For Loop To Populate A To Z
May 8, 2009If we want to assign cell values with number we can use a for loop, for e.g.-
View 2 RepliesIf we want to assign cell values with number we can use a for loop, for e.g.-
View 2 RepliesI'm trying to loop through all the worksheets within a workbook. The first sheet is called Instructions and the last sheet is called Sheet 1.
I would like the macro to go through and populate the pricing for each part using a v-look up in cell C6:bottom of data based on the parts in column A for each country. The macro would then end on Sheet 1.
My Vlookup would be in a source file with the same name as the current worksheet and the data would be in columns B (part) through column F (price)
Here is what I've done so far.
Sub Pricing()
MSGtext = "Open the Price Doc."
MSGbutton = vbOKCancel
Working on data presentation. I have a log that is populated from elsewhere in the workbook. I would like to be able to have a table update itself as the log changes. In the table I need to capture each unique name and all dates associated with the name. I have a sample attached of what I hoped it would look like when working. Basically I have a place for the name and to the right, cells that represent the months of the year. The data captured has the date in mm/dd/yyyy format and I just need each monthly instance to land in the proper month column in the table. No need for date specific, just the month of the occurrence.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to use VBA code to take the relevant selections made to populate a Listbox and to insert them back into a cell range within the worksheet. The code I have come up with so far is:
Private Sub cmdApply_Click()
Dim i As Integer
Dim j As Integer
Dim StartRow As Integer
Dim EndRow As Integer
Dim StartCol As Integer
Dim EndCol As Integer
Dim temp
The code should take any data within the listbox and insert the individual text into subsequent cells across the specified cell range. However, I keep getting various error messages. I have tried permutations of the code which do run but which copy a single entry from the listbox across the whole cell range!
I have a form that an administrator will open to search for items needing approved (ie. status is "Submitted" and they'll be going in to confirmit). The datasource is a table. For these purposes I'll arbitrarily call it Table1 for ease. There are multiple columns in the table, and I'll set the column width to "0" for those I don't want displayed, so we'll call the columns to be displayed Col2, Col3, and Col22. There are two dependents, because Col2 is the Division, of which there are 3 (Central, East, and West). The administator will select their Division and the associated ListBox will display results for all locations having a item status of "Submitted". Col3 will be the branch name, and Col25 with be a total $ amount of the order. Cbo1 (ComboBox1) will house the Private Sub Change() for the macro after a division has been selected.
Thus far I have thought of using a loop such as:
Private Sub ComboBox1_Change()
For n = 1 to ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Rows.CountIf ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(n,2) = Me.ComboBox1.Value and ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Cells(n,25) Like "*Submitted*" ThenMe.ListBox1.AddItem = If ws.ListObjects(1).DataBodyRange.Rows(n).Value2End IfNext n
End Sub
I've got a mismatch in the the Value2 type for the .AddItem. Not sure how else to approach though.
i have two fields with dates - one field A1 for date authorised (for a data request) and one field B1 for date actioned (data request)
i need a formula to populate in C1 the following:
if A1 is blank then C1 is 'not actioned'
if B1 is blank then C1 is 'not complete'
if both contain dates then C1 to calculate the number of working days between the dates eg. A1 10.08.09, B1 11.08.09...C1 = 1 working day
With Sheets("regrade pharm_standalone")
For Each r In .Range("standaloneTerritory")
If r.Value = "X101" Then
Sheets("X101").Range("A1").End(xlDown).Offset(1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End If
Next r
End With
I need to repeat this loop for values from X101 to X151. In all cases, the sheet name is equal to the value I'm looking up (eg: value = X102 goes to sheet X102).
I have a named range called 'territories' that contains the list of X101 -> X152.
I'm hoping to make the code perform the loop for each of the territories without my having to copy & paste and change the 'X101' 51 times as this would seem a rather silly thing to do!
Macro which loops through a number of files and calls the same macro in each of them. Unfortunately when I add "Application.Run..." to the code, it no longer loops through the process and instead stops after updating the first file in the loop. If I remove the "Application.Run..." code and add any other code, the loop works fine and it continues through the process repeating all the steps for each file found.
Why it stops after one file when using "Application.Run..." to call the macros?
NB I have a list of path and file names starting in row 8 of columns A and C. Each file in the list has a macro called UpdateS1 and promoupdate1.
Sub C_Run_Loop_Macro()
Dim lastRow As Long
Dim i As Long
I have working code that returns a row number within a for loop based on parameters I set.
Each time the for loop runs I would like to store this row number, then after the loop has finished, delete all stored rows.
for rowNum = 1 to x (some variable end row number which I already have worked out using End(xlUp).Row)
if x = y then
*storedRow = rowNum
end if
next rowNum
Lines with a * are the bits I can't work out. I've been trying to understand arrays by reading posts on what other people have done, but I can't fit (or fully understand) the reDims, or reDim preserves into my code. I've seen what appear to be quite complex ways involving uBounds and LBounds, but unfortunately I can't see how to use them.
