Linking Textbox In A Chart To Cell Reference

Feb 14, 2014

I've created a bar chart that I want to add some text boxes to. I want the text boxes to read what is in Cell A1 for example as the information in that cell will change over time.

How do I create a link between the information displayed in the text box and what's in Cell A1?

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Insert Cell Reference In Linking Cells?

Oct 16, 2013

I want to link cells B1 thru B16 to Cells F1 thru F16 receptively.

However, at times I need B1 thru B16 to show other columns 1 thru 16.

I would like to type in the column designation in A1, ie. F,G,H,I.....and have the values of those columns shown in B1 thru B16.

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Excel 2010 :: Linking Cell Text To Chart Title

Dec 21, 2013

Why the heck every time I enter in to the "edit text" area of the chart title box in a chart in Excel 2010 and type "=B27" (without the quotation marks, and understanding the contents of "B27" has the text I wish to display) does this idiot thing simply display "=B27" (again, without the quotation marks)???

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Linking Multiple Cells To A Textbox?

Jul 20, 2006

I had inquired on the setup of linking multiple cells to a single cell, in which Dave Hawley graciously provided me with the following code.

Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Column = 5 Then Worksheets(2).Range("B1") = Target
End Sub

What changes would I need to make in order to replace the cell B1 of Worksheet2 , with a textbox on Worksheet2?

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Macro Used Textbox In Worksheet Rather Than Cell Reference As Criteria To Find Matches

Sep 26, 2013

This is a continuation of thread 182629 [URL] ....

The End User wanted originally to type characters into cell C1 of a worksheet that the macro searched for in another worksheet, copying across every row containing the input.

The responses gave me the following code which worked perfectly:

With Sheets("PICKLIST")
myFind = "*" & .[c1].Value & "*"
End With
If myFind = "*" & "" & "*" Then Exit Sub

Unfortunately, the user NOW wants a Text Box instead of putting the characters into a cell.

I added a textbox (originally called 'TextBox2' but renamed "Choice") and "Dimed" CHOICE As Range.

Then tried the following code:

With Sheets("PICKLIST")
myFind = "*" & CHOICE & "*"
End With

But it generates a "RunTime Error 91" - Object variable or With block variable not set.

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Excel Formula For Cell Reference When Only Know One Value And One Big Rate Chart

Mar 27, 2014

I have been trying to work on this excel worksheet for a while. I have give the charge column (tab:data) and the rate chart (matrix type with weight and zone). I want to find the formula that would tell me if the charge is in the rate chart (I know it would use countif), and tell me what the zone and the weight associate with it. Using

=CELL("address",Index()), but it won't work.

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Format Chart Bars Based On Cell Reference

Jan 23, 2010

I'm trying to get the bars of a chart to change colour depending on the selection from a drop down in a cell. The drop down is validated to be one of four options which changes the figures displayed in the graph using index matching.I would really like the colour to change to represent what the option being selected is.

I used some VBA code before for changing the cell colour depending on the selection made to get over the 3 condition limit. Could this be easily edited to change a bar graph colour? All of the references I can see on line refer to changing the colours of bars based on their value, I don't want to do this, more an independant cell value!

My previously used code is below:

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
Dim iColor As Integer

If Not Intersect(Target, Range("d9:d129")) Is Nothing Then
Select Case Target.Cells(1)

Case "Commercial Final State"
iColor = 49
Case "Commercial Interim"
iColor = 31

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Chart Linking From Listbox

Jun 9, 2006

I have a set of options in a listbox, which are programmed in as follows:

ListBox1.AddItem (" Chart 1")
ListBox1.AddItem ("Chart 2")
ListBox1.AddItem ("Chart 3")

Each option represents a chart in my workbook that I wish to link to when I select it on the listbox. I have searched the forum and come up with similar posts by other users but the solutions don't quite work for me.

