Get All Unique Combinations From 6 Columns (multiple Rows) Into 7th Column

Jul 2, 2014

I have a table with 6 columns (A to F) and multiple rows each, with cells containing words. Taking the words in any one cell from each of the columns in order from A to F will form a complete sentence each time. I need a solution to display all unique possible combinations in column G.

The number of rows is different for each column. A successful result in column G has to include cells from all columns (A to F).

I searched this forum and found a few analogous questions/solutions, but nothing close enough for me to apply to my case. I tried using a concatenation formula, but I have to manually edit the formula in each cell to get all unique combinations (and that would mean thousands of times). If I just drag the formula down it will increment all cell rows instead of one cell's row at a time.

Here's an example : all possible unique combinations.jpg

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Count Quantity Of Unique Combinations Of Multiple Columns

Apr 20, 2014

I have two columns in a spreadsheet, and I need to write a formula to determine how many times each combination shows up. Example:

SKU-A Location1
SKU-A Location1
SKU-A Location2
SKU-B Location1
SKU-B Location7
SKU-B Location7
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8
SKU-B Location8

I want it to have the data converted to be like this (with the third column being the the number of times that combination appears):

SKU-A Location1 2
SKU-A Location2 1
SKU-B Location1 1
SKU-B Location7 2
SKU-B Location8 4

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Finding Unique Combinations Of 2 Columns

May 30, 2008

I have a spreadsheet with two columns:
The first one will always have a 'W' or a 'E'.
The second one will have a three digit code. Like this:

W 507
W 507
W 507
E 504
E 504
W 505
W 505
W 504
W 504

Is it possible to have output that show how many of each combination there is? Like this(for the example above):
W 504 2
W 505 2
W 507 3
E 504 2

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Moving Data From Rows To Columns - Depending On Unique Content In A Field In Column

Jun 24, 2014

I have a worksheet which contains 2 columns which is needed to work my problem.

Unique Work ID and Description

The unique work ID are the same for each description, but there are up to 5 different description associated with each unique work id.

I'm looking for an automated process but where to start to convert the 5 rows in the unique row and 5 column for the descriptions

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Compare Multiple Column Of Data And List Out Common And Unique Component In Adj Columns

Jan 23, 2006

I am trying to compare multiple column in a worksheet to find
common component in all the columns and what is unique to a particular
column only. And list the results/finding in adj column. What i am
trying to accomplish is something as below.

Sheet1 Sheet2 Sheet3
Column2 Column2 Column2
02-1234-12 07-1234-12 02-1234-12
04-1234-12 03-1234-12 02-1234-12
05-1234-12 02-1234-12 06-1234-34

Common to all Unique to sheet1 Unique to Sheet2
02-1234-12 05-1234-12 07-1234-12

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Count Combinations Across Multiple Columns?

Apr 23, 2013

I need to count how many times a code appears over a 6mth period only on a single day. The data would look something like:-

1/1 2/1 3/1 4/1 5/1 6/1 7/1 8/1 9/1 10/1 etc
a b c a a b a a b b

If counting b the result would be 2 on the above 10 days as it appears on the 9/1 & 10/1 it would not be included. It is to be used to count the number of times somebody only appears on a single day over a period of time but not count them if they come back the next day.

I cant think of a way to do this using in built formulas (Countifs, sumproduct, etc) The example is basic and there could be up to 20 codes.

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VBA Code To Convert Multiple Rows As Column Header Grouped By Unique Key

Jul 24, 2014

I have data in excel sheet in the below format:

Existing view.png

How to write a VBA code or Macro to get it in below format:

Required View.png

Timestamp column is the unique key.

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All Number Combinations From Entries In 7 Columns And 3 Rows With No Duplicates?

Dec 2, 2013

I have 7 columns x 3 rows with unique numbers. I wish to determine every combination of the above numbers without repeats.


[Code] ........

Column 1 would only use column 1 numbers.
Column 2 would only use column 2 numbers...etc.

Also have the same for 5 rows of unique numbers.

I've been working on this for 10 years and this is the last step to finalizing the WINNING numbers.

Back checking using the 5 row technique I would have spent 10,000,000.00 playing over 8 years with a winners purse of 33,000,000.00

With the 3 row I would have spent close to 200k and won 2.5 mil.

