How To Automatically Update Cell Format In Cells That Reference Another Cell

Feb 22, 2012

Cell C3 has "Joe"

Cell X44 is a VLOOKUP that retrieves "Joe"

Let's say Joe goes on vacation. The workbook user goes in and puts a blue fill in C3. Cell X44 would also need to change automatically.

What's needed to make this happen?

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Automatically Update Only With Numbers (ifnumber-update And Go To Next Cell)

Oct 18, 2013

Let's say that in column A I have numbers,"Yes" and "No". I want in column B to have only the numbers from column A, in the same order without any empty ranges, and everytime I add in column A a new number, column B to update automatically with that number. Let's have an example:

Yes 12
12 13
No 10

And if I want to add in column A:
Yes 12
12 13
No 10
13 25
No 15

So the column be will update automatically. I already tried =IFERROR(INDEX($A$1:$A$10,SMALL(IF(ISNUMBER($A$1:$A$10),ROW($A$1:$A$10)),ROWS(B$1:B1))-ROW($A$1)+1),") but using this many times get's my file very heavy and the excel is working slow.

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Automatically Update A Protected Cell Based On Contents Of An Unprotected Cell

Apr 30, 2009

I am trying to find some VBA that will allow protected cells to be updated when a user enters or selects data in other cells.

For example:

Cell 'A1' starts out blank.
Cell 'B1' has a drop down to select specific items.
Cell 'C1' is the date of the order and is a locked cell.
Cell 'D1' is the date of completion and is a locked cell.
The worksheet is protected to prevent direct changes to cells C1 and D1.

If a user enters any information in A1, then C1 displays the current date.
If a user selects 'Complete' from the drop-down list in B1, then D1 displays the current date. Both of these actions are independant of one another. This format is the same for every cell in the 4 columns indicated above. I thought I was able to do this in another spreadsheet I created a year or so ago but I have not been able to figure out what I did and I do not have the spreadsheet to look at.

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Autofill; Copy Down It Doesn’t Automatically Update The Cell References Because It Want To Update Them By Column Number Instead Of Row Number

Dec 11, 2008

I have a basic formula =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!C24, and I want to copy it down just using the drag function. Problem is that the second reference range of cells are in rows and hence when I copy it down it doesn’t automatically update the cell references because it want to update them by column number instead of row number. IE I want it to display =C17+'Asset Depreciation 2008 Onwards'!
D24, instead of C25. Do you know if there is any way of telling Excel that I want it to increase the column number by 1 every time, instead of the row number for this part of the formula?

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Keep Cell Reference After Update

Apr 8, 2009

I have a sheet that retrieves data over the internet and have an issue that when update sheet I loose cell reference to cells below that I have used to calculate average. This might be easy but I just can not figure it out. See attached sheet. When you update sheet 1 I loose the reference in B5 of sheet 2. Is there a way to maintain the same reference even though rows are added?

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Cell To Automatically Update

Jan 2, 2010

I am trying to create a simple scoring system for sports that use a "legs" and "sets" format (e.g. tennis, darts etc.)

I would like the "sets" cell to automatically update as the "legs" cell reaches the required amount of legs to win a set. After that I would like the "sets" cell to continue to count upwards when/if another set is won. Is this possible?

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How To Automatically Update Cell References

Dec 20, 2013

Lets say I have two sheets titled "dashboard" and "raw data" in a workbook. Cell A1 in "dashboard" should always show the most up to date data from Row 1 in "Raw Data".

I update "raw data" daily, adding a new column to Row 1. For example December 19 would be A1, December 20 would be B1, December 21 would be C1 etc...How can cell A1 in "Dashboard" always reference the newest cell in Row 1 of "raw data"?

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Update Time Automatically In A Given Cell

Mar 1, 2008

Is is possible to have Excel update time automatically in a given cell within the spreadheet.

I have a spreadsheet that I need Excel to update the time automatically .

I would like Excel to update the time automatically in cell A1.

