Vlookup For Date Not Finding It. #N/A Error
Jun 6, 2008
I haven't had issues with vlookup on other worksheets, but this one is giving me trouble. I have attached the excel file for your consideration.
The lookup value is in cell U2, formatted as a date
The table array is V2:Z19
The column index number is 2 for C3
False lookup
I've tried the formula with and without the text function for the date and I've also tried different formats for the dates in columns V to Z because I know the format of the cells have to match for vlookup. It is very frustrating because this should be simple, but it is messing up.
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May 9, 2007
i have a couple of columns (J2:K393) and a cell (O2) elsewhere.
i need to look for the max and min values of that cell within my 2 columns.
this formula (i thought it would work) doesn't return the correct number.
what am i doing wrong?
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Dec 15, 2008
I have some intersting issue. Actually there are lot of functions in excel but my purpose is somewhat is solved by VLOOKUP , MATCH, OFFSET, INDEX functions.
Prob: Here i have a database contains as below
A1 B1 C1 D1
111 123 i/p o/p
222 301
111 321
333 456
If i keep 222 / 333 in C1 i will get output at D1 as 301 / 456 respectively. But if i keep 111 , i want a desired result to be most lastly updated value in the array that is 321 but it is printing 123.
let say if have
A1 B1 C1 D1
111 123 i/p o/p
222 301
111 321
333 456
111 500
then if i enter 111 in C1 then i want to get 500 but still am getting 123 only. tht is the first hit.
i want to return a value which has lastly updated.
So if i use any fuctions from above i may getting correct results for 222,333 but i want result for 111.
Thoughts and rules:
1.The new entry will added at the end of the array.
2. A1/B1 are only numbers.
3. free to use any functions
U can have flexibility to create one more array or even update the column B1 if any i/p matches in column A1. So there will always a single output for each unique input.
Imean to say u can have a array with
A1 B1 C1 D1
111 321 (replace 123 with 321) i/p o/p
222 301
(remove this entry)
333 456
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Feb 26, 2010
Excel 2002
I have a number (22.3) in a cell that is there from an Hlookup function. I am then using a vlookup to lookup the 22.3 (from the hlookup) in a column. The number is in the column, but the vlookup function cant find it. If I were to type over my hlookup formula so that I am hand-typing in "22.3" instead of it being their from the hlookup, then the vlookup works just fine. I hope that is not too confusing. I dont understand what is going on. I checked to make sure none of my cells are rounding and therefore creating a look-alike number when it really isn't and that is not the case.
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Apr 4, 2014
I have a Workbook with 18 "sheets and a recap sheet. Each sheet will have a different number of rows between A9 and N60. On my recap sheet I want to be able to find what the last row with data in Column A and then be able to do a vlookup on that row to display the data in Column 2,3,4, exc. I know how to do the vlookup's fine but I don't know how to specify to select the last row. The data will always be different and the number of rows will never be the same either.
I tried the below formula because everyone complains that if you use True is returns the last row but that didn't work.
Is there a way to do this without VB, I don't understand VB at all and that would get way over my head really quickly.
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Jul 24, 2006
I am getting #N/A errors even when I have an apparently exact match in my
table array to the lookup value. I know that excel requires the formats to
be exactly the same and I can force the match if I copy the lookup value from
my table array and paste it into the worksheet. Is there an easy way to
"fix" my table array. The table array is a reference worksheet I have
created which has worked in the past.
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Nov 15, 2013
I am currently having real problem using the formula below:
What i am trying to do with this formula is return the cell address of an item that is in a different sheet.
The reference the for search is in Cell B7 which is a date, it then looks at a different sheet "Data" for this date which is in Column A. It then returns the Cell Reference of Column C of the same row.
Currently it is just returning the value of column C and not the cell reference.
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Aug 18, 2014
I'm trying to find a name in a list, when it's been found, offset 3 to left, enter an email address from the original list.
It was working, then stopped on the following line:
This is the whole code:
[Code] ....
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Sep 26, 2012
Code below is trying to search for a deal number within all file names within a set folder. There is one file in the folder with th deal number within, but it isn't finding it.
Sub Macro1()
Dim lCount As Long
Dim wbResults As Workbook
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Dec 23, 2013
I have a dataset that looks like below -
Header1 Header2 Data
100 101 20.50
102 19
103 1003.2
101 100 20.50
200 300
102 100 20
200 104 30
Now, what i need to do is for each of the rows in my dataset, I need to find the reverse entries (consider first row where header 1 is 100 and header2 is 101, I need to search the entire dataset to find if I have some data for header1 is 101 and header2 is 100). In this case, I do have such data where header1 is 101 and header2 is 100.