Only problem is that I don't have the 10 to start with, the 200k is a maybe .

I need to be able to generate the combinations to play the numbers.

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Transposing Multiple Rows And Columns To One Column

Jul 27, 2013

I have a spreadsheet that calculates data in multiple columns (A:AN) and each column has 27 rows of data called "Sheet 1". As it stands, the spreadsheet goes out very far. On "Sheet 2" I would like for all of the data in "Sheet 1", columns A:AN to be "transposed" to "Sheet 2" in column A only. So, column A on "Sheet 2" would have the data from "Sheet 1" A1:A27, B1:B27, C1:C27, so on and so forth. I would like for the formatting to maintain the same order as well.

An example would be:

Sheet 1
Column A B
1 Green Red
2 Blue Yellow
3 Black Cyan
4 Pink Magenta


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Convert Multiple Rows To Columns And Add Column Headers

Oct 17, 2009

I'm currently faced with a spreadsheet that has data formatted like this:
1 RandomRowofData1
2 RandomRowofData2
3 RandomRowofData3
4 RandomRowofData4
5 RandomRowofData5
6 RandomRowofData6
7 RandomRowofData7
8 RandomRowofData8
9 RandomRowofData9

Every 9 rows, a new "set" of data repeats itself (wow, this is so hard to put into words)....

I need to figure out a way to get the data in column "A", every 9 rows, to transpose itself into 9 separate columns.

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Split Single Column Into Multiple Columns And Rows

Aug 20, 2008

I have 300 rows worth of data that looks similar to this, all organized in one column:

John Q. Smith
2111 NW 13th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Joe P. Snider
5645 NW 45th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555
Patty Williams
6454 NW 34th St
Anywhereville, USA, 55555
(555) 555-5555

As you can see it is consistent with the name, position, address line 1, address line 2, Phone number, for every single entry. All my names are already alphabetized so I don't have to worry about it. What I want to do is have the information for each entry translated into 5 separate columns so it looks like this.

John Q. Smith Programmer 2111 NW 13th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Joe P. Small Organizer 5645 NW 45th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555
Patty Williams Accountant 6454 NW 34th St Anywhereville, USA, 55555 (555) 555-5555

Supposing I started the sheet in the top left corner at A1, I was just going to have cell B1=A1 then Cell B2=A6 then just autofill down column B but it doesn't work. I have seen some people do something similar to what I want with VBA but I am convinced there has to be something simple in with an excel formula seeing as my information is already so organized and consistent.

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Find Specific Text In Multiple Rows / Columns And Align All Vertically To Same Column

Apr 25, 2013

I have a macro that converts all my PDF Purchase Orders to a text file and inserts the data/text horizontally into another document. However because the PDF's or the text within the PDF can be fomatted differently (that is on different lines etc) it therefore imports the information and it looks mis-aligned.I have attached a simple spreadsheet showing some sample text as it is imported and then below this how it should look like, all in line.

The range where the highlighted text in red is, is variable (but say nothing more than a variant of 10 columns). The text can also be Uppercase or Lowercase.So, I was wondering if there is macro code to find the "text" on various rows/columns and align it all in another column?

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Macro To Concatenate Unique Combinations??

Sep 10, 2009

I have the following example values in Column A and I want to concatenate each unique combination to a list.


Example necessary output:

A vs. B
A vs. C
A vs. D
B vs. C
B vs. D
C vs. D

Notice there are no duplicates (e.g., A vs. B / B vs. A). I have found many macros that will create all the duplicates but none that will create only unique.

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Unique Combinations/Permutations Of Words

May 16, 2008

I have a list for example:


i'm after some code that will create every possible combination of the list.

The examples i've found in the archives give all possible combinations of the same list in a different order

e.g apple, pear, orange,, orange, pear,, grape, orange, pear etc etc etc... THIS IS NOT WHAT I'M AFTER.

i'm after every possible combination starting right at the beginning with single words


apple, pear
apple, pear, orange
apple, pear, orange, grape
pear, orange,
pear, orange, grape
orange, apple

etc etc you get the idea..... but i do not want repititions like

apple, pear.........pear, apple.
apple, orange, pear ...........pear, orange, apple.

