If I am using today's date, example: 5/30. I am looking to populate the next 10 business days.
Example: 5/31, 6/3. 6/4 etc.
I want to exclude weekends and holidays. I believe the following formual works to exclude weekends, but not sure how to incorporate holidays in the mix. =workday(today(),1) for one day after today, and then just keep increasing the number for days out.
I need a VBA code which tells me the date of previous monday of any date. The user types in any date to the cell A1, and I need the date of previous monday to be inserted to the cell A2.
Is there a simple way using VBA to find a date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy? I have a range on every sheet from A1 to IQ1 with dates already entered. I want to add this vba to some other code so the user can go straight to the date entered on the worksheet.
Using the edit find, it can find dates easily. Can this function be replicated through VBA?
i have range u1:v25 and one cell out of this range will contain a date, the problem here is that the date is formatted as text and is possibel to have some text befor or after or both. also the date will never be in one format,
here is how it could look like commets is any posible text.
I have a sheet that keeps accrued hours weekly for 52 weeks. I would like to show a in another sheet what the accrued hours are for the current week.
The 2nd column for each week is in text format "6/1/09-6/7/09" and the last column shows the accrued hours for that week. I need to know how to find the current week from the text format?
date1/Jan2/Jan3/Jan4/Jan5/Jan6/Jan7/Jan8/Jan9/Jan10/Jan11/Janquantity 502023108948202535current stock 200oldest date of manufacture?
I have a report that lists the quantity of an item that is manufactured on particular day. On some days there will be no items produced. The report is similar to the above table. I don't want to change the table format.
I know the current stock of that item (in this example it is 200). Note that the current stock is not just the sum of the quantiy for each day's production.
I need a function that will determine the oldest date of manufacture of material in the current stock. The function assumes that that the current stock is made up of the most recently produced material. ie the stock is depleted on a first in -first out basis. Essentially the calculation has to sum backwards from the most recent manufacture date until the total = 200 and then lookup to corresponding date.
In the above table the oldest prodcution date would be 6/Jan. The answer to the funstion in example = 6/Jan
I've been turning this problem over it my head for the last day and can't seem to come up with a decent solution, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anybody else had any bright ideas.
I have a data sheet with a dropdown list on it to select the month and year that determines how the rest of the data sheet populates. Basically I'm giving weekly breakdowns of data for a month at a time, with the "Week Ending" heading (which are dates - Saturdays), populating off of the month and year selected from the dropdown.
So, to give an example, if somebody selects March 2008 in the dropdown, it will populate the week ending dates of 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, and then pull out the specific data for each week based on those dates.
What I'd like to do is write a formula that will find the first Saturday of the month. The way I have it jury-rigged right now is a list of months with the first Saturday listed next to it and a vlookup to grab the date of the first Saturday. I envision using this report indefinitely into the future and I'd like to avoid having to keep adding/changing the manual list of Saturdays, instead preferring to have a way to determine the date.
1-Using the Date-Time data in cell “T3” find the cell in column “A” that has the same Date and time.
2-Position the cursor in column I of the same Row. 3-End
In the example giving the Date-Time in “T3” is: 07/03/2008 17:15:00. The Cell in column “A” that has this same Date-Time is: “A97”. The cursor should then be positioned in Cell “I97”.
I'm working through a large database on sheet 1 that has multiple transactions for each person, what i am trying to do is find the earliest date and the first amount that each person deposited money. The findings will go into a table on sheet 2
This is a dummy data of what i have: Sheet 1 - database....
I'm trying to find out the date quarter of a given date in cell A1.ie Q1,Q2 etc. I've found the code below to work out fiscal quarters.I thought if I dropped the +1 from the end of the formula it would work out the quarter in non fiscal terms. This however only works from months Jan to Nov. December returns a zero.
I haven't had issues with vlookup on other worksheets, but this one is giving me trouble. I have attached the excel file for your consideration.
The lookup value is in cell U2, formatted as a date The table array is V2:Z19 The column index number is 2 for C3 False lookup
I've tried the formula with and without the text function for the date and I've also tried different formats for the dates in columns V to Z because I know the format of the cells have to match for vlookup. It is very frustrating because this should be simple, but it is messing up.
I have a table of data (total 142 rows). Column contains dates, in the format dd-mmm-yyyy.
