numeric Permanently

Nov 29, 2011

I have sent a data sheet template to my client in which they paste their data, based on this data sheet analysis will be done automatically in next sheet "Summary".

Whenever they paste product code, vlookup is not working since the product code contains few are numeric (shows: "Number Stored as Text"). I advised my client to go with "Text to Column" and "Delimited" to change it as numeric. But my client feels this method is tedious one. Is there any alternate way to make that column as numeric permanently?

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Handling Duplicate Zips - Combining Non-numeric Columns Into One Column And One Row

Jun 27, 2012

Is there a function in Excel that allows you to combine non-numeric columns as a list?

For example, 91401 is a zip shared by three cities: Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks and Valley Glen.

The data is in a workbook as three rows (each with 91401 as the first column, and cities listed individually:

91401 Van Nuys
91401 Sherman Oaks
91401 Valley Glen

I am eventually wanting to do a v-lookup with the zip, but the duplication is causing problems. I want the associated cities listed, but only want one row. The cities could be listed, separated by commas (preferably), like below:

91401 Van Nuys, Sherman Oaks, Valley Glen

The list of zips I have is several thousand long, so it's not practical for me to do it manually. Is there a "pivot table" of text that I could use?

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Finding The Sum For Values In One Column That Are Connect To A Value In The First Column

Feb 10, 2009

I have two columns. One column has UPCs - some of which are duplicates. The second column just has number values. I'm trying to add the sum of all of the numbers in column two which are attached to their respective UPC. For example,

COL A///// Col B
11111111111///// 10
00000000000///// 15
11111111111///// 10
11111111111///// 4
00000000000///// 2

So, I need a third and fourth column to give me the total value for a single SKU(col A) of all the values in col B. In this example the Third column would contain the SKU, and the fourth column would contain the sum of all values in column B that are associated with the single SKU in column three. The third and fourth column would look like this:

COL C///// COL D
11111111111///// 24
00000000000///// 17

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If Statement Numeric Or Alpha Numeric

Jan 12, 2010

I have a column that has cells with values as

C084111X AA
A001290U AA

I want to write an If Statement is a column next to each entry that denotes two options either Broker or Agent. Where the code is say 19352510 then Broker and where it is say C084111X AA then Agent.

Broker codes will never contain a letter. The Agent code will always start and finish with a letter.

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Frequency Formula To Show Final / Total Numeric Values Appears In Adjacent Column

Apr 29, 2013


Formula to show the final/total a numeric values appears in an adjacent column.

I am currently attempting (I've researched many posts on this), to count /show the final totals a duplicate numeric value appears in one column, in an adjacent column (example below).

I am currently using an array Frequency formula below (courtesy of the board) filled down in column Q. this works well to count the frequency of duplicate numeric values appear on the list.

Formula used in Column Q below

However my aim is also to show the final entry of a numeric value in adjacent column R, by displaying text to indicate this. My example below shows “final” in column R

NB: My list is sorted by column C to ensure all numeric values are in ascending order.

Column C Column QColumn R
12567 1 final
15789 1
15789 2
15789 3 final
23456 1
23456 2 final
12678 1 final
18965 1
18965 2 final

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Finding Matches From Column B Within Column A

Apr 6, 2012

Here is what I am trying to accomplish.

I have to columns.

I have copied column A from a PDF file. It contains entries like this, all in the same column:

5 0.002HP Direct- 26845 7/1959 Airesearch

This column contains an ID # (5), a description (0.002HP Direct), a part # (26845), a date (7/1959), and a manufacturer (Airesearch). All this info is in one column. This column is 11,000+ entries long.

I have column B which is 45,000+ entries long, and contains ONLY part numbers, like this:


I would like to compare column B to find the matching results from within the text of column A, and put these matches into column C.

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