I have done some research and found the following thread but this only works when we close and open the spreadsheet.....

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Automatically Update Cell From New Row Entries

May 31, 2006

I have a worksheet(A) with rows of data associated to a date that gets a new row of data points once a month. On the second worksheet(B) I have two columns, one (Current Month) to show the data in the newest row (transposed), and one (Previous Month) to show the data in the row above it (from the previous month)(also transposed). Is there any way to get the columns in worksheet B to automatically read the newest row of data from worksheet A into column Current Month and automatically update the column Previous Month with the row above it?

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How To Update Cell Reference When Dragging - INDIRECT Formula

Jul 10, 2014

I am using the formula below to sum across several worksheets, and the formula I am using works fine, but when I copy the formula across to other cells, I can't figure out how to have it update my cell range:


The range A:A is ok to be static, but I need the G:G to be dynamic so when I drag it to the right it will change from G:G to H:H. I:I, etc.

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Dropdown Menu To Automatically Update Other Cell

Dec 20, 2012

I am trying to create a job data sheet as per below. Under 'Sales Item' I have a drop down menu to select the item sold. I am trying to set up an autofill formula to fill the 'Stock Cost' cell once we have selected the relevant product from the drop down menu. The data is on another worksheet on another tab at the bottom of the sheet.

Sales Item
Sale Price
Stock Cost
Profit Per Item
Installation Commission


[Code] .....

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Cell Formula: All The Links To Update Automatically

May 3, 2006

I am linking to cells on a spreadsheet and in some cases the formula is showing in the cell and in others the contents of the linked cell. I have forced updating (F9 )and F2 enter with no effect. Is their something i am missing as I want all the links to update automatically. If I copy and paste a working formula into one of these cells it updates albeit with the wrong reference but if i go in and edit F2 etc then it shows as a formula.

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Copying Cell Contents From Another Spreadsheet That Automatically Update

Apr 26, 2013

I am working on a manpower spreadsheet and need for one spreadsheet to extract data from another and automatically update if it is changed and I am struggling below is an example of what is on spreadsheet 1:


and the information from spreadsheet 1 is copied to spreadsheet 2, however if amendments are made to spreadsheet 1 they are automatically updated on spreadsheet 2:

Spreadsheet 2:


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Dim Icolor As Integer Wont Automatically Update Cell Color

Mar 12, 2007

but on my sheet the cells wont automatically update with the colors unless I double click the cell then click enter - it then refreshes and inserts the color.

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Automatically Update A Selection In A Drop Down List From A Cell Value Change

Jul 31, 2008

I have two worksheets...

Sheet 1
A1: description
A2: Target Iteration
A3: Concat A1, A2.

Sheet 2.
A1: Drop down datavalidation list selected from A3, sheet 1.

On sheet 2, a user can select from the list. If a user changes the value in A2, sheet 1, I want the value that is associated and already selected in A1, sheet 2 to automatically update. There is a 1 to many relationship with the concat and the drop down. In that, sheet 2 can have multiple rows with the same value from sheet 1 A3. Is there a way when A3 sheet 1 changes, to search in A:A in sheet two and update the values for those records that match the original value in A3, sheet 1?

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How To Match A Cell Data With A Range Of Cells And Return Cell Reference In Another Cell

Dec 12, 2012

i want to match a cell data with a range of cells and if matches return the cell reference in another cell

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How Do I Automatically Hyperlink To The Reference In A Cell

Jan 16, 2009

I want to be able to create a hyperlink in a cell that is the result of a simple reference formula. i.e. if cell A1 on worksheet A is a formula "='SheetB"!A1", can I create a hyperlink automatically from SheetA Cell A1 to 'SheetB'!A1?

I would like for the hyperlink to be is cell A1, so I beleive that would be a macro / VBA solution.

Also, is there a formula solution that could go in B1 "=hyperlink(A1)", where the formula will then recognize the referenced cell (rather that the formula result) and hyperlink to SheetB:A1?