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Finding All Unique Combinations Of List Of Words?

Dec 6, 2011

I have 15 different words that I want to order in as many ways as possible, but only 3 at a time.

So let's say the words are:


then I want a list that has all of these possible combinations:

cat dog elf
cat dog clown
cat dog monkey
cat dog rock
cat dog bananas
cat elf clown
cat elf monkey

until all are listed. I understand there is a huge number, I don't mind having a couple of thousand as long as they are all genuinely unique.

I CAN have elf dog cat, elf cat dog, dog elf cat later on ... it's just the order that needs to be unique not the words in the phrase.

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Extract Unique Data From Rows To Columns

Apr 19, 2013

I have this data

1 355
1 243
1 567
2 456
2 443
3 889
3 890
3 123

and need to sort it in columns like this

1 355 243 567
2 456 443
3 889 890 123

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Generating List Of Combinations With Both Unique / Independent And Dependent Input

Mar 26, 2012

I coordinate access requests for several contracts, and I have to list the approved accesses in a list where each line represents one person and one contract. For each access request, there will be an arbitrary number of persons obtaining access to an arbitrary number of contracts.

The input would then be as follows: Joe A and Jill B request access to contracts 1001, 1002 and 1003 ->

Joe A   1001
Joe A   1002
Joe A   1003
Jill B     1001
Jill B     1002
Jill B     1003

To automate this task, I have made a simple macro for generating a combination list of all persons having obtained access to a selection of contracts.

My macro worked well when I only wanted to list unique and independent list items, but now I have been asked to include each person's email address. How I can change my code so that only one email address is copied into my list for each person?

Sub AccessList()
Dim rng As Range, c As Range
Dim rng1 As Range, c1 As Range
Dim rng2 As Range, c2 As Range


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Unique Names From Multiple Columns?

Jan 22, 2013

I have multiple columns with names (lets say columns A, B, and C). I want to place only the unique names in column E. Is there a formula to do this? Each column does not contain all the names and each has names that are not in any of the other columns.

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Counting Unique Across Multiple Columns?

Nov 23, 2011


The works when referencing two columns. I need a total count of unique across three columns.

Sample Data

A | B |C
Jason | Temp | 1
Jason | Temp | 1
Jason | Final | 1
Kim | Temp | 1
Mary | Temp | 2

My summary table has the unique values of C in first column and the unique values of B as headers. I want the unique counts as the data.

Temp | Final
1 | 2 | 1
2 | 1 | 0

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Counting Number Of Unique Values In Rows/columns

Mar 6, 2003

I have several columns in an excel sheet which contain values (eg. Names). The entered names can be unique or already exist in the column. I need to find out (using a function or macro) how many different names were entered. Duplicates shshould be ignored in the count.

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Count Number Of Rows With Unique Entries In 2 Columns

Oct 9, 2006

I have a spreadsheet which is to record quality checks on work carried out by staff. The spreadsheet has a customer reference number in column B and a Staff reference number in column C.

I can carry out a number of checks on a member of staff on one transaction, so for instance, I could carry 3 checks on one customer number, which would result in the staff ref number being enetered 3 times (there is 1 check per row).

I need a formula to count the number of checks I carry out on each member of staff. My problem is that although 3 checks could be completed on someone, if it is on the same customer NO, it only counts as 1 check. In effect, I need a formula to count the number of staff ref numbers which have a unique customer number eneterd in the adjacent column.

All the cust numbers are unique so would I be able to use a wildcard?

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Getting Unique Values In Multiple Columns Using Formulas

May 13, 2014

I need to list only the unique values in a range found in multiple columns. Some cells are blank. I need to list all the unique values in numeric and/or alphanumeric order in another column within the same worksheet. I would prefer non-array formulas, if possible. See the attached file.

In the attached table, I have 5 columns and 5 rows of values in the range B2:F6. The unique values, in order, are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. This looks simple and can be done manually if the file is small but I have 150 columns and 150 rows, thus the need for automation.

List of unique values in multiple columns 2.xlsx

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Looking Up Value In Table (multiple; Unique Id; Columns For No Vlookup)

Mar 30, 2009

What formula should I use so that it will find the match with a 6-column table (with every other column containing the 'reference' items, so I can't use vlookup)

So that it will return the value next to the match

(instead of returning gibberish, will return a number instead)


Okay had that table setup that way because I needed separate tables ("linked" comboboxes")

So I just altered it so that the vlookup range changes dependent on the value of combobox 1.