All I want is to simply keep adding a row numbers to a variable, (i.e. row 2, 5, 20, 33, 120, etc) and then delete those specific rows.
I am looping through each cell in a range and I would like to loop in reverse order.
Dim CELL As range
Dim TotalRows As Long
TotalRows = Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
For Each CELL In Range("C1", "C" & TotalRows)
'Code here to delete a row based on criteria
I have tried:
For Each CELL In Range("C" & TotalRows, "C1")
and it does not make a difference. I need to loop in reverse order since what I am doing in the loop is deleting a row. I am looking at a cell and determining its value. If the value is so much, then the row gets deleted. The problem is that the next row "moves up" one row (taking the pervious cell's address) and therefore the For Each Next loop thinks it has already looked at that row.
I have some numbers in a column that I need to copy 12 times (each one) into another column. The problem is that I got like 200 records that will be converted in 15000 aprox. I've uploaded an example of what I need,
View 3 Replies View RelatedI have a workbook that contains, say, 50 worksheets: the first two worksheets summarise the data and are static in that they don't move position. However, the next four worksheets contain certain data for any given month. Each time a new month comes along, say, November, I insert four new worksheets after the two static ones as a result October's four worksheets are simply moved down the line in terms of worksheet order.
I need a macro to refer to the first six worksheets only (not the other tabs). I opted for index referencing for each worksheet, ie one - six. Now within these six worksheets in any given month, I need to sort the data by a certain column. The problem: in sheets 1,4,5 and 6 I need to rank by column E, but in sheets 2 and 3 I need to rank by column C. I have stepped through the code, which works for sheets 3-6, but doesn't seem to refer to sheets 1-2.
Sub WorksheetLoop()
' Loop through an indexed number of worksheets; _
' & this ensures that the worksheet range is dynamic _
' and is able to adjust when new sheets are added/removed, etc.
'Dim ws As Worksheet
Dim i As Long
Dim ws As Worksheet
I've worked on a solution for this thread ( but have been mentally challenged with how to avoid changing the loop counter in one of the loops I have used to resort an array of file names from the getopenfile dialog.
The aim of the shown code (see post 12 of the above link for attached file) is to check if the file containing the macro is included in the array returned by getopenfile while sorting the array of file names, and if so, moving it to the end of the array for "deletion" by redimming the array to exclude the last item. This problem of the open file being selected in the dialog may never arise, but... as the OP's request in the other thread was to allow two-way comparisons between numerous files, I've considered it likely enough to test for.
Here's the code I have settled for esp between the commented lines of hash symbols, which does change the counter (see the commented exclamation marks), but prevents an infinite loop (on my second try!) by using a second boolean flag of "HasCounterBeenChanged". Is there a better way of doing this? Or, alternatively (not in my thread title), is it possible to prevent the active file being selected through one of the arguments in the getopenfilename method?
I am working on some code that loops through a column of number values. Whenever it encounters a number value and a blank cell in an offset column, it places that number value into an offset cell (forming a separate column to be compared to another column in a separate sheet). I would like to take all the values in that new column and begin placing them in a new column in a separate sheet adjacent to another table. Most of the time, these values should match the adjacent values in the separate worksheet. However, if they don't match, I would like a new row to be created for that mismatched value.
For example. This is the first worksheet. So far, my macro loops through the column with rows 1-5. It looks in the offset cell(0,2) for Isempty value and then places that value into the offset cell(0,6)
For Each loop can be instructed to loop starting the bottom of the range. I know that a For To Loop can handle looping from the bottom up,
Sub Filterout()
Dim c As Range
Dim rng As Range
Dim i As Long
Dim lrow As Long
Dim counter As Integer
lrow = Cells(Rows.Count, 3).End(xlUp).Row
Set rng = Range("c2:c36")
For Each c In rng
If Left(c.Value, 1) "~~" Then
End If
Next c
i have a problem with a nested loop:
it seems like the first instance of the code is running the way i want it to run, but when it starts with the second instance, it does the first search and copy, but it seems like the nested loop is being ignored.
am i doing something wrong?
Thanks to Aaron Blood for the find_range function. i also poached the lastrow function from somewhere on ozgrid, but I cant remember the name of the poster.
Sub new2()
Dim Org_Area As Variant
Dim Item As Variant
Dim Copy_To1 As Variant
Dim Cell_Ref As Variant
r = 1 ..................
Can't seem to figure out why my Do Loop keeps giving me an Error of "Loop without Do".