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Gradient Colorize Chart Points Based On Cell Reference

Jul 13, 2007

Conditional formatting is lacking. I need to colorize each data point on the graph according to a characteristic cell (not an x-axis or y-axis variable). I have done something similar by simply graphing a group of points as a series and changing the series color. I'm looking for a more graceful solution. From the example picture attached (i would attach a workbook, but the data is sensitive), a point is charted based on two variables and colorization is attempted based on the third variable. i would find the range of the third value, assign a gradient based on the spread, and colorize each point. My VBA syntax is lacking for chart functions

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Linking Chart Axis To Cells

Sep 7, 2008

I have seen alot of questions about linking max and min values of axis on charts to cell values. But what i need is the opposite. I have a graph that will automatically change its max and min values for the axis, but what i need is to be able to have a cell show what these values are, so basically the reverse of what people normally want.

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Linking Pivot Chart With Dropdown (Data Validation) Without Using VBA

May 15, 2014

I got the attached dashboard example from a source online.

I was wondering how they linked their pivot chart with a drop down (data validation). This is the pivot chart on the bottom right that is labeled "Brick Styles".


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Reference UserForm Textbox

Oct 31, 2006

I'm building a UserForm that has several TextBoxes to gather basic project information to fill in the header of a report. The first TextBox is the Job #... I'm trying to implement code for an "Auto Fill" button (based on working VBA code from another workbook) that will fill the other TextBoxes in the UserForm...
The working VBA code from the other workbook does "Auto Fill" for Worksheet Ranges, not UserForm TextBoxes. How should I reference the UserForm Textboxes in the code to specify their value?

Workbooks("Template Generator.xls").Forms("ProjectInfo").Activate
If TextBox("InptJobNum").Text = "" Then
MsgBox "Please Insert Job Number"
Exit Sub
Jnum = TextBox("InptJobNum") 'Specify Job Number
Workbooks("Job Log.xls").Sheets("Job Log").Activate
End If
If WorksheetFunction. CountIf(Range("A2:A1000"), Jnum) = 0 Then
Workbooks("Template Generator.xls").Forms("ProjectInfo").Activate
MsgBox "Invalid Job Number, or cannot be located... Please correct and try again"
Exit Sub
End If

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Reference A Userform Numbered Textbox In Vba

Jan 23, 2009

Is there a way i can use a userform Textbox labeled jobNum1 in vba code with a counter "ctr" something like jobNum(ctr) = 5. I basically have multiple jobNum textboxes labeled jobNum1, jobNum2, jobNum3.....etc and would like to repeat the code for each counter until reaching 5. Take the following sub:

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VBA - Combobox And Textbox Value To Create Pie Chart

Oct 22, 2013

combobox1 = dog, texbox1 = 1500
combobox2 = cat, textbox2 = 1000
combobox3 = duck, textbox3 = 750

Is it possible to type in VBA coding to create a pie chart in excel with comboboxes and textboxes value?

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Setting Autoscalefont In A Chart Textbox

Mar 26, 2007

I can't figure out how to use VBA turn off autoscalefont in a chart textbox. .. (this is a textbox I have created in a chart using the shapes.addtextbox method..

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Change Chart TextBox 1 Caption Via Macro?

Jul 18, 2014


I am trying to edit a textbox caption in an active chart with a macro and cannot figure out the correct way to reference the text property. I have been successful in editing other items within this chart via the complete code below (i currently have textbox edit commented out)


I know i can set it up with a helper cell to have the textbox reference a range (that updates with the text i want) but i'd to try and edit the text without the use of helper cells to try and make this a little more break resistant.

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Reference Last Chart Series

Jan 3, 2008

I am trying to create a chart that will allow the user to add/remove series to compare with each other. When adding a series, Excel gives it a name (e.g Series1) the macro is then set to rename it to a particular cell, however the name Excel gives the series varies depending on the order in which the series are added.


instead of


would work collect the last series added, which is what I want, but when I apply this I get an run-time '424' error.

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Excel 2003 :: Copying Information From Textbox To A Cell (or Another Textbox)

Dec 28, 2013

Is there a way without using code to have the text in a text box (excel 2003), copied to another cell or another text box on a different worksheet?