Header1 Header2 Data Reverse Entry Difference
100 101 20.50 20.50 0
102 19 20 -1
103 1003.2 Not found Not found
101 100 20.50 20.50 0
200 300 30 270
102 100 20 19 1
200 101 30 300 -270
let me know if that's possible through excel formulas?
I need a column D with such data and column E for differences. So that, my final output should look like below -
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Jan 19, 2009
I can not seem to find a good example of code for a try and catch error handler out on the web for something I am working on. Here is the code I am working with:
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Apr 20, 2012
Trying to find the last cell in a range. The Error msg I get is
Method 'Range' ob object '_Global' Failed
Here is my code
Sub Fleetcopy1()
Dim wbk As Workbook
Dim EndColumn As Integer
Dim EndRow As Long
Dim EndCell As range
Set wbk = ThisWorkbook
EndColumn = Cells(1, Columns.Count).End(xlToLeft).Column
EndRow = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
EndCell = range(EndRow, EndColumn).Address
Bolded is where the error comes up. Not sure what this means.
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Dec 11, 2007
I am writing a macro to track stats in a workbook. The workbook has the check every tab in the given workbook, hidden and unhidden. In order to track the stats I find a column labeled "Read Dates" on each worksheet. The "Read Dates" column is not always in the same location so I have the macro Find the words "Read Dates". To make sure the cell the macro finds is the column label and not just another cell where someone may have used the words "Read Dates", I have an 'If/Then' statement checking the column to the left to ensure "Rev Mo" is there. If the state is true, the macro begins tracking stats. If the statement is false it attempts to find the next cell containing "Read Dates".
My problem occurs when the macro selects a sheet that contains no data or does not have the words "Read Dates". To help remedy this, I have an Errhandler that simply tells the macro to move onto the next worksheet. My problem is that there are several worksheets that do not have a cell with the value of "Read Date" so the second time the ErrHandler errors. Below is the section of the code I currently have an issue with.
Sub Begin_tracking()
'Error Handler
On Error Goto ErrHandler
WCount = Worksheets.Count
For i = 1 To WCount
If Worksheets(WCount - i + 1).Visible Then
Worksheets(WCount - i + 1).Select
Can anyone think of a better way of doing this so the entire workbook is worked or tell me how I can reset the Error Handler is it will move onto the next worksheet? I've looked into help on this forum to rest the ErrHandler but what I've found and tried has not worked. The ErrHandler may be invoked 2 times or it may be invoked 20 times depending on the workbook.
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May 4, 2009
I need a VBA code which tells me the date of previous monday of any date. The user types in any date to the cell A1, and I need the date of previous monday to be inserted to the cell A2.
For example:
A1: 9/5/2009 --> A2: 4/5/2009
A1: 19/5/2009 --> A2: 18/5/2009
A1: 27/12/2009 --> A2: 21/12/2009
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Jul 1, 2008
Im using vlookup to search a table and fill out a calendar with dates that various employees are gone. They can have multiple trips in one month and thus will be in the table multiple times. I have the calendar set up so days go across the top and names go along hte left side. so each cell is identified by name and day. I then have each cell using the vlookup command to search the table. now if one person has multiple trips a month is there a way to compare multiple entries in the table?
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Jan 8, 2009
I am receiving a run-time error with following code. The error message is "unable to get the VLookup property of the WorksheetFunction class". I only receive the message when the lookup value is not found in the table.
I thought adding the "False" command at the end would return an "N/A" but it didn't. Is there anything I can add to avoid this error?
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Jun 30, 2014
Find the weekend date of each dates.
I am generating a report , for which i need to find the weekend date of the corresponding date.
Following is the code that I am using to generate the dates. Need to generate the corresponding weekend date as well.
Also attached is the output file I am looking for.
Attached File: IQN- Apr 2014 - Souvik Ghosh.xlsx‎
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Dec 3, 2009
I have dates (12/3/09) in columns A, G, K and P.
There may or may not be a date in any of these cells.
How do I find the very last date in the worksheet.
I want to do this with code.
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Sep 27, 2009
Is there a simple way using VBA to find a date in the format of dd/mm/yyyy? I have a range on every sheet from A1 to IQ1 with dates already entered. I want to add this vba to some other code so the user can go straight to the date entered on the worksheet.
Using the edit find, it can find dates easily. Can this function be replicated through VBA?
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Nov 10, 2008
i have range u1:v25 and one cell out of this range will contain a date, the problem here is that the date is formatted as text and is possibel to have some text befor or after or both. also the date will never be in one format,
here is how it could look like
commets is any posible text.
comments 10/12/08 comments
comments 11/2/2008
03-02-08 comments
comments 11-2-2008
so all i need is just the date in the same format its in or in any other format. as long as i get the date.
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Sep 2, 2009
I have a sheet that keeps accrued hours weekly for 52 weeks. I would like to show a in another sheet what the accrued hours are for the current week.
