Finding Items In A List With Blank Cells Separated By Date

Dec 15, 2011

This might be pretty tricky. I'm trying to create formulae that can find non-empty cells in a list, and separate by date.


The following are given:



I would like:

List 1 (Jan) List 2(Feb)

The original equation was for finding non-blank items without separating by date was given to me below Hopefully it's much easier with it: [URL]...

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Finding Items In List With Blank Cells?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a list of about 100 cells that's going to have user-inputed data for varying cells that could repeat. For example:


I need a formula(s) for a second list that can find the non-blank cells and put them in order (not necessarily alphabetical).

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Transfer Chosen UserForm ListBox Items Into Worksheet Textbox As Comma Separated List

May 6, 2009

I want to select items in a listbox and transfer those items via command button in a textbox. The listbox is already filled. I have no idea how to realize that.

Attached is the form I created so far. I copied everything together and matched it up for me. It's probably not the best way but it works. I marked the section where I need help in yellow.

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Finding The Number Of Unique Items In A Range That Contains Empty Cells?

Aug 15, 2014

It is about finding the number of unique items in a range that contains empty cells.I can intuit the form of this:



And many of the variations of it when there are no empty cells in the range.

For a range of that contains empty cells I've tried this:

Formula: [Code] .....

And variations of it. It does not work, and I don't know why...............however..........

I ran across this on another [SOLVED] thread and it does work:

Formula: [Code] .....

I would have never considered this plausible. What is the magic behind appending an empty string to the criteria in the COUNTIF function?

It strikes me that this strategy likely has application elsewhere, too.

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If Two Cells Are Blank Return Blank - If One Has Date Subtract Today Date

Apr 24, 2013

Using one spreadsheet with three date columns and two columns counting days.

If there is a value in Resolution date, then Column N is blank
If there is no value in Submit date and Resolution date, then Column N is blank
If there is no value in Resolution date, and there is a value in Submit date, subtract Submit date from todays date to show how many days it has been pending approval

Created on = J4
Submitted on = K4
Resolution Date = L4
Days to Approve = M4 I've got that formula =IF(L4="","",L4-K4)
Days Pending Approval= N4 (cell with formula)

If Resoultion Date L4 has a value, return blank
If Submit on K4 and Resoultion date L4 are blank, return blank
If Resolution date L4 is blank, and Submit on K4 has a value, subtract Todays date from Submit on K4 to show Days Pending Approval

Cell J4______Cell K4______Cell L4__________Cell M4__________Cell N4
Created on___Submit On___Resolution Date___Days to Approve___Days Pending Approval

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Macro For Finding Blank Cells?

Feb 12, 2014

provide me a macro to give a particular message or Cell Name when the cell is blank. I have to check around Eight columns and the starting row is A10. Moreover the sheet can have different numbers of row at different time like some time only 50 persons data will be there and some times 60 or 85 like this but the maximum will be 300. So if the 50 persons data is there than it should not warn about row 51 onwards.

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Finding Maximum Value (but Exclude Blank Cells)

Mar 21, 2014

I am writing a formula for finding a maximum out of three average values. The cells that will be populated with data are A1 to A5; B1 to B5; C1 to C5. The final cell where I want to write the formula needs to show the maximum of the three averages (average of data in each row).

The difficulty is that sometimes only the A and B rows are populated (and sometime only A row is populated) and if B and/or C are blank, the formula fails and shows "#DIV/0!".

How can I write so that if C is blank, then evaluate only A and B data. And If both B and C are blank, then just display the average of row A.

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Finding Blank Cells In Any Row Across A Range Of Cols

Jan 9, 2007

My excel file was imported from a 3rd party and has many blank rows across the entire sheet.
I want to delete these rows if every cell across is blank.
How is this accomplished?

I tried the formula "=isblank(C2:C18)" however I get a "False response on those rows that are completly blank.

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Finding Closest Date In A List

Apr 9, 2008

I've been turning this problem over it my head for the last day and can't seem to come up with a decent solution, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anybody else had any bright ideas.

I have a data sheet with a dropdown list on it to select the month and year that determines how the rest of the data sheet populates. Basically I'm giving weekly breakdowns of data for a month at a time, with the "Week Ending" heading (which are dates - Saturdays), populating off of the month and year selected from the dropdown.

So, to give an example, if somebody selects March 2008 in the dropdown, it will populate the week ending dates of 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, and then pull out the specific data for each week based on those dates.

What I'd like to do is write a formula that will find the first Saturday of the month. The way I have it jury-rigged right now is a list of months with the first Saturday listed next to it and a vlookup to grab the date of the first Saturday. I envision using this report indefinitely into the future and I'd like to avoid having to keep adding/changing the manual list of Saturdays, instead preferring to have a way to determine the date.