I have information in a text box on 1 worksheet. I would like this information to automatically be copied to another worksheet. On the master sheet, if any of the information gets changed or updated, the copied information should get updated as well.

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Reference Chart By Name That Is Not On Active Sheet

Feb 21, 2009

I am trying to select cells, tables and charts by just knowing their name. Thus if possible I would like to only refer to a chart by its name i.e. not know what worksheet they are on. This seems to work for named ranges of cells/tables, but not charts (I can't get my named charts to appear in the "Define Name" dialog).

I found this code that loops through charts on the activesheet and shows the names. However, I would much prefer not to have to specify the sheet or to loop through all the sheets trying to locate the one with the named chart.

Public Sub GetEmbeddedCharts()
Dim myChart As ChartObject
Dim myCharts As ChartObjects
Set myCharts = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects
For Each myChart In myCharts
Debug.Print myChart.Chart.Name
End Sub

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Reference Series Collection In Chart

Nov 30, 2007

I'm looking for a way to name lines in a pivot chart instead of default numbering eg ActiveChart.SeriesCollection(1). This in order to attach variable lines to y-axis no 2 no matter which selection is made in the pivot.

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Excel 2010 :: Place Textbox Between X Axis And Bottom Border Of Chart

Oct 27, 2011

In Excel 2010 I need to place a text box between the X axis and the bottom border of a chart.

How can increase the white space between the X axis and the bottom border to allow me to do this?

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Excel 2007 :: Find And Format Text Within Chart Textbox Object?

Nov 15, 2012

I have a text box within a chart tab which is populated with text values from a worksheet within the workbook. That part works fine however i want to be able to achieve the following example:

Current Text: Component Name - Notes

if there are notes against the component name i want the name to remain in black and the notes to change to blue

Aim: Component Name - Notes

If there arn't any notes then for the component name and the "-" to change to a light shade of grey

Aim: Component Name -

There are 26 components, each on their own lines in the textbox so im thinking either a loop where the cell reference is variable eg. ("CY" & i) or using the .find with a variable.

My code so far is:

Sub Chart_Notes_NTCA()
Dim i As Long, j As Long, Counted As Long, Total As Long
Dim Ans As String, Notes As String
Dim Cht As Chart


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Copy Chart To Different Sheet & Change Reference

Dec 14, 2007

I am copying the entire contents of a worksheet onto a blank worksheet multiple times. The problem occurs with the charts which need updating once copied to reference the new worksheet name. I have tried stepping through each chart and then each SeriesCollection but it seems to fall over part way through.

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Adding Reference Lines To Chart With Primary And Secondary Axis

Jan 10, 2014

I have a chart with sales data on one axis and inventory on a secondary axis. I have the average of each columns of data and want to add a reference line to each axis with it's average. I have added the averages to my data set, but it only adds the reference line to my primary axis. I actually began by manually inserting two lines to the chart (which seems asinine). They actually didn't print because they weren't actually on the chart, but rather just on the spreadsheet behind.

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Excel 2007 :: Chart Series Reference Lost On Save

Mar 17, 2009

I'm having a problem with named ranges in a chart. I'm using Excel 2007 in Windows XP.

I have a line graph with twenty different series all using dynamic ranges. I created each series individually, typing the name and then the dynamic range I had previously defined. As far as I am aware, Excel demands when writing the reference that you specify which sheet/workbook this named range is from, so, given the scopes of my ranges are all 'workbook', I added the name of the workbook to the references.


Series name:

Series values:
='workbook name'!range1

This seems to work fine, but when I save and then re-open the file, the dynamic ranges no longer work. If I go to Select Data and look at the reference for a series, it has been changed thus:

Series values:

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Copy Chart To New Sheet & Have Charts Source Data Reference It

Jan 24, 2008

Sheet1 contains a chart using a dynamic name in Source Data: Values. The dynamic name data is controlled by another cell. When I copy the sheet - i.e. Sheet1 (2) - and change the control cell, the Source Data: Values in the copied sheet still refers to the original Sheet1.