The 2nd column for each week is in text format "6/1/09-6/7/09" and the last column shows the accrued hours for that week. I need to know how to find the current week from the text format?
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Dec 3, 2009
date1/Jan2/Jan3/Jan4/Jan5/Jan6/Jan7/Jan8/Jan9/Jan10/Jan11/Janquantity 502023108948202535current stock 200oldest date of manufacture?
I have a report that lists the quantity of an item that is manufactured on particular day. On some days there will be no items produced. The report is similar to the above table. I don't want to change the table format.
I know the current stock of that item (in this example it is 200). Note that the current stock is not just the sum of the quantiy for each day's production.
I need a function that will determine the oldest date of manufacture of material in the current stock. The function assumes that that the current stock is made up of the most recently produced material. ie the stock is depleted on a first in -first out basis. Essentially the calculation has to sum backwards from the most recent manufacture date until the total = 200 and then lookup to corresponding date.
In the above table the oldest prodcution date would be 6/Jan. The answer to the funstion in example = 6/Jan
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Jan 29, 2008
I created a workbook with three sheets, I do a vlookup formula that looks like this:=VLOOKUP(D3,Sheet3!A:D,2,FALSE)
so basically, find the value of D3 and look for the exact match in sheet 3 (column range a-d) then report back the value found in the second column.
I get an #NA error with this. Funny thing is that if I go to sheet 3, find the correct value and "re-type" it in, it will now pull the information I want.
I've tried some basic formatting changes that dont fix the issue and the only thing that seems to work is retyping the values into sheet 3.
I've got about 1500 rows I'd have to retype so the idea doesnt excite me.
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Jan 5, 2012
I have a table with three columns. I'm building a calendar on a separate worksheet and am looking up the "value" based on a calendar date. So if a date falls within any of the ranges, I'd like to return the value in column C. For example, if the date is 02/07/12, I'd like for the result to be value 1, or if the date is 04/17/12, then I would like the result to be value 3. I've used a nested vlookup, but all that give me is the value when either the start or end dates match, but I can't get a value when the date falls within the range. If the dates were consecutive, I would simply use vlookup/TRUE, but the dates are not consecutive.
ABC102/06/1202/09/12value 1203/12/1203/15/12value 2304/16/1204/19/12value 3405/21/1205/24/12value 4506/25/1206/28/12value 5606/25/1206/28/12value 6
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Apr 9, 2008
I've been turning this problem over it my head for the last day and can't seem to come up with a decent solution, so I figured I'd post it here to see if anybody else had any bright ideas.
I have a data sheet with a dropdown list on it to select the month and year that determines how the rest of the data sheet populates. Basically I'm giving weekly breakdowns of data for a month at a time, with the "Week Ending" heading (which are dates - Saturdays), populating off of the month and year selected from the dropdown.
So, to give an example, if somebody selects March 2008 in the dropdown, it will populate the week ending dates of 3/1, 3/8, 3/15, 3/22, 3/29, and then pull out the specific data for each week based on those dates.
What I'd like to do is write a formula that will find the first Saturday of the month. The way I have it jury-rigged right now is a list of months with the first Saturday listed next to it and a vlookup to grab the date of the first Saturday. I envision using this report indefinitely into the future and I'd like to avoid having to keep adding/changing the manual list of Saturdays, instead preferring to have a way to determine the date.
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Aug 7, 2009
1-Using the Date-Time data in cell “T3” find the cell in column “A” that has the same Date and time.
2-Position the cursor in column I of the same Row.
In the example giving the Date-Time in “T3” is: 07/03/2008 17:15:00. The Cell in column “A” that has this same Date-Time is: “A97”. The cursor should then be positioned in Cell “I97”.
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Dec 1, 2011
I'm trying to find a formula for the following problem: users have to enter a start and end date in 2 cells.
I need a formula to return a certain value within a table, where the dates are sorted into ranges:
For example: start date 02/01/1971 - end date: 05/05/1984
would return 576,448
[Code] .........
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Apr 2, 2012
I'm working through a large database on sheet 1 that has multiple transactions for each person, what i am trying to do is find the earliest date and the first amount that each person deposited money. The findings will go into a table on sheet 2
This is a dummy data of what i have: Sheet 1 - database....
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Mar 29, 2007
I'm trying to find out the date quarter of a given date in cell A1.ie Q1,Q2 etc.
I've found the code below to work out fiscal quarters.I thought if I dropped the +1 from the end of the formula it would work out the quarter in non fiscal terms. This however only works from months Jan to Nov. December returns a zero.
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Jul 24, 2014
Why I am getting N/A errors in sheet 1 of workbook?
For example, in sheet1, Cell B2 should equal 3. And it should stretch across the entire data range, so even something like B14 should return 3.
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