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List - Filling In Each Blank Cells With Value Contained In First Non-blank Cell Above It

Feb 27, 2013

I have a list that looks something like this:

Column B

Row 4 Item 1
Row 5 Item 2
Row 6
Row 7
Row 8 Item 3
Row 9
Row 10 Item 4
Row 11
Row 12
Row 13
Row 14 Item 5

The range of cells in column B containing the items has a name "ColStreams"

I need to go through the list, filling in each blank cells with the value contained in the first non-blank cell above it - so, in this case, rows 6 and 7 would contain "Item 2", row 9 would contain "Item 3", rows 11-13 would contain "Item 4" and so on.

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Advanced Filter - Extract List Of All Items But Only With Latest Date Of Each

Jan 20, 2012

What criteria can I use to filter a list on and item and the latest date?

I need to extract a list of all items but only with the latest date of each ...

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Adding Date To The Bottom Of List And Finding Correct Cell

Feb 26, 2014

I have two problems sort of rolled into one. I have a spreadsheet with a list of skills to perform in cells a2:z2. Under those I put in dates where those skills are performed so a3:a100 , b3:b100 and so on. At the moment I have the these dates populating another sheet with the list of skills going a2:a200 and the dates in b2:b200.

Annoyingly I have been asked set it up so it inputs the other way so my problems are: The skills in the second sheet are in a different order than in the first sheet so its not a straight correlation between the two so I would need to search for the title and match it to the second sheet. Then the second problem is as the will be numerous entries I need to find the next available space in the first sheet. So can you add data at the bottom of a list??

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Transpose Data Ranges Separated By Blank Rows

May 9, 2008

Need Macro (code) to copy specific cells from a sheet into a new sheet in a desired format. I have an excel file which has data set in 20 rows. Each row has multiple fields. At the end of each data set there is a blank row. I want to capture specific data fields for each data set (e.g. Name, Bank no. etc) and put it into the respective heading. This process needs to be repeated for all the data sets.

A sample sheet is attached for better explanation. Sheet 1 has the raw data and sheet 2 has the required output. The no. of data sets shows in sheet 1 is just a sample. In actual it would be a large no. of such data sets.

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Autofill Vertical List Horizontally With 2 Blank Cells In-between Each List Item

Feb 14, 2014

I have a list in column L2:L352. I would like to be able to start at AD2 and drag horizontally so that AD2 = L2, AE2 = <BLANK>, AF2 = <BLANK>, AG2 = L3, AH2 = <BLANK>, AI2 = <BLANK>, AJ2 = L4, etc.... until L352 has been autofilled.

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Select Multiple Items In List And Then Print Those Items?

Dec 26, 2013

I am wanting to create a list where I can select multiple items within that list and then print only those selected items. I have created something similar thru data validation, but I can't get it to print.

In addition, I would like to be able to subdivide the list into multiple categories, then select items from these multiple categories and print them.

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Blank Cells If Date Equal On Larger Than Today Date

Dec 31, 2013

On A3: D10 I have information on C1 a have date and E3:E10 I will input date

i.e. If the date entered in E3 is the same as or larger than the date on C1 then Blank the entire line A3: D3

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Filter With Formula: FILTER A Range And Display The Unique Items, One Below The Other, WITHOUT Blank Cells

Feb 10, 2008

How can I FILTER a range and display the unique items, one below the other, WITHOUT blank cells - with only a FORMULA. What I came up with is shown in the attached WB. I would like to present the countries like in C11:C15.

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Output Comma Separated List Of Inclusive Years?

Jul 2, 2013

Given a list of beginning years and ending years, how can I create a column that gives the whole list of inclusive years separated by a comma?

Start Year End YearList of Years
1985 1995 1985,1986,1987,1988,1989,1990,1991,1992,1993,1994,1995
2000 2009 2000,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006,2007,2008,2009

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Single Cell Comma Separated Values To Validation List

May 31, 2013

How to have a validation list (drop-down) from a single-cell in which values are separated by a comma.

Example I have.

I have a wine list which have many categories of which

Wine Name / Wine Producer / Vintage

I wrote a VBA code to look-up duplicates names and give the producers that make them. The names of the producers will be in an invis cell as Comma Separated Values.

For example: Wine 11 is made by producer X and Wine 11 is made by producer Y. I will have X,Y in a cell which need to be in a drop-down menu when Wine 11 is selected.

I got everything done. The only issue is to get the list. The problem is that the drop-down list shows X,Y as a single component and not as 2 drop-down components. If i were to write down X,Y in the validation list tab, it will show it as 2 components but referring to the cell doesn't.

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Conditional Formatting Of Blank Cells And Date Cells?

Jan 17, 2013

I have attached the sample. I need the cells without the employee or without a boss to highlight a color and i also need the date of certification to highlight if it is more than one year old.

conditional formatting.xlsx

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List Of Values ​​in Another Tab Without Blank Cells

Jun 19, 2013

I want to show in tab total view the advices for problems which come from a questionnaire. This questionnaire applies to its advices on the basis of given questions of the user. In the advice tab you can see the advice given for each question. Because I have shown in the advice tab in column B if the advice need be in the tab total overview, if this is not the case there is nothing visible there (empty cel). In column C indicated by 1 if the text should be to the overview tab and a 0 if the specified text should not be taken to the tab overview. How can I get in the overview tab only the text from column B which have in column C the value 1 (without the empty cels)? Even when the data in tab advice changes i want that the information in the tab overview also changes.

