I'm trying to get the bars of a chart to change colour depending on the selection from a drop down in a cell. The drop down is validated to be one of four options which changes the figures displayed in the graph using index matching.I would really like the colour to change to represent what the option being selected is.
I used some VBA code before for changing the cell colour depending on the selection made to get over the 3 condition limit. Could this be easily edited to change a bar graph colour? All of the references I can see on line refer to changing the colours of bars based on their value, I don't want to do this, more an independant cell value!
My previously used code is below:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iColor As Integer
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("d9:d129")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target.Cells(1)
Case "Commercial Final State"
iColor = 49
Case "Commercial Interim"
iColor = 31
Conditional formatting is lacking. I need to colorize each data point on the graph according to a characteristic cell (not an x-axis or y-axis variable). I have done something similar by simply graphing a group of points as a series and changing the series color. I'm looking for a more graceful solution. From the example picture attached (i would attach a workbook, but the data is sensitive), a point is charted based on two variables and colorization is attempted based on the third variable. i would find the range of the third value, assign a gradient based on the spread, and colorize each point. My VBA syntax is lacking for chart functions
I am preparing a model for a client that runs excel 2003. I need to change the format of a range based on the value in a cell (reference cell) that is outside the range to be reformatted.
Reference cell is a named cell with the value calculated with a Match() function, the only possible values are (1, 2, 3).
I need the VBA code to retrieve the reference cell value and apply one of three formats to the range. I believe the code for that part is something like:
Private Sub Format_Font() Set vrange = Range("d63:r63") Set refrange = Names("ind_agentfee").RefersTo Set refrange = Mid(refrange, 2) On Error Resume Next If refrange = 1 Then With vrange.Font .Style = "Comma" .NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0.0_);_(* (#,##0.0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)" Else If refrange = 2 Then With vrange.Font .Style = "Comma" .NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)" Else .Style = "Percent" End If End Sub
I am having problems getting the proper opening statements and declarations correct and also get an "Else without Then" error with all combination's that I am attempting. I am sure that the code is mess now as I started with a recorded macro then modified it multiple times while researching the web.
I have a dynamic chart which I would like to show markers in a SeriesCollection anywhere the backcolor of any of the corresponding source cells is ColorIndex = 36; otherwise no marker is shown. Something along the lines of:
VB: AutoLinked keywords will cause extra spaces before keywords. Extra spacing is NOT transferred
when copy/pasting, but IS if the keyword uses "quotes". With Sheets("Chart").ChartObjects(1).Chart.SeriesCollection(1) For i = 1 To UBound(.Values) If "something here to check if .Interior.ColorIndex = 36" Then .Points(i).MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleCircle Else .Points(i).MarkerStyle = xlMarkerStyleNone End If Next i End With
I have a bar chart which compares two columns of data. the data in one column is fixed to 100. the data in the other column varies. a third column states whether each entry is "A" or "M". Is there a way to include the A or M on the bar chart? Perhaps by having a set colour whether the data is A or M?
I'm running into a problem when trying to use INDIRECT in combination with Conditional Formatting Data Bars.
Basically I want to show a Data Bar in a certain cell based on the value from another cell.
It would be easy if I could simply copy the value from the other cell across into the cell in which I want to show the data Bar. Unfortunately I cannot do this as the values in the cells where I want to show the Data Bars can change.
As a solution when using Conditional Formatting Data Bars I figured out I can simply do the following: > Under 'Minimum' use 'Type': Number with 'Value': Zero. > Under 'Maximum' use 'Type': Formula with 'Value': =INDIRECT("B'&ROW()) This will pick up the value up from column B in the same row. > In column B i then have this formula: =A1/C1. In C1 i have the percentage that the Data Bar should be using. By dividing the value in A1 with this percentage B1 will return a value that is used for the "Maximum" setting which will then ensure the Data Bar will display correctly.
For example: If A1 value is 4 and C1 value is 25%. Then the formula in B1 will return value 16. The scale used for the Data Bar is then 0 to 16. Seeing the value in A1 is 4 the Data Bar will correctly show 25%. If I then change the value in A1 to say 2 the scale used will change to 0 to 8 and the Data Bar will still be showing 25%, which is exactly what I'm after. So effectively this means a value from another cell is used to work out the Data Bar.