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Insert Rows Automatically From Value Specified In Reference Cell

Sep 8, 2009

Can anyone help? I need to achieve the following involving the insertion of rows from a specified value reference within the worksheet to which the rows are being added.

The original data would look like:


The number of rows to be inserted under each entry is listed in column "C" (which is a count of the separate entries in column "B".

The output data following the application of the "solution" would need to look as follows:


Where the specified number of rows have been inserted underneath the original entry and the separate values in column "B" have been listed in consequtive cells, relating to their original entry in column "D".

Can anyone suggest code to achieve this outcome?

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Formulas To Automatically Reference Every 39th Cell

Feb 18, 2010

This may be an easy answer, but I haven't been able to figure it out. I have a cumulative page of formulas that reads "SHEET1!B8+SHEET!B9". I need the next row formula to reference "SHEET1!B47+SHEET1!B48", and then "SHEET1!B86+SHEET1!B87". Each row the formula moves 39 rows on sheet 1. Is there a way to get excel to automatically do this, so I don't have to go line by line?

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Cell Reference- Able To Reference Two Cells To The Left Even As More Cells Are Added

Jun 11, 2008

I have 5 columns set up: A,B,C,D,E
D is the sum of A and B
E is the sum of A,B,and C

As I add in a new column to the right of C (call it C2), I need D (which has shifted over one) to sum A,B, and C.

I also need E (which has also shifted over one) to sum A,B,C, and C2.

Essentially I need a function in a cell that will be able to reference two cells to the left even as more cells are added.

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Automatically Format Cell Border

Dec 27, 2008

I am trying to Formal my Cell Border automatically.

Lets say i have cells


These are single cells running downwards only. I want to format this 6 cells into 1 box using (outside borders) formating. I need to repeat this for every 6 cells into 1box...and continue on and on. Im doing this process manually...But i got like 100,000 cells...

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VBA - Format Range Font Based On Value In A Reference Cell

Jul 3, 2009

I am preparing a model for a client that runs excel 2003. I need to change the format of a range based on the value in a cell (reference cell) that is outside the range to be reformatted.

Reference cell is a named cell with the value calculated with a Match() function, the only possible values are (1, 2, 3).

I need the VBA code to retrieve the reference cell value and apply one of three formats to the range. I believe the code for that part is something like:

Private Sub Format_Font()
Set vrange = Range("d63:r63")
Set refrange = Names("ind_agentfee").RefersTo
Set refrange = Mid(refrange, 2)
On Error Resume Next
If refrange = 1 Then
With vrange.Font
.Style = "Comma"
.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0.0_);_(* (#,##0.0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
If refrange = 2 Then
With vrange.Font
.Style = "Comma"
.NumberFormat = "_(* #,##0_);_(* (#,##0);_(* ""-""??_);_(@_)"
.Style = "Percent"
End If
End Sub

I am having problems getting the proper opening statements and declarations correct and also get an "Else without Then" error with all combination's that I am attempting. I am sure that the code is mess now as I started with a recorded macro then modified it multiple times while researching the web.

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Format Chart Bars Based On Cell Reference

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to get the bars of a chart to change colour depending on the selection from a drop down in a cell. The drop down is validated to be one of four options which changes the figures displayed in the graph using index matching.I would really like the colour to change to represent what the option being selected is.

I used some VBA code before for changing the cell colour depending on the selection made to get over the 3 condition limit. Could this be easily edited to change a bar graph colour? All of the references I can see on line refer to changing the colours of bars based on their value, I don't want to do this, more an independant cell value!

My previously used code is below:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iColor As Integer

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("d9:d129")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target.Cells(1)

Case "Commercial Final State"
iColor = 49
Case "Commercial Interim"
iColor = 31

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Renaming Workheet As Date Format (cell Reference) Using VBA

Mar 2, 2007

I download & import CSV files/ sheets from bank, visa accts etc & I am trying to automate the processes I use including ensuring I (& others) will use the same naming conventions eg visa "yymm" = V0701, Direct Cedits = DC0701 etc. I am having trouble renaming or ensuring the active sheet is named according to the date in A3 eg in the example I want the sheet to be renamed V0702 as the date in the cell is 02/02/07 "dd/mm/yy" format ( imperial system). In BOLD is what I have & the renaming is messy becuase I searched the forum, Walkenbach's bible & help menu.