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UserForm – Data From TextBox To Cell Then Cell To TextBox

Aug 23, 2009

I have a form “RiseSpan” with three TextBoxes, “txtInSpan”, “txtDepth” & txtOutSpan”.
I wish to enter values in “txtInSpan” and “txtDepth”. These values are placed in cells A1 and A2. If both “txtInSpan” and “txtDepth” are greater that zero, I want “txtOutSpan” to show the value of cell C11.

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Auto-Populate Items From Master Reference Chart Based On Job Description

Dec 3, 2012

I have attached the sheet :

Certain job descriptions require certain training. Drivers needs these two particular trainings and an office employee only needs that training...

I have a reference sheet with what trainings are required for what job. I then want the next chart with each employee name and subsequent job title to have the required trainings automatically checked. (I can take care of the conditional formatting after that).

Job Desc.xlsx

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Change Formula Cell Reference Based On Another Cell Reference

Jan 8, 2012

How do I change a formula cell reference based on another cell's reference? I'm building a schedule that looks to a task's trigger and adds days based on that relationship. All entries in column "A" will be text and all cells in "B" will be the simple formula "=A2" or "=A3". Due date is calculated by adding the value in "C" to the preceding date in column "D". In the spreadsheet below, the trigger for "Budget set" is "Specs written" with 3 days added to the previous due date.

1 Task___________Trigger_____________Days_____Due Date
2 Design begins__Proj OK______________10____10-Jan
3 Specs written__Design begins (A2)____5____15-Jan (D2+C3)
4 Budget set_____Specs written (A3)____3____18-Jan (D3+C4)

If the trigger for A4, "Budget set", changed from A3 to A2, is there a way that the formula that determines the due date in D4 could read the trigger cell reference in B4 so that the value in the corresponding row in column "C" is added in the date column?

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Excel 2003 :: Dynamic Named Range Of Non-contiguous Cells Suitable For Chart Series Reference

Nov 11, 2012

I am running Excel 2003 on a Win7 system.

Here is my situation:

Each of my data sets spans roughly 75 columns by 250 rows at present, but this could expand. The first 7 rows contain metadata. Columns 2-25 or so contain the raw data, from which everything to the right is calculated. The data sets have most columns in common, but not necessarily all.

In order to tease out the most meaningful information from my data, I frequently sort all or part of it based on varying criteria. When I find a useful sorting criterion, I create a new column with a header that describes the criterion and populate it with a formula that returns a 1 if the condition of interest is met for that row, or a 0 if it is not. For example, if I am doing this in column AA, I might enter


and copy it down to the end of the data. The resulting vector of 1s and 0s quickly re-identify data that meets that criterion even after subsequent resorting. It also makes locating data that meets multiple sorting criteria extremely simple. Essentially, I create a truth table.

Cell $AA$4 in the above example contains a "comparator" value I might wish to change at some point, which would change the subset of data the condition selects for.

Here's the first hard part:

For each data set, I need the ability to generate meaningful plots that includes separate series based on the criteria I have described. However, I also need to retain the ability to resort the data or change the comparator value without disrupting these plots. In other words, the plots must NOT change when the order of the data is changed, but MUST change to display the appropriate data when the comparator changes.

Here's the 2nd hard part:

Once I have this working for one data set, I need to be able to port it to other data sets (which are contained in other workbooks), so that I can compare equivalent plots from each. I also need to minimize the number of manual steps involved in doing so, to avoid human errors and excessive time consumption.

The only other possible complication I can think of at the moment is that, to this point, I have been inserting blank rows to isolate subsets that I do not wish to perform further sorting on from each other.

Right now I am angling toward VBA code that loops through the entire data set to generate base dynamic ranges using the column header row (row 1) as the names, and the entire column of data for the rangeloops through the truth table columns to generate "branch" row ranges for each of the sorting conditions,loops through the entire data set one more time to create "branch" ranges for each of the base ranges.

I could generate some code to accomplish a one-off solution for a given configuration of a single data set (provided there is not a list length limit in a chart series that I'd be violating)...but without a dynamic named range, I don't know how to get to something that would update appropriately. So in essence, I am still stuck at the dynamic range part of this.

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