Formula To Create Blank Cell Based On Dollar Amount In Another Cell?

Jan 7, 2014

Ok, basically C3 is a dollar amount. The default total for C3 is $0.00. If C3 is $0.00 then this formula cell will display a blank cell. If there is any other amount in C3 then the formula C3-C2 will run.

I tried this but it's not working:


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If The Sum Of A Cell Is A Certain Text Then A Dollar Amount Populates Another Cell

Sep 5, 2009

Attached is an example. Office 2007 & 97 versions attached. If a drop down menu on one sheet selects a certain word, then on another sheet based on that selection a dollar amount is entered. I am guessing this would involve some if commands, I am really weak on making those.

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Formula To Show A Date Range Based On The Amount Shown In Another Cell

Sep 11, 2009

Attached is a excel file that has a working formula for tracking cashier variances. I edited out names etc.

I added a new cell called Track Back on the employee search sheet.

What I want to do is only show variances for the amount of days back selected in the Track Back cell.

For example if I select the last 30 days, only the last 30 days would show up below in the sheet.

I am not sure if this is even possible based on the forumla that is already on the sheet. I couldn't figure out a way of doing it. But there are a lot of people on here much better with excel than me

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Dollar Amount

Mar 9, 2009

How can I display the $xx.xx into a statement?

I have these $ amounts in column A:

Have the result in column B as:
Please Pay Exactly$00000xx.yy
(where xx is tenth, hundreds, thousands and yy is the cent)
00000 is to prevent forgery

and to have the results in column C using same column A:
Please Pay Exactly$0000xxDollars and yycents
For example like Please Pay Exactly$000099Dollars and 12cents
or Please Pay Exactly$000014500Dollars and 99cents

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Zero Amount If Cell C14 Is Blank AND Add Cells

Apr 15, 2008

I need a formula that will give a zero amount if cell C14 is blank AND add cells C14 & C13 if cell C14 & C13 are not blank AND add Cells C14 & C12 if Cell C13 is blank but cell C14 is not.

I tried this formula but it will not work: ....

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Dollar Amount Inventory

Sep 3, 2008

I have a total inventoried product dollar amount in a cell. I have 4 other cells with different dollar amounts in each for product I inventory out! In the seperate balance column, as I use a letter ...

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Formula- To Calculate The Amount Due Based On Cumulative Sales Once A Breakpoint Amount Is Reached

Jan 28, 2009

I need a formula to calculate the amount due based on cumulative sales once a breakpoint amount is reached.


cum sales are > 500 pay at 3%
cum sales are >1,000 pay at 2%

month/ sales/ cumul sales/ amount due
jan/ 100.00/ 100.00/ 0
feb/ 600.00/ 700.00/ 6.00
mar/ 600.00/ 1,300.00/ 18.00

and so on...until the end of year.

I tried using an if formula by could not get it to work.

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Adding 1 Dollar Amount To All Cells

Jan 6, 2010

I have the new USPS rates in an excel sheet. I need to add my handling fee to all of the new rates. Is there a way to quickly add this same .70 to all cells?

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Concatenate Dollar Amount, Keep Decimals

May 21, 2008

When concatenating a text and dollar amount that is the sum of two cells, adding up to $42.90, I only get "42.9". is there a function (perhaps similar to ROUND) that will make sure concatenated numbers always have 2 decimal places?

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Split One Large Dollar Amount To Multiple Cells?

Apr 11, 2014

I have a group trip coming up where we took in a $1000 deposit per person. The total amount is only in the main members cell. There will be two more payment amounts coming. I need to make certain each person has paid the total amount they are required for the trip. There are two possibilities for total trip amount. Double occupancy is $15,500.00 and Triple is $14,500 per person.

There is a unique Identifier for each registrant, except when there is a multiple person under one registration the identifier has all the same number except at the end. I figured out a way to strip the number down to just show the same number in one registered group. There could be up to 10 people under one registration. I might not have the best option for breaking down the Identifier number, but thought it would be a good start. Used the code Left(column, number).