So all is fine up until this point. The problem arises when I want to apply this same logic to the rest of the column.
If I change the 'Applies To' to the range I want it applied to all the "Maximum" will only be based on the top row value. I'd expect cause I'm using the INDIRECT reference with ROW() it would have picked up the values from each individual row. I could create a new CF rule for every row, but that's not practical as there are way too many rows.
Why does the INDIRECT function with ROW() not work in this case? How to make the CF rule copy down properly?
i need to prepare a bar chart from some data. what i want to do is that i want bar size to be fixed (larger than what automatically comes) and then excel changes the size of chart based on no of x-axis values keeping the bar size fix.
(currently chart size is fixed and bar size changes accordingly, i just want the reverse that bar size is fixed and chart size changes according to no of values in axis)
I am trying to compare the frequency of occurrence of multiple unique values within a data set and graph the results as a pareto. I have the formulas working to identify and count the occurrences, and the chart is designed and displaying the data, however I cannot get the graph to display in descending order.
I am unable to sort the data because it is generated from a series of formulas, the returned values of which cannot be sorted. (its hard to describe, see the attached workbook)
I would like to know how I can display the graph so that it shows the bars (primary axis) in descending order (highest value to left, lowest to right) since I cannot sort the data. i.e. For the attached workbook, I want the bars to display in descending number of occurrences: 81,15,5,5,3,3,2,2.
I have a series of data and want to create a chart looking like this
Google Image Result for [URL] ...
Where it shows min/max on the error bars, quartile 1/3 on the box and median as a scatter plot. My data is a simple table
Group Amount F Amount M Median F Median M Median F+M
[Code] ....
Here F = Female, M=Male and the chart should show all calculation for both gender together (I have another thread up where the gender are separated with the Title (How to create a stock column chart with error bars?? (Both gender separated))
Certain job descriptions require certain training. Drivers needs these two particular trainings and an office employee only needs that training...
I have a reference sheet with what trainings are required for what job. I then want the next chart with each employee name and subsequent job title to have the required trainings automatically checked. (I can take care of the conditional formatting after that).
For the past month now, I'm trying to calculate some work hours (night hours actually), based on a reference.
Let me show you the table:
- Column A has all of the schedules of the employees - Column B has the numbers of hours for each schedule (all have 8.5 hours/day) - Column C has the reference for the night hours.
Now what I'm trying to do, is to find a formula that will calculate the numbers of the night hours using the reference in Column C
Row 23 in that table has an example of what I'm looking for.
How do I change a formula cell reference based on another cell's reference? I'm building a schedule that looks to a task's trigger and adds days based on that relationship. All entries in column "A" will be text and all cells in "B" will be the simple formula "=A2" or "=A3". Due date is calculated by adding the value in "C" to the preceding date in column "D". In the spreadsheet below, the trigger for "Budget set" is "Specs written" with 3 days added to the previous due date.
________A________________B_____________C_________D 1 Task___________Trigger_____________Days_____Due Date 2 Design begins__Proj OK______________10____10-Jan 3 Specs written__Design begins (A2)____5____15-Jan (D2+C3) 4 Budget set_____Specs written (A3)____3____18-Jan (D3+C4)
If the trigger for A4, "Budget set", changed from A3 to A2, is there a way that the formula that determines the due date in D4 could read the trigger cell reference in B4 so that the value in the corresponding row in column "C" is added in the date column?
I've created a bar chart that I want to add some text boxes to. I want the text boxes to read what is in Cell A1 for example as the information in that cell will change over time.
How do I create a link between the information displayed in the text box and what's in Cell A1?
I have been trying to work on this excel worksheet for a while. I have give the charge column (tab:data) and the rate chart (matrix type with weight and zone). I want to find the formula that would tell me if the charge is in the rate chart (I know it would use countif), and tell me what the zone and the weight associate with it. Using
I am trying to derive the EMI for a Loan Amount and also chart a PIE graph for the same..