Sub VisaMonthlyAcct()
Dim shtName As String
Dim newName As String
'ActiveSheet.Name = shtName
newName = "V" & Format(DateValue("A3"), "yymm")
'Old name for future reference = Visa0701 (2)
ActiveSheet.Name = newName
Worksheets(shtName).Name = "V" & Format(Range("A3"), yymm)
'Worksheets("Visa0701 (2)").Name = "V" & (FormatDateTime(Range("A3"), yymm))
'To select Date column & format
Range("A3:A66").Selection.NumberFormat = "dd".............

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Automatically Format Date Cell As General

Jan 8, 2007

I have a cell that is constantly being changed from a date to a number. Excel automatically formats the cell as a date when a date is entered but if I re-enter a number it leaves the format as a date.

Is there anyway to automatically change the format back to general if a date is not entered.

I had this bit of code obviously it dosent work.

If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Not Intersect(Target, Range("E8:E46")) Is Nothing Then
If IsDate(Target.Value) Then
Target.NumberFormat = "d/mm/yy;@"
Target.NumberFormat = "General"
End If
End If
Cancel = True

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Do Not Want Cells To Update Automatically

Jul 7, 2009

This what my excel sheet looks like that i am using the date ant time cell is set by using the now formula to get the current date and time, but I only want the date tiem change for each row when it changes.

For example when the data for the first row changes all the dates and time change, but I only want the effected rows time to change not all the times and dates, this progam is set up to monitor inventory and when some makes a change to the inventory I need to now when the that data was recorded but do not want the users to have to enter the data and want it to be enter automatically that is why i am using the now function. The data may not change at all for a couple days that why I need to be able to keep the Date data from changing automatically.

Bin #ProductAmount
D-21Red Lentils 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-22Red Lentils 1/27/7/09 1:54 PM
D-23Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-24Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-25Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-26Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-27Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-28Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-29Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM
D-30Yellow Peas 3/47/7/09 1:54 PM

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Cell Reference :: Formula To Reference New Cells

Feb 15, 2010

I have lets say 12 months of data. I have formulas that reference the latest 6 months. When I insert a new column to input a new month, how can I make the formulas include the new months without manually updating them.


12 months of data exist in cells B3:M3 going from B3(oldest) to M3(newest). Formulas reference latest 6 months of data in cells H3:M3. When a new month hits, I insert a column after column M.I would like the formulas to now reference cells I3:N3 which is now the newest 6 months.

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Automatically Format Range Based On Specific Cell

Aug 19, 2008

I am looking for VB code that will format a range of cells from a number format to a percentage format based on a reference cell. The reference cell is a drop down created from a list validation.

For example: If the reference cell (cell A1) =1 then cell range B2:C4 would be a number format. If A1 = 2 then cell range B2:C4 would be a percentage format.

I have searched for hours trying to find a relevant thread; I know they are out there, maybe I just wasn't typing in the correct search words.

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Automatically Update Formulas For Adjacent Cells?

Jun 6, 2014

I am copy/pasting a new column of data (F). I have three formulas MIN,AVE,MAX watching each row in the columns "=MIN(B2:E2)" or example. When I insert the new column F, the formulas give me the "Formula Omits Adjacent Cell" warning. I don't want to turn off the warning; I want to know if there is a way for the formulas to automatically include the new data? Do I need a Worksheet Event for this?

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Return Cell Value 30 Cells After Reference Cell

Apr 1, 2014

I want to find the cells 30 past the reference cell and the corresponding value:

i.e. =Sheet1!D312 to =Sheet1!D342 (=Sheet1!D(312+30))


=Sheet1!D312 to =Sheet1!E312

is there a way to automate this without having to manually edit each formula?

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