Issue is this. How can I now take the total number of people under one group take the total deposit and split it between just that unique group so I can then determine what is still owed after payments are made.

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Right Unction But Removing Variable Dollar Amount At Beginning?

Jul 3, 2014

In many cells, a dollar amount (variable lengths) was pulled into the cell. I am trying to use the RIGHT function to remove it but my formula isn't working. A cell example and formula example are below.

P31 = "$693.00 Research and analyze case law regarding Motion in limine reply"

=RIGHT(P31,LEN(P31)-LEFT(P31,FIND(" ",P31)))

This returns an error, no matter how much I think (wish) it should do what I would like it to.

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Searching For And Extracting Dollar Amount From Text String

May 8, 2014

I have about 2000 rows of text. Each row is a short write up about prospective new business. There is a reference to a projected dollar amount Within 'MOST' of the write-ups. In order to generate a report about the potential dollars being projected, I need to find an easy way to extract the dollar amount from the text.

In most cases, the projected dollar amounts are preceded by "FY2014" then a "$". However, there are a handful of cases where there is no FY2014, but some variation of the year indicator. Most of the dollar amount entries are written is short text - FY2014 - $5k, 2014 $15k. While some others are written out - FY2014 - $ - $20,000. In still other cases, within the writeup reference is made to the amount of product projected to be shipped by using the dollar symbols. For example - Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5k. I've tried writing some formulas, but as in the last example - the first dollar signs are recognized rather than the dollar sign immediately before the value.

Sample data -
Estimated ship totals $$ for FY2014 = $5K New Customer Prospect 4/9/2012 Customer has still not decided if he

2014 $15K Funco 4/7/14 working on the program for the demo ...

Over 130 samples tested with about 90% accuracy. FY2014 Ship $$ = $20,000 at least. Setter Line has 7 plants ...

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Prorate A Total Dollar Amount By A Selected Number Of Attendees

May 29, 2009

I need to prorate a total dollar amount by a selected number of attendees. How can I do that with code, I know the formula for excel, but how do I put that on my user form so it only does the math as a new entry is submitted? I do not want to have the formula on the spreadsheet which is my report unless there is an entry on the row, which will only be the case when a user completes the user form. I just do not want the div/# error on the sheet visible if at all possible.

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Create Range Based On Starting Cell Plus A Number Sent To Formula

Mar 13, 2014

I'm using the VBA code below for a piece of code.

[Code] .....

However, I want to use this same function in another place, without the limit set on the cells that will be cleared.

What I would like to do is send the formula the cell to start at (E14), offset that by one column, and then send a number of rows. With that, create the range to be cleared.

Something like:

[Code] .....

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Create Active Cell Formula Based Of Variables From Given Cells?

Apr 20, 2012

I am trying to create an active cell formula based of variables from given cells.

With ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = "=CONCATENATE(""RU"",RC[-12],RC[-11],RC[-10],RC[-9])-CONCATENATE(""MU"",RC[-12],RC[-11],RC[-10],RC[-9])"
ActiveCell.Formula = ActiveCell.Value

But This does nothing.

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Copy Or Create 'blank Cell' As 'blank'

Feb 4, 2009

using a formula to copy a cell A1. if A1 is blank, i need forumula result in blank instead it possible..

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Formula To Add Row Of Numbers And Then Subtract If From Another Cell Amount

Dec 1, 2013

I have a row A through N. In cell A1, have a dollar amount. In cells C1 through N1, I have different dollar amounts. In cell O1, I want to have a formula that will take the dollar figure in A1 and subtract from that amount the total of all the amounts in cells C1 thorugh N1. But I don't know how to write that formula.

Let's say I've got $100 in A1, and then in C1 through N1, I have $2, $3, $4, etc. for a total amount of $94 in cells C1 through N1. I'd like to have a formula in O1 that would show $6.

How to write up that formula in cell O1.

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Formula To Put An Amount Into A Cell Next To Only Unique Item

Dec 31, 2008

Col A contains SS#'s and Col B contains names. Quite often there are duplicates and sometimes triplicates because they may be sending payments for multiple providers. We charge one fee per client (unique SS#), regardless of the number of times they may be on the spreadsheet.