I tried to filter using DATE FILTERS->EQUALS and in the custom filter window, I chose EQUALS then picked a date from the date picker icon. The date I picked was 5/4/2009 (this is May 4, 2009, formatted automaticall by excel as m/d/yyyy).
When I clicked OK, nothing showed up despite the fact that there are 6 occurences of May 4, 2009 (formatted as dd-mmm-yyyy in the data table)
So my questions are:
1. Is this due to the formatting?
2. Is there a way to change the date format supplied by the date picker?
I have one monthly file which is in the attached format file name "Example".
I need the data from this file as per the format mentioned in the file "must be in this format".
from the "example.xlsx" file i need the login time (only first login) and Logoff time (only last logoff time) which is there in the description column. It must be available in the format mentioned in the file "must be in the format.xlsx".
I am try to show a list of all rows that have a missing date in column "B" and then show the corrasponding name in the next column "C". I can find the first one on the sheet and how many have missing dates using:
I have a sheet which contains a folder listing of files with the filename displayed as a hyperlink.
I would like to have a formula which works out a couple of values based on the file name which has been copied into a given cell as a hyper link.
In my sheet Column F contains the file names (as hyperlinks)
e.g. Anab AM1 2006-02-27.pdf or CD 01_02 2006_05_18(2).pdf
I'd like to create a formula for Column A which will give me the first 2 blocks of text which are seperated by a space (in the examples above it would be "Anab AM1" and "CD 01_02") Anything after the second space should be ommited (including the 2nd space itself)
I'd also like column B to find the date within the filename. Note this is not always the rightmost part of the filename (excluding the .pdf) I've worked out I can use the Find function to find the '2006' (I'll always have the same year in here as my folder listings are sorted by year) but it returns the character where 2006 is located e.g. for "Anab AM1 2006-02-27.pdf" it gives me 10.
My date formats are always in the form yyyy-(or_)mm-(or_)dd
I am now trying to create a excel macro to auto populate all the dates with reference to a start date and end date. The catch is that only working days are required in the range. My reference cells (start and end date) are in Sheet 1 while the destination cell range are in Sheet 2. The reason for creating a macro instead of a function is that the intervals between the start date and end date changes frequently (annual, semi-annual and quarterly) Best case scenario would be a button which I can just press after i input the dates to generate the range of dates in another sheet.
I'm trying to workout how to take a known initial date a repeating frequency and work out the next due date from today.
Initial Date :- 1st of January 2014
Frequency :- every 5 weeks
Current Date :- 9th of March 2014
Next Due date should be :-12th of March 2014 (if I worked it out correctly from my paper calendar)
I want to use a cell formula to do this for different initial dates and varying frequency periods (the frequency will always be whole weeks i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,8,10)
I need to create formulas that reference a single date and output date ranges. The objective is to have a person input a Monday date in any given month and receive a four weeks out worth of dates and ranges. For example: In a lone cell, the person inputs 10/13/08. Automatically, the sheet produces the next full week range: October 19 – October 25 in a single cell and also produces a cell for each date. Example: Sunday 19, Monday 20, Tuesday 21, etc…. It should look like:
and then repeat for three more weeks. I thought I had it figured out until the month changed. The dates continued in October instead of adding a month. This report will be ran weekly, so simply adding a +1MONTH to some cells will not benefit me as I’ll have to change the formula every week. I want the formula to compute the data without any manipulation over the next several years. The only change will be the Monday date.
I have data going in to a small table which has some empty rows as that data is not yet available... My problem is, I need to sort this table in date order but with the date nearest to today's date at the top...
The sort function puts oldest at the top or oldest at the bottom which is no good for what I need...
I have two problems sort of rolled into one. I have a spreadsheet with a list of skills to perform in cells a2:z2. Under those I put in dates where those skills are performed so a3:a100 , b3:b100 and so on. At the moment I have the these dates populating another sheet with the list of skills going a2:a200 and the dates in b2:b200.
Annoyingly I have been asked set it up so it inputs the other way so my problems are: The skills in the second sheet are in a different order than in the first sheet so its not a straight correlation between the two so I would need to search for the title and match it to the second sheet. Then the second problem is as the will be numerous entries I need to find the next available space in the first sheet. So can you add data at the bottom of a list??
I have a userform where the user will identify a record to delete. I need to search another worksheet (Month) for the event's name which is associated a date. Once it finds this event's name I need to clear the contents of that cell.
Here is the code I am using for the record deletion from the 'Data" worksheet. I need to also locate and clear the cell as stated above.