View 14 Replies View RelatedI have got a loop which is working fine but now i need another loop which will run till the end but need to repeat itself as soon the column x become 1 the highest number would be 3
here is my main loop A1 = 5000
and second loop need to run inside the this loop
i = Range("A1")
For b = 1 To i
If Cells(1 + b, 3).Value = "P" Then
Cells(1 + b, 29).Value = 1
If Cells(1 + b, 3).Value = "S" Then
Cells(1 + b, 29).Value = 2
If Cells(1 + b, 3).Value = "C" Then
Cells(1 + b, 29).Value = 3
End If
End If
End If
Next b
I have loops working in other loops. The macro is almsot working well. It does the calculation i want but it fails to stop a loop, because of that, the macro can't run the next main loop (c), which is to move to the next cell where the calculations must be run.
I attach a file. the troubleshooting macroation is Sub Itiration.
The code of this macro are bellow. Basically, the loop using d as counter run into an endless loop. I don't how to stop this loop without affecting the results which are calculated correctly.
Sub Itiration()
Dim CurCell As Object
Dim TempSum As Double
Dim d As Integer
For c = 3 To Cells(3, 4)
If Cells(11, c) > 0 Then
For i = 1 To Cells(10, c)
Going through a loop, I am trying to load pictures into an image box (or alternatively into a label) one by one i.e. going through the loop the first time, I want to load picture 1, then on the second loop, picture 2 and so on. A bit like an automated slide show.
I have written a simple loop and have used the loadpicture function to load the picture into the image box. When the code runs, the image box only gets populated after the last run through the loop. I have tried using application.screen updating function and the image.activate function without success. It is a simple bit of code and I expect an easy problem to solve if you know excel vba well.
My code below goes into an infinite loop, with culprit line shown in bold and underline...
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am parsing 15,000 files from a network server. The files are all the same format and length. The problem is that the first few iterations of my loop run fairly quickly, 7 to 9 seconds a case, but after only 300 iterations I'm up to 60 seconds a case. How do I keep the last iteration running as fast as the first iteration? I've included the main loop of my parsing routine below.
Sub Fill_Summary_Tabs() 'fills out the Datapack and JMP tabs
Application. ScreenUpdating = False 'turn off screen updating for speed
Call PrepImporterTab 'formats the Importer Tab so that everything runs smoothly < 1 second
Dim fs
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 'part of the filename test
For N = StartingCase To EndingCase '***** Start of the Parsing Loop *****
Sheets("Setup"). Cells(20 + N, 1).Value = Time 'Print the start time of each case....................
I have a problem where a combo box in a form won't populate from the VBA code in the initialise routine. I've tried a couple of difference methods for populating the combo box without success. The code I have is:
Option Explicit
Sub NewTender()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
I tried the excel file uploaded by Norie but it only displayed "Is". Are there any settings I need to modify to allow the add item property to work?
I'm trying to figure out a way to populate rows from "Count" sheet to "Recount" sheet based off of the Difference column (Count,G) of Item Number "A" multiplied by the Item Price column (SAP,H) of Item Number "A".
So, IF [(Count,G)(SAP,H) > "X"] THEN (populate Row Item Number "A" to "Recount")
I have a huge inventory sheet and I'd like to maintain values, lifespans and other information on one "Data" tab while the main inventory sheet populates those values automatically. Is this done with Lookup? A demo sheet is attached here.
I want to enter data in a table from an expense log. I am looking for a formula to put in the Data Sheet to do this.
Sheet ‘Log’
Range A3:K50
Column B = Account #
Column D = Date (day/month/year)
Column F = Dollar Amount
Sheet ‘Data”
Column B = Date (day/month/year)
Row 2 = Account #
I have tried various formulas (lookups and index/match) but have had no success.
Is it possible to create a macro which adds a new sheet and names the tab from a cell value somewhere?
View 5 Replies View RelatedI want to do, if possible is have the daily sheets pull some of their data automatically from the monthly sheet as soon as it is entered.
View 2 Replies View RelatedI have an Excel sheet and I want to populate a list in sheet 2 from data that I will include, little by little, in sheet 1 (I send this information by e-mail, using Excel). With this i want to create like a log to keep a record of what I send every time.
Sheet 1
Document 1
Studio xx
Word count500
Language Spanish
And I just want to have in sheet 2 the following information
Document Wordcount
1 500
I don't need more but I would like to add a new document every time and be able to have a log in which I know the word count that corresponds to every document so that with time I can have as follows in sheet 2:
Document Wordcount
1 500
2 750
3 200
I have been trying to add a button to do this, but it didn't work the 10 times that I tried.
Vlookup in vba
Here is the issue:
I have a combobox to get the data on the workshreet based on this i want to populate the others
here is the code I tried
x = Application.VLookup(Issue.Value, Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("C1:C100"), 2, False)
I get compile error statement invalid outside Type block
I declared X as string