I can get a grand total by summing the unique items by using this formula:


and then doing a CTRL-SHIFT-ENTER to put brackets around it so it will "take."

However I now need to show the fee by each unique name. Right now I am inserting Col C, typing in 3.00 into C2 and copying on down, but then have to manually remove the amounts in the rows which contain duplicate ss#. Long painful process. How can I put a formula in Col c so that it will only show fee one time by the first unique ss#?

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Macro To Concatenate Variable Amount Of Columns Based On Cell Value

Jul 23, 2014

I have a table that looks like:




And I am trying to make a macro that will go concatenate the first 3 columns of all rows in worksheet 7300, the first two columns of all rows in worksheets 7301, etc, and insert them into column A of each corresponding worksheet.

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Reference Cell & Add Amount If Positive & Subtract Amount If Negative

Jun 5, 2008

Im trying to set up an active running inventory sheet where: (A)the progressive daily sheet cells reference back to the corresponding master sheet cells fluctuating the master values, (B) the same progressive daily sheet cells reference back to a cummulative totals-cell based on whether I added or subtracted inventory. I want to make a copy of the blank "sheet 2" with all of the formulas and move it to the end of the workbook each day and enter new values which will reference back to the master sheet so that I can click on a date sheet and see an individual day's values or click on the master sheet to see the fluctuating inventory on-hand and the cummulative +/- totals of all days combined. I've got a couple hundred individual cells to reference. I've tried and tried but I can't make it work. Heres what I need to do:

I need to reference individual cells from "sheet 2,3,etc" back to a corresponding cell in a master sheet. But I need the values in each cell in "sheet 2,3,ETC" to increase or decrease the corresponding cell values in the master sheet. For example: If the value in the master sheet B5 is 200. Then in sheet 2, I enter +50 in B5, I need the master sheet cell B5 to increase by 50 to 250. I also need a way to decrease the cell value in the master sheet B5 if I enter a negative value -50 in sheet 2 B5. I also want to know if I can reference the same cell values entered in "sheet 2,3,etc cell B5" back to totals columns C5 for adding inventory or D5 for subtracting inventory in the master sheet where the master totals columns would reflect cummulative totals added or subtracted. For example: if the value in sheet 2 B5 is +50, then the value in Master sheet C5 would add 50 to a progressive total. But if the value in sheet 2 B5 is -50 then the value in master sheet D5 would add -50 to a progressive total.

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Keep Cell Blank If Referencing Cell Within IF Formula Is Blank

Jul 28, 2014

My workbook is for financial planning but I'm attempting to streamline an input page (name, birthdate, etc) that will be referenced throughout the entire workbook to trigger automatic calculations (present value, education calculations, etc).

The cell in the input page is a birthdate - which when populated will trigger a cell on a different worksheet to calculate the respective age using this formula:

=IF(MONTH(TODAY())>MONTH('Input Page'!B30),YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR('Input Page'!B30), IF(AND(MONTH(TODAY())=MONTH('Input Page'!B30),DAY(TODAY())>=DAY('Input Page'!B30)),
YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR('Input Page'!B30),(YEAR(TODAY())-YEAR('Input Page'!B30))-1))

The problem is if there is nothing written in the birthdate cell then the age cell will automatically calculate 114 (reference photo below). Ideally I'd like that cell to be blank if nothing is in the birthdate cell on the input worksheet. I'm assuming since I'm using an IF formula to calculate the age already then I'll need to use a macro to to an "ignore".

[URL] ...........

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Leaving Blank Cells Blank In Dragging Formula Combining Different Formulas In One Cell?

Aug 2, 2014

I can't modify my formula to leave blank cells blank when dragging it down, Also, I've got two formulas that i need to combine. Please view the comments I've put in cells E4, F2,F3,H2 and I2 to understand clearly what am seeking. See the attached worksheet.

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Conditional Formatting Blank Cell Based On Another Cell Date

Apr 1, 2014

I am trying to alert our purchasing mgr when order dates are approaching or not meeting our project deadline.