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List Unique Values Of Multiple Columns

Mar 12, 2008

I need a UDF to make live easier. I have a huge excel file and I need a final function (I suppose a UDF) that lists all values from a range spanning over multiple columns and rows. I would not really like a macro, since it does not update when certain values are changed.

It's part of a bigger functionality, but I need this one, really bad, since it spans over 6000 rows as the search range, and 7000 as the search values. In short:
I got to list all the unique values. They are in specific cells on worksheet 1 (A1:C5 and A25:C31) and should be listed on worksheet2 starting in field A2. As 'simple' as that. Nothing more, nothing less, just list all unique values of a certain range, which I specify. If it can not be done, by selecting the two fields separately, it's no problem at all to list all values in eg A1:C6000. Do note that some of the cells will be blank, and I don't need blanks. I only need the actual data sets. I added a sample excel file, that shows a representation of the data. I can not upload the actual file, since it's way too big (60 MB). So a sample file should give you the idea.

Three sheets:
Data 1: some value lists multiple columns
Data 2: some value lists, again multiple columns
Desired result: the result as it should be listed.
example.xls. zip

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Multiple Ccolums/rows To Get Data From Multiple Columns/rows (vlookup)

Jan 15, 2010

I have created a spreadsheet to show some reports and I wanted to serch for some datas which overloops themeselves. If you can have a look at a test file I attached you will see the full picture. I have 2 tables, where the 2nd one is on the right side of the 1st one. 1st table:..............

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Unique Entries In Each Column Of 620 Columns?

Jun 18, 2012

I have 620 columns of data with each column consisting of 17 rows. I need to be able to count the number of unique entries in each column. I recorded a macro that would do what I wanted, but it just used absolute references for each column, which would make the process rather tedious. Is there a way to make the macro less restrictive?

Sub Macro1()
ActiveSheet.Range("$B$1:$B$17").RemoveDuplicates Columns:=1, Header:=xlNo
End Sub

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Add Duplicate Values For Multiple Columns From Unique Data..

Jul 13, 2009

i would like to paste multiple duplicate values from unique values. Is there any way to do it in excel??


Table 1:

A4_HUMAN 944
A4_HUMAN 755

Unique table


I wanted to add new column with these values for table 1 including duplicates. this is sample data and i wanted to replace thousands of this type.

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Multiple Lookup Values Rows And Columns To Lookup Single Target Column On Right End?

Apr 7, 2014

I have a table of data (say Column1 to Column 5) with multiple rows.

Column 1 to 4 will have the lookup values in multiple rows and Column 5 data should be picked up using vlookup or other lookup function.

I managed to somehow bring all these lookup values in (Column 1 to 4) in a single column in another sheet. I am now trying to use some lookup or other functions to match this single column and pick column 5 data in original sheet. Result i am expecting is lookup value in first column and next to it column 5 value.

It is basically a lookup wherein lookup value is spread over multiple rows and columns and result column is fixed. I tried using vlookup, but lookup value column and column number had to change every time when i moved from column1 to 4.

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Deleting Duplicate Row (8 Cells) And Shifting Unique Rows Up - 3 Columns As Filter

Feb 4, 2014

I am looking for some code that will use A,B,C as filters to find duplicate cells, and if duplicate found, there should be deleted the duplicated row (but not only the row from a,b,c column, but the whole 8 cells from that row - A,B,C,D,E,F,G,H).

As filter I would like to be used A,B,C columns.

Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar1 1
Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar01 1
Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar001 1
Bojan Smileski 5,2,1992 1356 Prilep Prilep Borka Taleski 1

Kristijan Markovski 26,2,1992 1389 Prilep Prilep Mice Kozar1 1

Bojan Smileski 5,2,1992 1356 Prilep Prilep Borka Taleski 1

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Converting Multiple Records (rows) Into One Record (row) Using A Unique Identifier

Sep 22, 2008

I would like to combine values from multiple records into a single record using a unique identifier. In the example below 'ID' is the unique identifier.

For example:

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