Get A List Of Files From URL
May 1, 2014
I want to get a list of all the *.xls files from [URL] .... using VBA in Excel. I can quess some of the file names and I have some code which copies the file, so if I have a list I could get them all.
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May 17, 2013
i have many excel workbooks in a folder i want a macro that will get the names of all the files and make the file names so extracted as a hyperlink to open the files.
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May 28, 2014
I've got a macro that gets me a list of all files in a folder, however I need it to only return .xls files.
Sub List()
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
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Mar 24, 2009
Is there a way list load all the files names in a folder in to a listbox in a userform
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May 7, 2009
I have a folder C:My Documents that contains excel & Pdf files. Is it possible to list all the files by name contained in this folder in a excel spreadsheet i.e one filename one cell?
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May 26, 2006
Hey is there any way to get a list of filenames into VBA from a specific directory?
for example all files in directory c:my documentsexcel?
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Oct 8, 2006
Is it possible to get a list of files in a certain directory as a list stored in a spreadsheet?
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Mar 12, 2007
I want to run a macro to list the names of all files in a folder in a worksheet. I want the file names along with extensions.
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Feb 7, 2008
I have created a spreadsheet with VBA code that lists the files in a directory. The code is as follows:
ListFiles = True
Set Sh = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(sFileSheet)
lstAttr = vbNormal + vbReadOnly + vbHidden
lstAttr = lstAttr + vbSystem + vbDirectory
lstAttr = lstAttr + vbArchive
If sDirectory = "" Then
If iColumn = 1 Then
sPath = "C:PensionDataPensionPath" ' Set the path, must end with backslash
sPath = "C:PensionDataWorkBench" ' Set the path, must end with backslash
End If
If Right(sDirectory, 1) <> "" Then
sPath = sDirectory & ""
sPath = sDirectory
End If
End If
sFileName = Dir(sPath, lstAttr) ' Retrieve the first entry.
lDataRow = 1
lRows = 1
This works on my PC and it works on other PCs. However, the one PC that it should and must work on, it does not. There is no file listing created.
I have duplicated the files and the folders on my PC and the files in the directories are listed. However, on that one PC, there is no file listing.
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Jun 19, 2008
I have a folder that has a bunch of other folders in it, each containing many files. Is there an easy way to get a file directory into excel, so that I now would have a spreadsheet that tells me what all the folders are and what files are in each one?
short example: main folder = mystuff
subfolder1 = my pix, contains pic1 and pic2
subfolder2 = otherstuff, contains otherstuff1 and otherstuff2
Can excel find these things and give me a list indicating that the 'mystuff' folder contains these two folders, and also list the two files under each folder?
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May 9, 2013
I have a problem with getting the list of files in subfolders. this code is writing the names of files in a folder to column "A". But it is just "target" folder. But i need to get the name of all files not just under the target folder but also subfolders of target and even subfolders of subfolders of target
Dim FSO As Object
Dim SourceFolder As Object
Dim FileItem As Object [code]....
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May 26, 2013
I have several .mp3 files in a directory that I'd like to rename based on a list.
Currently I have a sheet with two columns starting at "A2" and "B2"
Column A contains the file path and old name (without extension) ie: C:RenameFromListOldName_01
Column B contains the file path and new name (without extension) ie: C:RenameFromListNewName_01
I've modified the code below (obtained here on these forums) to work with mp3 files, which renames them, but it also corrupts my files.
Sub Rename_Files_from_List()
Dim oFiles As Range, fPath As String
Set oFiles = Range("A2", Range("A65536").End(xlUp))
fPath = Range("D2").Value
[Code] .....
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Dec 2, 2008
I have a long list of .xls files. I have to open each file, copy a few columns of data and paste it into a single xls file. I can write a macro to do this, the only problem I have is how do I get the macro to open all the xls files with different names ? I am thinking something like sorting the files by date and then let the macro open files from the oldest to the most recent one, but is there a command to do that ?
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May 4, 2011
I want to open files from an excel list.
Sub Openfile()
Dim wkbOne as Workbook
Set wkbOne = Application.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1") & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1")
'where "A1" is the path where the file located and "B1" is the file name.'
End Sub
When I run this it will work, but if I change to below it won't open all file in range, what's wrong with this?
Sub Openfile()
Dim wkbOne as Workbook
Set wkbOne = Application.Workbooks.Open(Filename:=Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A1:A10") & Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B1:B10")
End Sub
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Apr 22, 2012
I am looking for a macro that will list all subfolders (all levels) within a directory and count files in each of those subfolders. No file names, just number of files contained in each folder.
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Jul 10, 2012
Here is a macro I have found and manipulated for my particular case. The problem is that I want to narrow the search criteria by just pdfs and only those starting with Segment which i know in coding would be something like "Segment" & "*" & ".pfd" or something to those terms but the code uses objects which I'm not too familiar with.
Sub ListAllFile()
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
Dim objFile As Object
Dim ws As Worksheet
Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set ws = Sheets("Simple Cut Lists (2)")
[Code] ........
How do i set objFile to just pick up my criteria?
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Feb 1, 2013
I have a sheet with two columns; Column "A" has a list of existing filepaths of jpeg files that I would like to rename to the value in Column "B" in the same row. Is it possible for VBA to open each picture file and rename? Or open the parent folder and rename from there?
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Jun 30, 2008
I've got a string named FileList that contains the full paths of each file I need to open. It doesn't work, but this is where I'm at for the moment -
For Each File In FileList
Next File
What do I need to put after Workbooks.Open?