Instead of Manually feeding the values such as :
Variable 1 : Loan Amount : Min : Rs 50,000/- Max :Rs 5000000/- Each Spin (1 Unit) -Rs 25000/-
Variable 2 : Interest Rate : Min : 5% Max : 30% Each Spin (1 Unit) -0.25%
Variable 3 : Tenure/Duration : Min : 6 months Max : 30 years Each Spin (1 Unit) - 6 months
I want to have a Scroll-Bar where the values can change Automatically but am not aware of using the same...
Can someone please help me with a small attachment with the above variables attached to it..The values drawn should be displayed as well above the Scroll-Bar and maybe can make the Min and Max more dynamic by storing it somewhere in the Sheet..
I am looking for Non-VBA solution to do the same..
I would like to have a single button that changes a range of cells from the USD to EURO to perhaps CAD symbol. Can this operation be performed, such that if I start in dollars, and I click the button once, it shifts by range to EURO (not formulas...just symbol)...and then if I click the same button again, it goes to CAD, and then back to USD with a third click?
I download & import CSV files/ sheets from bank, visa accts etc & I am trying to automate the processes I use including ensuring I (& others) will use the same naming conventions eg visa "yymm" = V0701, Direct Cedits = DC0701 etc. I am having trouble renaming or ensuring the active sheet is named according to the date in A3 eg in the example I want the sheet to be renamed V0702 as the date in the cell is 02/02/07 "dd/mm/yy" format ( imperial system). In BOLD is what I have & the renaming is messy becuase I searched the forum, Walkenbach's bible & help menu.
Sub VisaMonthlyAcct() Dim shtName As String Dim newName As String ActiveSheet.Activate 'ActiveSheet.Name = shtName newName = "V" & Format(DateValue("A3"), "yymm") 'Old name for future reference = Visa0701 (2) ActiveSheet.Name = newName Worksheets(shtName).Name = "V" & Format(Range("A3"), yymm) 'Worksheets("Visa0701 (2)").Name = "V" & (FormatDateTime(Range("A3"), yymm)) 'To select Date column & format Range("A3:A66").Selection.NumberFormat = "dd".............
In the menu via TOOLS-->OPTIONS-->VIEW I am trying to remove the scroll bars from just one worksheet but when unticked, this option affects all of the worksheets in my workbook. Is there a way to just nail this selection down to one sheet via properties?
I have several worksheets and I want to summarize all of their data on the main page. The second worksheet is called Grady, the third worksheet is called Stella and the forth worksheet is called Westminster.
On the Main Page cell B1 is, "Grady", C1 is, "Stella" and D1 is, "Westminster". On B5 I need the value of cell C5 on Grady but I don't want to have to type it in as this formula will have to be carried over for several columns.
Currently I have:
Code: =Grady!C5 In cell B5 on the main page but I want:
A6=Michael A7=10/2/2009 A8=Client version 7.03 A9=
A11=Susan A12=2/2/2007 A13=Client version 7.02 A14=
I have a table of data on the left side and I want to re-organize just like the right side. Let's take C2 as an example, the value for that cell = A1; Now, C3 in the other hand, the value for that cell = A1 + 5 positions down; C4 = A1 + 10 positions down;. The same type of formula applies for the remaining columns on the right. This seems like an easy solution, but it's not easy when you don't know it... :
The first three columns of a spread sheet we use if function to insert values to these cells based on the next three column values. We have already done it using IF function. However, the same function should happen through macro by referring to the column headers.
Example 1: If in column E header (E1) ‘Contract_Status’ and E2 cell value is ‘FAIL TO PAY’ then A2 value should be ‘No Owner’, B2 value should be ‘Terminated’ and C2 value should be ‘FTP’
Example 2: If in column E header (E1) ‘Contract_Status’ and E3 cell value is ‘TERMINATED’ then A3 value should be ‘No Owner’, B3 value should be ‘Terminated’ and C3 value should be ‘TERMINATED’
Example 3: If in column E header (E1) ‘Contract_Status’ and E4 cell value is ‘EXPIRED’ AND column F header (F1) ‘Contract_Renewal_Status’ and F4 cell value is ‘Cancelled by Customer’ then A4 value should be ‘No Owner’, B4 value should be ‘Renewal Cancellation’ and C4 value should be ‘cancelled’