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Remove Blank Cells From A List

Nov 13, 2006

Is there a way to remove blank cells from a list?





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Remove Blank Cells From List

Nov 14, 2006

I need to remove blank cells from a list of cells. I need to do this through a formula or a macro. I can't use Filter or Sort. Example:




Needs to look like:

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Data Validation List With Only Non-blank Cells

Aug 21, 2009

I have a list in one worksheet which comes from "=SALESMEN!$D:$D" but the list is extremely long with blank values. How can I make the list only show values from column D which are non-blank?

Currently the list goes up to 30, however I want to use all of Column D from the SALESMEN worksheet, that way if I add to it, the names will automatically be added to the list in the other sheet.

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Drop Down List With Blank Cells Throughout Range.

Jan 21, 2010

I've used this site for help many times, but this was the first time I couldn't find the answer to my question through searching. I've looked all over this site & elsewhere, tried 2 dozen different solutions, and nothing seems to work.

I've used a budgeting spreadsheet for years, which lets me plan bills weekly according to paychecks. For each month, going down the "Expenses" column, there lists are seperated by when they'll occur. So there may be three blank cells, then electric bill, mortgage, blank, blank, cable bill, blank, cell phone, blank, gasoline.

On the checkbook worksheet, I want to enter a drop down box for the Expenses. The problem is, every solution I've found for doing this is aimed at eliminating blank spaces at the end of the list. This by necessity has to have blank spaces throughout the list, but I would like them to disappear in the drop down menu.

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Generate New List And Tally Non Blank Cells

May 7, 2007

I am trying to make a more useful excel extracted report – what I have to start with is muck like the attached sample file. With at the bottom is what I would like to be auto done.

There is a column of names – with most names repeating so the first thing needed is to create a new summary list – can be in the same worksheet or in a new worksheet. The new list with be just a list of each name but only display each name once rather that the multiple of times as source list.

The second requirement is than once have a list of each name that appears then in columns next to each a tally /count of each non blank cell under each respective column heading - now it has to be a count of non blank cells as the content of each cell will chance – now need to understand it is not a count of numerals as such but a count of non blank cells so it is not 1 + 3 + 5 = 9 but should be 1 +3 + 5 = 3 (3 non blanks).

A idea of what I want is at bottom of sample worksheet attached

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Identify Non-blank Cells In Irregular List

Jun 21, 2007

I regularly import a list of data into Excel containing employee team names, employee names, and (for these purposes, irrelevant) data. The team name is the only data in column I, and therefore I can easily pick this up an summarise it in a lookup. The employee name is always one row above it, and in column D. However, it is not the only data in column D, and each employee's records contain varying numbers of rows. How can I have Excel copy the employee name in to column J, alongside the team name in column I, but ONLY in rows where there is data in column I?

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Splitting Separated String Data In Cells To New Cells

Jun 6, 2006

I have pricelists tables with 300 and more rows and about 50 columns. Three letter codes in first column cells are in strings separated by separator (,), I need to split this strings so that each three letter code would be in its own cell in first column, at same time all other cells in same row as original string data should be copied to rows near appropriate 3 letter codes. In attached xls file I have made small example how data looks before and how it should look after applying macro. Table should not move to other place on worksheet or on new worksheet, in attached example I moved it just to show what kind of form result should have.

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Creating A Unique List Of Items In Column A That Have A Corresponding Non-zero Value In Column B, I.e. Excluding All Items Where Sumif ColumnB Would Sum To 0

Jul 17, 2009

I know how to use array formulae to create a unique list, i.e.{=INDEX($G$1:$G$760,SMALL(IF(ROW($G$1:$G$760)=MATCH($G$1:$G$760,$G$1:$G$760,0),ROW($G$1:$G$760)),ROW()))}

however this is giving all the unique items from column G and I only want the unique items that have a non-zero value in column H as well. This would be the sumif of all instances that would have to be zero. I've tried to crack it and I've tried to search for solutions but so far no joy.

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Excel 2011 :: Sorting Blank Cells To The Top Of List

Feb 5, 2013

I am trying to sort a list of business development leads. When a lead is dead I enter the date in the column entitled "Closed". Therefore, the Closed cell for active leads is blank. Whilst I still wish to retain the information of dead leads, when sorting I would like them listed at the bottom of the list. However, whenever I sort on the Closed column, whether using newest to oldest or oldest to newest, the blank cells are always at the bottom, instead of the top.

How to get the sorted blank cells to the top?

I'm using Excel 2011 on Mac OS X 10.7.

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