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Oct 11, 2006
I am using the following to compile data into a master workbook
With Application.FileSearch
.LookIn = SrchDir
.SearchSubFolders = False
.FileType = msoFileTypeExcelWorkbooks
.LastModified = msoLastModifiedAnyTime
.Filename = "*.xls"
If .Execute > 0 Then
For Each vaFileName In .FoundFiles
' If vaFileName = Exclude Then GoTo n ' maybe something like this ?
ProcessData vaFileName
n: Next
and then processing each file, and adding it to the master. This is run every time a user opens the workbook. The number of workbooks in this folder is fairly large and more are added every day. What I would like to do is, compile a list of file names that have already been processed (I can handle that part) and then exclude them the next time the master book compiles from that folder. so if the master was run September 16th, all the data up to that point is already in the master and a list of those files is on a sheet in the book, now if the book is opened again on October 1st, it will look at the list first and only add the data from Sept. 17th through Oct 1st.
The file names I'm dealing with are named by date ie: 9-16-06.xls. The folder they're in is on a server so I can't just kill the directory after processing so that only new files are there, other people may need access to them. I think this may be handled at the "If Execute > 0" part of the code but am not adept enough to know how to do it. Possibly set "Execute" as a variant and have it cycle through the list
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Mar 29, 2007
I have a folder containing many Excel files. Each is unique, and I wish to characterise them in a separate contents file in Excel. To do so, it would be very useful to populate a worksheet with the names of the files in the folder.
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Oct 20, 2007
Is it possible to create a VBA script that will list the filenames of files in a set directory? I have about 100 directories, each containing 1000 files and they need to go into an excel spreadsheet (each file on a new row)so they can be audited... ;(
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Mar 14, 2008
We use Excel 2003 and 2007 to track labor data for a field service company. The field tech's complete daily forms and the office staff copy/paste this data into weekly billing worksheets. They use naming conventions to show the jobs and dates in the file name (Daily Labor - Job1 - 031308.xls and Weekly Labor - week ending 3-16.xls. What I would like to do is link the daily data to the weekly forms as they come in. Is there some way to do this when the job names and the dates are always different? Can I tell Excel to expect data files based on the naming conventions as in the Weekly is named "Weekly Labor - Week Ending 3-16.xls so data files named LaborJob1310.csv, laborjob1311.csv would automatically update the weekly sheet? I can put these in a folder and link them, but I don't know how to provide an easy way to do this for the upcoming week.
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Mar 20, 2008
I found this nifty program on[url]but there is a problem with it and it's down to the types of files I'm trying to list on my PC.
The excel code below lets you select a starting directory and it will then produce a list of files in a sheet. However when it comes across an internet shortcut file it gets rather confused and won't display the name of the shortcut but what the shortcut stands for. This causes an issue when I try and get some details about the file (eg date, size etc.) as a 'permission denied' error can then occur if it links to a file that is currently in use. For some reason I can't attach an example of a shortcut / internet shortcut so please feel free to make one at your end. eg. I have a shortcut called 'ImageJ' which links to a web address [url]. The code below then reports this address instead of the file name 'ImageJ'. Can any one suggest how to amend this coding to handle this issue?
Option Explicit
'Requires a reference to:
' Microsoft Shell Controls and Automation (shell32.dll)
'Uses techniques found here:
Public objShell As IShellDispatch4
hOwner As Long
pidlRoot As Long
pszDisplayName As String
lpszTitle As String
ulFlags As Long
lpfn As Long
lParam As Long
iImage As Long
End Type
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Jun 6, 2008
I have a question about creating a custom drop down menu. In AutoCAD, I can create custom drop down menus that loads each time AutoCAD loads and i was wondering if excel have something similar. This menu would be added to the default menu list: "File_Edit_View_Insert_Format_Tools_Data...etc". I have searched online but i keep getting things about how to make drop down menus in cells but nothing about adding a main drop down menu.
What I want to do is create a menu with hyper links to all of the excel files we use quite often here at work.
I have already done this by just creating a sheet with a list of hyper links on it but would like to put it in a drop down menu instead if its possible.
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Aug 19, 2012
I have the code below which I need to change so it lists the file names down the column on the active worksheet starting at Range("A110").
At the moment it insterts a new worksheet and list the file names starting at A2, also I do not need "The files found in " & objFolder.Name & "are:"
what the code under 'clean up' is doing.
Sub ListAllFile()
Dim objFSO As Object
Dim objFolder As Object
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Sep 5, 2012
I wish to create a macro that looks in a specific directory "D:Records" . It finds the files which are modified after a date "January 01, 2012" in this directory (pdf files). Then it imports these files names into a worksheet.
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May 25, 2013
Is there any way to print a list of Excel files without opening each of them manually?
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Aug 2, 2014
How to List files from a folder down a column in reverse order?
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Feb 13, 2009
This code is supposed to open a series of files through a list of hyperlinks, run a macro then save and close. But at the minute it says it cannot find the Macro and error's.
The macro is in each file named and is named 'RefreshStats', if I open a file seperately I can run the macro fine, but it can't find it through this looping code.
Another thing I found though, is that if I put a blank Module in the main workbook (that contains the list) and call this macro 'RefreshStats' the looping works fine but based on the blank macro. So this code seems to want to look in the workbook its in for the macro.
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Apr 2, 2009
In my search I found several example similar to what I need, but nothing I could adapt to filt my needs, (at least not wim my limited skills).
Here what I need to do:
I have multilple Excel files in a directory. (M:/Archived PO Responses/Domestic). On a daily basis, these files are processed via VBA, and deleted after processing. What I need to do is, prior to processing and deleting these files, create an ongoing log of the filenames in that directory.
The macro would open an Excel file named "Processed Orders.xls", which is stored on the network drive "M:". It would then append all of the filenames in the directory mentioned above to a sheet named "Processed Orders" in that workbook, below any filenames that already exist.
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