As of now i have the following rulesif order date is due today or past due - redif order date it greater than project date - redif order date is due within 2wks - yellow

Now all I need is a rule where there is an order without a due date but the project deadline is within 2wks (yellow) and past due or due today (red)


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IF Blank Or If Not Blank Function That Works With Adjacent Cell With Formula In It?

Aug 12, 2014

I have one column that contains an If statement formula and would like the next column to then work off of the first column (i.e. if that 1st column returns a value then then adjacent column uses that result).

What is happening now is that it is returning #value (because I guess technically the cell isn't blank?)

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Find Last Cell In Column And Paste Formula In Next Blank Cell Then Repeat On Remaining Columns

Jan 14, 2013

I need a macro to find the last cell in the column, then copy the formula to the next blank cell. Then, it goes back to the last cell (above) and paste's values. Then, go to the next column and repeat the process. I can do this but have to call each cell separatly...however, I would like to do it in a loop to simplify things. It would be great to even be able to just set the start and ending columns. Here is my current code:

Dim rng As Range, aCell As Range
Set rng = Range("C8, D8, E8, F8, G8, H8, J8, K8, L8, M8, N8, O8, P8, Q8, R8, S8, T8, U8")
For Each aCell In rng
Application.CutCopyMode = False

[Code] .......

It does not go to the next column, instead it stays in the same column and repeats the process.

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Extract Dollar Amounts From Cell

Sep 4, 2007

would save me a tremendous amount of time.

I have over a thousands cells that contains text such as:

For 20,000 lb loads add $1.50, replaces AC-4574;price increased $2.00/CWT rod increase

The order of the text in each cell is different.

Here is what I would like to do:

1. Extract only the dolloar amounts (here $1.50 and $2.00) and copy it to the row to the right.

Is there a way I can do it automatically without me going through each cell and extract it manually?

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Use Text In A Cell For A Formula As Cell Reference To Create Range

Mar 10, 2013

I have a list of headings and items and I have a set of formulas that work out depending on the heading what items are listed.

Say theres 10 items and the heading starts at C4 and that heading has 10 items, so it puts "C5" as text in G1 and "C15" as text in G2 so i now know my cell range of items

How can i use the text in those cells to put in a formula to call that as a range?

If I use the indirect formula it shows me the value of the cell, but im after using it to reference the cell

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Convert Blank Formula Cell To Empty Cell?

Feb 26, 2008

I am using a IF(ISNA(Vlookup##,##,##)),"",(Vlookup##,##,##)) function, in order to remove N/A errors.

Is there anyway to convert the "" values to back to an empty cell without anything in it (i.e not text "", but empty as it was originally). I find that the file sizes are very large, when using this function, as data (although blank) is stored in each cell (i know this, because if I use cntr+arrow, it sees it as data, and not an empty area). I don't want to manually go through each cell and delete them as there is quite a bit of data (10000 rows , 2 columns, 30 tabs)

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Formula With Offset From Active Cell And Sum Until Blank Cell

Dec 24, 2013

I have a formula in cel B1 : =SUM(A2:A100) / A1

I would like to use this formula many times in the sheet, so I would need a reference to the cell the formula is in, and have the SUM range until the next empty cell one column to the left.

So I would need something like (literally):

=SUM(Offset activecell (1,-1) : Offset activecell (1, (look for next empty cell -1)) / Offset activecell (0,-1)

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Convert Blank Formula Cell To Empty Cell

Feb 26, 2008

I am using a IF(ISNA(Vlookup##,##,##)),"",(Vlookup##,##,##)) function, in order to remove N/A errors. Is there anyway to convert the "" values to back to an empty cell without anything in it (i.e not text "", but empty as it was originally). I find that the file sizes are very large, when using this function, as data (although blank) is stored in each cell (i know this, because if I use cntr+arrow, it sees it as data, and not an empty area). I don't want to manually go through each cell and delete them as there is quite a bit of data (10000 rows , 2 columns, 30 tabs)

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